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Sony E3 Conference 2015

What do you want from Sony's E3?

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I got tears when Yu Suzuki come up on stage. The work of that man means so much to me, it was like meeting with an old friend.

Its a shame no game company had the balls to fund shenmue 3, but happy its coming.


Hands down the best E3 conference I've ever witnessed. First seconds of TLG showing up turned a grown adult into a little kid with tears of joy. And it went on and on and on.

Fucking Sony man.


A very odd conference when you look at it without blinders but when it comes to the short term it was most definitely an A
Guys, Shenmue 3 isn't going to cost 2 million to make. They have a publisher. Maybe it's Sony, maybe it's a third party, maybe they somehow are mostly self funding it; but it's not like Sony decided to not give Shenmue 2 mil so they have to go to Kickstarter.

Also, it's a mutually beneficial announcement. It helps Sony absolutely destroy E3, and it gives the game the most exposure it could have possibly wanted.

Also I'm still shaking. Halp pleese!


Prob the best E3 conf I've ever seen.

Horizon looks like the most interesting new IP I've seen so far. And WOW at the big 3 announcements.

UC4 was another stunner, it looked incredible.
This, I feel for ms, they do what people always moan about, exclusives, new ip, big games, 360 games, new ui, etc and people say it was boring.

Sony show a couple of exusives, go on about getting dlc first and show a kickstarter and a remake and they are the second coming.

Seems to me that the gaming world still has Sonys dick deep in their mouths.

No Mans Sky does look awesome but, maybe I just am not to interested in the giant dog game and shenmu (or what ever it is)

Wow seriously?

Stay classy.
That uncharted demo was insane. They are magicians honestly, the size of that area, the interactions with the background.....

Now, about the other things in that conf i must say i'm a little confused by the famous three announcements..

About the Last Guardian, the good thing is the gameplay seems really good, and the game great, ok. My problem is with the fact that .. i'm pretty sure it's as advanced as it was 6 years ago. i'm even sure the old trailer had some footage of that gameplay sequence already. And the game wasn't update graphically.. That's a little fishy there.. What did they do all this time ? Did they show us an old demo or what ?

About FFVII, i'm really cautious here to. it feels a little like déjà vu. Actually, the PS3 target render was showing more than what we saw. so ok now the dev is official, but that sounded so vaporish, no release date, and the scale of the project is so big.. Cautious, Cautious..

Then we have Shenmue.. Well it's a little embarrassing there. Especialyl the demo they put together which is horrendous at best. There are better ways to show the world you'll do good with their money.. I just hope this doesn't complete a list of broke japanese dev using the fan's obsession to promise something they can't deliver.

So yeah all those killer announcement and yet everything seems kinda vague and uncertain in some way.

The MM game was wonderful but absolutely fucking vague to.

In the end Horizon was the only concrete big sony reveal and it looked fantastic.
I share some of your sentiments, but E3 is about hype, and they delivered.

A bunch of this stuff isn't due until next year. TLG actually has gameplay, it's moving along, and I understand why the game was so challenging, trying to have an AI cute dragon tag along for an adventure is crazy.

What GG did with Horizon and ND with UC4 though, leaves me no doubts that PS4 is a capable machine. We know FF7, TLG, and Shenmue are not due this year, but they exist. For this E3, I think that was enough.

And to be perfectly honest, the third party stuff looked incredible. Destiny, Battlefront, Batman, and Black Ops 3 all delivered. Forum people like to snuff at third party on stage, but those demos were well executed.

Also, don't get why people are pissy about Shenmue getting help from fans lol, it's shenmue 3 you crazies!!! It's REAL!! and it will reach it's goal or Sony will probably finish the funding itself! All these games are likely leading development on PS4, but it doesn't seem like Sony is trying to pay for things to stay off other platforms later. Seriously, this conference was gold. You xbox guys can be happy you can play X360 games I guess. But the same Halo/Forza/Fable thing did nothing for me. And Gear 4 closer was terrible compared to UC4.



LMAO! I know I've already responded to this image... But still lol.


Oft hope is born when all is forlorn.
I missed out watching this live, but just caught up with everything

hollyfuck TLG in the beginning. amazing amazing

and Uncharted 4 demo looked so good. omg


He touched the black heart of a mod
Why are people associating the revival of Shenmue with Sony? It's a multiplat based on a kickstarter that has nothing to do with Sony or Playstation. This type of announcement doesn't affect the conference grade if you ask me.

Shenmue appearing on PC too negates the game for me as a reason to buy PS4. I wanted Sony to show me why I need to buy PS4.

You should be thankful that they gave the Kickstarter such a big audience. It's almost half way to its 2 million dollar goal in just an hour.


Sony 4/10.

+ Horizon
- Trying to garner hype for a game 7 years overdue, not coming this year
- Final Fantasy 7 remake as one of the biggest events, not exclusive.
- Not a single mention of Vita except for a picture and a weak montage.
- Literally launching a kickstarter live on a E3 press conference, made me embarrassed for them.
- Uncharted 4 as their big showrunner, a game we have already been teased, had gameplay demos of.
- One (1) new exclusive game was shown.

Totally with you on this. Pretty excited for Uncharted 4 and being able to play maps early on Black Ops3 though.
This was one of the greatest press conferences of all-time. Not only did we finally get TLG, but we got gameplay. Horizon debuted and we got gameplay.

Of course no e3 presser is without its dull moments, but every title we've been asking for, for the past 3-5 years was announced in one press conference. Sony da god

Ps: thanks to fallout 4 I don't need a holiday title from Sony. That's the only winter game I need
This, I feel for ms, they do what people always moan about, exclusives, new ip, big games, 360 games, new ui, etc and people say it was boring.

Sony show a couple of exusives, go on about getting dlc first and show a kickstarter and a remake and they are the second coming.

Seems to me that the gaming world still has Sonys dick deep in their mouths.

No Mans Sky does look awesome but, maybe I just am not to interested in the giant dog game and shenmu (or what ever it is)

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I'm not trying to be offensive but it kinda seems that way. Like I said, maybe it was just that the games Sony had didn't appeal to me specifically.

I don't care either way, besides Forza and GT I'll get my games on Pc anyway.

If you consider most of the internet neogaf then yeah. Ignoring the fact that Sony's E3 announcements have crashed sites like KS and been trending much higher than anything else at E3 on twitter, then yes clearly being able to play 360 games and a new Gears game is definitely better and GAF is just sonyland.

lol please get out with that nonsense.


Confused about why Sony didn't pony up the dosh for Shenmue 3, despite announcing it on the stage, but, then again, it was only announced for PC and PS4, and $2 million buckaroos is a small amount for how big the Shenmue games are.

I reckon it'll be made even if the kickstarter wasn't funded, not that there's much chance of that happening, considering the speed at which its being funded. So, Sony probably already paying for most of it, lets them do a KS to let fans be a part of this legend if they want to, everyone wins.

Their big wigs probably wanted to gauge whether or not fans would put their money where their mouth is before going all in with it.


Conference itself was super exciting, 9 from me. Best so far.
However, I'm still not convinced that I need a PS4. Looking more and more like PS3 and PC will get me through the big budget Japanese games.


Truly the best conference. By far the most hyped for Horizon, oozing originality, and great gameplay. The strong female lead is just the icing, Lara am cry.


I'm not trying to be offensive but it kinda seems that way. Like I said, maybe it was just that the games Sony had didn't appeal to me specifically.

I don't care either way, besides Forza and GT I'll get my games on Pc anyway.

Don't worry, you can get Shenmue 3 on PC.
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