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WB offering full refund on Batman: Arkham Knight on PC till the end of the year


PC gamers take that money and run.

From someone who completed a working copy on PS4, this game is a messy abortion anyway. Uninspired, repetitive, and easily the worst in the Rocksteady trilogy.
PC gamers take that money and run.

From someone who completed a working copy on PS4, this game is a messy abortion anyway. Uninspired, repetitive, and easily the worst in the Rocksteady trilogy.

Lmao, no. It's easily better than Asylum, but it's not worth struggling through terrible seconds-long freezes or anything.


They should have just cancelled the of version truth be told, obviously it wasn't a priority to them and they didn't deem it worthy enough to dispatch a quality team to port it at Thai point it's done more harm than good. I could literally buy the game beat it (if I don't get a game breaking big) and return it over the course of 2 months. Crazy.
Shame too it's a great game and a goty contender on console


PC gamers take that money and run.

From someone who completed a working copy on PS4, this game is a messy abortion anyway. Uninspired, repetitive, and easily the worst in the Rocksteady trilogy.

my ps4 copy had some bugs where I had to restart a couple of times and totally crashed the system once - luckily no save data was lost but otherwise ran alright

they handled this badly with the pc version and totally abused the goodwill of fans - why bother releasing anything if it's not up to standard, customers waited for a fix which isn't going to happen. the refund is a way to mitigate the bad press which is their own fault


Lmao, no. It's easily better than Asylum, but it's not worth struggling through terrible seconds-long freezes or anything.

Some people talk of Asylum like it had some brilliant level design, but i never saw it.
Fun game, but completely surpassed by City.

Anyway, since i can't get a refund, i'll probably just go through AK as it is and uninstall it, trying to forget this abortion forever (and never buying another one of their games until it's dirt cheap, of course).


So only if you bought directly from Steam then?

Then again, I doubt I'd get the refund even if I could. I bought the game from Nuuvem so I think I only paid around £15 for it, and only about £10 for the season pass.
And I'm one of the lucky ones for whom the PC version is now running relatively well.
While a crappy port isn't great, they're a dime a dozen. Can't remember too many game publishers, however, that go out of their way to remove that bad taste in your mouth with a full refund.

Boo on the poor port. Hurray for great customer service. Though obviously if the game was fixed or worked out the gate it would be better. This seems like the next best thing.

We have no way of knowing if WB would have offered refunds had it not already been implemented by Steam before all of this.

They're just extending the window on a policy that existed before this whole fiasco. It's their only way to save face because they know there are probably lots of people that want a refund anyways. The last thing want to do is pour even more salt on the wound by making people hold off this long and end not getting what they had hoped.

And how are they going out of their way to offer these refunds? Last I heard, the game ain't getting pulled of physical shelves (even if they were, WB doesn't send people over to a store to do it). Only digital. Who handles the digital refunds? Steam. WB doesn't have to do shit except make a few calls to set it in motion. Oh, and for a game that WB admittedly sorry about, they sure don't have any issues keeping it on Steam for $50 + $40 season pass.

Even if there is some processing done on their end, they wouldn't have had to go out of their way, nor make customers go out of theirs, if they hadn't completely half-assed this port to begin with. If they had simply delivered what they were charging people for: a working game.

This is literally the LEAST they could do besides nothing at all. They are letting customers get a refund so they return to status quo aka no Arkham Knight on PC at all. They are doing no one any favors here. Again, they did not introduce the refunds. Steam already had that.

"Great customer service?" What the hell are you even talking about? Have you been paying any attention to this whole thing at all?

Edit: And no, crappy pc ports are not a dime a dozen.


I got the game through the Nvidia bundle when I got the GTX980 but I never got to play the game and gave the code to a friend instead.

Is it possible to buy the game via Steam now, play a bit and refund? I'm not even sure if I'll like it.

Anyway, NewEgg has been awesome, I got Batman Arkham Knights, Witcher 3, Metal Gear Solid 5 and Assassin's Creed Syndicate from them.


Neo Member
Playing this game on PC with a 30fps cap will not result in a completely smooth experience as some people in this thread have contended. Frametimes are all over the place, and it is likely that you'll frequently dip below 30fps (even on a very high end system). Camera pans will stutter, and the game will feel like it is performing worse than it actually is.

I suppose WB deserves some credit for taking the game from being an unplayable wreck to being a generally poor PC port, but that's hard to get excited about.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I got the game through the Nvidia bundle when I got the GTX980 but I never got to play the game and gave the code to a friend instead.

Is it possible to buy the game via Steam now, play a bit and refund? I'm not even sure if I'll like it.

Anyway, NewEgg has been awesome, I got Batman Arkham Knights, Witcher 3, Metal Gear Solid 5 and Assassin's Creed Syndicate from them.

Yes. For best results, make a decision before exceeding 119 minutes of playtime as your refund request may be automatically rejected if you hit two hours or more.


It's hard for me to believe that they literally can't fix the game.

With enough time/money it would be completely possible, whether that requires completely rebuilding the game, I'm talking about something drastic like a full port to UE4 that takes the better part of a year. I feel like what they are actually saying is, a fix is impossible given the time/financial constraints they have put on themselves.

That's a cost-benefit analysis that they are allowed to make, but also destroys their business goodwill if enough consumers think it's the wrong choice. Guess we'll see more once they explain what exactly they can't fix.


Another Arkham Knight PC topic where we get to read random comments from people on how great it runs on PS4 missing the point completely.
Last I heard, the game ain't getting pulled of physical shelves

At the time AK released, I was working at a location that was selling physical copies of AK on PC, and I can tell you with certainty that this is not the case.

And even if WB wasn't sending people out to pull the game themselves, how does that matter? Do you realize how insane of a demand that is? Have you never worked retail?
What's the process to go through to request a refund? I'd still rather have a fixed game than my money back, but it sounds like that's no longer in the cards. I'm thinking I'm probably out of luck, since I didn't buy the game through Steam, but it's worth a try, I suppose.
What's the process to go through to request a refund? I'd still rather have a fixed game than my money back, but it sounds like that's no longer in the cards. I'm thinking I'm probably out of luck, since I didn't buy the game through Steam, but it's worth a try, I suppose.

Where'd you buy it from? If it was a legit third-party site like GreenManGaming or Gamersgate or something, submit a support ticket and link WB's announcement, and see if you can haggle with the staff.

If it was G2A or CDKeys, good fuckin' luck!


Wow. Simply wow. I'm very interested to see how Rocksteady will handle the next PC port. I sure hope they don't just say "ehh fuck PC, we can't do it anyway -.-"
Wow. Simply wow. I'm very interested to see how Rocksteady will handle the next PC port. I sure hope they don't just say "ehh fuck PC, we can't do it anyway -.-"

There is a ludicrously low chance that outsourcing the PC port was Rocksteady's decision and not WB's.

To say stuff like this is to totally ignore Arkham Asylum and City's excellently-done in-house ports.

vv You can certainly try but say goodbye to ever buying from that retailer again!


CDKeys said:
Hi x,

Thank you for your response.

We are still waiting for updates from our distributor as to whether or not we can issue refunds and have the keys in question revoked.

Same response CD Keys gave back in June. Wonder if it's too late to do a PayPal refund.


There is a ludicrously low chance that outsourcing the PC port was Rocksteady's decision and not WB's.

To say stuff like this is to totally ignore Arkham Asylum and City's excellently-done in-house ports.

vv You can certainly try but say goodbye to ever buying from that retailer again!

To be honest Arkham Origins was outsourced to Iron Galaxy too as far as i know and beside bugs that are not related to porting game was fine. Even with Nvidia effects game is running great. And only difference between Arkham Origins and Arkham Knight are platforms they are made for. Rockteady is probably most guilty in this story because they worked on an engine and they coded it and optimized it for console hardware. Iron Galaxy probably got very little time and they probably got almost finished product so best thing they could do is 1:1 port. If Rocksteady took PC platform in consideration from the start when they started making new version of UE3.5 engine we would have way better game now.

And No WB is not innocent, they pushed product on the market even though they knew in what state it is.


PC gamers take that money and run.

From someone who completed a working copy on PS4, this game is a messy abortion anyway. Uninspired, repetitive, and easily the worst in the Rocksteady trilogy.

Arkham City says "hi". At least Arkham Knight is an amazing looking game and has a good story. Arkham City falls flat in nearly everything it does.


The crazy thing is the game isn't broken. I'm pretty sure that I played the best version of Arkham Knight - 60fps, the ability to turn off the chromatic aberration and film grain, anti-aliasing etc.

I'm one of the few lucky ones I guess in that I have a pretty decent system and still only game at 1080p. A 970/980 and a fast processer delivers a superior performance to consoles at 1080p.

I will 2nd that, I had a stutter free experience as well at 60 fps.

But you shouldn't need to brute force to get a good experience at 60 fps, as far as I know dropping to 30 is fine with most systems.

Scaling is the biggest issue with game, it needs lots of RAM and lots of bandwidth to it as well. I wonder if the Quad channel memory setups are not seeing issues...


I asked for a refund but got declined. I've said I have technical issues with games that were not fixed by recent patch, yet got declined because I either played more than 2 hours or bought game more than 2 weeks ago.

The hell? I thought they allowed refunds for this regardless the play time or when I bought it.
I asked for a refund but got declined. I've said I have technical issues with games that were not fixed by recent patch, yet got declined because I either played more than 2 hours or bought game more than 2 weeks ago.

The hell? I thought they allowed refunds for this regardless the play time or when I bought it.

Valve mentioned the automated response for Arkham Knight is bugged, it's currently not allowing refunds when it should be because of the time. They said to try again when they fix it, whenever that is. I presume soon.


E: According to Valve it should be working now.


Neo Member
You ask russiancdkeys.ru or wherever you got them from for a refund. At which point they will probably start laughing.

Hope you bought from someplace reputable like GMG.

GMG isn't giving refunds anymore, I just got this as a reply:

GMG said:
Warner Brothers have released a patch on the 3rd September which has fixed the majority of the gameplay issues customers were facing. As this game is now considered in a playable state, we are no longer honoring refund requests for this title as previously announced in our blog post.


Unconfirmed Member
Lmao, no. It's easily better than Asylum,

This opinion is so wrong I can't even.

Asylum was perfection. All killer, no filler. Best in the series.

Anyway yeah. Refund this shitshow if you can. I can't. I got what I deserved I guess.


This opinion is so wrong I can't even.

Asylum was perfection. All killer, no filler. Best in the series.

Anyway yeah. Refund this shitshow if you can. I can't. I got what I deserved I guess.

No customer deserves to be sold a shit product that doesn't work as advertised. WB are consumer frauds.

Consider it an unfortunate lesson to learn and adjust your buying habits accordingly.


How do you fuck up an unreal engine based game on PC? It's mind boggling to me. I know it's a customised code base but PS4/XB1 code shouldn't be that hard to port over. What a fuck up.


There is a ludicrously low chance that outsourcing the PC port was Rocksteady's decision and not WB's.

To say stuff like this is to totally ignore Arkham Asylum and City's excellently-done in-house ports.

vv You can certainly try but say goodbye to ever buying from that retailer again!
As far as I remember, they were alright, but City wasn't an amazing port, really.
Not nearly on the level of Origins or this one, but also not MadMax or even Shadow of Mirror good.
Christ, what a shitshow. I'm counting my lucky stars I didn't jump onboard the suspiciously low price ozgameshop had for preorders of the PC version. That said, they had Mad Max for the same price and that's the biggest surprise of the year for me, also from WB. Avalanche do good shit!
your not sorry you rushed the game when it was not ready you got greedy suffer for your crimes


"What are patches? And what is online?" - Miyamoto


the piano man
there had to be a bunch of people that MUST have been fired over this.

heads must roll in this case, it's the worst handling of anything AAA in recent memory.

Whoever let this happen shouldn't be around anything related to commercial videogames
If they can't get their act together for their PC ports they should just stop releasing them.

There is no reason why they can't get their act together. The solution is simple, don't be fucking cheap. Develop the PC version in-house or give a competent studio the resources and time to do a good job.
*skeptical glance*
*scrolls through post history*
Got something to say?
There is no reason why they can't get their act together. The solution is simple, don't be fucking cheap. Develop the PC version in-house or give a competent studio the resources and time to do a good job.
Yes, and if they for some stupid reason they don't get their act together and stop being cheap, then is it really any better to release a broken-ass port over no release at all?
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