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WB offering full refund on Batman: Arkham Knight on PC till the end of the year


your not sorry you rushed the game when it was not ready you got greedy suffer for your crimes


The man is right. This is truely sad for the franchise.



I guess they imagine eventual Steam sales in 2016 will be the only way to salvage the game. Hopefully people aren't suckers for it.


Eh, 60 FPS with drops is still better than a constant 30. The older batman games had frame pacing issues and FPS drops so this one pushing the same engine to its absolute limits means you're not going to get more than a constant ~50 fps with the best hardware on the market right now.


Gold Member
30fps is not a problem at all, on mid-range hardware as long (of course) that you have at least 3gb of VRAM, 4 is recommended even. Sounds obvious but you never know.

To my knowledge it cannot be run at 60fps consistently. It will stutter periodically.



What's the best way of locking this game to 30fps? I typically set in game Vsync to off and just use the half adaptive setting in the NVidia control panel

Standard 1/2 refresh rate in inspector and 30 fps limit in rtss. Locking fps to refresh when vsync is on gives you a bit less input lag, try it out. It's a lot smoother than ingame vsync and limit options.

Adaptive 1/2 refresh + 30 fps limit gives me a lot of tearing, and if you remove the limit there's a lot of input lag and no more tearing, so standard 1/2 + limit works the best for me.

Set ingame to 60/90 fps limit and vsync off, so it doesn't conflict with rtss.


If you have a beast system the game runs stutter free, but the price of entry to that is pretty high. I played through the game and enjoyed it, it even ran better than Arkham City did on my older machine.

Eventually future PC system will be able to brute force the game without issues. At least we are not looking at NO PC version ala Red Dead.


I'm not even able to reach 30 fps on high-end machine without heavy stuttering.

Basically no matter what settings, performance isn't satisfactory.


i7 3960X + 16GB DDR3 + GTX 970 on High

You might want to clean install drivers with DDU or try reformatting your pc. I think there's something wrong on the OS side if all your temps are fine and the hardware isn't throttling. I've got a 4690k, 8gb ddr3 and gtx 970 and I can play it flawlessly at a 30 fps lock with everything on, but textures set to normal @ 3440x1440.
Man, Rocksteady's last Batman game and it goes down like this. Man...what a train wreck. It sure will be their most memorable one so far, but for all the wrong reasons.
I doubt they will be going into detail (technical) with what they can't fix. But I'm very curious on what that is and why it isn't fixable even if I wouldn't understand the technical explanation.

They must have developed themselves into a corner early on and it would require a completely different designed engine to resolve those issues I guess.

I'm only speculating of course but if true I wonder how such a decision can be made in the first place.

Maybe similar to the missing splitscreen in Halo 5. You'd think game development would have less restrictions the more advanced it becomes, guess that is not always the case.
Huh. Wow. Hate to be that guy, but I haven't had any issues with it after the patch. I've played for about three hours, and I'm really enjoying myself. Playing the game mostly maxed out in 1440p,near constant 60 fps. Have no intention of returning it. (Does the two hour playtime limit still count?)
I am so god damn glad Steam has refunds now. Can you imagine what fuckery we would have to go through if it didn't?

If Steam didn't have refunds WB probably would have never have pulled the game in the first place and now, 4 months after release most people would have likely forgotten about it and moved on.

Refund rejected by steam, even included a link of the community post. Any ideas?

Contest it. Their policy is to offer refunds for anything unless you're abusing the system.


Refund rejected by steam, even included a link of the community post. Any ideas?

There's a post on the steam community from valve saying they are working on a solution and please wait until they post it is fixed before submitting for a refund past the normal playtime limit.

Green Yoshi

"talk about the issues we can't fix"

"issues we can't fix"

"can't fix"


The streaming system is completely designed for the shared memory of the consoles and the middleware is not suited for ports. Exchanging the middleware and restarting the port would have been the only feasible solution.

So patches can never fix all issues.

This is basically a cancel on the PC version. I wonder if this is also why Destiny never saw a PC version - an engine just too wrapped around two consoles?

Destiny is also available for PS3 and Xbox 360. So the engine can't be too wrapped around PS4 and One. I think they were too afraid of hacks and cheaters.
updated the OP

EDIT BY VALVE: For users still running into playtime based refund rejections, we are looking into what is causing those. Please wait to re-submit your refund until we have this resolved. Thank you.
Wow this just keeps getting worse and worse for them. Has this happened before on such a high profile release?

I mean it's not totally unexpected given the game still runs horribly seemingly for those with not that much VRAM especially, but still - you'd think they would've been more cautious with announcing a release date given how badly things went... Wow. Just wow.


So unless another game comes out completely borked, then Giant Bomb was right. AK will be the biggest shitstain of the year.

Well... Tony Hawk could usurp that but hey.


So unless another game comes out completely borked, then Giant Bomb was right. AK will be the biggest shitstain of the year.

Well... Tony Hawk could usurp that but hey.

THPS5 was bad but last I checked it didn't really have any hype behind it.


I'm on the fence about trying for a refund. I probably would get shot down anyway since I got it with my GPU.

I wonder if WB would give me a different key?
This is the worst handling of a big PC port I've ever seen.

- Port done by external devs rather than in-house
- Reports of litany of bugs ignored outright before release
- Performance issues are so bad that the game gets pulled from markets for months, only to showcase many of the same issues upon rerelease
- Dev announces that several issues will never be resolved...mere days after rereleasing the game

And all of this is in the wake of several piss poor efforts on PC by the same publisher on the same damn franchise. Yet they have the gall to say that they did everything in their power to do things right? If that were true it never would've gotten to this point in the first place.


This is the worst handling of a big PC port I've ever seen.

- Port done by external devs rather than in-house
- Reports of litany of bugs ignored outright before release
- Performance issues are so bad that the game gets pulled from markets for months, only to showcase many of the same issues upon rerelease
- Dev announces that several issues will never be resolved...mere days after rereleasing the game

And all of this is in the wake of several piss poor efforts on PC by the same publisher on the same damn franchise. Yet they have the gall to say that they did everything in their power to do things right? If that were true it never would've gotten to this point in the first place.
"Won't someone think of the children? season pass DLC?" --Warner Brothers Interactive Entertainment


They must've modified the UE3 engine to the point of no return, yikes. At least they're offering a full refund?

I think the UE3 and its limits like all engines have is the core of the performance issue. Though afaik no one has ever come straight out and said it. devs prob thought lets throw in the batmobile and make it really fast and hope the codies can make it work in UE3. They prob pushed way past its 'spec' for game performance and 60fps being the sought after for PC. Now throw in Nvidia gameworks and then add on top memory being gobbled up and bingo you got a shitfest of a problem to try and patch. They simply pushing it too hard and only beast machines can do it justice but that is really only brute force that wins :/
This is the worst handling of a big PC port I've ever seen.

- Port done by external devs rather than in-house
- Reports of litany of bugs ignored outright before release
- Performance issues are so bad that the game gets pulled from markets for months, only to showcase many of the same issues upon rerelease
- Dev announces that several issues will never be resolved...mere days after rereleasing the game

And all of this is in the wake of several piss poor efforts on PC by the same publisher on the same damn franchise. Yet they have the gall to say that they did everything in their power to do things right? If that were true it never would've gotten to this point in the first place.

Yup, and what's just as alarming is the number of people who actually still bought this shitty ass product on pc. Consumers sure aren't helping their cause by supporting WB here. Sigh....
So....you could get a refund regardless of when you purchased the game and time you spend playing it?

Or is it just for recent purchases?
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