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The Guardian: The Bernie Sanders voters who would choose Trump over Clinton

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Anyone who would honestly vote for Trump over Clinton is doing so from a position of entitlement and privilege.

You never cared about the progressive movement.

You never cared about minorities.

You never cared about women's rights.

You were never concerned with the right-wing's shift to more authoritarian and openly racist vitriol.

You never cared about Bernie's proposals for a more democratic society

You never cared about the Supreme Court

You never cared about Citizen's United being struck down

You never cared about the rigged political system.

You only cared about yourself. Period. What YOU could get out of those proposals, not what it could benefit society as a whole.

Fuck anyone who has this mentality, and I can only conclude you have implicit biases against minorities if you would openly vote for a guy who's blatantly inciting fascist rhetoric.

or basically big ass neckbearded man-babies


As a Bernie supporter these people make me sad. Then again most Republican voters make me sad as well.

I'm not going to be terribly satisfied by a Clinton presidency, but at the very least it'll just be a continuation of Obama's policies with perhaps a more hawkish foreign policy. It's not my preferred direction, but it's a hell of a lot better than any of the Republican candidates are offering.


Any Bernie supporter who says they won't vote Hillary in the general have one thing in common.


That is the ONLY reason to not vote Hillary if Bernie isn't the nominee. They may not want to admit it but it's the truth and everyone else knows it.

Don't forget racism.

I think this is what angers anti-establishment voters. The idea that the establishment is entitled to their votes otherwise the anti-establishment is evil.


Unconfirmed Member
And as a Bernie supporter I can never truly understand how these people can honestly default from Bernie to Trump unless they didn't care much about Bernie's positions aside from being "anti-establishment"
Anyone who would honestly vote for Trump over Clinton is doing so from a position of entitlement and privilege.

You never cared about the progressive movement.

You never cared about minorities.

You never cared about women's rights.

You were never concerned with the right-wing's shift to more authoritarian and openly racist vitriol.

You never cared about Bernie's proposals for a more democratic society

You never cared about the Supreme Court

You never cared about Citizen's United being struck down

You never cared about the rigged political system.

You only cared about yourself. Period. What YOU could get out of those proposals, not what it could benefit society as a whole.

Fuck anyone who has this mentality, and I can only conclude you have implicit biases against minorities if you would openly vote for a guy who's blatantly inciting fascist rhetoric.

Basically. Anyone who would go from Bernie to Trump is basically saying "I'm only here for candidates that will help whites first."
We have no idea what Trump actually believes in. How would someone know that he shares the same views as Bernie on anything?
He's been very consistent on trade, and this is the area I suspect there's a lot of overlap between Bernie and Trump supporters. You can find interviews with him on Letterman or Oprah in the late 80s and early 90s where he's doing the same anti-Free Trade spiel that he is now. He's barely even updated the countries he rags on -- he still talks about Japan as if they are going to take over America with their VHSes, cars, and electronics.
Any Bernie supporter who says they won't vote Hillary in the general have one thing in common.


That is the ONLY reason to not vote Hillary if Bernie isn't the nominee. They may not want to admit it but it's the truth and everyone else knows it.

I mean it seems more likely that they're really rooting for an nontraditional candidate who has radical ideas. Trump and Bernie have completely different policies, but both are anti-establishment and promising radical changes.

Hillary's been a career politician and involved in so many sketchy things over the years, it's not surprising that someone might dislike her for reasons besides her sex. There's the whitewater scandal, the cattle futures, benghazi, emailgate, covering up Bill's infidelities, etc. She's never been convicted of anything, and most of that was partisan grand-standing, but it's not hard to see why someone might be turned off by someone involved in so many scandals.


The Autumn Wind
Anyone who would honestly vote for Trump over Clinton is doing so from a position of entitlement and privilege.

You never cared about the progressive movement.

You never cared about minorities.

You never cared about women's rights.

You were never concerned with the right-wing's shift to more authoritarian and openly racist vitriol.

You never cared about Bernie's proposals for a more democratic society

You never cared about the Supreme Court

You never cared about Citizen's United being struck down

You never cared about the rigged political system.

You only cared about yourself. Period. What YOU could get out of those proposals, not what it could benefit society as a whole.

Fuck anyone who has this mentality, and I can only conclude you have implicit biases against minorities if you would openly vote for a guy who's blatantly inciting fascist rhetoric.


Anyone who would honestly vote for Trump over Clinton is doing so from a position of entitlement and privilege.

You never cared about the progressive movement.

You never cared about minorities.

You never cared about women's rights.

You were never concerned with the right-wing's shift to more authoritarian and openly racist vitriol.

You never cared about Bernie's proposals for a more democratic society

You never cared about the Supreme Court

You never cared about Citizen's United being struck down

You never cared about the rigged political system.

You only cared about yourself. Period. What YOU could get out of those proposals, not what it could benefit society as a whole.

Fuck anyone who has this mentality, and I can only conclude you have implicit biases against minorities if you would openly vote for a guy who's blatantly inciting fascist rhetoric.

Well said.


They both attract the "hang the bankers" and "audit the Fed" crowd so it's not all that surprising that some would switch to the other.
Which obviously makes The candidate that wants to invade Iraq and Syria to take their oil, blackmail Mexico and start a trade war with China the obvious alternative. Obviously.

This notion that some people have that Trump will be a non-interventionist just because he thought the war in Iraq was dumb at one point in his life is rather silly.


Hillary and Bernie agree on 93% of issues. Why cut off the nose to spite the face?

Because many people are single issue voters. More than many people would think I bet. If you are a Bernie supporter all hyped up on being anti-establishment, or one of the issues Bernie and Trump are close on, it doesn't shock me at all to see some folks doing this. Heck, I've know Trump supporters being willing to do the opposite of it played out like that also. It happens.


Now I know the complaints about Sanders voters second picking Trump are silly.

Vox, I believe, did an article about Democrats first picking Trump 2 months ago.

How many? Less than 10%

How many Sanders voters 2nd picking Trump?

Also less than 10%

Sanders voters are not different enough from registered Democrats to stereotype them for liking Trump.


Real Hero

I can understand just saying 'fuck it' when Clinton wins and not vote for anyone/a third party. I don't agree with doing that but I get. But voting for everything Sanders stands against is insane, it makes it seem like you don't even understand the guy you supposedly support so much.


I think this is what angers anti-establishment voters. The idea that the establishment is entitled to their votes otherwise the anti-establishment is evil.

Be as angry as you wish.

Positioning someone as anti-establishment or pro-establishment is, in and of itself, the problem. It's a position along a ill-defined institutional setup rather than along ideology and policy. It's not rational or logical, and I don't care how angry you get, because it means I cannot reason with you based on policy and logic. Only anger and empty rhetoric.

Those posts are silly and I disagree with them, but your response inadvertently hit on precisely why the position is so frustrating -- it's not necessarily sexism, it's not necessarily racism. But it is a mischaracterization and misunderstanding of the basics of the political process.
He's been very consistent on trade, and this is the area I suspect there's a lot of overlap between Bernie and Trump supporters. You can find interviews with him on Letterman or Oprah in the late 80s and early 90s where he's doing the same anti-Free Trade spiel that he is now. He's barely even updated the countries he rags on -- he still talks about Japan as if they are going to take over America with their VHSes, cars, and electronics.

Yeah, trade is a serious overlap between the two. There are one or two legitimate a Sanders voter might vote Trump. This is one of them.

I think they're wrong, but a least there's something.


I mean, that's how they got the data, right? A large news organization wrote on their site asking for people who would go from Sanders to Trump and five hundred contacted them?


Unconfirmed Member
Sanders voters are not different enough from registered Democrats to stereotype them for liking Trump.


To be honest, the goal of the article doesn't seem to be stereotyping Sanders voters as Trump supporters, more-so just exposing a small but concerning demographic of voters with questionable (at least to me) ideals.


Hillary and Bernie agree on virtually every single issue. Refusing to vote for her has absolutely no logical basis whatsoever.

If it isn't sexism then it's out of pure ignorance on policy and politics. Neither are anything to be proud of.

Sure I guess if you don't care about foreign policy at all. They have clear differences on healthcare. Different on drugs. Different on guns.

Its ignorant to claim they are exactly the same.
Or not wanting to go to any more dubious wars like Hillary has a history of supporting.

I hate to break it but she ain't all sunshine and rainbows.
And Trump just called for boots on the ground against Syria.

But hey at least he isn't part of the establishment or whatever. Ignoring the fact that he's been part of the billionaire class since birth.


I mean, five hundred seems like a pretty small result. A fringe demographic. There's probably more people that believe the earth is flat.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
I mean, I get it.

I'm going to guess this is just years of pent up frustration with Congress and the political system as a whole. So I suppose they believe that electing an outsider will somehow undo the political quagmire. Every Congress seems to be more of a "do-nothing" Congress than the one before it and the approval ratings have been historically low for decades with the exception of a period between 1998 and 2004ish.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
i've met a couple of these people in real life, one of them is my dad. i was shocking when he said that if sanders doesn't win he'd rather have trump than hillary. 'i just don't trust her at all'. okay but you trust trump?


To be honest, the goal of the article doesn't seem to be stereotyping Sanders voters as Trump supporters, more-so just exposing a small but concerning demographic of voters with questionable (at least to me) ideals.

The article makes that clear.

My comments about stereotyping are aimed squarely at people on this forum.

Real Hero

i've met a couple of these people in real life, one of them is my dad. i was shocking when he said that if sanders doesn't win he'd rather have trump than hillary. 'i just don't trust her at all'. okay but you trust trump?

You can trust trump to be a fuck up suppose
Bernie supporters who are going to vote for Trump if Sanders doesn't get the nomination are a small base thankfully. But they're dumb as fuck in all respects to be sure. A bunch of whining entitled, privileged, little bitches. Every single one of them.

Yeah it can't be her hawkish foreign policy, corporate cronyism or the fact she is an expert liar.

Must be sexism, thats why all the bernie bros want Warren as VP right?

So...you go to Trump who at this point I'm convinced taught Satan how to lie.


You can find people on this forum that say the same thing. Still cannot work out if they are trolling

It's almost equally bad when people say they wont vote AT ALL if Clinton gets the nom. The absence of vote is still a plus 1 for trump since his campaign is built on a fanaticism that creates large turn out. Trumps existence is making more people vote in general
I mean, I get it.

I'm going to guess this is just years of pent up frustration with Congress and the political system as a whole. So I suppose they believe that electing an outsider will somehow undo the political quagmire. Every Congress seems to be more of a "do-nothing" Congress than the one before it and the approval ratings have been historically low for decades with the exception of a period between 1998 and 2004ish.
The irony being that the Congress of 2009-2011 was one of the most productive in history.

But let's throw the bums out! Obamacare didn't come with free unicorns, oh there's an election today? Whatever I wonder what's on Netflix


Alexia says that right now the Guardian gets around 160k views a day. So out of those readers, throughout the week, 500 said they would.


I wonder how many on the first page actually read the article. I would never vote for Trump (can't even, not American), but I thought quite a few of these seem pretty level headed and genuine in their argumentation. Someone even quotes Heidegger lol (a sign of not being level headed arguably). It's a good wake up call how vilification makes us not engage with other people. Well for the people on the first page at least.

edit: now I'm looking bad, I had a different Guardian link open in my tab than the one the OP linked to.


Be as angry as you wish.

Positioning someone as anti-establishment or pro-establishment is, in and of itself, the problem. It's a position along a ill-defined institutional setup rather than along ideology and policy. It's not rational or logical, and I don't care how angry you get, because it means I cannot reason with you based on policy and logic. Only anger and empty rhetoric.

Those posts are silly and I disagree with them, but your response inadvertently hit on precisely why the position is so frustrating -- it's not necessarily sexism, it's not necessarily racism. But it is a mischaracterization and misunderstanding of the basics of the political process.

I'm not angry. You're being confrontational for no reason. I am pointing out what these voters feel. They are being marginalized and your post proves it. Everybody is illogical because they don't agree with your views. Instead you decide to take your ball and go home rather than finding the root cause of this anger.

This right here is an example of why the establishment can't figure out this election. The anti-establishment has been brewing for quite some time and they are a bloc. Whether the establishment agrees with it or not.

It doesn't have to make sense for the establishment to confront it. However, as your post demonstrates, taunting and demeaning someone and acting they don't exist won't make this bloc go away.


Remember guys



People who switch from Bernie to Trump are just working within the confines of the system that Hillary supporters think entitles them to every Bernie vote.

No one said anyone's entitled to a vote.

People are arguing against the moronic logic that leads to that decision.

I'm not angry. You're being confrontational for no reason. I am pointing out what these voters feel. They are being marginalized and your post proves it. Everybody is illogical because they don't agree with your views. Instead you decide to take your ball and go home rather than finding the root cause of this anger.

This right here is an example of why the establishment can't figure out this election. The anti-establishment has been brewing for quite some time and they are a bloc. Whether the establishment agrees with it or not.

It doesn't have to make sense for the establishment to confront it. However, as your post demonstrates taunting and demeaning someone and acting they don't exist won't make this bloc go away.

I was using a royal "you", apologies. But they are being illogical.
I mean it seems more likely that they're really rooting for an nontraditional candidate who has radical ideas. Trump and Bernie have completely different policies, but both are anti-establishment and promising radical changes.

Hillary's been a career politician and involved in so many sketchy things over the years, it's not surprising that someone might dislike her for reasons besides her sex. There's the whitewater scandal, the cattle futures, benghazi, emailgate, covering up Bill's infidelities, etc. She's never been convicted of anything, and most of that was partisan grand-standing, but it's not hard to see why someone might be turned off by someone involved in so many scandals.

In other words, these people don't really care who gets in as long as the government devolves into a tire fire.

If these people cared at all about having any semblance of stability and predictability in their future they would not be supporting two people with radically different philosophies and beliefs that are only similar in how separated they are from the norm.


some of the stupidest people in the country, to be sure

i'm not worried about it though

Yeah, I doubt these are people who voted for Obama in the 2008 or 2012 elections. Just people who scream "revolution", but are ignorant to any details of said revolution


Bernie supporters who are going to vote for Trump if Sanders doesn't get the nomination are a small base thankfully. But they're dumb as fuck in all respects to be sure. A bunch of whining entitled, privileged, little bitches. Every single one of them.

So...you go to Trump who at this point I'm convinced taught Satan how to lie.

Fuck no what gives you that idea.

I am saying there are reasons to not like Hillary besides sexism.

Hell Trump winning and being a closer race than people think would probably force my hand to vote Hillary even though I don't like her.



As one respondent, a 34-year-old male IT technician, put it: “Bernie and Trump agree a lot on healthcare, Iraq war, campaign finance and trade. I really want to move on to something new, new ideas from outside the box. Maybe Donald Trump can provide that.”

If this guy actually believes that, I got some gold coins to sell him.

You got to be pretty tuned out or delusional to think Trump is better than ANY Democratic candidate if those are your supposid issues. It takes a total lack of understanding of the current political situation, how our government is structured, and what the differences in policy really are.

Not to mention completely overlooking the impact that a Trump or Clinton administration will have on SCOTUS for a generation.

It's nice to dream of what could be, but reality son. If you want a unicorn you have to build it, not wish it.
I wonder how many on the first page actually read the article. I would never vote for Trump (can't even, not American), but I thought quite a few of these seem pretty level headed and genuine in their argumentation. Someone even quotes Heidegger lol (a sign of not being level headed arguably). It's a good wake up call how vilification makes us not engage with other people. Well for the people on the first page at least.
Well that guy who says Bernie and Trump agree on healthcare sounds like a complete fucking idiot so there's that.

Yeah because taking insurance away from 30 million people and gift wrapping Medicaid to private industry is totally the same as wanting single payer healthcare. Fucking Christ.


For argument's sake lets say that in one day, out of a group of 160,000 people who read the Guardian, that all 500 answered.

500/160,000 is 0.003%
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