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Sony E3 Conference 2015

What do you want from Sony's E3?

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Solid 8/10 showing. I did like their brisk pace this time around. Better content than MS.

FF7R is INCREDIBLY hype but...when's it coming out. We didn't even see a date. SFV looked good. I'm sure TLG will be a great game but I need to see more. Very ICO-like right now.


I'm just completely blown away. I need to express how incredibly amazed and excited I am but it's kind of impossible. Wow, just wow.
I was telling my friend it was likely shenume 3, the last guardian, and a final fantasy 7 remake would be shown here based on rumors I read on GAF and he didn't believe me and now he thinks I'm a wizard


What a great show. Sony did a terrific job. The dream of TLG, Shenmue, and Fabric will make this conference go into legend status like Nintendo 2004. My only issue was there weren't any announcments on 1st party titles this fall. Literally nothing, and that is really disappointing. You can see how Sony stacked the deck though with all the other big 3rd party games, only thing missing was fallout.

Horizon looked stunning though, I am so excited for that game. For me, it was the game of the conference. Only thing that got me as excited was Fallout. What a great show.


I think we finally saw the extra juice of the PS4 as well. Horizon is probably the most gorgeous game I have ever seen and it looks absolutely incredible overall. It's my most anticipated game by a long shot.

Obsidian and CDPR staff involvement excites me even more.
There are no more -tons left
Sony has the final ton

And now, we can finally be excited about new games being announced. There was always the "yeah, it looks cool but it's not as big as a FF7 Remake/TLG/Shenmue 3" when a new great game would be shown. Sony has released usssss
I can't get over the fact that all three of those games were announced in the same conference. Even one of those game being announced would have shocked me. But all three? Holy shit. Every year GAF dreams about those games, and every year GAF is disappointed...but it actually happened.

I'm looking out the window and I see pigs flying.

Seriously though, TLG gets an appearance AND there will inevitably be Shenmue 3? What other long awaited unannounced games will finally be showing?

Great performance by Sony, though a couple parts got a bit boring/predictable (it was only a matter of time for Black Ops 3 to show face instead of at Mircosoft).


Good Art™
That uncharted demo was insane. They are magicians honestly, the size of that area, the interactions with the background.....

Now, about the other things in that conf i must say i'm a little confused by the famous three announcements..

About the Last Guardian, the good thing is the gameplay seems really good, and the game great, ok. My problem is with the fact that .. i'm pretty sure it's as advanced as it was 6 years ago. i'm even sure the old trailer had some footage of that gameplay sequence already. And the game wasn't update graphically.. That's a little fishy there.. What did they do all this time ? Did they show us an old demo or what ?

About FFVII, i'm really cautious here to. it feels a little like déjà vu. Actually, the PS3 target render was showing more than what we saw. so ok now the dev is official, but that sounded so vaporish, no release date, and the scale of the project is so big.. Cautious, Cautious..

Then we have Shenmue.. Well it's a little embarrassing there. Especialyl the demo they put together which is horrendous at best. There are better ways to show the world you'll do good with their money.. I just hope this doesn't complete a list of broke japanese dev using the fan's obsession to promise something they can't deliver.

So yeah all those killer announcement and yet everything seems kinda vague and uncertain in some way.

The MM game was wonderful but absolutely fucking vague to.

In the end Horizon was the only concrete big sony reveal and it looked fantastic.


7 out of 10 for me basically because of the announcements. TLG looked like shit and disappointed me. Best news was Shenmue 3 until they said kickstarter, then it took the shit.

A lot of content, a lot of announcements, but WTF is coming in 2015?? This was a great show for the "FUTURE", but for here and now, yeah it was pretty bad imho

MS brought it for the here and now, Sony brought it for the 2016 and beyond.
Sony 4/10.

+ Horizon
- Trying to garner hype for a game 7 years overdue, not coming this year
- Final Fantasy 7 remake as one of the biggest events, not exclusive.
- Not a single mention of Vita except for a picture and a weak montage.
- Literally launching a kickstarter live on a E3 press conference, made me embarrassed for them.
- Uncharted 4 as their big showrunner, a game we have already been teased, had gameplay demos of.
- One (1) new exclusive game was shown.

Are you for real?


i've been begging for over 5 years.
I'm still kinda high from that conference. Sony damn near OD'd me. Jesus..

As I'm coming down from that high though I realize that almost all of what they shown today won't be anything we can play until pretty late into 2016 and beyond. The concept of 'winning an E3' seems pretty dumb but what is perfectly clear is that Sony has now set the bar on delivering on expectations.

I don't think we will have a press conference that delivered so many dreams again anytime soon. It was really amazing to watch and follow GAF and Twitter. Experiencing these bomb drops together was pretty great.

I need another hit Sony.


It was kind of annoying to see that they are making us fund the Shenmue kickstarter rather than funding it for themselves. It's also just a timed exclusive. Not impressed.

Yeah, I thought they would at least throw a line of "If it gets funded, we'll throw a 1 million at it ourselfs". But hey at least it did get announced at their E3 conference to get alot of people's attention to the Kickstarter.
This was one of the most genuinely bizarre conferences i've ever seen.


All of that happened in one conference.

I don't think this has sunk in yet. I'm still in a state of bewilderment lol.
I was honestly a little bit underwhelmed by the whole Morpheus bit.
Other than that, it's the best Sony conference ever, by far. I'm still processing everything that happened, holy hell.
I think everyone is over hyping this. Sony announced 3 new exclusives (TLG, Horizon and Dreams) and showed new gameplay of Uncharted 4. Other than that it was mostly timed exclusives or multiplats or 1st dlc deals.

I think it was a solid conference since at least they cut down the fat and didn't lose much time with things like VR or their services, but exclusive content wise wasn't that great other than TLG being alive.

A solid 8/10 and so far the best of E3 but far from perfect when most of the content I could get it in the future also on PC.
I think the state of the servers from this conference after holding up all day says a lot, what a fantastic conference, Horizon is the game of the show, and Uncharted was phenomenal.


I was surprised by the CoD Multiplayer demo. I don't like those games, but it looked really cool.
Now im even more looking forward to the other conferences. Theres still alot unannounced.
My jaw kept hitting the floor over and over and over for Sony's conference. TLG, Shenmue 3 and FF7 Remake reveal was so hyped, that Gaf was down multiple times.
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