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Fighting Games Weekly | June 15-21 | 16 is barely okay


I feel like I'm the only one in here who still likes SF4 after this week lol. I'm pretty excited about SEA Major and am looking forward to high level play again. The pros tournament in SFV just didn't do it for me. Nobody knows what they're doing yet. Birdie players and Justin got away with so much because nobody knows how to deal with the new characters/moves. Daigo basically handicapped himself by playing Ryu and had to fight off old habits while everybody was trying to play SFV since they chose a character they don't play in SF4.

I'm still really excited about SFV and i'm pumped to try the beta. But the game won't look that great to watch for me until all the top guys have at least one month with the game. I think SFV at EVO 2016 will be pretty amazing. For now, back to DP, FADC, Ultra hype :p

Are you sure about this? There were lots of Cammy and Birdie with both sharing the classic cr. jab hitconfirm playstyle unlike Ryu. Looked more like choosing characters supporting their old habbits.

Whether characters are good or not I'll just go with the wait and see approach coming beta. Same with the actual game.

SFIV and SFV are two different games, no reason to take a dump on each other. It will be interesting to see how SFV fares when honeymoon period is over though.

Id give SFIV a few months before it's completely dead

What if SFV doesn't have the characters people like?
Less than the people who stuck with sf3

Id give SFIV a few months before it's completely dead

Why are people so delusional about how quick SF4 dies? Yes their will be a massive drop off, but that's because it's so big already compared to everything else(excluding Smash). Plenty of people will still play it and I think entries to stay strong for at least another year or two.

All the people who pick up SFV will still be going to tournaments. And some of them will still enter SF4 because they know how to play the game so why not? And here is a even bigger shock, a lot of people actually like the game. Like DryEye said, for many this was their first SF/fighting game. Not necessarily their first SF game, but the first one they learned how to play. They're going to feel more endeared towards SF4 like many who started with older games and express their endearment towards them.


white MCC bundle looking slick

I managed to get one when they were doing the sunset overdrive bundle. Looks good in person too, I always have a hard time saying no to white consoles. Had to get that white Sega Saturn ;)
I managed to get one when they were doing the sunset overdrive bundle. Looks good in person too, I always have a hard time saying no to white consoles. Had to get that white Sega Saturn ;)

I'm like the total opposite. White electronics are hideous to me. Out of all the Saturns I'd take the Gray, Black, Hi-Saturns, Skeletons, etc over that nasty-ass cream colored white one.


I have always disliked a ton of shit in SF4 and pretty much forced myself to accept the stuff to get to competitive play. I've never enjoyed playing SF4, but I enjoy competition, so I still had fun.

Seeing that SF5 is getting rid of so much of the shit I loathe in SF4 is really making it hard to play and practice for EVO.


Cock Strain, Lifetime Warranty
I'm like the total opposite. White electronics are hideous to me. Out of all the Saturns I'd take the Gray, Black, Hi-Saturns, Skeletons, etc over that nasty-ass cream colored white one.
you see MS is doing a free game thing next week too?
XBO+MCC+(witcher 3, bamman, etc) for 350?
I don't think I'm strong enough


I don't think SF4 is dying out until at least EVO 2017. It's pretty big and for a lot of people it was their first SF.

It also depends on how much better/worse SFV is than SF4. SF4 has the advantage of 6+ years of edition rebalances to be where it is now whereas SFV will be shipped in its first version.

But who knows really. People might jump bandwagon real quick.


Nah, people still play SF2 and 3s

Why are people so delusional about how quick SF4 dies? Yes their will be a massive drop off, but that's because it's so big already compared to everything else(excluding Smash). Plenty of people will still play it and I think entries to stay strong for at least another year or two.

All the people who pick up SFV will still be going to tournaments. And some of them will still enter SF4 because they know how to play the game so why not? And here is a even bigger shock, a lot of people actually like the game. Like DryEye said, for many this was their first SF/fighting game. Not necessarily their first SF game, but the first one they learned how to play. They're going to feel more endeared towards SF4 like many who started with older games and express their endearment towards them.

I feel like SF4 will be like the Alpha series in terms of its continued legacy. Even though SFV is very different from 4, there isnt enough of a difference that I can see people still playing it well after SFV hits. ST and 3S have their dedicated fanbases because not only do people love these games and think of them as the pinnacle of FG's, (I know people like SF4, just like people liked Alpha 3, but other than 808strider how many people actually feel that SF4 is near perfect?) but the games are so vastly different from each other there's very little overlap between them in terms of gameplay. Even graphically the art style is totally different as well. SF4 will be at EVO2016 and maybe 2017, but after that I just dont see it getting a dedicated base of players like ST and 3S. That is unless SFV comes out and is terrible in comparison. In other words, save this post and blow me up or praise my ability to see into the future in 2 years.

I started with SF4, but I will be very happy once SFV hits and I can drop the game altogether.
That's ridiculous value.

But I think I can hold out one more year for Scalebound.

Personally, I'm all in on Kamiya's new shit but I'm sad it's been a year since announcement and all they have to show it the CG trailer they debuted with.

Oh and I'm sure Phantom Dust is vaporware but if Sony's show is anything to go by maybe someone will resurrect the project in 9 years kappa.


Personally, I'm all in on Kamiya's new shit but I'm sad it's been a year since announcement and all they have to show it the CG trailer they debuted with.

Oh and I'm sure Phantom Dust is vaporware but if Sony's show is anything to go by maybe someone will resurrect the project in 9 years kappa.
No one is working on Phantom Dust right now, That game is definitely vaporware status.

Scalebound will be at Gamescom so not too long from now.


SF4 has had more than enough time in the limelight, I hope ppl drop it fast in favor of SFV.

And speaking of SFV, the coverage this week was fantastic. Not sure if easy stun is a good idea but definitely would like them to leave the big damage.

It's also interesting how they extended link combos (and made them easier to time) to the point where you can do good damage even if you aren't good at special move motions.



My only worry with SFV is not having any sort of FGC integration that we spoke about in earlier threads. Having some built-in twitch app (or SFV new related stuff to tournaments or whatever) to notify players of past and upcoming tournaments so they can watch it. Links to archives so all players can find the stuff easily and make fighting games more accessible. I think KI does this okay but Capcom can take it a step further since they are already copying quite a bit from KI lol. I only mention this since PS4 has twitch and I'm sure integrating something like this shouldn't be too difficult. Other than that, I think forming that into a hub where people can record their own stuff and upload or share their favorite moments in a tournament might be a really cool feature to try implementing or at least think about.

Other than that, the pixelated models in the back of the London stage is a worry, some sort of dissonance with the graphics (I mention this since I don't know if they'll bother to fix it) and the sound effects for the hits.

Couldn't get any super specific answers to these. I heard there are plans to support the community and tournaments but beyond that no specifics were given.

Another sort of lipservice answer that they're always looking to fix things and improve upon the game.

- Can you cancel a DP into a Vskill/Vtrigger/Critical Art on block? / Can you be dumb and make reversals safe?
- Can you tech hard/soft knockdowns?
- Is crouch teching still in the game(I know if you try and crouch tech and the character pressuring you moves away you'll get a throw instead of a short, but I wanna know if the opponent grabs you if the grab would even be teched or not)
- How punishable is ryus parry if he mistimes/whiffs it?
- does chuns vskill gain vgauge just by using it(since its a short hop) does it have to connect with the opponent?
- How does Cammy differ from SF4? Since SFV seems to be going neutral heavy again, how is her mixup game now? I would assume she has no vortex?
- Is it Capcoms intention to bring the gameplay back in line with previous SF's where neutral is emphasized rather than setups off knockdowns?
- Is Bison like Makoto now?(If so I aint playing Bison lol)
- How does Nash play since he's not like Guile? Which character is he most similar too?
- Will Karin/Fei Long/A real rekka character be in the game?(squeeze this outta combofiend)
- Whens the approximate date for the SFV beta

Some of these have already been answered but I'll go through the list anyways
-Yes and no. Some characters can, others can't. Birdie is able to cancel in to V Trigger but the stuff he can cancel is safe anyways so it's hard to be certain. None of Ryu's specials allow for VTCs though. You can cancel his specials in to a CA but it's extremely expensive since it uses all his meter.

- Yes
- I know you all know about the crouch tech found, I spoke with Joe and Josh about it for awhile. Neither of them see it being at all practical to use because of how tight the window is. That said it's being looked in to/most likely removed anyways. Also if you guys heard about the unblockable found it's using Nash's crossup in the 2P corner side on the asian stage. It's presumably a bug involving the way the game is set up to allow the bus hits.
- Pretty punishable, and depending what he parries you can even punish him. There's always recovery on the parry but you can do multiple parries to make it safer assuming there will be a follow up to the string. If I throw out a jab and it gets parried, with no followup parries, I can actually punish him for it with another light. On whiff there's a decent window as well. Ryu's parry is pretty much entirely defensive unless parrying a huge move with tons of recovery.
- From what I saw, I only ever gained vgauge by getting hit. I couldn't really seem to get the vgauge to increase from use of the vskill.
- She's extremely different. Her normal divekicks don't seem to all for a combo after, but her ex ones can put a person in a juggle state. Her vskill essentially gives her back her specials from SF4, allowing for crossups and combos from multi hits and further movement. Otherwise, since the game allows tech rolls her knockdown game won't be nearly as strong as in 4. Her hooligan can also auto correct her divekicks for crossup purposes. Also her vskill is the turnarouned punch from 4, but if you go through the person, it crosses up.
- Very much so, the game doesn't provide a huge amount of time for setups and the intention is to remove major OSes which allow for setplay. Because the dashes aren't invincible, certain OSes don't even really apply anymore like crlk~sweep to blow up wake up backdashes. The game seems to revolve mostly around the neutral and resets off small combos. Burst damage is huge and with reset opportunities that seems to further back up that idea that it won't be set on setups.
- Bison's nothing like Makoto. His walkspeed is slow but his pressure is pretty strong and he has some absolutely insane properties to his vtrigger (specials can cancel in to other specials in vtrigger). Pretty unique. Also worth noting that his CA can actually blow up crossups too.
- Because of his command inputs and teleports I'd say he feels kinda like Seth minus the combos. More of the mixups involving crossups with fireballs but more mobility. Remember how there was a time when people treated Seth like a better Dhalsim? Think that but without the stretchy limbs.
- No answer
- July 23-28th for the first one

I'm really interested in combofiend's involvement in the overall development (including marketing, etc.), so I'm wondering if you can ask combofiend about his experience, involvement, etc. and specifically if there are any characters or gameplay elements that may have his mark on them. I'm, guessing he won't be too candid about this, but maybe some coy phrasing could get him to drop a hint about a Combofiend approved rushdown monster in the game.

My other Q is regarding their reveal strategy, which is also something I've been hella curious about for a while. Basically, what's the process for deciding who gets revealed and when reveals take place? Like how do they determine the order? I'm assuming there's some overarching logic to to it, which is the answer I'm looking for (this isn't a mixup question to get reveals hints or anything).

Combofiend is like an advisor. DIMPS still does the development, they send builds and he playtests and sees what does and doesn't work, what would be viable in a competitive setting, and provides feedback about changes that could or must happen. He seems to have pretty hands on access and his input seems pretty valued. Much of the game was designed around his own preferences (limited OSes, no aids like plinking which come as a side effect of a system and not one intentionally designed).
No real answer for pt2


Curious if they'll answer "How close was Necro to making it in the game?" now that there's been some time.

Forgot to ask, sorry :( I'll remember for EVO to ask though.


Hey man I know you are hitting up e3. I'm most curious about birdie and how he will play. Not too many specifics but I use hawk as a grappler in sf4 and just wanted to know if when you do (or even if you do) if birdie plays similar to hawk, a grappler who has other forward momentum moves to keep the pressure on.

If you don't have time that's cool but thanks for any thing you are able to check out!

Birdie is really unique, he's a grappler who can play a range game and has forward momentum. I wouldn't really compare him to Hawk, though. I feel he's extremely unique with his playstyle. His chains are used like extended limbs but no hurtbox (fireballs pass right through it) but register as hits before going in to a throw. He has some traps too ( the banana and arguably the pop can, which is slow enough that you could do some crossup shenanigans with him it). Like every fighting game ever, early on he seems really strong just like every grappler usually is early in the game. Hard to see how he'll pan out.


I guess I don't have a very specific question besides find out however much you can about Bison and Nash. Make sure you meet Combofiend. :p

I covered a bit of that in my response to Onemic, so just read above.


Online ranking

This one totally slipped my mind to bring up


V-Trigger and button dash

V-Trigger will automatically apply the traits by design. If you don't want those traits, don't activate V-Trigger.

2 button dash isn't happening.


Why aren't people playing right? Chains/targets etc

Not every character has many chains available. I know Chun-Li's target combos are her ones from 4 (jump fp and cr fp mainly). I think right now people are trying to figure out more links and work on the game in that regard, because the chains seem limited to an extent.

I think that covers everyone's questions I got PM'd. If anyone has any other questions I'll do my best to answer. I'll get in to some Chun-Li specific stuff in a bit but I'm pretty tired right now.
I've never enjoyed playing SF4, but I enjoy competition, so I still had fun.

Seeing that SF5 is getting rid of so much of the shit I loathe in SF4 is really making it hard to play and practice for EVO.

Yeah it's been so long that I can't explicitly remember what made SF4 so boring in my eyes and made me stop playing. Whatever they've changed in SF5 has me eager to play it.


tagged by Blackace
I don't think SF4 is dying out until at least EVO 2017. It's pretty big and for a lot of people it was their first SF.

It also depends on how much better/worse SFV is than SF4. SF4 has the advantage of 6+ years of edition rebalances to be where it is now whereas SFV will be shipped in its first version.

But who knows really. People might jump bandwagon real quick.
Nah, none of that stuff matters at all. Only if Capcom Cup still supports it will it survive that long.

SF4 is old, and people have been bitter and clamoring for a "replacement" since 2012 and before. But most importantly it's old, and people will begrudgingly accept a new game before they begrudgingly continue to play SFIV. Quality/balance absolutely has no factor in this, unless it's abysmal, which isn't happening, people will always choose the novel experience over something like SF that has been strung along for so long. EVO will not let SF take up another spot in the lineup otherwise, and we're at a point in the generation where it's not too much to expect ownership of PS4 and the PC port helps in territories where consoles are too expensive/unavailable.

There will be a massive instant drop and then slowly afterwards only those who can't be helped will stick with SFIV. I mean that in both the most understanding-of-circumstances and derogatory ways.


Just checked Best Buy and they are giving a $10 Gift Card with a purchase of BBCP:Extend. If you got GCU the game costs $39.99 (without tax) and then you get a $10 Gift Card. Seems like a great deal.

I wanted to support the Xbox One version but my head is telling me just to buy the PS4 version because of the bigger player base. I guess my argument for buying the XB1 version is that I always can get the PS4 version later when it goes on sale.
I wonder what happened to chun's air spinning kicks she used to have off of them 3 aerial step kicks. Everyone just ends that sequence with them EX kicks, now.

I also wonder why they made Cammy's V-Skill that one move that no one ever used in SFIV. Not that I personally think it was bad, but I don't recall seeing many people use it online or in competition so I assume there must have been a reason.


I wonder what happened to chun's air spinning kicks she used to have off of them 3 aerial step kicks. Everyone just ends that sequence with them EX kicks, now.

I also wonder why they made Cammy's V-Skill that one move that no one ever used in SFIV. Not that I personally think it was bad, but I don't recall seeing many people use it online or in competition so I assume there must have been a reason.

RE: Chun it's out so headstomps to ex kicks is the best option. Nothing else combos off vskill either.

Cammy's vskill crosses up now so it has new properties and has some invulnerability so it can beat out pokes in a poke heavy game.
RE: Chun it's out so headstomps to ex kicks is the best option. Nothing else combos off vskill either.

Cammy's vskill crosses up now so it has new properties and has some invulnerability so it can beat out pokes in a poke heavy game.

Awwwww. As a fan of aerial raves, I will miss how cool it looked, even if it wasn't functional or w/e reason they took it out.

Actually, that v-skill sounds pretty good, now. lol


I wonder what happened to chun's air spinning kicks she used to have off of them 3 aerial step kicks. Everyone just ends that sequence with them EX kicks, now.

I also wonder why they made Cammy's V-Skill that one move that no one ever used in SFIV. Not that I personally think it was bad, but I don't recall seeing many people use it online or in competition so I assume there must have been a reason.

That move they showed in the previous early builds? That has been removed and replaced with the air lighting kicks. Only the EX kicks combo in the air.

Cammy's V-skill seems to be really good actually, it can cross up and it has invincibility so she can go through fireballs etc. James Chen also mentioned that it actually might be positive on block.
Nah, none of that stuff matters at all. Only if Capcom Cup still supports it will it survive that long.

SF4 is old, and people have been bitter and clamoring for a "replacement" since 2012 and before. But most importantly it's old, and people will begrudgingly accept a new game before they begrudgingly continue to play SFIV. Quality/balance absolutely has no factor in this, unless it's abysmal, which isn't happening, people will always choose the novel experience over something like SF that has been strung along for so long.

Street Fighter x Tekken
That move they showed in the previous early builds? That has been removed and replaced with the air lighting kicks. Only the EX kicks combo in the air.

Cammy's V-skill seems to be really good actually, it can cross up and it has invincibility so she can go through fireballs etc. James Chen also mentioned that it actually might be positive on block.

Watching the videos, I didn't see anyone use hooligan or spin knuckle when in V-skill. Do those have any special properties?

I am not sure if her V-Skill is any good beside the FB invisible properties and you combo if they connect. You can only do two special moves before it runs out and you can't EX them either.

Get an X1 with Kinect and buy Xbox Fitness

Everybody wins kappa

Then she will be using my Xbox.....
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