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Quantum Break PC performance thread

For the love of God, does anyone know how to force windows store to use my whole bandwidth? It only uses 3mbit of my 50 mbit connection -_-
Does anyone know how to backup the game, I am on a bandwidth cap and dont want to have to download it again.

You might be able to backup the directory that it sits in.

You'll find it in C:\Program Files\WindowsApps (or where you set Windows Apps to install.)


I set it to install to my f drive I see that folder but its 0 bytes and I have no permission to view it. Microsoft really make things hard


Upto now I have had no issues, maxed out with AA off @ 1440p seems to run smooth, don't have it locked to 30fps.

How do you take screenshots in game on windows games?


I set it to install to my f drive I see that folder but its 0 bytes and I have no permission to view it. Microsoft really make things hard
Files are accessible only from this directory -> C:\Program Files\WindowsApps, even if you set the apps download location to different drive. Files take space on drive you set but you can access them only from system drive, i think. Probably some kind of junction link or whatever its called :D

I hope for a new wave of backlash since codes are out for those who preordered on console. Maybe that will force Remedy/MS to take action.
Some communication and timelines for patches would be appreciated.
I am the only one who sees photoshop potential below? :)
Thats more UWP related but still. I already made a crappy attempt but its ended up a bit extreme.


Well, the main differences from the console version are only resolution, volumetric lights and shadows quality. If you'll play it at 1080p on a monitor, then you'll notice how much blurry it looks, since the res is exaclty the same as the Xbone version. But at 2k it looks much better already. For now this is still a VG conceived for TV+console.
I am not sure how this is possible, but on Ultra settings this game looks worse than it does on the Xbone.

6700K 980ti SLI

According to Digital Foundry, it should look better than the Xbox, just not by much. It might be that you're used to better IQ on the PC, or the worse motion caused by the crappy framepacing.

Anyway, it looks like this game is going to take another 24 hours to download. I wish there was a way to download this without booting into Windows--I have work to get done, and all of the programs I use are on my Mac partition. :/
oof, completely unplayable when I turn on full screen mode and have a g-Sync monitor. drops to 1 fps with massive lag everywhere, runs fine when I turn off full screen and maximize. This is with a 970, everything set to medium or high (textures).

Still those little border windows which is ugly as sin, so I guess I am not playing until the windows update that fixes UWP and gSync. Hopefully by then Remedy will have a PC patch.

Nice looking game though, the 2 minutes of intro video I saw looked cool.
Fired up the game, replayed a part of act 1... I think I'll finish it out on the Bone after all.

The image quality issues that come from the reconstruction technique honestly don't bother me very much, but the performance is just nooot great (i5 3570k / 970). If I have the game set to medium it's pretty consistent, but as soon as I start moving any settings above medium, the game just starts to feel bad.

It's crazy that this wound up being a showcase on the Bone and such a letdown on W10. I'm perfectly fine finishing it on the Xbox (or just keeping PC at medium and playing whichever platform is more convenient at the moment), though, and I'm enjoying the hell out of the game. I just wish the PC version had come together as well.
Just played through the last act on pc, after playing the rest of the games on X1. I played the game with max settings at 1080p, and it looked slightly better than on x1 (primarily lighting/reflection related).

Game ran without any issues for me. Granted I was running it at 1080p with a good rig. PC specs are: i7 6700k, 980ti, 16GB DDR4-2133, SSD.


Is there any word on a patch or something? I'm running at GTX 680 and feel like I should avoid this game like the plague until performance gets sorted out.


He probably preordered xbox version and got the pc code.

Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh of course there wouldn't be.

Can we even run the game windowed? I don't know if UWP restricts that or not.
UWP=always windowed. Move the mouse cursor to the top of the screen and you will see the window bar.


My audio is breaking in and out...Not impressed with this port so far.

i7 2600k @ 4.4 Ghz
GTX 980 Ti
Samsung 850 Pro SSD
ASUS Z77 Maximus Gene
While it's still embarrassing that it barely runs perceptually better on my PC than it does on Xbox One... it does run perceptually better on my PC than it does on Xbox One (IE, even though the frame pacing is off, it feels smoother than 30 fps). I'm happy enough with it, since it was free and I was able to play the game while my Xbox One and TV were tied up.

I really hope they can sort this out though and get it into a better state. The game really deserves a better presentation.


Wow. I'm used to some hyperbole when it comes to discussing PC performance on here, but this is bad. Really bad.


First the weirdness. Ultra pre-set performs worse for me, than manually adjusting every setting to 'Max' (Ultra actually knocks down a few settings) Either way, I'd say I'm getting maximum frame rates in the 40s. Turning on the 30fps lock is horrible - literally nausea inducing on a big display.

Things didn't start off well, as even the first cut-scene was chopping all over the place. The result of the horrible frame rates means controlling your character feels like you are trying to turn a tanker on the ocean. Fluid it is not. This is why some people deem this game as 'unplayable'.

I am trying to figure out the best way to proceed - knocking settings down doesn't seem to guarantee improved performance, so I might just ride it out with everything maxed. The worrying part, is performance is horrible and I haven't even encountered any combat yet *gulp*

One odd thing I have noticed, is my GPU isn't being worked beyond 90% of it's capabilities, so maybe there is another bottleneck in there? Either way, I would be pissed if I had buckled and paid £50 for this.

Believe the hype - this port is just bad.


From the game profile in NVCP, disable GSync and set the preferred refresh rate at the highest available. This will help if you own a 120/144Hz monitor. If you want to improve the IQ a little bit, force AF to 16x as well. I have a system like yours and I can play at 2k with all settings maxed out, BUT I have slowdowns from time to time. In certain situations I had to lower the volumetric lights quality.


I could maybe forgive the steep hardware requirements, if the game looked really stunning as a result of this, like Division, or better (while in fact Division both runs AND looks better, go figure). Instead, we get this:


How many performance is actually being saved by this atrocious popup?
They did not even bother to improve this for PC version, it's Xbox One level.
And they also claim it's unfixable, because it's property of the engine.
This is most probably because of Umbra middleware, and Witcher 3 mods proved that LOD and popup can be fixed, despite the developer claiming otherwise.
So I've just played through Act 1 (bought a code off a GAF member for 25€, NO WAY was I paying the equivalent of $80 for this!) and it's... not terrible?

i7 875k @ 3.5Ghz
GTX 980
16Gb DDR3 1600Mhz
Samsung 850 EVO 500Gb SSD

The very beginning of the game seemed to run well (granted, no FPS counter here but it "felt" smooth enough I guess) at 1080p with everything except volumetric lighting on High (I also activated 16x anisotropic and triple buffering in the Nvidia CP, even though I'm not sure how much good that does), but once I got to
the library
I started noticing stuttering, especially during the combat encounters, which really threw off my aim. Also got some stutter when transitioning between areas. I also noticed objects flickering, once again especially in the opening area.

This is all very unscientific, of course, and I've probably unconsciously trained myself not to notice framerate variation since I'm mostly a single-player kind of guy who doesn't mind a performance tradeoff if I have pretty graphics to look at.

Anyway, I enjoyed what I've seen so far, though it definitely could use some optimization and patching.


From the game profile in NVCP, disable GSync and set the preferred refresh rate at the highest available. This will help if you own a 120/144Hz monitor. If you want to improve the IQ a little bit, force AF to 16x as well. I have a system like yours and I can play at 2k with all settings maxed out, BUT I have slowdowns from time to time. In certain situations I had to lower the volumetric lights quality.

I didn't realise NVCP had any effect on UWPs? Thanks I'll have a tinker.


I didn't realise NVCP had any effect on UWPs? Thanks I'll have a tinker.

Yeah somewhere I read that refresh rate is stuck at 60Hz on UWA but I can tell you that by running the game at the highest framerate (for me 144Hz) I get far less stuttering and slowdowns. Installing it on a SSD is also an imperative.
So I would recommend against tampering with the NVIDIA shader compiles in the game's directory to disable film-grain and SSAA. I'm not sure if Windows runs routine checks on the files down to the tee, but it starts soft-crashing after 30 minutes of play, without fail. I've had to download it four times now.


If you touch just one ot any file from a Store App you'll have to download the game again. Not recommended. In the current Store's state any user modification is not allowed, that's why the folder is locked.


Quantum Break won't get better visually according to this.


Render technique and resolution on Windows 10
The Windows 10 version of Quantum Break uses the same reconstruction method as on Xbox One. If your resolution is set to 1080p, the game temporally reconstructs the image (except UI) from four 720p buffers rendered with 4xMSAA, just like on Xbox One. Engine assigns input geometry samples from 4xMSAA rendering into shaded clusters in order to maximize covered geometry while keeping the performance on acceptable level by reducing expensive shaded samples. When you change the resolution, the buffers used to construct the image are always 2/3rds of the set resolution, i.e. in 2560x1440 they would be 1706x960.
They just posted this on the forums about the PC version.


The entire development team at Remedy Entertainment and Microsoft Studios want to thank all our fans for the success that Quantum Break has experienced since it launched last week on April 5. We have spent the last four years working on Quantum Break – the ultimate Remedy Entertainment game as we call it – and to see how warmly it has been received by gamers worldwide has been exhilarating and incredibly rewarding.

We are aware that some players are facing issues with the Windows 10 version of Quantum Break and some extent on Xbox One. We want to let you know that we are working diligently with Microsoft Studios on addressing all the feedback; below are the things we know about today that are being worked on.

We want to thank our fans again for all their continued support for Remedy and apologize for any problems you have faced playing Quantum Break. We are paying close attention to forums and the discussion online about Quantum Break and are doing our best to solve the issues you are experiencing.

Windows 10 Issues & Solutions

Stuttering Frame-Rate / Frame Pacing
There was a major rounding error introduced into our refresh rate predictions on shipping. A solution to this issue is already being worked on; we expect it to be resolved in a Quantum Break Title Update launching in the near future.

Windows 10 Performance Issues
Remedy is looking into how to improve the overall performance of the game. Part of that is working closely with AMD and NVIDIA to address issues and improve the gameplay experience.

Sometimes, after a longer play session, the game can end up to a state where the video memory becomes fragmented, and an important asset gets moved to system memory, which slows the rendering performance significantly. This problem is very rare and Remedy will continue to investigate and improve the video memory behavior in future updates.

If you experience this issue, exiting and restarting Quantum Break will resolve this issue for now. This is one way to identify if you have encountered this issue or if it’s another potential problem.

Graphics Drivers:
We recommend, for AMD Radeon GPU’s, AMD Radeon Software Crimson Edition 16.4.1

We recommend, for NVIDIA GPU’s, 362.00 from NVIDIA.

Keep in mind, these drivers might have an impact on other software on your computer.

Windows 10 Frame Rate Locked?
In May, Microsoft will be enabling the ability for developers to disable v-sync and adding support for G-Sync and Freesync monitors. This means that UWP games running in full screen, borderless windowed mode will have all of the performance advantages of traditional full screen exclusive mode.

No Option to Quit from Main Menu
We hear you! By popular demand, we are adding an exit option to the main menu in an upcoming title update. For now, similar to all Windows 10 apps, you will need to use Alt-F4 or move the mouse cursor to top right corner of the window to the see the X icon, which you can click to exit the game.

Crashing on Launch
We have been able to repro at least one reason for a rare crash on launch– with some SIMD instructions that require SSE4.1. We are working on fixing that in a future title update, and will fix any other issues we find as they are reported.

Image Quality
We are working on giving users more control to turn on and off features like film grain. We love the artistic choice for our game, but we also want to give PC gamers more choice and this will come in a future update.

Does Quantum Break support SLI or other multi-GPU solutions?
Quantum Break on Windows 10 unfortunately doesn’t support DirectX12 multi-GPU rendering. Due to the engine architecture, the work needed to support multiple GPUs would have been significant and out of scope for Remedy for Quantum Break.

Render technique and resolution on Windows 10
The Windows 10 version of Quantum Break uses the same reconstruction method as on Xbox One. If your resolution is set to 1080p, the game temporally reconstructs the image (except UI) from four 720p buffers rendered with 4xMSAA, just like on Xbox One. Engine assigns input geometry samples from 4xMSAA rendering into shaded clusters in order to maximize covered geometry while keeping the performance on acceptable level by reducing expensive shaded samples. When you change the resolution, the buffers used to construct the image are always 2/3rds of the set resolution, i.e. in 2560x1440 they would be 1706x960.

Download Issues
We are aware some users are having issues downloading the game from the Windows Store. There are some known bugs with the way the progress bar is rendered. Microsoft is standing by to help anyone who has issues downloading and the Windows 10 Anniversary Update this summer will massively improve the overall experience for these kinds of big games.

General Issues & Solutions (Xbox One and Windows 10)

Light Flare / Blinking Lights
This is a known issue. A permanent fix is being introduced in the next Title Update in the near future. For now, the problem can be resolved by exiting and re-launching the game.

Film Grain
This is an artistic choice from Remedy Entertainment. We wanted a cinematic look for our game and “film grain” is part of that look. Depending on the brand of TV you use or if your Xbox One is connected to a monitor, the film grain can look very different. Always use “Game Mode” on your television if such a feature exists. Make sure you adjust your sharpness setting down on your monitor or TV as well as the brightness setting in Quantum Break.”

Ambient Subtitles
While atmosphere is an important part of Quantum Break, we decided to not include subtitles for ambient sound (e.g.– in-game radio broadcasts) to ensure those subtitles did not conflict or overlap with the subtitles for actual character dialogue.

No Dialogue on Xbox One
If your game is missing dialogue, this is probably because you are listening in stereo, but the Xbox One is set to play back surround 5.1 or 7.1.

To solve this on Xbox One:

Scroll left from Home to open the guide
Select Settings
Select All Settings
Select Display & Sound
Select Audio output
Set the output to Stereo

Cloud Save Issue on Windows 10 and Xbox One
Cloud save issues with the Windows 10 version of Quantum Break have been resolved with the March update (Windows 10 Version 10586.164, 64-bit only). To avoid any issues, please switch Microsoft accounts before signing in to the Xbox app and/or check Windows Update to ensure that you are using the latest version of Windows 10.

We are aware of this issue on Xbox One and are working to address it in a future update. To avoid any issues, please quit the game before turning off your console.


Why would you assume that's intentional or saves on resources?
Why would I not? The only reason that we have LOD transitions and popup is to save performance. What you saw in that clip is not "unintentional", it's a deliberate decision of the devs to save performance.


Gold Member
They just posted this on the forums about the PC version.


So... Are they going to allow people to render at their native resolution or not in order to clean up the IQ somewhat?

Good news that they are fixing the framepacing but allowing people to control the resolution of the game would be another step in the right direction.

And so much for DX12 being a gamechanger for multi-GPU setups.
I can accept that they keep their rendering method. Just fix all the performance related problems.

Guess I will play this game in May when G-Sync (hopefully) will work.

So... Are they going to allow people to render at their native resolution or not in order to clean up the IQ somewhat?

Good news that they are fixing the framepacing but allowing people to control the resolution of the game would be another step in the right direction.

It reads to me that they won't. I am not a graphics programmer so I can only guess that it will require a fundamental change in their engine to make that happen.


So... Are they going to allow people to render at their native resolution or not in order to clean up the IQ somewhat?

Good news that they are fixing the framepacing but allowing people to control the resolution of the game would be another step in the right direction.
No they are not apparently. That's how the engine works... The only way to get your native res is downsampling.


So... Are they going to allow people to render at their native resolution or not in order to clean up the IQ somewhat?

Good news that they are fixing the framepacing but allowing people to control the resolution of the game would be another step in the right direction.
doesn't sound like it unfortunately
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