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Phil Spencer: I don't know if Xbox One can beat PS4

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Never day never. Many swore off Sony because of their own shenanigans. Then they kept on releasing quality software after quality software. And then E3 2013 happened.

You never know

For that to happen, MS needs be in control of Europe, and they're not even in control of the US. It's not gonna happen.


Unconfirmed Member
For me it's all about the games at the end of the day. Sadly Xbox primarily doesn't really cater to my tastes, the games that I would love seem to appear very slowly on that console.
"Backwards compatibility is the only thing that counts? Nah...that's a backwards move."

Don? Is that you man? :)

I kid. seriously though its true that sony has made some nice improvements too, but MS has outpaced them on this, one of the reasons I stuck with the the good ole bone was the 360s evolution over the time I owned a few. all those things you downplay add up, its a very nice experience, mostly. Will only get better too as NXOE gets polished and rolls out, same with Cortana.


For that to happen, MS needs be in control of Europe, and they're not even in control of the US. It's not gonna happen.

But first they need to acknowledge that Europe exists.
I'm not sure they could point out countries part of Europe on a map of Europe.
I think it's all a perception issue and as this discussion has proven, despite amazing strides to improve the platform most of you still think the Xbox brand is a handicapped games console when it isn't anymore. At its inception it had 24 hour checkins on games, apps behind a paywall, no free monthly game service, no BC, mandatory Kinect. The righted the ship and you guys still complain about it.
Really wierd how many people are still talking about "cool" and "honest" he is when he still can't even come out and admit a simple fact. I had no idea his target demographic was this easy to rile up and tranquilize. MS obviously knew their target demo was a little weak on the perception side but overshot it and lost all trust as he is halfway admitting about the beginning.


I think it's all a perception issue and as this discussion has proven, despite amazing strides to improve the platform most of you still think the Xbox brand is a handicapped games console when it isn't anymore. At its inception it had 24 hour checkins on games, apps behind a paywall, no free monthly game service, no BC, mandatory Kinect. The righted the ship and you guys still complain about it.
Please present me comments from this thread that complain about the things you listed as if they are still part of the Xbox One product.

Whether the Xbox One is still to some degree handicapped by its original vision (as in: could have been a better gaming console if it had been planned solely as that) remains debatable.


Do I win a prize for talking about my penis on the Internet???
ACTIONS speak louder than WORDS

So until MS gives us a more powerful console at a cheaper price and more consumer friendly than Sony, I'll stick with the Playstation brand.
You tell em bro!

Your use of caps lock makes this post 68% less embarrassing.
Mattrick already took the largest chunk of the blame with him when he left, you think Phil want to put any of that old grudge back onto another employee? There would be a company backlash not only for giving the media even more to talk about with the failed Xbox One pre-launch, but fuel outrage if people who were in that think-tank is still working in the Xbox Division.

Remember before launch there were articles stating people wouldn't care about MS's actions once the console was released? Now 2 years later even though MS reversed those actions there still part of the collective opinion about the console.


People have to realize that despite Phil's efforts a majority of his actions with the Xbox One cater to a very small minority of players. People on here, myself included, love the focus on exclusives, monthly system updates, backwards compatibility etc. but I know so many people that couldn't give a shit and use their console as a third party box. Last generation it was Xbox 360 with games like Call of Duty, sports titles, Rockstar's games like Red Dead and GTA. Out of about 15 games on their shelf maybe 2 or 3 were exclusive too Xbox 360 and that same mentality has transferred over to PS4 in being the defecto third party box.

That being said the rest of the generation has to be done with the approach he is doing now in trying to convince the hardcore players to come back. Building this good will hopefully will encourage people to support them in launching their next console.
Well, the PS3 was in a much shittier place at the beginning of the last generation and then they miraculously turned it around, even after the hacking fiasco, etc.

Consoles and their success are just _always_ tied to the content that's available for them. Sony has a pretty shoddy holiday season this year and Microsoft has a few bigger games - if they constantly keep the quality up and Sony makes a few mistakes (lots of resources being put into Morpheus and Morpheus not taking off, for example), I do think they can take over again.

What Microsoft needs is just a shit load of amazing games that are exclusive to their platform, then people will obviously adopt it.

While i like the optimism Phil would never say anything like this if he didnt know it was a lost battle.There is no way Xbone can catch PS4 wordwide you have to know if Phil says theyve lost take his word for it im sure hes heard the most optimistic ideas as well.

So unless PS4 doesnt sell a single console from today forward its a wrap all thats left is making Xbone profitable which is what Phils gonna focus on now and its for the best for Xbone owners.


People have to realize that despite Phil's efforts a majority of his actions with the Xbox One cater to a very small minority of players. People on here, myself included, love the focus on exclusives, monthly system updates, backwards compatibility etc. but I know so many people that couldn't give a shit and use their console as a third party box. Last generation it was Xbox 360 with games like Call of Duty, sports titles, Rockstar's games like Red Dead and GTA. Out of about 15 games on their shelf maybe 2 or 3 were exclusive too Xbox 360 and that same mentality has transferred over to PS4 in being the defecto third party box.

That being said the rest of the generation has to be done with the approach he is doing now in trying to convince the hardcore players to come back. Building this good will hopefully will encourage people to support them in launching their next console.

I keep hearing this in regards to XBO but I struggle to find any exclusives even worth mentioning. What are we talking about here? Forza games? Because there's not much exclusives XBO has beyond that at the moment. Or are we talking about stuff announced for the next couple of years already? 'Cause if we are then this isn't as much of a "focus" as a rather desperate attempt to counter PS4's exclusive line-up with early announcements of games which won't be released for years to come.

I'm not going to start any list wars but I am genuinely puzzled by this point of view as I myself can't find any XBO exclusive which looks interesting to me right now - and the only one which does is coming next Spring at best.


I keep hearing this in regards to XBO but I struggle to find any exclusives even worth mentioning. What are we talking about here? Forza games? Because there's not much exclusives XBO has beyond that at the moment. Or are we talking about stuff announced for the next couple of years already? 'Cause if we are then this isn't as much of a "focus" as a rather desperate attempt to counter PS4's exclusive line-up with early announcements of games which won't be released for years to come.

I'm not going to start any list wars but I am genuinely puzzled by this point of view as I myself can't find any XBO exclusive which looks interesting to me right now - and the only one which does is coming next Spring at best.

They announced exclusives that are coming after 2016? Like what?


I keep hearing this in regards to XBO but I struggle to find any exclusives even worth mentioning. What are we talking about here? Forza games? Because there's not much exclusives XBO has beyond that at the moment. Or are we talking about stuff announced for the next couple of years already? 'Cause if we are then this isn't as much of a "focus" as a rather desperate attempt to counter PS4's exclusive line-up with early announcements of games which won't be released for years to come.

I'm not going to start any list wars but I am genuinely puzzled by this point of view as I myself can't find any XBO exclusive which looks interesting to me right now - and the only one which does is coming next Spring at best.


but I've purchased and enjoyed just about every MS exclusive this Gen except for zoo tycoon and that dragon game...

From Racers, to shooters, to platformers to fighters and everything in between, I've been pleased with MS' output so far, and they have more games coming out in the future that interest me.

I chose xb1 this gen because the at e3 before launch, found MS exclusives more interesting...


I keep hearing this in regards to XBO but I struggle to find any exclusives even worth mentioning. What are we talking about here? Forza games? Because there's not much exclusives XBO has beyond that at the moment. Or are we talking about stuff announced for the next couple of years already? 'Cause if we are then this isn't as much of a "focus" as a rather desperate attempt to counter PS4's exclusive line-up with early announcements of games which won't be released for years to come.

I'm not going to start any list wars but I am genuinely puzzled by this point of view as I myself can't find any XBO exclusive which looks interesting to me right now - and the only one which does is coming next Spring at best.

Bolded the important part of your post. I don't see why you're letting personal taste downplay the focus or the xbox exclusives and calling it just "Forza". There's plenty great exclusives on the console than just Forza, some might not be games you're into and that's fine but people, like RE_Player and I presume others that mention xbox's focus on exclusives are into those ones.
But first they need to acknowledge that Europe exists.
I'm not sure they could point out countries part of Europe on a map of Europe.

They probably couldn't, remember when Albert Penello came on here calling Europe a country? That is probably the first problem right there, when your Senior Director of Product Planning and Management thinks Europe is a country, then says he will be sure to let his team know that Europe isn't. Those were good times right there.


It's kinda strange to me how the roles have been reversed this gen. PS4 is the third party box with all the exclusive marketing deals, and Xbox is left with their first and second party games to pull the rest of us in. I have to say, their lineup looks really good, and I think they are being competitive in the right ways. This generation is pretty much over, but what matters is how much better their first and second party lineup gets over the years. And considering what we're getting this year and next year, they're right on track.

I assume he's referring to the likes of FFVII Remake (timed exclusive) and Shenmue III (console exclusive), which aren't going to come out any time soon.

Double standards, what are they?
They probably couldn't, remember when Albert Penello came on here calling Europe a country? That is probably the first problem right there, when your Senior Director of Product Planning and Management thinks Europe is a country, then says he will be sure to let his team know that Europe isn't. Those were good times right there.

I remember that.... I also remember the Tier 2 country nonsense as well. What a way to make potential consumers feel valued.


my hard graphic balls
party chat was a broken mess on Xbox one early on. it has improved but its still touchy.

strangely, Sony seems like they lifted the system right off the 360 and while there were some performance issues early they are ironed out and I think its party chat is perfect for my uses.

I think the 360 party system was amazing. why Microsoft re-engineered the wheel where it wasn't needed baffles me. blame it on trying to be like windows 8? I dunno.
Party chat was broken? What? The only issue I remember was a brief period when people on preview dash couldn't party chat with non-preview dash people.
The Skype codec meant high quality and now there's dedicated servers. How is it touchy now?
PS4 voice quality is still (?) behind 360, but I suppose it's good enough since 360 quality was fantastic. Unless they improved the codec since last September when I last tried it.
Oh wait never mind, I used the party chat a few months ago as well. That included mic is such a piece of crap.
The whole list wars and better "exclusive" is really based on taste. Just because PS4 has no "big" AAA exclusive coming out doesn't mean there aren't exclusive coming out. This month alone, I picked up Disgaea 5 and in the next two weeks I'll be picking up DQH and ToZ. This can be said the same for my gf who has both PS4 and X1, we basically pick up the same games since she's mostly a fan of japanese games so the only game she's waiting for on the x1 is scalebound (which looks awesome).

For a student like me, owning a 2nd console is a luxury. Last gen, I had a 360 because of the early japanese game support then it just died. My PS2 and PS3 library consist of pretty much japanese games. Next year is basically where PS4 gets the big game japanese games. I mean KH 2.8 isn't even coming out for X1, which is telling which system is the home of KH series.

Also this goes for the casual as well. Yes, exclusives matters for a lot of us, but the more casual players tends to get their fix of the annual releases. People underestimate how much multiplat sell console now a days. I see kids to adult wanting to buy consoles just to play annual sports title/Cod. You see big time COD streamers switching to PS4 because of the recent switch.

For people using the PS3 comparison, people fail to realize, the PS3 was getting massive support from the Japanese. You had stuff like Disgaea series, the return of the Tales of series (even remastering ToS), Neptunia, hell even niche stuff like Project Diva, Aquapazza and other, the PS3 was basically well supported, it had different genres of game to cater to everyone. It had western AAA games, it had indie games, it had Japanese games, it had a very well diverse library by the start of the PS4 cycle. People can't use the ps3 example because PS4 isn't just gonna lose those japanese support overnight, PS4 strong presence on TGS proves that.


I remember that.... I also remember the Tier 2 country nonsense as well. What a way to make potential consumers feel valued.

But you got to remember it takes time to localize nothing, and having a nonexistent marketing plan for a stealth launch.



I own both the PS4 and XBox One and to me the One as the better games and line up. Call that trolling if you must, I just call it the XBox One having the better line up so far

It all comes down to personal tastes maybe?

My Xbox is only used for Netflix anymore and other than being mildly interested in Halo 5, Microsoft's fall lineup is pretty boring.

Not to say there isn't some interesting stuff coming out but people really oversell what is on the system to date or what is coming out this fall.


Getting physical sales for digital games? sounds brilliant to me. On release games will also be £40~ instead of £60 or whatever the xbox store tries to charge. Those are very good reasons as to why someone might prefer the pre 180, casting someone as trolling just because they'd prefer those benefits over the downsides (which if andromedia is like me, there is none) is silly.

The idea that that Microsoft would lower their release game prices (by £20?) because they kept their original DRM vision is pure fantasy. There's never been any indication that that would have happened.


Does it even matter if they sell more consoles than Sony? Didn't the PS3 sell more than the 360 by the end of the last generation? As long as they make profit in sure that they'll be happy.
Did no one notice that he completely acknowledged why they're in the position they are? I can't believe he came out and just put it out there. That kind of honesty is rare in this industry. Especially because I think gamers' instincts were right about the system. It was designed in a board room.

This was the biggest take away for me too. Up until now, it's just been about how they were "misunderstood", and gamers just weren't ready for their glorious version of the future. Props to him for just flat out admitting they blew it.


The idea that that Microsoft would lower their release game prices (by £20?) because they kept their original DRM vision is pure fantasy. There's never been any indication that that would have happened.

That would be the price buying a physical copy, which with MS pre 180, all physical copies were essentially digital copies. Yes I'm not buying a digital copy of the game outright for £20~ less, but I was getting a digital copy for £20~ less as my disc was completely useless after install.

All physical copies are ~£10-£20 cheaper at retail than they are on the xbox store even at launch.

Look at Halo 5 £42 on Amazon and Tesco, £50 on xbox store. MS are generally good with their pricing too.

Fallout 4: £42 on Amazon and Tesco, £55 on xbox store. ASDA prob have it for around £42 too, but they don't do pre orders on the website any more.

If MS didn't do a 180 on the DRM stuff, I could buy £42 fallout 4, install, toss disc in a cupboard never to be seen again.. Hey look, I just got a "digital" version of the game for £42 instead of the £55 I'd have to pay now.
I hope Phil's words translate into actions. Even though I have a PS4 and no Xbone, I hope that MS can continue to push Sony so Sony doesn't become complacent. The recent shift in quality of PS+ instant game collection might be indicative of Sony not feeling it has to try as hard?

The only thing that has changed since launch is Sony offering even more ps4 games every month of PS+ so you'll have to explain that one.

Purest 78

Don? Is that you man? :)

I kid. seriously though its true that sony has made some nice improvements too, but MS has outpaced them on this, one of the reasons I stuck with the the good ole bone was the 360s evolution over the time I owned a few. all those things you downplay add up, its a very nice experience, mostly. Will only get better too as NXOE gets polished and rolls out, same with Cortana.

To me ps4's gaming features are untouched this gen. MS delivered on their all in one promises but it doesn't seem to be heavy on gaming features. Shareplay, Remoteplay, and even the new communitys are better than any x1 gaming feature imo.


To me ps4's gaming features are untouched this gen. MS delivered on their all in one promises but it doesn't seem to be heavy on gaming features. Shareplay, Remoteplay, and even the new communitys are better than any x1 gaming feature imo.

See opinions, for me bc is the most important gaming update this gen. Because you can play more games.

OT I really like the new Microsoft, and phils honesty is a reflection of that, I own all the consoles but in terms of engagement ms are the ones that are going the extra mile.

But imo of course.

Zeta Oni

But first they need to acknowledge that Europe exists.
I'm not sure they could point out countries part of Europe on a map of Europe.

I dont think its a case of ignorance, but rather misplaced and outdated beliefs.

Microsoft believed for a long time IMO, that as long as the US was won, the world would follow. This logic was not exactly faulty, as this is the case with several different products in diverse forms like entertainment, electronics, and even fashion.

However, I think in modern times this outlook has become obsolete, as many people in the world dont have the same feelings about the US that were once the normal.

That being said, I do believe the company is in a transitional period moving away from US-centric views and more focused on a worldwide presence, but it will be some time before its the same everywhere for everybody.


There seems to be a different culture at MS since Nadella took over as CEO. From W10 to Surface line of products, I expect the next Xbox to get things back on track. I like Spencer's openness and seemingly care for the Xbox brand. I think they'll be in good hands next gen. It's unfortunate that the regime at the time of Xbox One design and reveal nearly ruined the brand though.

Purest 78

See opinions, for me bc is the most important gaming update this gen. Because you can play more games.

OT I really like the new Microsoft, and phils honesty is a reflection of that, I own all the consoles but in terms of engagement ms are the ones that are going the extra mile.

But imo of course.

That's why I said imo BC means nothing to me I still have my last gen consoles. Infact I never used BC on my launch Ps3 and ps2 had arguably the best library ever.


I like this guy. His honesty, and transparency is really refreshing. I'm rooting for the guy.

Yeah, there is nothing else he could really say at this point without looking stupid. The best course is just to say it like it is and continue to make the Xbox One the best it can be. Which they are doing a damn fine job of, I might add. As long as I keep getting great exclusives and features, I don't give two shits what the sales figures are.
It's kinda strange to me how the roles have been reversed this gen. PS4 is the third party box with all the exclusive marketing deals, and Xbox is left with their first and second party games to pull the rest of us in. I have to say, their lineup looks really good, and I think they are being competitive in the right ways. This generation is pretty much over, but what matters is how much better their first and second party lineup gets over the years. And considering what we're getting this year and next year, they're right on track.

Double standards, what are they?

Idk about that. Both companies have marketing partnerships.

As far as exclusives. Sony has a bunch of studios that haven't even announced their stuff yet. So Idk if we can call it, this early.

The only roles thats really been reversed is the PS leading the US market


To me ps4's gaming features are untouched this gen. MS delivered on their all in one promises but it doesn't seem to be heavy on gaming features. Shareplay, Remoteplay, and even the new communitys are better than any x1 gaming feature imo.
Given X1 features like game sharing, gamehubs, and Win 10 streaming I don't find that to be an accurate view.
I'm pretty sure you've got the voting rights thing 100% wrong... Phil Spencer did not have the power to stop MS' Xbox hardware and distribution plans dead in their tracks... Perhaps now he does, but he certainly didn't then.

Regarding a postmortem, it will have a negligible effect on consumer confidence, because 99.9% of gamers wouldn't even know such a thing exists... Sure Neogaf might appreciate such a thing, but We're talking about gamers who don't even know the 180 occurred 2 years after the fact... Do you think those folks want a post mortem? They don't even know who phil Spencer is...

It's also very rare in the business world for anyone to directly point fingers at execs, past or present... You have CEO's who run companies into the ground, but still get a golden parachute and a statement that says "we appreciate what so and so has done for our company, we have achieved our goals with his leadership and now we are parting ways to achieve a different set of goals". In short, you'll never see an official post mortem.

When a former MS Vice President writes an opinion piece on The New York Times titled "Microsoft's Creative Destruction" and then proceeds to explain how internal political bickering killed a lot of those projects, I think my observation of voting rights in MS is well justified. Consider the following excerpt from the article:

What happened? Unlike other companies, Microsoft never developed a true system for innovation. Some of my former colleagues argue that it actually developed a system to thwart innovation. Despite having one of the largest and best corporate laboratories in the world, and the luxury of not one but three chief technology officers, the company routinely manages to frustrate the efforts of its visionary thinkers.

For example, early in my tenure, our group of very clever graphics experts invented a way to display text on screen called ClearType. It worked by using the color dots of liquid crystal displays to make type much more readable on the screen. Although we built it to help sell e-books, it gave Microsoft a huge potential advantage for every device with a screen. But it also annoyed other Microsoft groups that felt threatened by our success.

Engineers in the Windows group falsely claimed it made the display go haywire when certain colors were used. The head of Office products said it was fuzzy and gave him headaches. The vice president for pocket devices was blunter: he’d support ClearType and use it, but only if I transferred the program and the programmers to his control. As a result, even though it received much public praise, internal promotion and patents, a decade passed before a fully operational version of ClearType finally made it into Windows.

Another example: When we were building the tablet PC in 2001, the vice president in charge of Office at the time decided he didn’t like the concept. The tablet required a stylus, and he much preferred keyboards to pens and thought our efforts doomed. To guarantee they were, he refused to modify the popular Office applications to work properly with the tablet. So if you wanted to enter a number into a spreadsheet or correct a word in an e-mail message, you had to write it in a special pop-up box, which then transferred the information to Office. Annoying, clumsy and slow.

So once again, even though our tablet had the enthusiastic support of top management and had cost hundreds of millions to develop, it was essentially allowed to be sabotaged. To this day, you still can’t use Office directly on a Tablet PC. And despite the certainty that an Apple tablet was coming this year, the tablet group at Microsoft was eliminated.

Regarding postmortems, while the vast majority of the public might not care for such a thing, the enthusiasts and early adopters do care about it. These enthusiasts and early adopters are usually the same people that Joe Public would ask a quick Yay/Nay question from before deciding on whether to purchase a product or not. The interview that the OP linked to talked at great length about the sense of "betrayal" that MS's fans and supporters felt at the time of the launch. These are the very people that would benefit from having a postmortem report to give a heads up to their friends that haven't jumped on any platform yet. The problem is that it is now (almost) 2 years since the launch so having a postmortem now isn't as effective as doing it maybe a year earlier.

Finally, regarding the business world's refusal to point fingers at execs, this is exactly the sort of problem that makes people distrust companies. I don't think I have to remind you about the various Wall Street banks and funds that really haven't been punished for their recklessness in the run-up to the 2008 Financial Crisis. The fact that current presidential candidates are even proposing to buff up the Volcker Rule is even indicative of this distrust, not to mention this rather damning summary (albeit for London's financial sector). Honestly, instead of buffing the Volcker Rule, I'd prefer that our congresspeople reinstate the Glass-Steagall Act because a lot of companies seem to willingly suffer from Corporate Amnesia.

I own both the PS4 and XBox One and to me the One as the better games and line up. Call that trolling if you must, I just call it the XBox One having the better line up so far

It is okay for you to have your own preferences, just be careful with how you choose to express your preferences. A lot of juniors have been banned for expressing their preferences in the vein of what you just did. =/
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