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Sony E3 Conference 2015

What do you want from Sony's E3?

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You either don't understand what the word pander means or don't understand what the point of companies selling products to consumers is.

Sure I do. They indulged a lot of people's nostalgia and disguised a very poor lineup of games. Pandering can be done in a bad way and you know it can, so spare me your attitude, bro.


It is very disappointing they don't have a big fall 2015 first party title, and I can't believe they don't have one. That said, the biggest game of this holiday is a third-party multiplatform title that will swallow everything in it's wake. Not even Gran Turismo could stand it's own against Battlefront. It's battlefield, it's star wars, and it's fantastic looking. 2016 has a lot of great stuff. 2 of my buddies went to buy PS4's tonight at Walmart from this show... crazy.


Neo Member
Amazing conference, but I was left down by The Last Guardian. Still happy they didn't forget about it, though.

Regarding the Kickstarter criticism: maybe Sony is using the Kickstarter to "gauge" public interest just like Bloodstained's publisher did. We have to wait and see. I'm still so fucking happy for it!

And Final Fantasy 7 Remake! Holy shit!

P.S.: did anyone else hope for a sudden Kojima appearance announcing that Silent Hills was "saved" by Sony?


The good:
+The last Guardian - Aside for polish, looks conceptually inspired and just what I want
+Horizon - Looks amazing, want to see more
+FF7 Remake - no comment needed
+Uncharted 4 - Naughty God knows how it's done
+Most of the third party stuff looked good
+Indie stuff looked good

No comment:
...Shenmue 3 - never played the first 2, don't know what this is about but will try it out
...Exclusive third party stuff - it is what it is
...No Man's Sky - The game of my imagination but we've seen it already
...Dreams - as MM said, its hard to explain what is here with a 3 min trailer. Don't really understand it yet but will keep track

The bad:
-Missing some of their big mid tier games like Rime
-No big VR game (unless dream works with it???)
-No persona
-No price drop

Overall, I give a solid 9.5/10 based off of my interests. Games looked amazing. Uncharted 4, TLG, Horizon and NMS are going to push the envelope I think


Thought the conference was solid but I have zero interest in FF7 or Shenmue 3.

Last Guardian still looks like it might just be rather vapid and just not super interesting (the thing they showed was just a big scripted moment).

Destiny Taken King give it to me noooowwww.

Dreams looks... fine?

Still no date on No Man's Sky.
that was a flawless victory, no others can compare this year for sure.

i'm just not sure what games are releasing this fall though. battlefront and no man's sky?


Amazing Uncharted 4 demo. What a show, best I've ever seen.

Horizon tops the list for me, a brand new IP of that scale, something you don't get all the time.

FF7R, The Last Guardian, Shenmue 3...yeah. That was literally like some fan fiction of a conference.


So...yeah. Best E3 conference since 2009. Well, unless you count Konami 2010, heh.

I skipped out on the Uncharted 4 demo and the freaky looking Arkham Knight thing. I already know what to expect from those two, and would like to go in a spoiler free as possible. Not to mention I'll be playing Arkham Knight in a week.

Out of the demoes I did see, Horizon was my favorite. I really hope Guerilla Games can pull it off. I'm no Killzone fan, but I'll be in line for Horizon immediately if all goes well.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Sony had better indies the last few years at E3 and Gamescom.

Indies at Sony this year felt like a total let down outside of Firewatch.


Confused about why Sony didn't pony up the dosh for Shenmue 3, despite announcing it on the stage, but, then again, it was only announced for PC and PS4, and $2 million buckaroos is a small amount for how big the Shenmue games are.

I reckon it'll be made even if the kickstarter wasn't funded, not that there's much chance of that happening, considering the speed at which its being funded. So, Sony probably already paying for most of it, lets them do a KS to let fans be a part of this legend if they want to, everyone wins.


I feel like I've took a right turn in my life somewhere and entered some alternate universe. I can't believe I'm in a world where Shenmue 3, FFVII remake and The Last Guardian were all announced AT THE SAME SHOW.


I have to say that, although Microsoft had better exclusive content and the great backwards compatibility announcement, I liked Sony's just a little more in terms of gaming announcements. I have no interest in The Last Guardian, but many others do and I'm happy for them. Shenmue 3 and Final Fantasy VII remake have been prayed for four years. Horizon looks fantastic. Uncharted's scale is insane and was way more than I expected and looks crazy good.

Close race, and I loved both, but Sony's will be remembered for years.


As a piece of entertainment, as a symbol of what brings us together as gamers, and a promise to what the future holds, this was one of the greatest E3 conferences of all time.


Yes, we will have to wait. But the games will come.
Although I'm not as down on it as you are, im in agreement with this summary. How are people excited for games that are 2-3 years off? Horizon looked amazing, but most of the rest of the announcements were just lip service to try and cover up the fact they have nothing this year...

Really? Its because they showed that TLG, FF7:R and Shenmue 3 are going to become a reality. That they exist!

I'll have way too many games to play this fall, im good there. This gives a future of gaming i'm happy to be a part of


Why are people associating the revival of Shenmue with Sony? It's a multiplat based on a kickstarter that has nothing to do with Sony or Playstation. This type of announcement doesn't affect the conference grade if you ask me.

Shenmue appearing on PC too negates the game for me as a reason to buy PS4. I wanted Sony to show me why I need to buy PS4.


He touched the black heart of a mod
Sony laid three golden eggs in one conference.

I don't even care about the WonderDisney PowerFinity segment. I don't even care about the Uncharted 4 goof. I don't even care about the three golden eggs.

Sony really screwed themselves. They can never top this. Like... So many hopes and dreams filled. This is a fanfiction. First they save gaming. Then they save gaming again.

I am a bit concerned since most of these games wont be out until 2016-17... that's a long time away. I'm sure there are stuff that was announced at Microsofts conference are multiplat save for Tomb Raider and Fallout 4 mods that will fill the gaps between them.

Maybe I'm not seeing the bigger picture here, I'm forgetting SFV and Japan centric games that Microsoft will probably never have. I'll say this, I agree about Sony saving gaming back when it was the N64 and Saturn. Sticking with one of those consoles you were left with a huge drought of games and an abundance of talent.

Who would of guessed Nintendo's mistreatment of Sony turned it into it's greatest competitor. Sony welcomed all these devs with open arms and we saw Megaman , Castlevania, Final Fantasy, and Metal Gear come back from obscurity and went from there.


Kills Photobucket
Sony sold me a PS4, but not till next year. Though, I was really hoping they'd announce a special Star Wars themed PS4. I would have gone for that.

Most of what they showed I'll grab on PC, but I will buy for Last Guardian. Horizon also looked interesting.
I need to sleep now. It's 4am.

But I'm still buzzing. Still in a giddy state of exultant shock.

That was the greatest E3 show ever. That was just insane.

So good... So, so good...
If the conference had just been TLG, FFVII remake, and Shenmue, Sony could have had a bum come up on stage and take a poop for the remaining hour, and it would still be an A+ conference.

Chris R

SO so good, even with the stuff I don't care one bit about like Destiny and CoD.

Well worth attending in theater. There were maybe 30 of us here but it still went crazy with each big reveal.

The 'controversy' and Gaf anxiety regarding whether Last Guardian would release or not was a lot more interesting than the game itself. I wasnt impressed by its graphics or the gameplay. So they need to show me more footage.

No Mans Sky has been underwhelming since its first reveal, I dont understand the point of that game. It sounds a little too good to be true and all its showings have been utterly boring.. I just dont see the point of the game. This conference did nothing to change my opinion of the game.

Never played Final Fantasy games or Shenmue games, so they do nothing for me.

Not everyone can get on the Gaf Jerk train.


There are going to be huge third-party games every year to compete against. It's a valid complaint leveled at Sony and it's the only real negative of their conference this year.

Yeah but fallout 4 is this winter, you stay the fuck out of the way of that game. My only guaranteed purchase this holiday season and believe me there is millions more who will do the same.


Honestly, for me... not the best conference (Bethesda has the lead so far)...

It's good to see TLG again but... 6 years and in the graphic department we saw nothing (no improvements or graphics updates).
Hitman: Seems okay, but it's also on PC...
FF7 remake... Yay... but no dates...
Shenmue III: Kickstarter? really?... Even Sony couldn't finance the development of that game? (BTW... 2016 or 2017 best case scenario)
Uncharted 4: Unfortunate the demo freeze... but it's okay
No Man's Sky: No dates (PS5?)
BO III: meh...
Disney Infinity: No opinion
Battlefront: BF 4 with Star Wars skin

Yeah, I know many of us wants some of the games listed and Sony delivered, but the way in which it seems that showed, they had nothing prepared and began to pull last minute hype everywhere...

We'll see what happens this year with all these annoucements...

Felt the same way. Just stuff that we knew was going to come eventually. Might as well have announced games that are going to come out 5 years from now.
This was one of the most genuinely bizarre conferences i've ever seen.


All of that happened in one conference.

- The Last Guardian
- Final Fantasy VII Remake
- Shenmue announced
- Media Molecule's new game DREAMS
- Batshit insane UNCHARTED 4 Demo

Yeah... seriously: 10/10

The Sony fanboy in me is marking out right now! There is no negativity on my end. Holy shit what a relentless conference that hit basically every note I wanted and some I didn't even expect (LG and Shenmue!). I can't wait for Uncharted, Battlefront (Naysayers be damned), and Horizon. Just all around a fun show I had watching with friends. Despite the lack of Bloodborne expansion news and other 2015 titles Sony just seems to get better and better. 2015 as a whole seems like a great year for gaming and 2016 seems to just continue the trend.


This, I feel for ms, they do what people always moan about, exclusives, new ip, big games, 360 games, new ui, etc and people say it was boring.

Sony show a couple of exusives, go on about getting dlc first and show a kickstarter and a remake and they are the second coming.

Seems to me that the gaming world still has Sonys dick deep in their mouths.

No Mans Sky does look awesome but, maybe I just am not to interested in the giant dog game and shenmu (or what ever it is)

i blame bish :p
So many other titles we still are waiting to hear about too:

SSM (probably God of War)
Persona 5

Gamescom and TGS

Shadow of the Beast too; was that mentioned? I'm probably most interested in am update for that and Rime. Just woken up, it's 4am and now I need to get back to sleep!


This, I feel for ms, they do what people always moan about, exclusives, new ip, big games, 360 games, new ui, etc and people say it was boring.

Sony show a couple of exusives, go on about getting dlc first and show a kickstarter and a remake and they are the second coming.

Seems to me that the gaming world still has Sonys dick deep in their mouths.

No Mans Sky does look awesome but, maybe I just am not to interested in the giant dog game and shenmu (or what ever it is)

terrible post
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