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NX Controller Rumor [Up5: Original was fake, and thus this is too]

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Here's my theory how this console is going to work.

NX console will be able to play games on the tv and streamed to the controller just like the wii u.

The NX will also act as a storage hub for virtual console games and "handheld" games. The controller is portable and can store games onto it for on the go use. Dump a few games off the console and onto your "controller" and your off.

Multiple controllers registered to the console can grab games from the console for on the go use.

NX games will not be able to be played for on the go use and must be played at home on a television or streamed to the controller.
How would you play VC games on this?


There are alot of things that tipped me off that this was fake, but the big one is just a random ass sticker that says confidential property.

That just screams something a guy did to make the fake seem more real

Badly printed with cheap lettering, like it came straight out of a handheld label maker:



Whatever this ends up being, I'm in Day 1 for the Nintendo exclusives. I just hope the controller/system offers new gameplay opportunities that Nintendo will actually be able to implement into all of their games this time. I felt like the Wii U Gamepad had so much potential and while a few of their games did make use of the Gamepad's features, Nintendo themselves didn't do an outstanding job of taking advantage of it with a lot of their games.


No, the whole selling point is one library on both.

That's still a rumor that I don't think is going to be as robust as people think it will. You aren't going to be able to run all console games on the handheld.

People need to accept that there is a chance that when Iwata and co talked about unifying development that it was more about making their teams more efficient. Groups could help with projects for both system instead of being focused on one or another. That would help them make games faster, but doesn't necessarily have mean a shared library.


This sounds good on paper, but I think in practice, it would appeal to neither casuals or core gamers.

The smart phone is the logical conclusion to Nintendo's philosophy of simplifying controls. The problem is that they aren't smart phone makers. Maybe with the Wii money they could have positioned themselves to be that way, but that would obviously be a huge under taking and very risky, and not something they wanted to do. But unfortunately by not doing so, I think they have basically lost any hope of getting the casual market they so desperately want.

I don't really see why a device like this would appeal to casuals. If Nintendo is going to simply make simplified games for them, what does this device offer them that one of the numerous smart devices they probably already own doesn't? (This is why I think they need focus on mobile hard or go back to focusing on the core gamers). I suppose it offers analogue sticks, bu I'd actually argue dual analogue is one of the most confusing part of modern control schemes to casuals. That's been my experience with the people I know who aren't gamers. A dpad is intuitive. One control stick can be too. Trying to use two sticks at once really confuses some people.

The lack of physical buttons will most likely piss off the core gamers. At best is a non-ideal solution.

So like I said before, in their attempt to appeal to both, they appeal to neither.

This so much.

L Thammy

No, the whole selling point is one library on both.

I think "selling point" sells its importance short. Having one library on both systems - or at least handheld games on consoles - helps to spread out Nintendo's Japanese support. It's harder for Nintendo to get Western support and people outside of Japan aren't as interested in handhelds, so it's a way to make their libraries seem stronger without attracting new third parties.

The "confidential" sticker being cheap doesn't bother me, because who cares about a sticker that customers aren't even going to see. But are these types of things actually used in the industry? I'd think everyone who gets their hands on an unreleased console knows that it's confidential and is made very aware of the penalties for breaking an NDA. I'd also think that a sticker telling them that it's confidential is encouraging people to leak it.
I'm going to put myself on #TeamFake

Too many questions about this and the pictures released thus far.

The Swedish/Finnish keyboard would be a dead giveaway that anyone leaking it and trying to stay hidden would want to not have. It's a clear oversight, and if it were real, you just narrowed down the possibilities of where and who you are. No one wants to be found out, even if they recently left, because it'd mean bad things in the future for you.

Then you have the NOA Treehouse guy's tweet. Like...what the hell was that about? That just seemed way too obvious and a bit obtuse for him to do that if it were true.

Lots of other stuff, too.
I can buy Japanese electronics all the time. That doesn't mean I'm in Japan :/

The NOA Treehouse guy is just saying what any employee would say in this situation. Why would he confirm if it's true? He'd have nothing to gain and everything to lose by doing so, and it goes against common sense.

Nintendo has a gameplan for revealing this stuff and they aren't going to jump ahead and toss it away because of a possible leak that could very well be real.

Here's my theory how this console is going to work.

NX console will be able to play games on the tv and streamed to the controller just like the wii u.

The NX will also act as a storage hub for virtual console games and "handheld" games. The controller is portable and can store games onto it for on the go use. Dump a few games off the console and onto your "controller" and your off.

Multiple controllers registered to the console can grab games from the console for on the go use.

NX games will not be able to be played for on the go use and must be played at home on a television or streamed to the controller.
That's mildly neat but not nearly enticing enough a feature to base a system around, especially if it's going to eschew computational power to the competition in order to provide such.


I can picture Reggie on stage.
"This may look like an ordinary touch controller, but there's more to it than meets the i.
Introducing… . The New Wii U"
Just wanted to say I can appreciate this position, and I'm sorry for pushing it too far to force your hand

No one knows anything for sure, and I can admit that there's at least some chance it's faked by the means you describe

Heh, thanks for being understanding. No hard feelings or anything!

I usually try to keep an open mind when I'm arguing stuff because, hey, I don't know everything and I could be wrong and if I am I'd want to be corrected. So for me it was like, seeing people go "oh wow it's a real physical object so it's real" I'm like "Well it could be 3D printed" and then I get attacked like that's some impossible far out idea, when for all we know it IS real and Nintendo themselves 3D printed it since it's a prototype. But then people start arguing that it couldn't possibly be 3D printed (even though the thumb sticks totally have all the signs that they are) and then the 3D printed phone got posted and people went "Oh well, ok, so it could be 3D printed but that screen is wavy and the NX one isn't so, obviously, it's real" but again... it could just be a sheet of acrylic, so I suggest that, and I get jumped on again like it's just unfathomable to think someone with the time and dedication to make a fake controller wouldn't also take the time to make it look real?

I mean if I was making a fake controller I would do everything I could to make it not look like a cheap piece of shit so I could fool people with it. Otherwise what's the point? Someone with access to the tech that wanted to make a fake could do so, was all I was trying to get people to understand. Someone took the time to build and light a 3D model of that Wii Cross bullshit earlier, years ago someone took the time to model and texture and animate that whole Nintendo On video, so it's not out of this world to me to think that someone with access to a 3D printer could take it one step further and actually produce one. As I said, people used to build physical fakes all the time before the software came along that made it largely unnecessary to do so.


I'll continue repeating until Nintendo proves otherwise that one of the big lessons from Wii U was that an expensive, mandatory controller is a *terrible* idea. It gambles everything on the gimmick, whereas in the Wii's case the Wiimote was fairly cheap tech, and they had space to cut price aggressively if they needed to. The Gamepad got them stuck in a very bad position in terms of manufacturing costs, and sticking with the gamepad was the surest sign that Nintendo was determined to ride out the Wii U at poor sales: the only way to try to save the Wii U would have been fire-sale pricing (and that would have been just to salvage it to Gamecube levels), but that wouldn't work with the gamepad.


I can picture Reggie on stage.
"This may look like an ordinary touch controller, but there's more to it than meets the i.
Introducing… . The New Wii U"

If they call it Wii Anything they deserve for it to die

One of the biggest failures of WiiU was that general public didn't know it was a whole new platform.

They should stick with Nintendo NX


I can buy Japanese electronics all the time. That doesn't mean I'm in Japan :/

The NOA Treehouse guy is just saying what any employee would say in this situation. Why would he confirm if it's true? He'd have nothing to gain and everything to lose by doing so, and it goes against common sense.

Nintendo has a gameplan for revealing this stuff and they aren't going to jump ahead and toss it away because of a possible leak that could very well be real.

Nintendo has different rules about social media than most companies.
then it'd just be a glorified Wii U pad

That sounds like a new crazy strategy from Nintendo. Make a device so horrible that people realize the old one isnt that bad and relaunch the Wiiu. At the end of the day people want what they already have. NX = Not Xactly ...what you want.
I can picture Reggie on stage.
"This may look like an ordinary touch controller, but there's more to it than meets the eye.
Introducing… . The New Wii U"
"To demonstrate the revolutionary experiences that this device can bring you, I want to introduce Mr. Miyamoto as he demos Project Giant Robot"


This sounds good on paper, but I think in practice, it would appeal to neither casuals or core gamers.

The smart phone is the logical conclusion to Nintendo's philosophy of simplifying controls. The problem is that they aren't smart phone makers. Maybe with the Wii money they could have positioned themselves to be that way, but that would obviously be a huge under taking and very risky, and not something they wanted to do. But unfortunately by not doing so, I think they have basically lost any hope of getting the casual market they so desperately want.

I don't really see why a device like this would appeal to casuals. If Nintendo is going to simply make simplified games for them, what does this device offer them that one of the numerous smart devices they probably already own doesn't? (This is why I think they need focus on mobile hard or go back to focusing on the core gamers). I suppose it offers analogue sticks, bu I'd actually argue dual analogue is one of the most confusing part of modern control schemes to casuals. That's been my experience with the people I know who aren't gamers. A dpad is intuitive. One control stick can be too. Trying to use two sticks at once really confuses some people.

The lack of physical buttons will most likely piss off the core gamers. At best is a non-ideal solution.

So like I said before, in their attempt to appeal to both, they appeal to neither.

Go back to 2007. Why did Apple choose a touchscreen for the iPhone? Why was it the right design that was subsequently adopted by all its competitors?

Versatility. The UI could morph and change for each application. A keyboard when you need it; extra screen real estate when you don't. Games can use virtual buttons, or slide-over -- whatever.

The morphable UI allowed for a wide variety of different applications to flourish, and subsequently created the concept of a modern smartphone (and later tablet). It had nothing to do with simplicity, but rather adaptability and variance.

A controller that adapts and changes to suit each game would be amazing, in theory, allowing for ideal setups. But with a smartphone or a tablet, you're always staring down at the screen.

As a handheld, I don't think it's a half bad idea. Take the 3DS's second touch screen, effectively break it up, and scatter it around the left/right sides. But as a controller for a console where you're going to spend 95%+ of your time staring up at a time? Dead on arrival.


I don't know what to think tbh fam. Is this good? Is it bad? I like how weird it is but I don't even know how it's going to work.

Why is this thread 100 pages anyway? I feel like there isn't anything to talk about here when we are lacking so many details.


Not saying this image is real or fake...but yeah. This. If you wanted to manufacture it, the screen (if non-functional!) would probably be the easiest part. If I remember my manufacturing class properly, acrylic is really easy to work with if you have access to a laser cutter. It's actually awesome because of how nice acrylic looks. It was my favorite material because it makes everything look fancier for not much money. To be honest, back in those days, I would have had access to everything necessary to model this. However, I definitely wouldn't have put in the time to do so, so if someone actually did that, props to them.

To reiterate, though, I'm not saying that it's fake. It's just that, if you were to ask me to rank the individual parts in terms of "how easy would it be to model this?," the screen would be my #1. Quick outline in Adobe Illustrator + spend a couple dollars on acrylic + laser cutter.

- I just so happen to have some black acrylic plastic used for a stage prop on hand, so I took a few pictures just to show what it looks like in person compared to the controller. Lighting is obviously very different, but you can see how reflective it is. Our cuts are very rough because we had to cut it by hand since the shop with the water cutter couldn't get the CAD files to work.

Goddammit Nintendo.

Can you just make something NORMAL?

And ill prob still get it, especially if they have a Monster Hunter for it.

Maybe they will have a humane controller to purchase for people who don't like gaming on their iPhones all day.

I wish monster hunter would just come back to sony


So the NX handheld will be just as powerful as the console? That doesn't make sense. And you can't expect a developer to make a downgraded version to give out for free.

ummmm, you realize software can be made to scale right?

As an example:
Console version runs and scales to full fidelity, 1080p 60fps
Handheld version of same title runs and scales to Mid fidelity, 720p 60fps


As a handheld, I don't think it's a half bad idea. Take the 3DS's second touch screen, effectively break it up, and scatter it around the left/right sides. But as a controller for a console where you're going to spend 95%+ of your time staring up at a time? Dead on arrival.

Agreed. I think it could work as a hand held, but I can't imagine it working that well as a controller.


That's not just the NX controller...that's the NX! Think about it...the leak about the wireless HDMI dongle...no actual pictures of a traditional console...The "controller" IS the NX.


That's not just the NX controller...that's the NX! Think about it...the leak about the wireless HDMI dongle...no actual pictures of a traditional console...The "controller" IS the NX.

Leaker said it's the controller. There are no pictures of the actual console because dev kits are just bulky metal boxes.
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