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Final Fantasy VII Remake is a multi-part series

Hype dead. Was willing to look past the battle system change but this is just too much. As much as Square has improved recently I still knew deep down that they couldn't properly handle an FF7 remake in their current state.


NeoGAF's smiling token!


I guess I won't be able to marathon the whole game whenever the first weekend would have been. What a tease. What a frustrating tease this' probably going to be.
Until I see otherwise I feel this is clearly cause they can't make the overworld. FFVII is too huge a game for the graphics we want, so instead of coming up with a way to put the overworld they will remove it.

This will be like FFXIII a, linear chunks of the story across the many locations of FFVII but you don't get to explore or control where you go like you did in the original.

I hope I am wrong but I don't see anyway they can recreate FFVII episodically, it's impossible.


On one hand, it might mean it will release sooner than we think.

On the other, we'll have to wait months between episodes, most likely...

It's not just having to wait that is the issue for me. It's what an episodic version of the game (if that's what it is) could mean to what the "remake" is going to actually be.


Hey guys, maybe light at the end of the tunnel here. I have a theory/hope.

What if they made each part WAY more fleshed out now that they can focus on sections of the game. So lets say all of Midgar section is part 1, but it is way more expansive, more to do, etc etc.

I would kind of be ok with that.

Except Midgar is like 5 hours of the game, if that. There's an entire overworld and dozens of locations to explore that make up the rest of it. Plus mini-games etc. I mean any way you slice it (.....) this is going to be gutted mercilessly.

Also sayonnara Overworld Map-san.
You stupidly quoting my tag doesn't make what I said any less true. They are announcing the release date of FFXV in 3 months and recently revealed you can play the game from start to finish & were done polishing about half of the game, with only the rest to still be polished. FFXV is nearing completion, that's fact at this point, not something you can dispute by silly tag quotes.
It's a joke mate, learn to have some fun.

In serious terms, regarding FFXV, I'll believe the game is ready when the game goes gold and the discs are being printed. Until then, whatever. They can say whatever they like. They haven't earned my trust.
I dare them to charge $60 per episode.

They easily could, and get away with it easily. Final Fantasy VII is popular enough at this point to be a franchise for S-E. So why burn all that hype on one game? Stretch it out over multiple games, and that's an annual revenue stream that can't be beat.

Suprised they didn't go into detail on this at PSX. If it's something as simple as one $60 game delivered as multiple low-price chunks, I think people would understand. But by leading this news to be found unofficially, they leave it open to a myriad of interpretations.
Man, I'm with a lot of people (haven't read this thread) that this DOES fuckin' suck. But things have to change on both sides, there has to be a way to make a game disc with all of its content on it valuable. A variable game pricing scheme would be ideal, although it could cause more shit then it is worth.

But the truth is, these games ARE SO FUCKING expensive to make nowadays. Just look at comparisons between the remake and the original, it takes huge teams to do even the smallest of things now and charging the same price (if not cheaper) just doesn't cut it.

With that said, there is literally nothing that could be done to fix this issues and everyone is going to be annoyed on both sides until everyone gives up and the industry dies. The end.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Anybody started working on a "Mexican guy laughing" video for this? This is important to me. I need it in my life.


Shit's ruined. No sugar-coating it.

I think most of us kind of suspected a faithful remake was going to be a pipe dream anyway. I'm guessing no overworld. Just a series of vignettes that begin in medias res with some chucklefuck narrator filling us in.


Before you guys go crazy, it's so they can release parts of it quicker.

You are giving Square too big a benefit of the doubt.

Id much rather wait til 2020 and get a real full quality remake and not the horseshit story recap they are probably preparing.


I told yall, making a remake was a mistake. I said it for YEARS!!!!!!!

Finally you guys will understand the hard way.


Once again people freaking out without knowing all the facts.

This could be more of a reimagining than people think. What if they add content and make the game longer but split it into different games? The world is plenty interesting and there are a lot of stories to tell.

Let's get more facts.

Nobody should ever react to anything unless they have all the facts.
But how do you know if you have all of the facts? Better keep waiting.
It's safer to just not react to anything at all. There might be more facts you don't have.
Where does it say episodic again?

Multi-part series could mean anything, even a FFVII-2

Yes, but will it make the game to be a more linear though? You won't be able to revisit the places and/or locations from the previous parts of the game? Each part provides unique experience, as the press release told us.
The scope of this remake is not analogous to Revelations 2. I don't even think each 'episode' will be released yearly.

I'm pretty sure "Episodic" means "new game every 2 years with each installment costing 60 US Dollars™" right?

If so, FFVII Remake is bout to be episodic as hell.


Purple Drazi
So it's been years since i played VII but i remember it being a massive ass game, they probably looked at the time necessary to remake it and came to the conclusion that it was gonna take too long therefore episodes! Ugh this is probably a bad news since i bet they end up cutting a bunch of shit from the original game to make it fit into episodes.

On the contrary, I foresee the opposite result. Each of seven (VII) episodes will be brimming with things a single-release schedule wouldn't have had time for.


hide your water-based mammals
I would rather taste this sooner so if it means a potential release next year then I'm in.

I'm in no matter what. I'll buy the season pass or whatever it is.

I can't jump on some hate train when this is literally one of the most anticipated games ever for me.


This seems to strike me as the game being a lot linear then. A lot of FFVII is the story, wouldn't surprise me if there's no overworld now either.
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