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Polygon: Xbox Scorpio will be a ~6 TFLOP system (v PS4K's 4.14), unveil soon, Fall 17

This puts them in a position where they are hardly different from steam. There is nothing MS can offer that is better than steam at this point.

I don't see them competing with Steam. They are more competing with Apple and Google with the same OS over multiple devices. They want to drive people to their store with their apps and games.
The narrative of being cheaper while also being more powerful did way more for PS4 than the DRM business
Not at all. The DRM thing was trending worldwide. Everyone knew about it and most of them hated it. Some people still believe the XB1 has strict DRM.

I didn't even know about the power difference when I decided to get the PS4. All I knew was that Microsoft tried to fuck me. The power difference was just a nice bonus.
wait, so they're gonna pull a PS3 era Sony (launch late + more expensive), only with none of the WW mindshare and no proverbial 'lead' due to their previous iteration? Talk about sent to die. SMH

A $200/250 Xbox one will still be available...and it wont be more than $100 more expensive than neo.


Bait. No sane person would do this
Posts like this can't be real. No real human on the other side of a keyboard does stuff like that.

I think it's actually a smart thing to do.

Trade-in/sell now before the value drops upon the official announcements for these new consoles.

I've already sold my PS4 a couple months ago in anticipation for NEO (found a really good buyer). It sucks not playing my PS4 games, but I've got PS3/PC backlogs to tide me over till whenever NEO launches.


ADD New Gen Gamer
I don't see them competing with Steam. They are more competing with Apple and Google with the same OS over multiple devices. They want to drive people to their store with their apps and games.

Sorry, are we still talking about the xbox business? Because I am addressing exactly this part of the business only. I don't care about their greater plans for the windows platform.


Oh stop lol

They've corrected most of those mistakes and are still having their asses handed to them. People that think the intial marketing/DRM thing from THREE FUCKING YEARS AGO is still a factor in 2016 have lost it lol

It most certainly had an impact and those ramifications are showing today. That terrible reveal and the DRM is a huge reason the PS4 is in the position it's in. Then SOny had a great E3 is revealed a great price. Did you hear the cheer that got and how Jack Tretton threw down the gauntlet on MS DRM plans?

That got the biggest pop. After that people were team PS4. That "more powerful" console stuff is just fodder for fanboys. Anyone knows for the most part the games look pretty much the same aside from exclusives. Also people buy what their friends buy and what's more appealing during Christmas. A mom doesn't give two shits what console is more powerful. She'll get the console thats either cheaper or what her kid wants.
This all boils down to value.

The Xbox One didn't ultimately fail because of power - the system has some gorgeous looking exclusives for it like Ryse, Sunset Overdrive, and Quantum break. And ultimately, the best selling PS4 games aren't really graphical juggernauts (Destiny, CoD).

Failed messaging, the combination of weaker hardware at a higher price, and a more aggressive competitor ultimately ended up driving the story of this generation.

The prospect of a 6TB Xbox 2 is interesting, but it doesn't come without a cost. They will need to match some pretty substantial upgrades for all areas of the console (power supplies, memory, cpu, etc).

Would a $499 Xbox 2 @ 5-6TF succeed against a $399 PS4K @ 4.2TF? I think at best, it would slightly re-engage the US Xbox audience, but I don't think it would have them sway sides. It may put them at a competitive disadvantage due to price, more than anything.


This won't be the first time MS will be having the most powerful console on the market, so the power of these boxes is moot, with respect to potential effects on market-share.

Barring any catastrophic fuck-up on Sony's part, akin to the PS3 launch, then we're looking at the PS2 gen all over again, where the strongest box will be a distant second.

The market is a lot different than the PS2 days. Third party games top the charts now whereas exclusives have less and less pull. Gamers are more informed nowadays and will look to buy the most powerful console to play the next BattlefieldCODDestiny.
Ok, power may have meant something this gen. But have you heard the news? There are no gens anymore in the future. Power will become irrelevant in the grand scheme of things especially in fanboy wars, because we could end up with 2 year cycles down the road and Sony and MS won't release their consoles head to head again. This would mean that a proud Xbox2 owner only has one year and a handful of games to brag about until the next more powerful Playstation is upon us. Oh, the irony...

That's pretty much what would happen.

Scorpio comes out and is the most powerful console on the market. It has 2 years to make hay until the next PS comes out and replaces it as the new shiny most powerful console on the market. Then next PS has 2 years to make hay before the next Xbox comes out and is more powerful, ad infinitum.

Eventually power means nothing and it becomes solely about ecosystem and software. iOS v Android.
Not at all. The DRM thing was trending worldwide. Everyone knew about it and most of them hated it. Some people still believe the XB1 has strict DRM.

I didn't even know about the power difference when I decided to get the PS4. All I knew was that Microsoft tried to fuck me. The power difference was just a nice bonus.

When you say everyone, I'm assuming you mean the majority. Where does this notion that the majority of gamers(casuals)know about all the stuff we on GAF, YT, Gamespot etc come from? The majority of gamers are just enjoying their games and don't care about any of this stuff. They play the games and platforms their friends and family have influenced them with.


Gold Member
You mean 36% instead of 40%?

Not to mention that sources said "over" 4 times, and ~6 TF.

I was directly responding to the person I quoted and what he wrote.

The source said 5 to 6. It could just as easily be 5.

1.31 + 40% = 1.83 or am I missing something?

I was talking about the jump in the actual delta itself, not the delta between the scorpio and the neo.

Yet you mention the difference between the PS4 and X1 as comparison for the argument, or am I misunderstanding?


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
The narrative of being cheaper while also being more powerful did way more for PS4 than the DRM business

The DRM and the required Kinect was what tanked the Xbox One on launch. Everything else just compounded those issues.
Where are people getting PS Neo in Fall of this year? I thought I heard Spring 2017?

6 TFLOPS sounds like a good jump up. Dont like the half step idea; 4 is too close to what we already have. Especially if we're pushing for VR. Although I most likely would be upgrading my PC instead of either one, price will be a huge factor
When you say everyone, I'm assuming you mean the majority. Where does this notion that the majority of gamers(casuals)know about all the stuff we on GAF, YT, Gamespot etc come from? The majority of gamers are just enjoying their games and don't care about any of this stuff. They play the games and platforms their friends and family have influenced them with.
I'm fairly certain it was a tending topic on both twitter and facebook. Gamer and non-gamer people I knew were talking about it.


At exactly 4 times the power of the Xbox One, the Scorpio at 5.28TF is more than 1TF over the Neo.

That's the twice the delta between the base PS4 and XB1, a delta which has been played up as a large gap.

That's why its entertaining watching this narrative spawn about how 6TF is too generous a number. The greater the delta, the harder it is to move goalposts, I guess.

100% agree.

That which was important, may now be discounted...
Oh stop lol

They've corrected most of those mistakes and are still having their asses handed to them. People that think the intial marketing/DRM thing from THREE FUCKING YEARS AGO is still a factor in 2016 have lost it lol

You honestly believe that just because Microsoft are possibly going to be offering a more powerful console than the Neo, means that most people are going to immediately abandon PS4 in general & scoop it up? LOL!

Plus average consumers don't give a shit as to which console is more powerful. They go where their friends go as to which console is popular. You're only given one chance to fuck up on your console reveal, & that's it. It sticks with them throughout the rest of the generation. It doesn't matter if they improved on what they've done later on.


The market is a lot different than the PS2 days. Third party games top the charts now whereas exclusives have less and less pull. Gamers are more informed nowadays and will look to buy the most powerful console to play the next BattlefieldCODDestiny.

This will serve Sony even better because NEO will have been on the market unchallenged anywhere from 8-12 months before Scorpio even launches.

Majority of those big AAA games launching in Fall 2016 and throughout 2017 will be advertised for NEO, barring some select Fall 2017 titles that MS will undoubtedly try getting marketing deals for.


releasing new hardware 3 years on ps4 and bone lifecycle just seems like a dumb idea for me, both from sonys part as well as microsoft

what they should do is wait at least 2 to 3 years and announce ps5 and bone 2, not the bull they're doing with this
I was doing the dishes and suddenly I felt a great disturbance in the Console War, as if millions of goalposts suddenly cried out in terror as they where ripped from their foundations. I felt that something amusing had happened. Then I checked Gaf and lo, a prophet appeared,

All I know is that if what I like > what I don't like then power is important and if what I don't like is > what I like then power is unimportant.

And so it had come to be. From this day forward, power is hereby meaningless.

Praise to the prophet!
I think it's actually a smart thing to do.

Trade-in/sell now before the value drops upon the official announcements for these new consoles.

I've already sold my PS4 a couple months ago in anticipation for NEO (found a really good buyer). It sucks not playing my PS4 games, but I've got PS3/PC backlogs to tide me over till whenever NEO launches.

Yea but here's the thing, these are all rumors. Nothing has been confirmed. I just think it's silly


The DRM and the required Kinect was what tanked the Xbox One on launch. Everything else just compounded those issues.

Exactly, and honestly it's pretty hard to just walk away from a disaster like that, so my guess is with that in mind they rather focus on the things that they can remedy for the time being, like bridging the power gap and sprinting far ahead of Sony in order to capture the audience that does want the most powerful console.
Once again though, however powerful the next Xbox is, if they keep the baseline set at the standard of the current Xbone... its just the same stuff with a few extra bells and whistles.

If they abandon the current base-line, then they just screwed over all their early adopters this gen by redirecting much needed software support.

Looking longer term, is this sort of incremental power-creep actually all that valuable when both Sony and MS are taking their technology from the same provider and architectural tree? Essentially meaning that whoever gets their nose in-front is only going to retain that advantage until their competitor releases their next iteration.

It all seems a bit pointless to me, especially considering the lead times required to develop AAA titles that really leverage the power these systems offer is going to ensure relatively small libraries within each increments life-time.

I was thinking the same. The baseline would hold the console back. I don't see a point for 6TFLOPs unless they want games with extreme amount of graphical detail( I guess they want 4k gaming, I don't know what it takes to get 4k gaming) . But, many games won't take advantage of that and probably won't have time to.
You know what mattered more than the power or DRM shenanigans?

The same thing that always matters the most. Price. I don't know why everyone is arguing the minor factors while ignoring the main one.

Which is why this leak of targeted (and thus fluid) specs is more or less meaningless when estimating the relative success of the nextbox against the nextstation.

The power delta is much less important than the difference in price or release date, and MS still needs to improve the Xbox's worldwide brand awareness/approval to match Sony outside of the US/UK. All of that aside, the rumor that all future XB titles will also be Windows titles won't help their console sales, especially if the market shifts to regular upgrades.

Basically, there's so much we don't know that arguing the success or failure of this initiative based on a theoretical delta just seems pointless.


Not at all. The DRM thing was trending worldwide. Everyone knew about it and most of them hated it. Some people still believe the XB1 has strict DRM.

I didn't even know about the power difference when I decided to get the PS4. All I knew was that Microsoft tried to fuck me. The power difference was just a nice bonus.

Trending worldwide isn't a hard thing to do when you're talking about devices as popular as these. In the end all our personal experiences don't account for much, but I feel like the people I know who own one of the console's are somewhat representative of the majority. People who play games occasionally, play the big games only (FIFA, COD, HALO). And they had no clue about the DRM business.
The market is a lot different than the PS2 days. Third party games top the charts now whereas exclusives have less and less pull. Gamers are more informed nowadays and will look to buy the most powerful console to play the next BattlefieldCODDestiny.

Gamers will buy what there friends are buying or buy what they think is worth the value .
And in some part of the world even if the Xbox more powerful the brand not worth much and power is not going to really change that .


Xbox one two wouldn't be directly competiting against Neo like Xbox One did against PS4.

Xbox one two will be an alternative to high end gaming pcs. It'll also be the cheapest entry to high end VR gaming when it launches.
In the process of building a pretty beast VR capable PC with an i7-6700k and a 1080 when it comes out. I have a PS4 and plan on getting a NEO. I have an Xbox One but never play it. I'd consider getting a Scorpio if the 6tf rumors are true but considering MS's pivot to PC with Windows 10, I'm wondering if owning a Scorpio and a top of the line PC would be redundant and pointless. I'd probably be buying it out of habit rather than practicality. I might just skip it and roll with a PS4 NEO and PC combo
I was directly responding to the person I quoted and what he wrote.

The source said 5 to 6. It could just as easily be 5.

1.31 + 40% = 1.83 or am I missing something?

Yet you mention the difference between the PS4 and X1 as comparison for the argument, or am I misunderstanding?

You are misunderstanding, so here's take two.

1.32 vs 1.84 = 0.5TF gap, "huge" differences

4.14 vs 5.28 = Twice the gap from before (1.XTF > 0.5TF)

Even at exactly 4 times a base XB1 TF count, it's a bigger deal than the delta between the XB1 and the PS4. And yet, some of you are in here splitting hairs over whether or not the thing is 6TF or not.



This thread is great. I had to bring this out of retirement.

You honestly believe that just because Microsoft are possibly going to be offering a more powerful console than the Neo, means that most people are going to immediately abandon PS4 in general & scoop it up? LOL!

Plus average consumers don't give a shit as to which console is more powerful. They go where their friends go
as to which console is popular. You're only given one chance to fuck up on your console reveal, & that's it. It sticks with them throughout the rest of the generation. It doesn't matter if they improved on what they've done later on.

That's a lie lol

Wonder why their friends went there?
MS releasing a slimmed down version of their current model and an upgrade a year later. Wow.

The associated costs of implementing either are big, and MS are going for both ... throwing the proverbial kitchen sink at this.
Xbox one two wouldn't be directly competiting against Neo like Xbox One did against PS4.

Xbox one two will be an alternative to high end gaming pcs. It'll also be the cheapest entry to high end VR gaming when it launches.

If Xbox Two is an alternative to high end gaming PCs, it will cost substantially more than the PS4K.

I dunno, it sounds like a bad move to me if they go after the high end market. The PC enthusiasts will just upgrade their rigs like they always have, and won't shell out $500+ on an Xbox 2. Those less likely to discern differences in framerate and resolution will go with the cheaper option that's compatible with what their friends have.


Do I win a prize for talking about my penis on the Internet???
If somehow this thing really is 6+ teraflops and can be priced at $399 or less then holy crap SOLD.



So much for being an early adopter of any console.

Microsoft is prepping an immediate follow up, to an impending follow up?

Of course Sony will follow suit to maintain competition. Either way, just imagine the reaction that the casual consumer is going to feel...

"Wait, didnt the Xbox One just come out? Whats the difference? Oh, this PS4 is better? But not better than THAT PS4? Im confused. But THIS Xbox is better than that Xbox, but not as good as that Ps4, but better than THAT PS4. Got it!"
I expected Microsoft to aim early for their next box for a while now. If MS and Nintendo both have brand new systems next year and Sony had their half-step it's going to be a bit awkward, but maybe they can ride existing success and still do very well with a weaker system, ala PS2.

Even though I'm wholly not interested in the tech, it's interesting how VR seems to be driving both Sony and Microsoft's next systems.
More important then just a GPU upgrade is a CPU upgrade. We have been seeing games be CPU limited already this generation. Sony should have upgraded their CPU in Neo if the rumors are correct and they are using the same Jaguar CPU just with an additional 500Mhz clock boost. I expect Microsoft to be using the new Zen architecture which would be a significant boost over the old Jaguar CPU's in the Xbox One and PS4 (at least I hope one of the console manufacturers use a better CPU).
That's a lie lol

Wonder why their friends went there?

In certain parts of the world because the PS brand is bigger .
In other parts because of price , games , OS , power etc etc were all factors .
Question you think because the Xbox more powerful it going to start selling more in certain place in EU .
And if cost more than is another problem it going to have .
You are misunderstanding, so here's take two.

1.32 vs 1.84 = 0.5TF gap, "huge" differences

4.14 vs 5.28 = Twice the gap from before (1.XTF > 0.5TF)

Even at exactly 4 times a base XB1 TF count, it's a bigger deal than the delta between the XB1 and the PS4. And yet, some of you are in here splitting hairs over whether or not the thing is 6TF or not.


Gaps in power scale relatively, not in magnitude.

A 500 TFLOP machine isn't going to be hugely different from a 495 TFLOP machine, even though it's 5X the Gap of the PS4K vs. Xbox 2.

As size grows, so does the requirement for magnitude of the power differential in order to showcase substantial differences.
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