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Does too much fanservice in games bother you?

Li Kao

I really don't know what's sarcasm in these threads and what's not anymore.

I would go on a limb and say that mayyyybe, I mean it's theoretically possible, some people don't share your opinion / world view / are not you. That's just a supposition though, don't quote me on that.
Kirito touched my boobs?! - Silica
Kirito and I sleeping together?! - Leafa
Kirito is cheating on me with like 5 other girls - in front of me. Oh well. - Asuna

For some reason I started getting angry at the fan service lol, don't know what I expected from SAO Hollow Fragment but oh well

I imagine you were more angry at the fact all those scenarios and most things that have to do with SAO are fuckin stupid.


It depends on the fan service: hiding little nods to previous games and what not is awesome, filling your game with huge tits, short skirts, and panty shots is not awesome.

This is precisely how I see it. The true form of fan service, (i.e. Wolfenstein The New Order's and Shadow Warrior's odes to the older entries with cleverly hidden secrets), is something that I genuinely appreciate in games, providing it's done tastefully and sparingly. However I won't play anything that makes my wife and daughter feel like second rate citizens or that female characters in video games are just toys to ogle and be fondled with. Shit's disgusting and immature. I love sex, and I love seeing it portrayed in media because I truly believe it's one of the most beautiful acts that two people can engage in; but I hate seeing it presented in a childish, thoughtless manner.


If it did I would just not buy that game. But usually no it doesn't bother me, just that some of the styles of game play in them don't interest me.


Depends on the fan service itself tbh: the new fire emblem stuff looked silly as fuck but dead or alive takes it a couple steps too far
If I could draw I'd like to draw Elizabeth, Booker, Andrew Ryan, Chel, John Braid of 'Braid' , "The Passage guy from Passage #1 artistic game" all trying to join a pantheon of great art works and them being physically barred from it by a collection of characters from Criminal Girls, Tera, Akiba Strip, Hunie Pop, Senran Kagura, etc.


Serious question to those who like fanservice and wants it in all their games: do you play games alone or with other people present? And if it's the latter, what is the reaction between you and others? And how do you feel about playing a game with lingering panty shots, voyeuristic shower scenes, and tits out the wazoo in the company of others? Is it comparable to watching porn with other people or what? Just trying to understand where people are coming from. Genuinely curious and not judging


To me, fanservice is stuff like the Persona 4 spin-off games and Mass Effect's Citadel DLC. So, as someone who has greatly enjoyed Citadel and P4: Dancing All Night, I would have to say no. Does it bother me that the latter includes swimsuits and bikini armour for the teenage characters? Yes.


I get annoyed when I see something in a game that obviously been put there to appeal to boys on their way through/on the tail end of puberty. I also hate when anime panders to "otaku" or "hikikomori" or whatever by making everything about "cute" girls.
I can't stand "moe" or "ecchi" or whatever.

Anime culture taught me that I don't actually like "anime."
I just like a handful of shows that managed to have a universal level of appeal and quality.

Non-sexual fanservice is cool, though. Give me continuity, clever references and a sense of in-universe progression. That's totally fine by me as long as it's decently well thought out.

That said, I love Bayonetta, and find most of the cutscenes absolutely hilarious.
She knows what she's doing. It feels completely self-aware.
If it actively robs women of their agency, or tries to give them less agency by factoring in "womanly traits" (i.e. Other M turning Samus into a crybaby who panics at the sight of Ridley, who she has killed at least four times by then).

When it comes to characters like Bayonetta, her agency derives from her taking her sexiness and owning it. And Cortana is another example of a character with agency and dignity who is repeatedly shown to be the Master Chief's other half--without her, he's just a soldier. With her, they're a nightmarish duo that brought down an entire alien empire.

Then there's the matter of giving women agency, but also sexy-ing them up to borderline parody (Dragon's Crown). I don't give much of a crap about that game at this point; I just think the character design is gross.

One last thing: I'm totally fine with fanservice... as long as it goes both ways. I'm totally cool with Rainbow Mika, so long as Zangief continues to wear just a thong and boots (I wish he'd slap his ass during his super arts, too).


I've never ever looked at fanservice (of the T&A kind) in a game and thought, 'Yep, this game is better for containing that panty shot'.

But I don't think we should attempt to enforce a culling of fanservice either; I think sexuality is a positive thing and it's fine to include it as a designer if you want to.

I just wish it was done more Bayonetta (confidently sexual character, self-aware and playing up to her attractiveness) and less... most other things (boob/ bikini armor in RPGs, women as a reward, Quiet).


Serious question to those who like fanservice and wants it in all their games: do you play games alone or with other people present? And if it's the latter, what is the reaction between you and others? And how do you feel about playing a game with lingering panty shots, voyeuristic shower scenes, and tits out the wazoo in the company of others? Is it comparable to watching porn with other people or what? Just trying to understand where people are coming from.
I generally play alone; I don't really like multiplayer games and most people aren't interested in watching me play video games unless its something they specifically really enjoy, in which case it wouldn't matter what content is in it. Typically if a game has extremely lewd parts or panty shots or the like I'll try to quickly skip those parts if someone is around me is watching while I play, or I'll just quit altogether and play it when I'm alone. This happened to me when Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 1 came out, and also when I tried the Dungeon Travelers 2 demo after it initially released.
However, in the few instances where someone is watching me and I'm playing these games and they do see such content, the people around me and I will usually just laugh about it.

I don't think its quite the same as watching porn together; its more akin to watching something like Game of Thrones with someone and a sex scene appears or something. Porn is especially awkward just due to how harsh it is. I wouldn't dare look at porn with someone around.
I am not really bothered. As I said in another thread, I expect to see Samus in sexy apparel after finishing a Metroid game.

Take that away, and then I may be mildly bothered (such as, after finishing Prime at 100%).
Serious question to those who like fanservice and wants it in all their games: do you play games alone or with other people present? And if it's the latter, what is the reaction between you and others? And how do you feel about playing a game with lingering panty shots, voyeuristic shower scenes, and tits out the wazoo in the company of others? Is it comparable to watching porn with other people or what? Just trying to understand where people are coming from. Genuinely curious and not judging

Most of the time of I play a game with people around its on a handheld whether it be on my Vita or 3ds. I don't care what other people think. However I usually don't play games with other people around just because I'd prefer to be able to focus on the game and I can't do that when in a group.

And honestly my favorite games aren't even the super sexy ones. My favorite series is MGS followed by Final Fantasy and Mass Effect.
Serious question to those who like fanservice and wants it in all their games: do you play games alone or with other people present? And if it's the latter, what is the reaction between you and others? And how do you feel about playing a game with lingering panty shots, voyeuristic shower scenes, and tits out the wazoo in the company of others? Is it comparable to watching porn with other people or what? Just trying to understand where people are coming from. Genuinely curious and not judging

I played Bayonetta with my mom. She loved it.

Don't want fanservice in all games though.
Serious question to those who like fanservice and wants it in all their games: do you play games alone or with other people present? And if it's the latter, what is the reaction between you and others? And how do you feel about playing a game with lingering panty shots, voyeuristic shower scenes, and tits out the wazoo in the company of others? Is it comparable to watching porn with other people or what? Just trying to understand where people are coming from. Genuinely curious and not judging

Are we even talking about games like that? Are there even a lot of games like that? Making it to America? Oh right this whole post is a big piss take, whoops. Anyway fan service isn't the same thing as porn, if you unzip your pants every time there's fan service in a video game I guess I can see why you have such a problem with it.

Actually, I showed my older brother the fever mode from Monster Girl Quest and he laughed uncomfortably, that's hilarious though, you literally jack off the Vita.

I also hate when anime panders to "otaku" or "hikikomori" or whatever by making everything about "cute" girls.
I can't stand "moe" or "ecchi" or whatever. Anime culture taught me that I don't actually like "anime."
Let me say I'm imagining that you stop typing and physically do an airquotes pantomime each time you typed sneer quotes while writing this, and I find that very funny. Please continue to talk about anime this way for all time.
Nope. I do find some pretty bad, and I'd most likely not even touch it.

However, people who DO like it are on their right to play them. Honestly, sometimes the arguments here for and against the sex appeal fanservice get really grating. Just accept the fact that no all games will cater to you and look for other alternatives.

Dragon's Crown stands out to me as the worst "making a mountain out of a molehill" example.


Serious question to those who like fanservice and wants it in all their games: do you play games alone or with other people present? And if it's the latter, what is the reaction between you and others? And how do you feel about playing a game with lingering panty shots, voyeuristic shower scenes, and tits out the wazoo in the company of others? Is it comparable to watching porn with other people or what? Just trying to understand where people are coming from. Genuinely curious and not judging

I play any games I want no matter who's around, and that includes fanservice games. No idea why you're comparing them to porn. Most people I know don't care about sexual things in games.


Junior Member
It can definitely get on my nerves. When the guy on Sunset Overdrive mentioned NeoGAF, I was rolling my eyes so hard into next week I got a headache.

Still love that game, though.


I play any games I want no matter who's around, and that includes fanservice games. No idea why you're comparing them to porn. Most people I know don't care about sexual things in games.

Are you married or in a relationship? Not being snarky or an ass, just legitimately asking as it does matter in this context. My post above touches on this.
Are you married or in a relationship? Not being snarky or an ass, just legitimately asking as it does matter in this context. My post above touches on this.

Would you stop playing games with killing as main gameplay mechanic if your girl- or boyfriend doesn't support such games?

Is a silly point of discussion if such games are okay within your relationship and/or social group because is more a question of the people you are dealing with than of the games.
I play what I like and find fun and I don't play what I think doesn't look good and is unfun.

I'm generally okay with fanservice in terms of the sexual kind but I do realize it looks super silly most of the time.
They've been doing pretty good with diverse body types in Overwatch so far, if you ask me.


Worst blizzard design by far, very unpleasant to watch. Her proportions and that face look weird.

And yes, I like fanservice as a fan who likes to be served.


Serious question to those who like fanservice and wants it in all their games: do you play games alone or with other people present? And if it's the latter, what is the reaction between you and others? And how do you feel about playing a game with lingering panty shots, voyeuristic shower scenes, and tits out the wazoo in the company of others? Is it comparable to watching porn with other people or what? Just trying to understand where people are coming from. Genuinely curious and not judging

I don't think anyone wants in all of their games (althought I am sure there are a few), they just don't like people who don't like fanservice calling them names either outright or passive agressively. No one likes to be judged for something as simple as what they like.

As for the question, I personally don't mind fanservice. As stated earlier, I am cool with fanservice that services me, and if it doesn't I don't play/watch that. There are a ton of Vita games, that I rented and couldn't get past the opening...so I sent it back without even really playing it. It isn't for me. That doesn't mean its harmful for the industry and shouldn't be made. As for playing in front of folks, I don't play many games in front of people, when my dad peaks in and I am playing something as simple as NBA 2k, I get a weird anxiety for some reason lol so I imagine tits or no tits would make me clam up. Thats a personal problem more than likely tho.


God I hope you mean Armored Core. Anyway, what are most of the complaints in here about? Niche Japanese titles, I'd say it's a lot less common when we go outside of those. Do these games need to stop existing or something? Is film held back by porn existing? Is literature held back by harlequin romance?

Pandering is never going to leave an entertainment genre totally, so obviously you can't be expecting to beat the one-drop rule. I mean at what point will it be not "held back" how many cultures have to stop "holding it back" to meet your metric? I think that's why I can't accept the "held back" argument because we're talking about a variety of games which are released globally vs. validation by present American standards..

In my opinion, the issue isn't the mere existence of fan service filled JRPGs/visual novels/etc. Disgaea came out in the west over 10 years ago, had its share of fan service, and handled it well. The game's entire plot was heavily centered around parodying other games and anime, so all of that stuff fit in. The bath scenes and beach scenes in the modern Persona games are super cheesy, but again it's self aware fan service, and fits in with the high school theme. I'm pretty sure you could find the same sort of scenes in the TGIF shows from the 80s and 90s.

The issue is that we are getting to the point where it's quite hard to buy games without fan service in some genres. And most of the time there is no real justification for it. It's mainly there out of a "load it full of tits and ass so the Otaku crowd will eat it up" mentality.

You mention other media, but if I am watching something like Lord of the Rings, I can be reasonably assured that I am not going to randomly see Arwen or one of the other major female characters dressed like this:


LOTR is a serious fantasy story, and that sort of thing would be completely out of place.

If I was to pick up a random JRPG published in the last 5 or so years, my chances would be much better than even that at least one female party member was garbed in something similar. Not only that, the rest of the sensibly dressed characters in the game will act like that is the most natural thing in the world to wear on a world spanning adventure. The plot will go on every bit as seriously as Lord of the Rings, but try to stick in jiggling tits, upskirts, and ass shots in as many cut scenes and victory screens as possible.

I have a little girl, who I would like to eventually play JRPGs with. However, what is she going to take from the genre if a large number of the female characters are dressed in micro skirts, bikinis, hot pants, or fetish gear while the boys wear mostly suitable (if sometimes goofy looking) clothing?

If it was just Hyperdimension Neptunia, or Disgaea, or similar titles it would be fine. I would just play something else if I wasn't looking for T&A and crude humor. Those games definitely have their place. My issue comes from the fact that that sort of stuff is seeping into series that 10-15 years ago were pretty innocuous.
Of course not. I don't consider myself some puritanical prude, so hyper-sexualization is bordering a nonissue for me. The sensationalism of the human form is something to be celebrated, not restricted.


If I could draw I'd like to draw Elizabeth, Booker, Andrew Ryan, Chel, John Braid of 'Braid' , "The Passage guy from Passage #1 artistic game" all trying to join a pantheon of great art works and them being physically barred from it by a collection of characters from Criminal Girls, Tera, Akiba Strip, Hunie Pop, Senran Kagura, etc.

Elizabeth is a waifu, Booker is a male power fantasy, Andrew Ryan is a shallow caricature of Ayn Rand, Chell should be replaced by the portal gun and Braid's character is inconsequential to the game's brilliance.

More accurate would be those guys sitting around in an insular clique at a crowded party snickering at everyone else when everyone else is wondering why they think they're better than them. They're at the same party after all.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
I don't think anyone wants in all of their games (althought I am sure there are a few), they just don't like people who don't like fanservice calling them names either outright or passive agressively. No one likes to be judged for something as simple as what they like.
Of course not. I don't consider myself some puritanical prude, so hyper-sexualization is bordering a nonissue for me. The sensationalism of the human form is something to be celebrated, not restricted.


Would you stop playing games with killing as main gameplay mechanic if your girl- or boyfriend doesn't support such games?

Is a silly point of discussion if such games are okay within your relationship and/or social group because is more a question of the people you are dealing with than of the games.

I don't play games with killing as a main gameplay mechanic because I have a young daughter, so yes I guess I would. It's not a silly point of discussion at all. You disagreeing with the view point does not invalidate it.
I don't play games with killing as a main gameplay mechanic because I have a young daughter, so yes I guess I would. It's not a silly point of discussion at all. You disagreeing with the view point does not invalidate it.

So because there is social pressure for some people not to play some types of games, at least in public, is an arguement that such games shouldn't exist in the first place?
The view itself is irrational.

I think you wouldn't an erotic thriller if your daughter is in the same room or even in the same house. But should that genre vanish although there is a market for it?


Junior Member
Yea it does. I find it distasteful in 90% of games. And stupid after-the-fact justifications like "she breathes through her skin, tho!" are just as bad.


If by fan service you mean including content in a game to please the fans of the game or series (like say Diablo 3 putting out massive free patch to service the fans) then yeah gimme more of that.

If by fan service you mean flooding the game with tits and ass (or pecs and dicks) then no I do not want a lot of that.
Keep fanservice to DLC or side quests or something. Valkyria Chronicles handled it pretty well where there would be optional cutscene bits in the chapters that wouldn't automatically get selected as part of the progression that the player could click on if they felt like it, and that optional content was mostly fanservice. It makes that part of the playerbase happy without getting in the way of everyone else.
Fan service doesn't bother me. I play and purchase what I want and do not care what people think as long as I enjoy it. I will play practically anything from Onechanbara to Witcher 3 and enjoy it regardless. Honestly, what games really have fan service these days besides some Japanese games that only seemingly exist by the handful or am I thinking about something else entirely?
Honestly, apart from games like Senran Kagura, DOA, and other games explicitly made with fanservice, what games are actually stopping from playing because T&A?

Most those games are niche, it means there's a group that likes them. They don't sell that much, games with serious stories are made and will still be made.

Most games just have some scenes with that kind of fanservice and maybe that "sexy" character. That is fine in and out of itself, when it becomes "degrading" (I'm using the term loosely here) I can see the problem.

Since most post I've read (I haven't read ALL the thread...) are about some niche Japanese game, I wonder how many people are actually even playing them. There are far more popular video games that lack or have little "fanservice" on them.
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