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It's crazy that laughable Chinese rumor turned out to be completely true.

The bad translation of that rumor said something about Stella being in it, could just be grasping at straws but maybe there's some truth?

Tabata said Stella was taken out of the game but never said anything about a movie.


Almost as bad as 'Lao' from Xenoblade X.

What was so bad about Lao's name? Other than it making more sense as his surname, rather than a given name.

I thought GAF had a zero homophobia tolerance?

Leaving aside the absurdity of a zero-tolerance policy for something as nebulous, subjective and poorly-defined as "homophobia", how can that even remotely count? They were obviously using 'gay' in the generic pejorative sense.


The game isn't even out yet and they are already doing side stories.
Seems a bit overconfident imo.

I'd rather have a transmedia experience from the get go that having to deal with the same universe and same characters for years like what happened with XIII.


What makes it look gay? strange thing to come away with

Looking forward to seeing it when the game comes out.

Yea I didn't see any indication of gay characters in the trailer, maybe I'm missing something.

I, however, think this looks dumb af.

That plot synopsis that flashed on screen looked and read fan made. Square pls.


I'd rather have a transmedia experience from the get go that having to deal with the same universe and same characters for years like what happened with XIII.

The thing is it just seems like SE are articfically trying to establish a legacy before the game has dropped. XV might flop going by the impressions in the recent demo thread, yet SE think people will want to watch a CG movie based around it.
It would be wiser to see how the main game fares before considering side stories.
The thing is just seems like SE are articfically trying to artifically trying establish a legacy before the game has dropped. XV might flop going by the impressions in the recent demo thread, yet SE think people will want to watch a CG movie based around it.
It would be wiser to see how the main game fares before considering side stories.

The way I see it, they are all promotion for the game.
the entire experience is part of the game though, this is just something additional if you want to learn more about the events/another side of it. i'm not saying it would have taken Visual Works etc many many years to make it but the decision was probably made at least around e3 2013 if not a bit earlier, and it feels like something Nomura would do.

Cross media stuff is just something that I really don't like, no matter how minor it is. In this instance I can understand it as something that wasn't planed and they are just using story/elements that would have been dropped completely so I'm not too "mads" at it, but as I said in that post, I hope that there isn't much more of it.


Cross media stuff is just something that I really don't like, no matter how minor it is. In this instance I can understand it as something that wasn't planed and they are just using story/elements that would have been dropped completely so I'm not too "mads" at it, but as I said in that post, I hope that there isn't much more of it.

I'd rather have cross media as film than have it go the Kingdom Hearts route and spread the story across every console known to man.

A 20 dollar CGI movie is a better deal than the PSP I bought for Birth By Sleep, then basically never touched again.
I'd rather have cross media as film than have it go the Kingdom Hearts route and spread the story across every console known to man.

A 20 dollar CGI movie is a better deal than the PSP I bought for Birth By Sleep, then basically never touched again.

I'm not a fan of either really. Sequels are fine if they are fully planed out before hand I guess, but they normally (like in KH's situation) aren't. I'm a big fan of one offs that are complete and final. Using your example, how they handled the KH story is why I can't work up the will to care about any more games in that series at all.

Again, I'm fine with this cgi movie since it is a one off thing that is filling a gap where the game was before before it had changes made to it. I just hope the cross media stuff doesn't extend past it and the anime micro series.
Wow a full movie? Where'd they get the money to do this? Also Sean Bean? His character's gonna die in the first act isn't he?

Also I'm glad they got some endorsement money from Audi, otherwise if they asked from Microsoft, this movie would've been locked to a one year exclusivity deal.
It's crazy that laughable Chinese rumor turned out to be completely true.

The bad translation of that rumor said something about Stella being in it, could just be grasping at straws but maybe there's some truth?

Tabata said Stella was taken out of the game but never said anything about a movie.
Luna looks so different that I am sure the guy confused her with Stella and said she was in the movie, lol.

How much is this costing to produce, at least 100 million? Are they betting the whole company on FFXV?
I doubt it cost them much. There is years of pre-production but if it has a budget above 100 million, it likely includes FFXV dev costs too.




Personally not a fan of Luna's face in the CG movie..

Now in-game Luna looks like a sex doll. LOVE the CG one!


CGI Luna's face being different may be due to motion capture depending on syncing up with Lena Headey's face, they do look similar, especially the mouth.

There was no way Lena's head was going to match up with Game Luna's perfectly almond shaped head and anime face.


Luna looks so different that I am sure the guy confused her with Stella and said she was in the movie, lol.

I doubt it cost them much. There is years of pre-production but if it has a budget above 100 million, it likely includes FFXV dev costs too.

This level of CG fidelity is/was famously like 1 million dollars for 30 sec - 1 minute at Blur. Feature length theatrical CG cartoons all have well over 100 million dollar budgets, even the cheap looking ones. There is no doubt this is costing an absolute fortune.


The difference between Kingsglaive Luna and Game Luna is about 10-12 years I reckon. :p

This level of CG fidelity is/was famously like 1 million dollars for 30 sec - 1 minute at Blur. Feature length theatrical CG cartoons all have well over 100 million dollar budgets, even the cheap looking ones. There is no doubt this is costing an absolute fortune.

In the US, sure. In Japan the wages are way lower and so are the budgets. We're looking at a 40-50 million dollar film here at most, probably less. And that's if a bunch of the cost wasn't already sunk as CG FMVs for scenes which no longer exist in the game now.

The budget for Marza's Space Captain Harlock two years ago was about 30 million.


CGI Luna's face being different may be due to motion capture depending on syncing up with Lena Headey's face, they do look similar, especially the mouth.

There was no way Lena's head was going to match up with Game Luna's perfectly almond shaped head and anime face.

They didn't use the stars for mocap. Aaron Paul said he just got the script recently and started recording lines the other day.

And if their other projects are any indication, they don't necessarily match up build with their characters. This lady did mocap for Cloud in a recent commercial (she's also the mocap for Serah and Aya in 3rd Birthday).


If it's not Nomura, it's Roberto Ferrari.

Something tells me you're right.

Anything Nomura designs is deliberately and affirmatively stated in any marketing collateral.

This is exciting. Hopefully a sign of things to come.

But also, I wish Nyx was the lead character for FF XV and not Noctis. Or at least, I wish we could swap out Noctis' character model and use Nyx instead.

Nyx feels like a truly modernized FF character.


The dad kinda looks like Christian Bale

Nah. Looks more like Bill Nighy in his Davey Jones human form.




Junior Member
Where are you getting those renders!? Do they have more??

There's a trailer in the game trailer that has cgi.

also previous trailers have cgi in it.

In the actual trailer, the only part that's in CGI is when Regis puts his hand on Noctis' shoulder. Could be a part of Kingsglaive.

I dunno, I just think it'll be really disappointing if we don't get a decent amount of sexy Visual Works CGI in the actual game.


Something tells me you're right.

Anything Nomura designs is deliberately and affirmatively stated in any marketing collateral.

This is exciting. Hopefully a sign of things to come.

But also, I wish Nyx was the lead character for FF XV and not Noctis. Or at least, I wish we could swap out Noctis' character model and use Nyx instead.

Nyx feels like a truly modernized FF character.


Screams western design to me.

I wonder if this movie is mostly western-appealing judging from the designs and style of the trailer.

Note: I'm not saying it's bad, I'm excited about this :)


Nyx looks taken straight out of Assassin's Creed. It's weird that people are criticizing the "western approach" of XV and then praising this safe design.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Nyx looks like a Japanese take on western design concepts, which is why he's so visually appealing. While the overall design looks like a western hero, there's a few concepts that add a unique visual flair that most western devs wouldn't put on their characters:


It's only a few details, but they matter. He doesn't just look "western": Nyx looks like a western Final Fantasy character. It's that blend between aesthetics that's resonating with people, I think. It's the same reason the Resident Evil protagonists look so cool - they look overall "American" but have little details like Leon's bangs or Jill's campy beret that evoke the more stylized look common in Japanese media.


The way I see it, they are all promotion for the game.

Pretty expensive way to promote a game.
I think it would be smarter to see how well the main game is received before trying to expanding the lore
They did a similar thing with FFXII's "Fabula Nova Crystallis" mythos and ended up shoving several mediocre XIII related games down people's throats.
SE should just keep it simple and focus on the main game first (especially when there seems to be so many glaring issues) instead of creating expensive side projects based on a game that may not meet sales expectations.


Nyx looks like a Japanese take on western design concepts, which is why he's so visually appealing. While the overall design looks like a western hero, there's a few concepts that add a unique visual flair that most western devs wouldn't put on their characters:


It's only a few details, but they matter. He doesn't just look "western": Nyx looks like a western Final Fantasy character. It's that blend between aesthetics that's resonating with people, I think. It's the same reason the Resident Evil protagonists look so cool - they look overall "American" but have little details like Leon's bangs or Jill's campy beret that evoke the more stylized look common in Japanese media.
This is exactly what I've been talking about so often in FFXV threads in regards to what direction FF should take design-wise now that the Western console market is the most important. These ones here are a very good compromise and it would've helped FFXV's perception in the West immensely to have something like this rather than the current main cast.


That being said, you can have that balance by making the cast look more like Ardyn Izunia from FFXV. I would much prefer that than what we have here.
Personally not a fan of Luna's face in the CG movie..

I think they both look awesome, just that the CG movie simply looks a lot better because it isn't an open world RPG. Unless you're mostly talking about the overall design, which I guess you very well could be. Just seems like the game version is the same more or less just with less detail and in different lighting at least with the pics you posted.
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