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Witcher 3 has won over 240 GOTY Awards so far.


Gold Member
But it's not exactly a trend unless you only consider the triple A market and even then there's a lot of variety. I'm perfectly calm it's just annoying to see statements that can be so easily disproven being reiterated.

hunh? is this, or is this not, a thread about a large, open-world triple-a game winning goty? which's all i'm referring to: critic/journalist goty choices, & how the majority of the last 2 have gone to large, open-world western rpgs...
So I just came across this.

Pretty insane imho. Congrats to CD Projekt.


geralt picks up three severed heads, and there are three other goty contenders. coincidence? i think not!


No it was also the design. Bioshock mechanically was very unique at the time of release with it's powers and weapon switching. Uncharted 2 was unique because we were seeing set pieces that weren't thought to be possible at all. The train sections, the building collapsing, the set pieces in general were mind blowing. The presentation of the narratives only served to enhance these things. Walking Dead was incredibly effective as a game because of the great writing and ofc the choices it let you made which in the moment were intense and felt more personal and you wanted to see the story unfold, it was very unique at the time despite other games having more "gameplay."

you know it's funny that i pointed out those four platformers and you didn't really see a difference. i'm a platformer fan and i know the differences between them. nsmb isn't very good. it was critically well-received upon release, but fans weren't big on it. the game is a pretty rote 2d mario game that hangs a pretty crummy shadow over the much better iterations of the nsmb games that followed. it's mostly a left-to-right platformer with not a lot going for it. braid is a puzzle-platformer that uses the time travel mechanic to solve puzzles and create platforms in creative ways. super meat boy is a frustration platformer, where the game produces a lot of small challenges that are very difficult but satisfying to complete. rayman legends is closer to new super mario bros., but with multiplayer, more verticality, and a lot of forced-running levels.

but you saw four platformers and saw them as pretty much the same thing. that's kind of what i'm getting at.

i was around for each one of the games that you mentioned. i even bought a 360 in part to play bioshock. what i remember people speaking most of was about how you had to choose between being mega hitler or not a child murderer, while the main story was really actually making you go through the main story the whole time - what a twist! uncharted 2 is naughty dog not understanding what makes an underdog fun or an everyman work. i liked it enough, but i much preferred actually climbing the buildings and locations than running from their destruction. it just felt like more skill was involved (that's nothing to say of how it wasn't done earlier with beyond good & evil, but i don't think naughty dog people were actually inspired by the works of the cosmic deity, michel ancel). choices actually don't matter in walking dead. the story happens one way whether you think it should go one way or not. it would have been more effective to make it like back to the future: the game, with more puzzles. there's absolutely nothing unique about this game when it came after 999, mass effect 1-3, kotor 1 and 2, basically every other western rpg where they pretend choosing things makes a difference, basically every other game where they pretend choosing things makes a difference.

they're all connected by drama. maybe uncharted 2 to a lesser extent (it's pretty dramatic but i think people remember it more for being exciting), and the dramatic moments that happened in them. i want to bring up the last of us because i think it's a good counterpoint to a lot of these games. you have the standard relationship with joel and ellie, as well as a gameplay mechanic where ellie basically learns from joel how to incapacitate people. this is a passive thing and it's never outright stated to the player. joel also lives in a really violent post-apocalyptic world where it's every man for himself. it makes sense here that he and the people around him would be fucking brutal. the world is littered with trash and parts of an older time - this can lead to new equipment and improved equipment because joel needs to scavenge to survive. there's also notes and other artifacts from the time before the outbreak, and during and after, that helps flesh out the world more. this stuff can be missed, but it's up to the player to decide how much they want to search the world for it. and it all just works together. the story and the gameplay and the world all work as a whole.

and the last of us is also dramatic. it's also serious. i think the story, which perhaps the best on the list, is what earns it the top spot though. i don't know if there's as much appreciation paid to how it all came together and functioned. although on the other hand, maybe gone home would have won instead if there was.


Well deserved. I personally like Bloodborne better but the Witcher was still amazing.

And I think it goes to show how important story and writing can be in videogames and how gameplay isn't the only thing that matters. Because when it comes to gameplay TW3 isn't that good. But the stories and characters you meet do A LOT to elevate the experience. It's an RPG with 150+ hours of content that will almost never ask you to do something "just because". There's allways a backstory, characters, plot twists and decision involved


Ehh, I don't think it deserves all of that. There's so much wrong gameplay-wise that having slightly more interesting side-quests and better (though far from flawless & thoroughly good) writing than your average game really doesn't warrant so many GOTYs.
I'm about 15 hours in, and Witcher 3 is staggeringly good. I'm a huge Souls guy, but for whatever reason I'm enjoying the combat quite a bit. I wouldn't say it's exceptional like Bloodborne, Bayonetta, Ninja Gaiden etc but it's a step above serviceable! A lot of people are downplaying the gameplay as being average or even bad, but it seems pretty damn polished and playable to me.


Winners of the previous years according to the site:

2003: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
2004: Half-Life 2
2005: Resident Evil 4
2006: The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
2007: Bioshock
2008: Fallout 3
2009: Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
2010: Red Dead Redemption
2011: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
2012: The Walking Dead: The Game
2013: The Last of Us
2014: Dragon Age: Inquisition

Amazing how Divinity got robbed both years by the worse RPG.

Then again, it's not a CINEMATIC EXPERIENCE that play itself, so should have expected.


Makes sense, Bloodborne was very similar to Dark Souls, and offered nothing too unique compared to what Witcher 3 brought to the table.

Don't understand how it getting robbed for every GOTY thread (before it became some sort of joke) was ever justified.


Amazing how Divinity got robbed both years by the worse RPG.

Then again, it's not a CINEMATIC EXPERIENCE that play itself, so should have expected.

Divinity is infinitely, infinitely better than Inquisition. It's not even close. I feel your pain.


Divinity is infinitely, infinitely better than Inquisition. It's not even close. I feel your pain.
There were at least 5 RPGs released in 2014 better than Inquisition.

On the other hand, you can make a good case to put TW3 in 2015's top 5 so that's alright.
Certainly well deserved. For all of the games faults, it was far and above anything else that I played last year. Funny that in retrospect I almost quit playing in White Orchard. I got cajoled by my friends (peer pressure) to play on the hardest difficulty, and ended up getting wrecked over and over by Drowners since I was having trouble getting used to the combat.

Regardless, I ended up pushing through and can safely say that Witcher 3 is my favorite game since Mass Effect 3 (I loved ME3, sue me).


That doesn't makes sense because from year to year number of GOTY awards varies. So, Uncharted 2 is 3rd then with 53% or 111 GOTY awards. You have to consider what was the competition in that year, is it some new IP or some sequel from known franchise. For me TLOU is THE MOST successful game ever. When some completely unknown IP ( TLOU in that case ) goes against sequel from very known and successful franchise, behemoth like GTA V and won so many GOTY awards, it tells you something.

Well, the Witcher III goes against fallout 4 and metal gear solid V, those are pretty huge franchises that had a lot of hype for them. And the Witcher IP was relatively niche before this game, the Witcher 1 and 2 weren't the most known and successful games ever. I would even say that if you look at the developer, Naughty dog was way more well known and respected when they released TLOU compared to CD projekt Red when they released The Witcher III. So yeah, I don't disagree you don't have to just stare blindly at the numbers, but a lot of those arguments can also be used for this year in favor of The Witcher.

Also, my post was mostly a counter to a lot of people comparing raw number of won GOTY awards between years, which I think you can't do considering the huge fluctuation of the total number of awards counted between years. Using percentages is more fair.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
hunh? is this, or is this not, a thread about a large, open-world triple-a game winning goty? which's all i'm referring to: critic/journalist goty choices, & how the majority of the last 2 have gone to large, open-world western rpgs...
That's why I clarified looking outside the triple A market. Yes the first four games in that image specifically are all open world but they're all very different from each other. Just like how W3 is very very different from DAI, (seriously it's like the antithesis).

geralt picks up three severed heads, and there are three other goty contenders. coincidence? i think not!
I didn't make the image. ._.

you know it's funny that i pointed out those four platformers and you didn't really see a difference. i'm a platformer fan and i know the differences between them. nsmb isn't very good. it was critically well-received upon release, but fans weren't big on it. the game is a pretty rote 2d mario game that hangs a pretty crummy shadow over the much better iterations of the nsmb games that followed. it's mostly a left-to-right platformer with not a lot going for it. braid is a puzzle-platformer that uses the time travel mechanic to solve puzzles and create platforms in creative ways. super meat boy is a frustration platformer, where the game produces a lot of small challenges that are very difficult but satisfying to complete. rayman legends is closer to new super mario bros., but with multiplayer, more verticality, and a lot of forced-running levels.

but you saw four platformers and saw them as pretty much the same thing. that's kind of what i'm getting at.

i was around for each one of the games that you mentioned. i even bought a 360 in part to play bioshock. what i remember people speaking most of was about how you had to choose between being mega hitler or not a child murderer, while the main story was really actually making you go through the main story the whole time - what a twist! uncharted 2 is naughty dog not understanding what makes an underdog fun or an everyman work. i liked it enough, but i much preferred actually climbing the buildings and locations than running from their destruction. it just felt like more skill was involved (that's nothing to say of how it wasn't done earlier with beyond good & evil, but i don't think naughty dog people were actually inspired by the works of the cosmic deity, michel ancel). choices actually don't matter in walking dead. the story happens one way whether you think it should go one way or not. it would have been more effective to make it like back to the future: the game, with more puzzles. there's absolutely nothing unique about this game when it came after 999, mass effect 1-3, kotor 1 and 2, basically every other western rpg where they pretend choosing things makes a difference, basically every other game where they pretend choosing things makes a difference.

they're all connected by drama. maybe uncharted 2 to a lesser extent (it's pretty dramatic but i think people remember it more for being exciting), and the dramatic moments that happened in them. i want to bring up the last of us because i think it's a good counterpoint to a lot of these games. you have the standard relationship with joel and ellie, as well as a gameplay mechanic where ellie basically learns from joel how to incapacitate people. this is a passive thing and it's never outright stated to the player. joel also lives in a really violent post-apocalyptic world where it's every man for himself. it makes sense here that he and the people around him would be fucking brutal. the world is littered with trash and parts of an older time - this can lead to new equipment and improved equipment because joel needs to scavenge to survive. there's also notes and other artifacts from the time before the outbreak, and during and after, that helps flesh out the world more. this stuff can be missed, but it's up to the player to decide how much they want to search the world for it. and it all just works together. the story and the gameplay and the world all work as a whole.

and the last of us is also dramatic. it's also serious. i think the story, which perhaps the best on the list, is what earns it the top spot though. i don't know if there's as much appreciation paid to how it all came together and functioned. although on the other hand, maybe gone home would have won instead if there was.
No, I didn't consider them to be pretty much the same thing. I said specifically:

Those games are much more similar than the others because platformers are very limited in comparison to rpgs and shooters.

Which is a statement that holds up under scrutiny because of the genres we're dealing with, specifically the nature of 2D/2.5D games vs full 3D games. UC2 was ND demonstrating what's possible with set pieces in video games. Bioshock had an incredibly unique setting and like I said, the action of switching between powers and weapons in that matter was very unique along with the exploration of the setting and yes the very unique narrative that was a metacommentary on video game objectives. You're drastically over exaggerating how little choice you have in WD. Yes it's a linear narrative but this is in hindsight not in the moment while you're playing. There was a lot of discussion in between episodes about player choices. They weren't going for the Stanley Parable, if anything it shows how effective their writing was because players were so heavily invested in each moment of play. Contextually every character fits within the context of the game, TLOU is not unique in that regard, or the best written.


We've come a long way and yet both pic's you showed are equally appealing.

Images weren't trying to downplay Chrono Trigger.

It is highlighting the technological leap from the 2D era into the 3D era, while still maintaining the quality story telling like that of great 2D RPGs. It's what I dreamt of when I played those great 2D games.


I'm about 15 hours in, and Witcher 3 is staggeringly good. I'm a huge Souls guy, but for whatever reason I'm enjoying the combat quite a bit. I wouldn't say it's exceptional like Bloodborne, Bayonetta, Ninja Gaiden etc but it's a step above serviceable! A lot of people are downplaying the gameplay as being average or even bad, but it seems pretty damn polished and playable to me.
I'd view Witcher 3's combat as better if it kept evolving, but it stops evolving very early in the game and nothing is all that exciting past the 20-30 hour mark, yet you might barely be 20% through the game at that point. You don't confront new enemy types, there's a severe lack of different enemy types altogether (feels like 99% of non-human enemies are drowners or wolves), higher lvl enemies don't offer any new challenges/fun gimmicks past the first time you confront them (when you've fought one vampire, you've fought them all), the skills are mostly lame as hell (especially considering how slowly you get them, you do so much work to lvl up and get some boring shit in return) and the few interesting ones take way too long to unlock due to the horrible level up/skill system etc. It's fun for a while when it still offers some new stuff, but the game stops throwing fun new challenges & tools at you very early in the game. Then it's just repeating the same pattern over and over and over and over and over and over again and over again. The combat system isn't nearly deep enough to allow that to feel fun the 30th time you fight the exact same vampire.


Well, the Witcher III goes against fallout 4 and metal gear solid V, those are pretty huge franchises that had a lot of hype for them. And the Witcher IP was relatively niche before this game, the Witcher 1 and 2 weren't the most known and successful games ever. So yeah, I don't disagree you don't have to just stare blindly at the numbers, but a lot of those arguments can also be used for this year in favor of The Witcher.

Also, my post was mostly a counter to a lot of people comparing raw number of won GOTY awards between years, which I think you can't do considering the huge fluctuation of the total number of awards counted between years. Using percentages is more fair.

Unknown IP>>>>sequel from known franchise. Unknown IP>>>>sequels from known franchise ( even if they're out in same year and go against each other ). Fallout, MGS, Witcher, Halo...all of them are not even close to GTA. franchise.


Makes it feel like I've missed something with never playing Witcher before, but jumping into 3 without any prior knowledge is probably a bad idea. :p


Unknown IP>>>>sequels from known franchise ( even if they're out in same year and go against each other ). Fallout, MGS, Witcher, Halo...all of them are not even close to GTA. franchise.

TLOU may have been an unknown IP, it was more seen as "the next naughty dog" game, and naughty dog was very well known and respected at that point, MUCH MORE than CD projekt Red when they released the Witcher III.


Whenever a game uses "middleware," I expect mediocrity. Just see how poor TLOU looks.
I don't think I've seen a worse GOTY winner in recent years than Witcher 3. WOW is that game bland and overrated. Even Bloodborne (which I find as mediocre as the rest of the Souls games) deserved it more.

Even fans of the game will agree the battles are play poorly, and then there's the generic (and hideous imo) artstyle, unnappealing main character and bland music. Metal Gear Solid V, Splatoon, Xenoblade X, Yoshi's Woolly World and Mario Maker are all far better games than Witcher 3.

Majora's Mask 3D is 2015 GOTY as far as I'm concerned.
DAI winning 2014 and Skyrim winning 2011 are both complete disasters. Playing through Bloodborne right now and it's a far cry from Fallout 4's pile of mediocrity.

I plan to start and finish Witcher 3 by the end of February.
I'm about 15 hours in, and Witcher 3 is staggeringly good. I'm a huge Souls guy, but for whatever reason I'm enjoying the combat quite a bit. I wouldn't say it's exceptional like Bloodborne, Bayonetta, Ninja Gaiden etc but it's a step above serviceable! A lot of people are downplaying the gameplay as being average or even bad, but it seems pretty damn polished and playable to me.

I feel the same.
Always feel like I'm missing out on some joke by actually enjoying the gameplay ok.

I find the Witcher contracts especially always throw me an interesting combat scenario with new beasts or enemies. Maybe that changes a lot after 40+ hours in.

This image is more accurate:


It's not mine, but I really like it.

But who is the beheaded white haired lady?


i did enjoy it but feel that F4 is just way, way better in every aspect.

Every respect?

Even the dialogue and quality of writing?

F4 is a fun game, it has many positives, the writing and dialogue and storyline isn't exactly its strong suit though.


just like Bayonetta 2 in 2014 Bloodborne is way too niche to compete on GOTY awards.

And i prefer it that way to be honest.I probably wouldn't have liked Souls games as much as i do if they received so many awards because that would mean that they would have made a lot of gameplay sacrifices in order to appeal to a larger and more mainstream audience.

That doesn't mean that TW3 doesn't deserve the recognition it has received though.It's really a great game for what it aims to do and it's amazing that CDPR really managed (with their first try at open world design) to overshadow huge and experienced studios at open world games like Bethesda,Ubisoft,Bioware and others.


Makes it feel like I've missed something with never playing Witcher before, but jumping into 3 without any prior knowledge is probably a bad idea. :p

Not a bad idea at all, actually. That's what I did and it didn't affect my experience negatively at all.
Makes it feel like I've missed something with never playing Witcher before, but jumping into 3 without any prior knowledge is probably a bad idea. :p

How much effort are you willing to put?

Because if folks recall Witcher 2 is also a VERY good game and heavily praised too as a whole.

If folks want to jump into Witcher 3 it's possible to do it without prior knowledge. If you want the best experience though, since the game relies so much on the characters do the following:

- Read the short story compilations


- Play the Witcher 2

The short story compilations you'll get done fairly quickly and are introduced to all of the major characters from Witcher 3 (aka Dandelion, Yennefer, Triss, and of course Ciri).

Playing the Witcher 2 I'd recommend reading the wiki entry of the Witcher 1 to understand the basics of what's going on atm which you wouldn't understand unless you instead played the Witcher 1. Basically (Witcher 1 basic set-up spoiler)
Geralt appears again after everyone thought he was dead, but with amnesia. He doesn't remember Ciri or Yennefer or know where they are
. The Witcher 2 goes over these plot points.


I don't think I've seen a worse GOTY winner in recent years than Witcher 3. WOW is that game bland and overrated. Even Bloodborne (which I find as mediocre as the rest of the Souls games) deserved it more.

Even fans of the game will agree the battles are play poorly, and then there's the generic (and hideous imo) artstyle, unnappealing main character and bland music. Metal Gear Solid V, Splatoon, Xenoblade X, Yoshi's Woolly World and Mario Maker are all far better games than Witcher 3.

Majora's Mask 3D is 2015 GOTY as far as I'm concerned.

No need for your superior tone dude, plenty of room for everyone to enjoy the games they do without shitting on things needlessly.

And try not to speak for everyone. There are fans of the game on this very page saying how much they enjoy the combat.


TLOU may have been an unknown IP, it was more seen as "the next naughty dog" game, and naughty dog was very well known and respected at that point, MUCH MORE than CD projekt Red when they released the Witcher III.

And CD Project established their Witcher franchise with Witcher 2. So, Witcher 3 was not some "unknown" IP.

Last year, most sequels from known franchises were out in same year and go against each other. Fallout 4, MGS V, Witcher 3, Halo, 5. Fine, great competition. But none of them are not even close to GTA V. Many were disappointed with Fallout 4, MGS V, Halo 5 etc... That was not the case with GTA V in current-gen and on last-gen.


Well deserved. I personally like Bloodborne better but the Witcher was still amazing.

And I think it goes to show how important story and writing can be in videogames and how gameplay isn't the only thing that matters. Because when it comes to gameplay TW3 isn't that good. But the stories and characters you meet do A LOT to elevate the experience. It's an RPG with 150+ hours of content that will almost never ask you to do something "just because". There's allways a backstory, characters, plot twists and decision involved

Agreed 100%. Ever since the original Mafia/Deus Ex I realized "Story" was my favorite game element. Look at GTA 5 technically it's amazing but the single player story left a lot to be desired. Games like Deadly Premonition and Alpha Protocol and even Alan Wake taken by their individual elements are rather weak but the strong story in each completely lift the whole game into something much greater.

Getting back to the Witcher though, completely deserved and that's not even taking into account the first expansion which is also amazing. Like others have said it is one of the few games that truly feels next gen and makes other RPGs like Fallout 4 feel so out dated.

Think this is the only year where I've owned all the contenders as well.. still have to get round to Metal Gear though!


The Witcher III doesn't play itself. It's also not really all that cinematic.

Oh please. Most of the questlines in the game involve pressing mouse right to activate witcher senses to follow linear questlines for clues.

Novigrad Haunted House still stuck with me for how embarrassing it was, gameplay-wise.


i know, i saw it on their facebook. i was merely implying that cdpr may or may not have been suggesting the three heads represent fallout, mgs and bloodborne, which would be pretty damn hilarious.

Too much of a coincidence to not be intentionl. It's not really been used in promotion much that piece of artwork. Sure it's just a light hearted jab though :).
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