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nostaliga porn/90s kids/etc: what were the most sought-after electronics as a kid

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I'm anxiously awaiting Bobby Roberts coming in and saying exactly what model laser disc player sanjuro could have fit in his backpack.


It was always easy to separate the poor kids from the rich kids based on if they had a legit Tamagotchi or a checkout aisle ripoff version
definitely a super nintendo/genesis. being stuck with an nes was brutal when all my friends were playing sonic or super mario world. no gameboy/nomad sucked too. I'd also add the voodoo 2 gfx card but I don't know if that counts as electronics. I remember our school having one, and only one, apple quicktake and thinking that was cool as shit but it was also crazy expensive and there was no way I was getting one of those.

however i'm no longer poor so I've made sure to shower my kids with garbage to make up for it.
Mowing the yard and stopping every 25 seconds so my cd player would buffer the antiskip. I had that shit down to a science.


I remember always wanting one of those 90s electronic organizers because I thought they were like mini computers at the time (meaning I thought you could play games and do desktop stuff on them) but thank God I never got one based on that assumption.


These were relatively cheap. Later models had fucking soundboards built in.
I remember always wanting one of those 90s electronic organizers because I thought they were like mini computers at the time (meaning I thought you could play games and do desktop stuff on them) but thank God I never got one based on that assumption.
I felt like a damn spy with mine. Memory made it basically like saving a tweet due to character limit.

This thread making me realize I WAS a spoiled only child.


what did Sega channel even do

Sega channel worked on the same technology as pay-per-view. You'd rent this cartridge from your cable company every month that looked like this:


And you'd run a coax cable to your Sega Genesis using this cart. Every month, they'd select 50 games out of the Sega Genesis library and broadcast them in a loop across your cable provider. When you turned on this cartridge you'd get this menu:


which let you select between the games being broadcast every month. For $15 a month, you got unlimited play of all 50 games.

It was like blockbuster video directly in your house. 50 fucking games a month for $15, and many of the games on Sega Channel either came early, like when they released Mortal Kombat 3 like 6 weeks before it shipped, or were outright sega channel exclusive, like Mega Man: The Wily Wars and Alien Soldier.

The cart also had SRAM so you could save your games. I played through soooooo many genesis games that way, like Shining Force II, Beyond Oasis, Phantasy Star IV, etc.

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMRLZcBiN-k

Keep in mind, this was 1995.

I wanted a Cybiko so goddamn badly. Then my cousin got one for Christmas and I was super jealous. Then, as it turns out, the thing sucked major ass. I mean, yeah, you could chat with other Cybikos! At least, on the very, very, rare occurance that another one of the 500,000 sold nationwide happened to be within shouting distance.
man sega had so much dope shit back in the 90s.

It was always easy to separate the poor kids from the rich kids based on if they had a legit Tamagotchi or a checkout aisle ripoff version
actually the only time i used to feel poor was the lack of a starter jacket and/or a stusy/mossimo/no fear tee. 😫
man I didn't even want to bring fashion into it but my older sister got a starter jacket and then when my moment came I got her handmedown. at least it was the bulls.


I had a Charlotte Hornets starter jacket which in retrospect was the pumpkin spice latte of playground white kids.

I got a 49ers one a few years later tho and leveled up
I wanted a Cybiko so goddamn badly. Then my cousin got one for Christmas and I was super jealous. Then, as it turns out, the thing sucked major ass. I mean, yeah, you could chat with other Cybikos! At least, on the very, very, rare occurance that another one of the 500,000 sold nationwide happened to be within shouting distance.

haha my brother had one! that thing was funny.


Also PDAs in highschool that shit was so cool.
Aspiring animators everywhere rejoiced when color PDA came out for note flipping action!

Space trader was an amazing game in my PDA. The first time free demo version VA paid version. Mobile really is. Just an extension of PDA and Palm Pilots.

Motherfuckers were playing Drug Wars and shit on there during class

iirc it was bulls, cowboys or hornets or your weren't shit. maybe braves too. 90s kids were such bandwagoners.
I had a huge poster of Shaq in my room when he was on the Magic, but the Jazz were always my team. And thus I fucking hated the Bulls.


Fuck, I even remember the EXACT DAY I got Sega Channel. The service had just started, we were in the test market area so we got it super early. Since you had to run cable to your Sega Genesis, my parents had to actually install cable TV in my bed room, which was fucking incredible. The same day I got Sega Channel, I also got fucking NICKELODEON in my bedroom. Hands down one of the best days of my life.

I remember the first game I tried on Sega Channel, too. It was Alex Kidd: The Enchanted Castle. And when I finished testing it out, I turned it off and watched Hey Dude on my TV. Prior to that, we only had cable in the front living room.

My older sister was so fucking pissed lol.

They also had to install a TCI cable box in my room to make it work, meaning my room was the only room in the house that got pay per view. We watched the Houston Rockets win the 1995 NBA Championships in my bedroom because of that.
yeah you could probably add extended cable to the list... kids talking about USA and nick shows were speaking another language. shit sucked. ;___;



Motherfuckers were playing Drug Wars and shit on there during class

I had a huge poster of Shaq in my room when he was on the Magic, but the Jazz were always my team. And thus I fucking hated the Bulls.
Space Trader was still better than Drug Wars to me.

Also, there was a decent office RPG that channelled Earthbound for the middle aged white collar man.



I wanted a portable TV so fuckin bad back then. I was like 8 and my grandma told me I could ask her for anything. That meaning if I needed like candy or ramen noodles. I never asked for shit and finally got the balls to ask for one. Never got it though. I think that is part of the reason why my iPhone means so much to me. I can watch any video at any time anywhere and it still blows my mind.


Another one I sat around thinking about and wanting so bad when I was little. I even cut out a picture of it from a sears catalog and acted like I was playing it. We found one for sale in the local paper and I finally did get one with a few games. Goddamn that thing ate batteries like mad. I got maybe 2 hours of play off of 4 aa batteries. But those hours were so fuckin great as a kid. No more light needed to play my shit.



I still remember getting stuck with the shitty pink one because it was the only one left and they were impossible to find. lol


Where my beepers at? Those came and went so fast.
Keep in mind, this was 1995.
Sega Channel was freaking amazing. So far ahead of its time.

Also, do these count?

Motherfuckers were playing Drug Wars and shit on there during class
I remember starting to mod games and then starting to write my own stupid stuff. Fun times.
Drug Wars was more fun with local names thrown in for flavor.



A kid in my neighborhood had one of these. Made me super jealous. He never let anyone else play with it either.

This one time he bounced it off a curb and hit my friend Carlos in the balls.

Is that the one that could drive on either side? If so, I remember that was the absolute jam back in the mid 90's.


Sega channel worked on the same technology as pay-per-view. You'd rent this cartridge from your cable company every month that looked like this:


And you'd run a coax cable to your Sega Genesis using this cart. Every month, they'd select 50 games out of the Sega Genesis library and broadcast them in a loop across your cable provider. When you turned on this cartridge you'd get this menu:


which let you select between the games being broadcast every month. For $15 a month, you got unlimited play of all 50 games.

It was like blockbuster video directly in your house. 50 fucking games a month for $15, and many of the games on Sega Channel either came early, like when they released Mortal Kombat 3 like 6 weeks before it shipped, or were outright sega channel exclusive, like Mega Man: The Wily Wars and Alien Soldier.

The cart also had SRAM so you could save your games. I played through soooooo many genesis games that way, like Shining Force II, Beyond Oasis, Phantasy Star IV, etc.

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMRLZcBiN-k

Keep in mind, this was 1995.

Goddamn look at that shitty ass cable connection and barrel on the end. Still hard to believe cable was analog and not as fragile as it is now with noise issues on the lines disrupting the qam channels.


Sega channel worked on the same technology as pay-per-view. You'd rent this cartridge from your cable company every month that looked like this:


And you'd run a coax cable to your Sega Genesis using this cart. Every month, they'd select 50 games out of the Sega Genesis library and broadcast them in a loop across your cable provider. When you turned on this cartridge you'd get this menu:


which let you select between the games being broadcast every month. For $15 a month, you got unlimited play of all 50 games.

It was like blockbuster video directly in your house. 50 fucking games a month for $15, and many of the games on Sega Channel either came early, like when they released Mortal Kombat 3 like 6 weeks before it shipped, or were outright sega channel exclusive, like Mega Man: The Wily Wars and Alien Soldier.

The cart also had SRAM so you could save your games. I played through soooooo many genesis games that way, like Shining Force II, Beyond Oasis, Phantasy Star IV, etc.

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMRLZcBiN-k

Keep in mind, this was 1995.

I remember when this came out, the very concept of it was just mind blowing as a kid. I'm not sure there was anything I wanted more than this at the time. lol


When people talk about the game gear, they almost always were doing it wrong. Because they always talk about it eating batteries, which meant they didn't have this:


You clipped this bitch to your acid wash jeans and it let you rock your game gear for like 8 hours at a time on a single charge. And if you needed more power, you just plugged it into the cigarette port in your mom's aerostar and it'd fill back up with power.

Second, most kids did not have a Sega Master System prior to getting their game gear, meaning they didn't get to use this:


The master gear converter made the game gear flat out amazing. I had about 20 SMS titles when I got my game gear, and this baby is precisely why I went out of my way to get the game gear. Thing thing felt like it came from god himself. Being able to play your console games ON THE FUCKING GO?? Holy shit my game gear made so many car trips and family reunions tolerable. Hundreds and hundreds of hours playing stuff like Fantasy Zone or Wonderboy III on the go with that baby.
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