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Illusory Revelations#FE (SMTxFE) - First Trailer, Winter 2015 [Up: Screenshots]

The part I bolded is what makes you sound like an idiot for calling Persona a dating sim.
I'm not trying to be offensive. Call it a relationship sim if you prefer. The difference is pretty unimportant. All of your actions only affect one thing: relationships. Life sim is less appropriate than dating sim and whether you choose to date them or not, the biggest portion of the game is centered around relationship building in P3 and P4.

No, I'm pretty sure I spent most of my time dungeon crawling, fusing Personas, and watching established story cutscenes in which optional relationships had no bearing. And is that the definition of a dating sim? Even if you don't date anyone?
Not trying to start shit. I like the games. I'm cleaning up trophies for my platinum in P4 Golden as we speak.

But frankly, I highly doubt that most of what you are doing is dungeon crawling, watching cutscenes, and fusing personas (okay--maybe fusing in P3 or vanilla P4!). There aren't that many cutscenes. The dungeons are incredibly simplistic and not very long.

The bulk of the game is relationship management. Time management is only important in how it affects your relationships. Only in extremely rare situations can you miss story content and that has nothing to do with the choices you have made throughout the game but only with choices you make in very specific situations.


You are sadly mistaken. Whether you believe it has "ruined" anything or not, Twitter has modified the English language in several ways. Hashtag and tweet are part of the language, whether you like it or not.

Fortunately, it really doesn't matter if anyone likes it. I actually love it when people are upset by the evolution of a language. That anger is really an uncomfortable realization that language isn't prescribed and that the rules people love are to describe language use, not to control it.

I think you missed the part where I was being facetious. I would have thought typing "everything" in bold would have given that away.


That's not the same. But I never even thought of the possibility of ripping off an amiibo off of its base and replacing it by another figure.
Guess you have a point. Just scan the figure into Mario Kart to get a Golden chariot and a Marahead helmet.

Mara Amiibo: Exclusive to Spencer's Gifts


The bulk of the game is relationship management. Time management is only important in how it affects your relationships. Only in extremely rare situations can you miss story content and that has nothing to do with the choices you have made throughout the game but only with choices you make in very specific situations.

I'm not going to go through this discussion again, but I have one question: Can you recommend me more dating sims like Persona 3 and Persona 4? Apparently, as it turns out despite not being aware of it, I'm a huge fan of dating sims, and I'd like to play more like these games.


Im not sure why this game is getting so much hate and we dont even know what its about or wtf is going on in the trailer. Aside from the j-pop idol art design, im totally ready for this game. Shit anything from Atlus involving SMT is going to sell, at least now my Wii U is justified for a little longer!


I'm not going to go through this discussion again, but I have one question: Can you recommend me more dating sims like Persona 3 and Persona 4? Apparently, as it turns out despite not being aware of it, I'm a huge fan of dating sims, and I'd like to play more like these games.

To a degree, Mind Zero does a similar thing to Persona but on a much shallower level with building 'relationships'. (but it's only like 3 quests with one on one event scenes instead of 10 full levels of development)

I think there is a similar system in Ar tonelico and Star Ocean as well?
I'm not going to go through this discussion again, but I have one question: Can you recommend me more dating sims like Persona 3 and Persona 4? Apparently, as it turns out despite not being aware of it, I'm a huge fan of dating sims, and I'd like to play more like these games.
Conception? I don't know. Consider the fact that you might actually enjoy dating sims though. It doesn't make you a bad person. There is no reason to be so defensive and, again, I am not trying to insult you or your videogames (that I happen to really like).

If you legitimately can't understand that a huge portion of Persona 3 and 4 is fully centered around relationship management, then I can really only assume that you're lying to yourself for some reason. It's like unironically claiming that you play Senran Kagura for the plot.

Relationship management is a huge portion of the game. Of course there are other aspects, like the dungeon crawling, but they are smaller parts of the game and not necessarily well executed compared to other games which make those aspects their primary focus.

If you really do just love the dungeon crawling and combat, I don't want to be a dick and will respect that. But I can certainly recommend you some other dungeon crawlers if that's really the only reason you're playing Persona. Of course, I think you know all this already and don't need any recommendations. You're just very sensitive to the "dating sim" moniker for some reason.


you really do just love the dungeon crawling and combat, I don't want to be a dick and will respect that. But I can certainly recommend you some other dungeon crawlers if that's really the only reason you're playing Persona. Of course, I think you know all this already and don't need any recommendations. You're just very sensitive to the "dating sim" moniker for some reason.

Yes, I am, because I don't like dating sims. The only one I've ever actually played was Katawa Shoujo, and I did in fact enjoy it, but that's because it focused on so much more than the "dating" aspect of it. I know my tastes, and I know that I'm not the type of person to seek dating sims, because that's not what I'm into. You're the one being disingenuous by boiling the game down into this singular genre, as if that's all it has going for it. As if the dungeon crawling, the combat and its other elements don't all form a cohesive whole. To you, everything Persona 3 and Persona 4 have going for it is for the purpose of pushing the "dating sim" facet of the game, and that is, frankly, laughable.

How can you even call something a dating sim when you don't even have to date anyone? I don't get it. Does that make sense to you?

I've played Conception II, and that was an awful video game. Apparently, I should have liked it because it's a dating sim? Even Conception II isn't a dating sim; it's a dungeon crawler. Persona is an RPG, not a dating sim. Stop laser focusing on a single aspect of the games and expanding it as if that's actually what the whole game is about, when people like Persona for so much more.

Like I said before, it's pretty funny to imply that people like Jeff Gerstmann and Vinny Caravella from Giant Bomb enjoyed Persona 4 so much because it's a dating sim. I bet that's why they "loved" Cherry Tree High Comedy Club so much, too.

Zero²;158784832 said:
I know, but how they know it's the song playing in the video? It's said somewhere?

Because the singer constantly says "Reincarnation."


Im not sure why this game is getting so much hate and we dont even know what its about or wtf is going on in the trailer. Aside from the j-pop idol art design, im totally ready for this game. Shit anything from Atlus involving SMT is going to sell, at least now my Wii U is justified for a little longer!
Complaints generally boil down to the game not being the straightforward mash-up of mainline SMT and FE that most people were anticipating.


Zero²;158784832 said:
I know, but how they know it's the song playing in the video? It's said somewhere?

It may not be, but the lyrics "Reincarnation, realization" are present in the chorus of the song we hear in the trailer.

I'm going to say one last thing about the dating sim thing before I ignore it completely. Some of you are getting WAY too defensive over anyone even mentioning 'dating sim' and it's not respectful at all to people who are just trying to discuss things with you civilly and not trying to talk the game down or anything like that. :( It's making me a little uncomfortable to see people exploding at others over it.

KEY WORDS HERE: "elements of visual novels or dating sims are present in Persona 3/4" is what most people have been mentioning vs. "Persona 3/4/whatever is a dating sim" which no one has said in here.


Relationship management is a huge portion of the game.

The problem is that you're jumping from "relationship management" to "dating". Specificity is kind of important here because there's an entire genre of games that are actually dating sims, that bear a pretty tenuous similarity to what's on offer in a Persona game.

If you went around calling Grand Theft Auto a "racing simulator", you'd get the same confused and annoyed reactions, and for good reason.


Say you can play a stealth game by ramboing through everything dies it make it not a stealth game?

No, it doesn't. Say you can go through a first-person shooter by only using melee options. Does that make it a beat 'em up?

"Persona 3/4/whatever is a dating sim" which no one has said in here.
It's a fucking dating sim. People need to come to terms with this.

Plenty of other examples to choose from, too.


After rewatching the trailer, I notice a meloncholy bent to it that I did not catch on the first viewing.

I think that dissonance in tone is especially present during the scene where the camera pans over a destroyed city, along with a woman happily singing in the background.


Zero²;158787109 said:
Yeah, now I can hear it perfectly. Dunno why I thought they were saying "we will rise and shine" instead of "realization" :p

I don't know what they're singing. We will rise and shine doesn't sound too bad either. Waking up again could be one way of looking at reincarnation.
Yes, I am, because I don't like dating sims. The only one I've ever actually played was Katawa Shoujo, and I did in fact enjoy it, but that's because it focused on so much more than the "dating" aspect of it. I know my tastes, and I know that I'm not the type of person to seek dating sims, because that's not what I'm into. You're the one being disingenuous by boiling the game down into this singular genre, as if that's all it has going for it. As if the dungeon crawling, the combat and its other elements don't all form a cohesive whole. To you, everything Persona 3 and Persona 4 have going for it is for the purpose of pushing the "dating sim" facet of the game, and that is, frankly, laughable.

How can you even call something a dating sim when you don't even have to date anyone? I don't get it. Does that make sense to you?

You're too focused on the "dating" word and I think that warped your perception about what "dating sim" really means. For example, Katawa Shoujo is actually not one.
I'm not trying to be offensive. Call it a relationship sim if you prefer. The difference is pretty unimportant. All of your actions only affect one thing: relationships. Life sim is less appropriate than dating sim and whether you choose to date them or not, the biggest portion of the game is centered around relationship building in P3 and P4.

But the relationships are only one aspect of them game, and as aspect designed to compliment the battle system (bonus xp when fusing, new skills for party members etc).

The game is probably like 40% dungeons and 20% story, which only leaves 40% for the day to day life which you could argue is a 'relationship sim'.


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
What everybody was expecting was probably a "safe" crossover, some type of SRPG on a post apocalyptic setting with more realistic characters and fan favorites, but Nintendo, Atlus and Intelligent Systems came up with this concept, why not do just that crossover and leave it at that? wouldnt a game with the two series be more appealing globally, than an anime rpg about music idols?

I seriously doubt a game like that would've had the potential to sell more than a regular game in either franchise, though the real limitation here is being on Wii U and as a Nintendo-published game. If this was on 3DS it might've been able to overcome the latter due to the audience Nintendo already had with FE and companies like Atlus had already brought in, but it might've been a different game so I guess it's a moot point. Regardless, I don't think it would've been better off as a "safe" SRPG that tries to cram in FE and SMT.


You're too focused on the "dating" word and I think that warped your perception about what "dating sim" really means. For example, Katawa Shoujo is actually not one.

...What? Then what's a dating sim? Wikipedia:
Dating sims (or dating simulations) are a video game subgenre of simulation games, usually Japanese, with romantic elements. They are also sometimes put under the category of neoromance. The most common objective of dating sims is to date, usually choosing from among several characters, and to achieve a romantic relationship.
That's not Katawa Shoujo?

Edit: Actually reading more than the first description, I came across this:
The term "dating sim" is also often used incorrectly in English as a generic term for romance-driven games (ren'ai games), a subject matter which is stereotypically associated with the visual novel genre. This can lead to confusion, as visual novels are considered a subgenre of adventure games and are not technically included in the dating sim genre.
So I guess Katawa Shoujo would just be a VN? Man, stuff's more complicated than I thought.

All I know is that Persona is a JRPG.


I'm probably late on this, but you can make out the protagonists' names in the battle scenes:

Left to right in this image:

黒乃霧亜 (Kuruno Kiria?)
織部つばさ (Oribe Tsubasa?)
蒼井樹 (Aoi Itsuki?)
赤城斗馬 (Akagi Touma?)

Aoi Ki is Aoi Tatsuki or Aoi Itsuki due to the way names are read sometimes =_=.

The 4th one should be Akagi Touma instead of Akaki Touma

We won't really know the readings until we get more info, but those are my guesses for now (with the above corrections).
I'm probably late on this, but you can make out the protagonists' names in the battle scenes:

Left to right in this image:

黒乃霧亜 (Kuruno Kiria?)
織部つばさ (Oribe Tsubasa?)
蒼井樹 (Aoi Ki?)
赤城斗馬 (Akaki Touma?)

We won't really know the readings until we get more info, but those are my guesses for now.

Oh thanks for this! If it was mentioned I missed it. I was wondering what their names were.


I'm probably late on this, but you can make out the protagonists' names in the battle scenes:

Left to right in this image:

黒乃霧亜 (Kuruno Kiria?)
織部つばさ (Oribe Tsubasa?)
蒼井樹 (Aoi Ki?)
赤城斗馬 (Akaki Touma?)

We won't really know the readings until we get more info, but those are my guesses for now.

Kuruno Kiria is like the biggest idol of the group probably, lol.

Aoi Ki is Aoi Tatsuki or Aoi Itsuki due to the way names are read sometimes =_=.

Such willful blindness.



Aoi Ki is Aoi Tatsuki or Aoi Itsuki due to the way names are read sometimes =_=.

Yeah, I was wondering what to do with just 樹 as a first name. jisho.org failed me in my time of need.

Edit: Actually, now that I look it did have Itsuki and Tachiki listed, I just missed them. This is why I put question marks at the end.


I'm probably late on this, but you can make out the protagonists' names in the battle scenes:

Left to right in this image:

黒乃霧亜 (Kuruno Kiria?)
織部つばさ (Oribe Tsubasa?)
蒼井樹 (Aoi Ki?)
赤城斗馬 (Akaki Touma?)

We won't really know the readings until we get more info, but those are my guesses for now.
Pretty sure that Oribe is right for Tsubasa, yeah.


I wonder if the Yashiro Tsurugi guy is using a pseudonym or something as an idol.

Also they seem to be managed by Fortuna Entertainment.
...What? Then what's a dating sim? Wikipedia:

That's not Katawa Shoujo?

Edit: Actually reading more than the first description, I came across this:

So I guess Katawa Shoujo would just be a VN? Man, stuff's more complicated than I thought.

All I know is that Persona is a JRPG.

The play-loop of a dating sim is very similar to the non-battle part of Persona 3/4. You wake up, you choose what to do in the morning, you choose what to do at school, you choose what to do after school, you choose what to do at night, you sleep. Rinse-repeat. Sometimes there are big, plot-relevant events on certain dates and you need to plan your schedule ahead. The end goal is typically to further your relationships with other people, and it doesn't need to end up in them dating, either.

To call the Persona games pure dating sims are erroneous, I agree, but I think it is unquestionable that it is a JRPG with light dating-sim elements.

Astral Dog

I seriously doubt a game like that would've had the potential to sell more than a regular game in either franchise, though the real limitation here is being on Wii U and as a Nintendo-published game. If this was on 3DS it might've been able to overcome the latter due to the audience Nintendo already had with FE and companies like Atlus had already brought in, but it might've been a different game so I guess it's a moot point. Regardless, I don't think it would've been better off as a "safe" SRPG that tries to cram in FE and SMT.

Its just fucking bizarre man.

Like, even if the game is a fantastic deconstruction and gets far darker or serious, this trailer here is the way the game is first presented.

just, what is it? cant wait to find out, whatever it is.


The end goal is typically to further your relationships with other people, and it doesn't need to end up in them dating, either.

To call the Persona games pure dating sims are erroneous, I agree, but I think it is unquestionable that it is a JRPG with light dating-sim elements.

That makes things clearer, though it's this last part that's weird. I find it weird that a game's genre can be defined as "dating sim" if no dating actually takes place. It's semantics, but it seems disingenuous.

But yes, the last sentence is always what I would say Persona 3 and Persona 4 are: JRPGs with dating/relationship sim elements.


The play-loop of a dating sim is very similar to the non-battle part of Persona 3/4. You wake up, you choose what to do in the morning, you choose what to do at school, you choose what to do after school, you choose what to do at night, you sleep. Rinse-repeat. Sometimes there are big, plot-relevant events on certain dates and you need to plan your schedule ahead. The end goal is typically to further your relationships with other people, and it doesn't need to end up in them dating, either.

To call the Persona games pure dating sims are erroneous, I agree, but I think it is unquestionable that it is a JRPG with light dating-sim elements.

Except the dating sims very specifically are a matter of romantic pursuits and choosing between potential partners. Its a dating sim as much as The Sims is a dating sim. You can have characters get together, but it isn't simulating the act of dating and romantic pursuit. If you really think general simulation mechanics spawning genres well beyond dating sims makes them specifically dating sim mechanics, then come on. That's like saying leveling up in FPSs means they have dungeon-crawling RPG mechanics.

Its part JRPG and part simulation. Simple as that. I just think the insistence to associate relationship mechanics specifically with dating sims is just weird and stupid.


That makes things clearer, though it's this last part that's weird. I find it weird that a game's genre can be defined as "dating sim" if no dating actually takes place. It's semantics, but it seems disingenuous.

But yes, the last sentence is always what I would say Persona 3 and Persona 4 are: JRPGs with dating/relationship sim elements.
I wouldn't be surprised if there were a lot of dating sims without actual dating. I may be misremembering but I don't recall any in Never7.


lol we really need to ban the word Persona or something in anything dealing with this game. Looking at all the posts here, you'd swear you're in a Persona topic or something. Honestly who cares whether it's a life simulator or a dating sim, it's fun as shit either way, get over it. Who cares about a damn title, if you enjoy that it, then enjoy it. This argument is really out there. Does #FE even have dating sim/life simulator elements? From what I've seen in the trailer, it doesn't look like it yet, unless we are just randomly inferring things, or there is some information I don't know about.

Damn I want more info for this game already haha. I wanna know how the gameplay is gonna be!
lol we really need to ban the word Persona or something in anything dealing with this game. Looking at all the posts here, you'd swear you're in a Persona topic or something. Honestly who cares whether it's a life simulator or a dating sim, it's fun as shit either way, get over it. Who cares about a damn title, if you enjoy that it, then enjoy it. This argument is really out there. Does #FE even have dating sim/life simulator elements? From what I've seen in the trailer, it doesn't look like it yet, unless we are just randomly inferring things, or there is some information I don't know about.

Damn I want more info for this game already haha. I wanna know how the gameplay is gonna be!
lol yeah, this thread needs to get back on track. I'm dying for new info on this game!
Except the dating sims very specifically are a matter of romantic pursuits and choosing between potential partners. Its a dating sim as much as The Sims is a dating sim. You can have characters get together, but it isn't simulating the act of dating and romantic pursuit. If you really think general simulation mechanics spawning genres well beyond dating sims makes them specifically dating sim mechanics, then come on. That's like saying leveling up in FPSs means they have dungeon-crawling RPG mechanics.

I think it's more like saying Persona 4 is a JRPG with dungeon-crawling mechanics, bearing in mind that there's actually no dungeon in it at all.


I don't think anyone took a screencap of this. We're going full sentai here!


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