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Today, PS Vita is 4 years old


Amazing console that I only bought because PS+ went beast mode on Vita games for a solid 2 years.

By the time I picked it up it had tons of great games. Won't forget the likes of Gravity Rush, Wipeout 2048, Everybody's Golf, Lumines ES (best one imo), Persona 4 Golden, MGS3 HD, Muramasa Rebirth, Uncharted Golden Abyss, Virtue's Last Reward... the list goes on.

Top quality hardware, too. Screen still feels amazing all these years later.
Defintely becoming a JRPG monster for me lately

Falcom games are legit amazing

Also its a damn fine Vanillaware machine. Odin Sphere remake incoming!


To a healthy 2016, Vita!

Oh man, I didn't know about Mega Tagmension Blanc.

<4 Vita. Although my Vita time has fallen by the wayside I still love it. Danganronpa v3 will be played on it as well as the new Miku. Some games are just better in the intimate form of a handheld over a big TV.


What a coincidence that I sold my Vita today. Well, it was collecting dust anyway. Great handheld from the technical point of view, but not good enough for me gameswise.


Best handheld ever. Played it more than any other handheld, and I've owned most of them. Really hope Sony releases another in the future.


You deserved more Vita. Definitely the best handheld, PSP/PS1 games help with that, but the form factor and everything is fantastic too.


So on average it sold 1 million units a year.

Wife still uses mine to this day, loves remote playing the PS4 from other rooms in the house.
I am happy with how my Vita purchase turned out. I have discovered so many amazing games and franchises that I don't care about a lack of first-party support. What would that have looked like, anyway? More portable versions of "AAA" games and franchises? I'd rather they got rid/slashed prices of propriety memory cards, than that.
Way more than pleased with it. Discovered a ton of great games, though I've had to import like a maniac.

I'm actually playing Valkyrie Drive right now.
Happy birthday, Vita.

Over four years, I've gotten my money's worth from you, so even if the outlook going forward doesn't look amazing (there's only a handful of upcoming games I think I'm interested in), you were fun to have around. Cheers to you, Vita.


Great device when they cared. Now that they don't I stopped buying content. Really appreciate the desire to try console on the go. Wish things would have worked out.


Several years ago I distinctly remember reading in a gaming magazine that the PS Vita released with reduced specs than originally planned, since it would've been too expensive.
Are you maybe thinking about this?
Several sites were reporting this. But as it turned out and was confirmed by Sony Vita did indeed launch with the full 512MB RAM and the rumours were wrong.

That's the only story about hardware downgrades I can remember from before launch.


Vita w/PS+ was one of the best deals in gaming, especially if you don't care about mainstream AAA games. Probably the best way to play classic jrpgs on the go.
Vita w/PS+ was one of the best deals in gaming, especially if you don't care about mainstream AAA games. Probably the best way to play classic jrpgs on the go.

Cross-buy Binding of Isaac was godly. Played it for two months straight, day and night.

And P4G cost all of £10 and ended up being so good I thought it was worth buying the console just to play that.
I feel like it's still got another 3-4 years in it, too. Here in Japan it's not going anywhere.

I've been playing Alundra on mine all week. There was a jumping part in the desert that was just brutal on PS3, took me so long. On the Vita dpad, got it in under a minute. Truly remarkably designed controls. The game looks so amazing on that OLED screen, too, like it came out yesterday on PC.

I hope Western developers like Telltale will keep throwing it bones. If not, well, at least it's not region locked.
The Vita is a fantastic piece of hardware and if you're in for games like Persona, Steins;Gate, Resogun, Danganronpa & Co. you'll have absolutely no problem to fill even the most expensive memory card available. Then again, 1st party support will be missed.


Man my memory is bad... for some reason I thought it was far older than that. I was there at launch and still enjoy my little original vita!


Awesome handheld, I use mine all the time. It's not even that I particularly love exclusive Vita games, it's that, between PS+, PSN, indies, PSOne, PSP and PSV games, it's got access to a huge library of great games.

Best way of playing through the PSOne and PSP libraries for me, a decent d-pad counts for a lot.


lol what ? Persona 5 is an Atlus game developed for the PS3/PS4. Who knows how big it is and if it could even fit on Vita - they cant just strongarm devs to put their games on Vita when the dev in question has enough trouble finishing the console versions.
I suggest you take a look at Vita sales numbers for P4G. As a Third Party developer, the only thing that makes sense is to make a sequel on the platform where you had your highest sales numbers. Atlus never rushes to new consoles, but in this case they do. Strange coincidences.


Neo Member
I purchased this puppy at launch, sure i ended up a bit disappointed with how it turned out. But it because a great tool to play games with while someone squatted on the television with remote play. Here's to another... well... however many years Sony decides to support the handheld.


I suggest you take a look at Vita sales numbers for P4G. As a Third Party developer, the only thing that makes sense is to make a sequel on the platform where you had your highest sales numbers. Atlus never rushes to new consoles, but in this case they do. Strange coincidences.

P4G's sales aren't related to Vita specifically, but to the ever-growing popularity of the Persona franchise. P4G just happened to be in the middle of it.

You can be certain that P5 will outsell P4G quite comfortably on a worldwide scale.


And 4 years later I still love it juste like the 15th february.

Was there day zéro and proud of it, more than 30 boxed game later I would only want more.


Holy crap! Today's real megaton is that more than two people can have the same first name.
Really pleased I got one. It is an amazing system for Visual Novels.


Your own fault. Vita has a huge library that includes some of the best portable games ever, like Spelunky, Binding of Isaac, Nuclear Throne, TxK, Rogue Legacy, La-Mulana Ex, etc..

I don't think so. I'm in the same boat. I bought the Vita to get console quality games with ps3 level graphics on a portable system. You know, what Sony promised before it came out.

Of course, that's not what I got. So for me, and I'd assume most people outside of a niche jrpg/indie fanbase here on gaf, the vita is a major dissapointment
it's the best handheld machine. whenever i pick it up i get the urge to press every button and play with the d-pad.

these things seduce you.
Crazy, feels like it was yesterday when I saw Virtual tennis 4 at GameStop. Pretty sure that was the last time a console blew me away with it's graphics. Shame that Sony completely dropped the ball with it. Knew it was destined to be a failure the moment Sony started rolling out the marketing for it. Easily the WOAT marketing for a video game console.


I prefer SRPG over JRPG and Monster Hunter clones so it's disappointing for me from a Japanese game point of view but the Vita is an amazing system for indy games. There are loads of them still coming out in the future like Darkest Dungeon, Assault Android Cactus, Steamworld Heist, etc

assuming they come out :(


You know, maybe the Vita can't get around as well as it used to, maybe it doesn't fetch as much or like to go for long walks as much as it used to. But it's still trucking. Some people look at the Vita and talk about how it's time to let go. Time to think about options. Time to think about what's good for the Vita.

But I think the Vita still has a few good years left in it. So today I'm gonna rub its ears extra hard, take it to the park, and give it a special dinner.

Happy Birthday buddy.

Also, can't stop playing SAO: Lost Song. Send Help.
I prefer SRPG over JRPG and Monster Hunter clones so it's disappointing for me from a Japanese game point of view but the Vita is an amazing system for indy games. There are loads of them still coming out in the future like Darkest Dungeon, Assault Android Cactus, Steamworld Heist, etc

assuming they come out :(

Yeah Im still bitter that Capcom couldnt be bothered to even make a spinoff MH game or a sequel to the portable series

Clearly they shifted to One Team, One game and one system


Wonderful device. Looks and feels great. Lots of support in stuff I'm interested in playing. Some of the smarter posts I've read on GAF have convinced that it's a device that never should have been. I'm glad we got it and that even now we're still getting stuff, even if it's in trickles.


Several years ago I distinctly remember reading in a gaming magazine that the PS Vita released with reduced specs than originally planned, since it would've been too expensive.

Unfortunately I'm having trouble finding a specific source, but it's not like it's hard to believe. MS/Sony always want maximum power in their consoles but for a reasonable selling price, so it's not too shocking that they'd need to scale down their original plans to sufficiently meet consumer demand.

With better specs, more proper games would've been developed for the system. It's not very inspiring that BL2 can't run its signature 4-player MP on the vita. But at the same time, a higher price would've also probably made the vita DOA... In retrospect, the Vita was just a bad idea in general at the time it released.

Yes, the rumor was that they reduced the System Memory I believe. It was meant to be 512 and it was to release at 256 to cut cost to compete most closely with 3DS from a cost perspective.

PS, I Love you VITA xoxo
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