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Sony is officially helping with funding and development with Shenmue 3

Maybe I just don't care enough, but I honestly wish that -- and I mean this in a very general sense -- people would stop being so concerned with HOW stuff gets funded. I'm not saying this as a moderator or signalling how the staff here is going to deal with these types of threads. But just as a fan I find the back and forth to be often painful to read. Remarkably similar scenarios go from being on the up and up to shady, immoral dealings that we need to form a hashtag campaign to fight against based on very, very minute differences.

Honestly, my primary dream would just be that gamers on any platform could play any game and we wouldn't have the stupid console wars at all. But since that's impossible, I think it just makes much more sense to embrace that games -- particularly the AAA games we love so much -- are expensive risks. Partnerships with platform holders are going to happen. Crowdfunding is becoming par for the course. I personally grow super tired of defending this game's "co-development and co-funding" deal while decrying that game's "moneyhat" or arbitrarily deciding which games deserve crowdfunding dollars and which don't. It's a conversation that so often to me leads absolutely nowhere and more often than not reveals one's own hardware preferences than it offers any moral insight into how game funding should work.
Foot? Hmm, ok, never understood that expression, but lets look at the rest of your ridiculous post.

Hmm, you're a Kickstarter expert? You're the owner then? You know how Kickstarter should operate? Maybe gives us some of your credentials then :) or maybe you'll stay silent because you're talking out of your... well, you know what ;) Oh, now we're gonna turn Bloodborne being made into a bad thing. Evil SONY LET?S ALL SHOUT GUYS. Hmm, I was gonna check your post history but its probably all xbox related :D no offense. LOL, shame? Repentance? Now you're just trolling...

OK, I will laugh, because your post is getting insane now. Nobody will buy Shenmue? Heh, I guess 2 million+ dollars in pledges just appeared out of thin air? LOL, you were right with your "laugh all you want" comment. But it is US who are laughing at YOU.

Sony will lose its business? IDK if you saw or overslept the last 2 days, but Sony won the E3 it was the best E3 ever, by a consensus. Sony wont lose it's business. But you should stop buying their games nevertheless. Becauise Sony doesnt ned a customre lik you.
tl;dr translation of your post: hurdruoaorudrup :D;);()

He got you. It's a meme.

Also, DemonNite works for Sony lol.
Oh so assumption and PR belief?

Mad is too strong of a word, I'm not mad at anyone, and this is not about people either, people can do whatever they want, I don't care. It's not about the backers, it's about Sony taking advantge of the backers' money to get themselves a console exclusive. Want me to explain it again?
No, reality

You do sound like you care a lot, otherwise you would have given up on this ridiculous argument

How nefarious that the company that bothered to give yu suzuki the time of day to make a sequel gets a console exclusive and is allowing a pc version

Down right dastardly. I bet they're twirling their evil mustache right now
This Thread represents modern Fanboyism and Gaming in a nutshell and it is disgusting to see and it makes me sad.

Y's and Sony give you a opportunity to have a Game "Fans" always wanted and people are bitching that Sony wants prove that it can get to a break even point.

People have to realize that this game is not for the main stream audience or gamers. The Kickstarter is just and only for the Fucking Hardcore Shenmue fans, so they can get a game out, that is most likely a financial disaster or not a game publisher want to fund. And it seems likeFans do not give a shit how this games is done. On average people are paying more than 80$ to get this idea of a game, which is insane.
40.000 Backers for such ,most likely, expensive game is not very much tbh, but it shows that some hardcore people really want that game and really go all in for this.

And now people blame sony to want some kind of security, that they do not lose a shit ton of money ? Ask yourself a question. Why did Microsoft, Nintendo, Sega, Acti, Ea or any other publisher try to get the game or try to fund it or even try help Y's? Because they know, that today this game is so niche and so exotic, that it will not be a main stream success and most likely a very high financial risk, that nobody wanted to take or even consider in 14 years. Sony is willing to take this risk, but wanted proof that people do not only demand that game on Twitter, but also that they are ready to back it up financially and take a little bit of Sony's risk. How is this bad ?

People are getting this game cheaper, when they back it up with 30§, but most people just went crazy backing it up. But as I said it is only the most hardcore niche fans and not the main stream.

Sony gets blaimed for not taking a financial enormous risk and not giving a Niche game to all of you without some kind of security. The most people, who back Shenmue III do not give a shit about how, they are in heaven, that Sony even considers the idea of Shenmue III and they where kind enough to give this exotic game this grand stage.

You said it better and less harsh than what I would've said. Agree with this.

i fell into the trap

It's amazing how people still fall for it lol


Is the bad feeling literally because there's obviously not going to be a XBOX version? That being the case, I can understand the disappointment. But keep it rational, fuck sake. Some childish shit being tossed around in here.

I think partly that and some people not liking the approach. Mixture of both.

Seriously though, wow...this faux outrage is amazing to me.
People have said for years that they would do whatever to get a new sequel.
Now there is some seriously suspicious cranky feelings going on.

It's either salt from the "let it go" people or because it's one less game in their platform of choice...

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Oh so assumption and PR belief?

Mad is too strong of a word, I'm not mad at anyone, and this is not about people either, people can do whatever they want, I don't care. It's not about the backers, it's about Sony taking advantge of the backers' money to get themselves a console exclusive. Want me to explain it again?

Do you really think that's how it went down?

It's pretty unlikely that Yu Suzuki would not have tried to find other partners for funding. It may have been a case of Sony offering them an amazing deal, or simply that no one else seemed interested in supporting the project.
Maybe I just don't care enough, but I honestly wish that -- and I mean this in a very general sense -- people would stop being so concerned with HOW stuff gets funded. I'm not saying this as a moderator or signalling how the staff here is going to deal with these types of threads. But just as a fan I find the back and forth to be often painful to read. Remarkably similar scenarios go from being on the up and up to shady, immoral dealings that we need to form a hashtag campaign to fight against based on very, very minute differences.

Honestly, my primary dream would just be that gamers on any platform could play any game and we wouldn't have the stupid console wars at all. But since that's impossible, I think it just makes much more sense to embrace that games -- particularly the AAA games we love so much -- are expensive risks. Partnerships with platform holders are going to happen. Crowdfunding is becoming par for the course. I personally grow super tired of defending this game's "co-development and co-funding" deal while decrying that game's "moneyhat" or arbitrarily deciding which games deserve crowdfunding dollars and which don't. It's a conversation that so often to me leads absolutely nowhere and more often than not reveals one's own hardware preferences than it offers any moral insight into how game funding should work.
One console to rule them all has been my dream for a decade. It would save me so much money.


I'll let your immediate ideological positions speak for themselves.

I guess Sony is right that you deserve to be taken advantage of.

Again I ask: How are the backers getting taken advantage of?

They will get exactly what they paid from from the KS. The KS makes it clear what they are getting for their money. Whether Sony invest in the game or not is irreverent to whether the backers are getting what they paid for.
This is word for word how Andrew House announced Shenmue III to the world: "Now recently a developer told us they were bringing back a fan favorite Kickstarter to PC & PS4. Now this is very much their project, but we wanted to celebrate their announcement on our stage..." proceeded by showing the Kickstarter video which mentions nothing about outsider funding of any sort.

I'm sorry, but having to read between the lines is not transparency.

I could totally understand being a bit duped by the lack of transparency because that is a valid complaint. However, at the same time this game isn't solely a Sony project and I do think that that in itself is why the Kickstarter worked and why they did not put their name on it. At best, that would really look greedy as we all know Sony doesn't need the money, but the studio behind it does.

At the end of the day, the KS has helped fans reserve a copy of the game for less than retail and receive a bunch of cool swag. I get the transparency thing, but if this was all for nothing, I would 100% agree and it just wasn't.


This Thread represents modern Fanboyism and Gaming in a nutshell and it is disgusting to see and it makes me sad.

Y's and Sony give you a opportunity to have a Game "Fans" always wanted and people are bitching that Sony wants prove that it can get to a break even point.

People have to realize that this game is not for the main stream audience or gamers. The Kickstarter is just and only for the Fucking Hardcore Shenmue fans, so they can get a game out, that is most likely a financial disaster or not a game publisher want to fund. And it seems likeFans do not give a shit how this games is done. On average people are paying more than 80$ to get this idea of a game, which is insane.
40.000 Backers for such ,most likely, expensive game is not very much tbh, but it shows that some hardcore people really want that game and really go all in for this.

And now people blame sony to want some kind of security, that they do not lose a shit ton of money ? Ask yourself a question. Why did Microsoft, Nintendo, Sega, Acti, Ea or any other publisher try to get the game or try to fund it or even try help Y's? Because they know, that today this game is so niche and so exotic, that it will not be a main stream success and most likely a very high financial risk, that nobody wanted to take or even consider in 14 years. Sony is willing to take this risk, but wanted proof that people do not only demand that game on Twitter, but also that they are ready to back it up financially and take a little bit of Sony's risk. How is this bad ?

People are getting this game cheaper, when they back it up with 30§, but most people just went crazy backing it up. But as I said it is only the most hardcore niche fans and not the main stream.

Sony gets blaimed for not taking a financial enormous risk and not giving a Niche game to all of you without some kind of security. The most people, who back Shenmue III do not give a shit about how, they are in heaven, that Sony even considers the idea of Shenmue III and they where kind enough to give this exotic game this grand stage.

They could have literally done all of that while being transparent with the Kickstarter. "Yo, we're going to move forward with funding Shenmue III if the fans prove that the interest is there. Vote with your wallet if you want this game to exist and you'll get shit in return." Same end result and it does everything you've described in your post.


Maybe I just don't care enough, but I honestly wish that -- and I mean this in a very general sense -- people would stop being so concerned with HOW stuff gets funded. I'm not saying this as a moderator or signalling how the staff here is going to deal with these types of threads. But just as a fan I find the back and forth to be often painful to read. Remarkably similar scenarios go from being on the up and up to shady, immoral dealings that we need to form a hashtag campaign to fight against based on very, very minute differences.

Honestly, my primary dream would just be that gamers on any platform could play any game and we wouldn't have the stupid console wars at all. But since that's impossible, I think it just makes much more sense to embrace that games -- particularly the AAA games we love so much -- are expensive risks. Partnerships with platform holders are going to happen. Crowdfunding is becoming par for the course. I personally grow super tired of defending this game's "co-development and co-funding" deal while decrying that game's "moneyhat" or arbitrarily deciding which games deserve crowdfunding dollars and which don't. It's a conversation that so often to me leads absolutely nowhere and more often than not reveals one's own hardware preferences than it offers any moral insight into how game funding should work.

I've been saying that for years. You nailed it.



Thread over.

This. So much this.

This need to be quoted again and again for visibility.

This need to be attached to OP.

This needs to be posted as first post in every upcoming Shenmue 3 thread.


Lets keep complaining for nothing!!!!!

Thank you. Some of you people, I swear...

Thank you for this post.

People will complain for the sake of it. If Sony came out and did this to an old franchise I loved next year? Id be all over it. Without this option, Shenmue 3 would likely not be happening. And now we have confirmation Sony are funding it too, we still have moaning? Jeez.

Exactly this.

Shenmue is not a mainstream game at all. The first two didn't exactly sell in the US.

thanks for backing me up.Usually I do not write long post like this, because ,as you can tell, English is not my native language. But the somehow the hate and fanboys and pure hypocrisy and stupidity made me really sad and mad :)


Those who whine the biggest likely didn't even put a cent to this.

And if you have put a funding and don't like it then pull out. No one is forcing you to stay put.


Gold Member

I was responding to the "Shadow Funding" comment, because Tomb Raider is more in the dark as to what the fuck and how the fuck it is being funded than any game in history.

People are still confused as the involvement MSFT has with their narrative. Is it marketing, is it timed for 6 months, are they directly funding it?

They are less transparent about that, than Sony was with this.

thanks for backing me up.Usually I do not write long post like this, because ,as you can tell, English is not my native language. But the somehow the hate and fanboys and pure hypocrisy and stupidity made me really sad and mad :)

I appreciated the read. Well done.

It is clear the agenda most who are bitching have. It is always clear.
What I'm hoping is that a third party studio steps in to made an HD remaster, and that Sony announces it sometime this year as well as a full Shenmue 3 announcement as opposed to a Kickstarter announcement. That way it feels like a concrete game that people not already excited about Shenmue 3 can look into the originals and follow the third game.

I don't have any experience with Shenmue, but I'd like to see the game get plenty of exposure and love so it has the best chance to flourish.
Sony just shot themselves in the foot.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about Kickstarter (I'm an expert), but transparency and honesty are huge parts of it. It's not like it was with Bloodborne where you can become successful by help funding and publishing it. If you help fund a game in Kickstarter, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.

What this means is the fans, after hearing about this, is not going to want to back Shenmue at all, nor will they purchase any of Sony's games they help fund in the future. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Sony has alienated an entire market with this move.

Sony, remove all your funding or you can kiss your business goodbye.


Foot? Hmm, ok, never understood that expression, but lets look at the rest of your ridiculous post.

Hmm, you're a Kickstarter expert? You're the owner then? You know how Kickstarter should operate? Maybe gives us some of your credentials then :) or maybe you'll stay silent because you're talking out of your... well, you know what ;) Oh, now we're gonna turn Bloodborne being made into a bad thing. Evil SONY LET?S ALL SHOUT GUYS. Hmm, I was gonna check your post history but its probably all xbox related :D no offense. LOL, shame? Repentance? Now you're just trolling...

OK, I will laugh, because your post is getting insane now. Nobody will buy Shenmue? Heh, I guess 2 million+ dollars in pledges just appeared out of thin air? LOL, you were right with your "laugh all you want" comment. But it is US who are laughing at YOU.

Sony will lose its business? IDK if you saw or overslept the last 2 days, but Sony won the E3 it was the best E3 ever, by a consensus. Sony wont lose it's business. But you should stop buying their games nevertheless. Becauise Sony doesnt ned a customre lik you.
tl;dr translation of your post: hurdruoaorudrup :D;);()

There are seriously people complaining? What the ever-loving fuck?

Nobody is forcing anybody to put down any money. Without Kickstarter, there would be no Shenmue 3. It's that simple.

No company in their right mind would fund a sequel to a 14 year-old Dreamcast game that 99% of gamers have probably never heard of/played.

But it's actually happening and due to the amount of support/interest shown by the smidgen of gamers that did play the original games, Sony are actually helping with its development now - which will likely expand the scope of the game a good deal more than if Suzuki and co relied solely on a Kickstarter budget.

Some people will complain about anything.


You get to buy mother fucking Shenmue 3 for 29 dollars if you want and people find reasons to complain lol. Classic.

Because it's wrong to make Kickstarter a preorder system!!! (although I've yet to see a single Kickstarter which wouldn't be called a preorder system). Sony is evil! They should just make the game based on people's promises and tweets! Those are worth even more than money! What kind of evil corporation believes in money over words?!? You see that roughly 40k backer tally? You know how many more backers you would get if all it took was a promise that you'd buy it when it came out? At least 10x that!

Serious note: Whoever is complaining about this better not buy the game when it releases. I'll be disgusted as fuck if my $300 went to help these people get the game.


This Thread represents modern Fanboyism and Gaming in a nutshell and it is disgusting to see and it makes me sad.

Y's and Sony give you a opportunity to have a Game "Fans" always wanted and people are bitching that Sony wants prove that it can get to a break even point.

People have to realize that this game is not for the main stream audience or gamers. The Kickstarter is just and only for the Fucking Hardcore Shenmue fans, so they can get a game out, that is most likely a financial disaster or not a game publisher want to fund. And it seems likeFans do not give a shit how this games is done. On average people are paying more than 80$ to get this idea of a game, which is insane.
40.000 Backers for such ,most likely, expensive game is not very much tbh, but it shows that some hardcore people really want that game and really go all in for this.

And now people blame sony to want some kind of security, that they do not lose a shit ton of money ? Ask yourself a question. Why did Microsoft, Nintendo, Sega, Acti, Ea or any other publisher try to get the game or try to fund it or even try help Y's? Because they know, that today this game is so niche and so exotic, that it will not be a main stream success and most likely a very high financial risk, that nobody wanted to take or even consider in 14 years. Sony is willing to take this risk, but wanted proof that people do not only demand that game on Twitter, but also that they are ready to back it up financially and take a little bit of Sony's risk. How is this bad ?

People are getting this game cheaper, when they back it up with 30§, but most people just went crazy backing it up. But as I said it is only the most hardcore niche fans and not the main stream.

Sony gets blaimed for not taking a financial enormous risk and not giving a Niche game to all of you without some kind of security. The most people, who back Shenmue III do not give a shit about how, they are in heaven, that Sony even considers the idea of Shenmue III and they where kind enough to give this exotic game this grand stage.

Agreed. We should also thank Microsoft for funding Tomb Raider. For without their contribution abd assistance offloading of devekoper risk we may never have seen it.
Foot? Hmm, ok, never understood that expression, but lets look at the rest of your ridiculous post.

Hmm, you're a Kickstarter expert? You're the owner then? You know how Kickstarter should operate? Maybe gives us some of your credentials then :) or maybe you'll stay silent because you're talking out of your... well, you know what ;) Oh, now we're gonna turn Bloodborne being made into a bad thing. Evil SONY LET?S ALL SHOUT GUYS. Hmm, I was gonna check your post history but its probably all xbox related :D no offense. LOL, shame? Repentance? Now you're just trolling...

OK, I will laugh, because your post is getting insane now. Nobody will buy Shenmue? Heh, I guess 2 million+ dollars in pledges just appeared out of thin air? LOL, you were right with your "laugh all you want" comment. But it is US who are laughing at YOU.

Sony will lose its business? IDK if you saw or overslept the last 2 days, but Sony won the E3 it was the best E3 ever, by a consensus. Sony wont lose it's business. But you should stop buying their games nevertheless. Becauise Sony doesnt ned a customre lik you.
tl;dr translation of your post: hurdruoaorudrup :D;);()

you just got meme´d
thanks for backing me up.Usually I do not write long post like this, because ,as you can tell, English is not my native language. But the somehow the hate and fanboys and pure hypocrisy and stupidity made me really sad and mad :)

You did great man, and hopefully the majority of us absolutely agree with you. Hopefully more people get the joke.

OG Loc

Foot? Hmm, ok, never understood that expression, but lets look at the rest of your ridiculous post.

Hmm, you're a Kickstarter expert? You're the owner then? You know how Kickstarter should operate? Maybe gives us some of your credentials then :) or maybe you'll stay silent because you're talking out of your... well, you know what ;) Oh, now we're gonna turn Bloodborne being made into a bad thing. Evil SONY LET?S ALL SHOUT GUYS. Hmm, I was gonna check your post history but its probably all xbox related :D no offense. LOL, shame? Repentance? Now you're just trolling...

OK, I will laugh, because your post is getting insane now. Nobody will buy Shenmue? Heh, I guess 2 million+ dollars in pledges just appeared out of thin air? LOL, you were right with your "laugh all you want" comment. But it is US who are laughing at YOU.

Sony will lose its business? IDK if you saw or overslept the last 2 days, but Sony won the E3 it was the best E3 ever, by a consensus. Sony wont lose it's business. But you should stop buying their games nevertheless. Becauise Sony doesnt ned a customre lik you.
tl;dr translation of your post: hurdruoaorudrup :D;);()

Egg on your face.

Never mind the fact that DemonNite actually works for Sony but hey.


Gold Member
Agreed. We should also thank Microsoft for funding Tomb Raider. For without their contribution abd assistance offloading of devekoper risk we may never have seen it.

I hope this is sarcasm, because this was confirmed to be false by a mod who is very vetted with Square/Enix.

I really gotta figure out a way to play Shenmue I and II. I played a bit of....I I think. At a cousins house as a kid. I didn't get it.

$500 mindless sheep and exploited whale here. Feels so good to be Yu Suzuki's tool!

Posts like this are the gift that keeps on giving. Much like this Kickstarter. Based Yu!
What is really funny is that because this game has Sony involvement it will get the proper advertising and marketing. Why can't people be happy about that. This is such a niche series and for the 3rd one to be a reality and sell that would be a dream come true to a lot of us that originally loved the hell out of this game when the first one came out.

I know myself for one was one of the few people that actually played the first one. Not many people had a Dreamcast then.

I want tons of gamers to be able to know about this, I want this project to be brilliant. Kickstarter funds alone would not allow for development and advertising for this to be a reality.

California should be bottling up the bitter tears of a lot of posters. It would solve the huge water crisis going on right now.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Shadow of the Eternals had $350,000 in pledges when it tanked.

The project was a completely sketchy mess and it was obvious that they were not being completely forthright and would promise anything to get funded.

I apologize that my number was incorrect. But none-the-less it still fell way short of getting funded to the point where it cancelled its first kickstarter in embarrassment and then the 2nd one just kinda petered out. Maybe it was the 1st kickstarter I was remembering that cancelled.

Either way it doesn't detract from my original statement that talk is most definitely cheap. This KS proved we Shenmue fans meant business all these years.


It's either salt from the "let it go" people or because it's not in their platform of choice...

Probably the latter. Sony made this possible, we're getting the game because of them, and yes, they're funding a chunk of it. Boo fucking hoo if they needed a kickstarter to gauge interest, to fund the PC version, or just for added security to sell to their stockholders. We finally get this game, and backers get it for $29 (£19), that's insane. I'd rather pay that for it than not have a Kickstarter at all and have to pay £45 for it instead.


Maybe I just don't care enough, but I honestly wish that -- and I mean this in a very general sense -- people would stop being so concerned with HOW stuff gets funded. I'm not saying this as a moderator or signalling how the staff here is going to deal with these types of threads. But just as a fan I find the back and forth to be often painful to read. Remarkably similar scenarios go from being on the up and up to shady, immoral dealings that we need to form a hashtag campaign to fight against based on very, very minute differences.

Honestly, my primary dream would just be that gamers on any platform could play any game and we wouldn't have the stupid console wars at all. But since that's impossible, I think it just makes much more sense to embrace that games -- particularly the AAA games we love so much -- are expensive risks. Partnerships with platform holders are going to happen. Crowdfunding is becoming par for the course. I personally grow super tired of defending this game's "co-development and co-funding" deal while decrying that game's "moneyhat" or arbitrarily deciding which games deserve crowdfunding dollars and which don't. It's a conversation that so often to me leads absolutely nowhere and more often than not reveals one's own hardware preferences than it offers any moral insight into how game funding should work.

While I agree that many of these arguments are thinly veiled outlets for hardware preferences, I think many people are just honestly concerned about some imagined system in place is about to crumble and thus everything about video games as they know it will cease to be. Such arguments are often rooted in weird forms of morality that I don't think apply to the types of buisness dealings we are talking about. I think, honestly, many of these arguments stem from inexperience in these these areas, as well.


I really gotta figure out a way to play Shenmue I and II. I played a bit of....I I think. At a cousins house as a kid. I didn't get it.
I wouldn't be surprised if Sega releases a PC and/or PS4 version of I and II some time in the next couple of years.


This is word for word how Andrew House announced Shenmue III to the world: "Now recently a developer told us they were bringing back a fan favorite Kickstarter to PC & PS4. Now this is very much their project, but we wanted to celebrate their announcement on our stage..." proceeded by showing the Kickstarter video which mentions nothing about outsider funding of any sort.

I'm sorry, but having to read between the lines is not transparency.

Actually, it was Adam Boyes, who has also said this within 24hrs of the kickstarter going live after it was announced/debuted on the Sony stage:

Read between the lines.


Foot? Hmm, ok, never understood that expression, but lets look at the rest of your ridiculous post.

Hmm, you're a Kickstarter expert? You're the owner then? You know how Kickstarter should operate? Maybe gives us some of your credentials then :) or maybe you'll stay silent because you're talking out of your... well, you know what ;) Oh, now we're gonna turn Bloodborne being made into a bad thing. Evil SONY LET?S ALL SHOUT GUYS. Hmm, I was gonna check your post history but its probably all xbox related :D no offense. LOL, shame? Repentance? Now you're just trolling...

OK, I will laugh, because your post is getting insane now. Nobody will buy Shenmue? Heh, I guess 2 million+ dollars in pledges just appeared out of thin air? LOL, you were right with your "laugh all you want" comment. But it is US who are laughing at YOU.

Sony will lose its business? IDK if you saw or overslept the last 2 days, but Sony won the E3 it was the best E3 ever, by a consensus. Sony wont lose it's business. But you should stop buying their games nevertheless. Becauise Sony doesnt ned a customre lik you.
tl;dr translation of your post: hurdruoaorudrup :D;);()


Handy Fake

I was responding to the "Shadow Funding" comment, because Tomb Raider is more in the dark as to what the fuck and how the fuck it is being funded than any game in history.

People are still confused as the involvement MSFT has with their narrative. Is it marketing, is it timed for 6 months, are they directly funding it?

They are less transparent about that, than Sony was with this.

I appreciated the read. Well done.

It is clear the agenda most who are bitching have. It is always clear.

Apologies, it's 1am and I've just dragged my eyeballs through forty pages of sodium-speckled hysteria. I'm a tad jaded. ;)


Any real Shenmue fan knows that anybody who is pissed at this isn't a real fan.

Shenmue 3 is coming for reals.
It's backed and funded by a massive corporation, and without said cooperation it wouldn't exist.
Fan interest made it possible.
Fans can get it at a discount price and all sorts of collectibles and goodies.

But no, this is a scam and we must all act personally offended and disgusted at a big bunch of nothing.

It's the Double Fine kickstarter all over again, except a seemingly worse reaction from people who are not invested in the situation in any way shape or form.


Any real Shenmue fan knows that anybody who is pissed at this isn't a real fan.

Yup, like some of the posters posting that they are going to pull their pledge because they felt that they were scammed into emotionally-pledging by Sony yesterday.
Pretty sure they didn't pledge in the first place.
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