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Capcom: Noel Brown banned from Pro Tour 2016

Good, what a waste life.

However, I hope Capcom takes these allegations more seriously in general, and that video evidence isn't a perquisite for action.

L Thammy

How often do people just give each other friendly gropes during tournaments? Whether this was consensual or not, I'd imagine that it would be easier for the tournament organizer to just ban people instead of holding an investigation every time and keep everyone updated.


She did say she had grabbed his butt the night before, didn't she? And that she knew he was just joking around? She originally said 'unwanted' but said she meant more like 'unexpected' and that 'unwanted' was too strong.

That to me reads as a bunch of people majorly overreacting to this. I don't know the guy, and from all accounts he's a jerk, but... I don't know. This seems like a lot less than some are making it out to be.

To be honest, it doesn't really matter if she outright wanted him to grab her ass or not. They need to start being more proactive about getting people to stop playing fuckball at major events. This conversation about whether someone wanted to have their ass grabbed on camera or not shouldn't really be happening in the first place.
Statement from Ultra Arcade (Noel Brown's sponsor)

Response to the Combo Breaker 2016 Incident
After reviewing the details from all parties we have come to a decision to release Noel Brown from the Ultra Arcade team, and ban Noel from competing in ALL Ultra Arcade Events, & ALL Killer Instinct World Cup Qualifiers (Including the Cup itself) for the duration of the KIWC 2017 Season.
We will re-evaluate Noel’s eligibility to attend our events in the 2018 season.

Ultra Arcade and KI World Cup have a Zero Tolerance for Sexual Harassment and we do not condone any acts of harassment. Warranted or Unwarranted that type of behavior is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.
We would like to thank Richard Thiher(Head of Combo Breaker) for helping us get to the bottom of everything and getting everything resolved in a timely matter.
Brandon Alexander


Maybe I'm too liberal for my own good, but I think this result is as reasonable as it should go. This is his first time getting anything punitive from within competitive gaming for his actions, as such him being banned and it acting as a warning that anything else, going forward, will not be acceptable and will result in something more permanent.

Asking for a permanent ban from everything right off the bat seems a bit unfair, to be honest. He's obviously done tons of shit that is awful but when he's received no punitive action from this community prior, that was essentially condoning it by not punishing it. Now there's a precedent in place, which gives him an opportunity to clean up his act and continue doing what he loves in the future while also sending a firm message that a change needs to happen.

Like I said, I'm probably too much of a leftist in believing that these actions should be done with the intention of bettering someone instead of just pushing them away and isolating them.
Maybe I'm too liberal for my own good, but I think this result is as reasonable as it should go. This is his first time getting anything punitive from within competitive gaming for his actions, as such him being banned and it acting as a warning that anything else, going forward, will not be acceptable and will result in something more permanent.

Asking for a permanent ban from everything right off the bat seems a bit unfair, to be honest. He's obviously done tons of shit that is awful but when he's received no punitive action from this community prior, that was essentially condoning it by not punishing it. Now there's a precedent in place, which gives him an opportunity to clean up his act and continue doing what he loves in the future while also sending a firm message that a change needs to happen.

Like I said, I'm probably too much of a leftist in believing that these actions should be done with the intention of bettering someone instead of just pushing them away and isolating them.
Brown punched a dude before, so it's not like this is his first time doing something stupid
Ultra Arcade (Noel Brown's sponsor) responds:


After reviewing the details from all parties we have come to a decision to release Noel Brown from the Ultra Arcade team, and ban Noel from competing in ALL Ultra Arcade Events, & ALL Killer Instinct World Cup Qualifiers (Including the Cup itself) for the duration of the KIWC 2017 Season.

We will re-evaluate Noel’s eligibility to attend our events in the 2018 season.

Ultra Arcade and KI World Cup have a Zero Tolerance for Sexual Harassment and we do not condone any acts of harassment. Warranted or Unwarranted that type of behavior is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.

We would like to thank Richard Thiher (Head of Combo Breaker) for helping us get to the bottom of everything and getting everything resolved in a timely matter.

Brandon Alexander


I thought you couldn't get unemployment if you willingly quit your job? Or is that only in certain states? Because if Noel really did that then holy shit lmao
Maybe I'm too liberal for my own good, but I think this result is as reasonable as it should go. This is his first time getting anything punitive from within competitive gaming for his actions, as such him being banned and it acting as a warning that anything else, going forward, will not be acceptable and will result in something more permanent.

Asking for a permanent ban from everything right off the bat seems a bit unfair, to be honest. He's obviously done tons of shit that is awful but when he's received no punitive action from this community prior, that was essentially condoning it by not punishing it. Now there's a precedent in place, which gives him an opportunity to clean up his act and continue doing what he loves in the future while also sending a firm message that a change needs to happen.

Like I said, I'm probably too much of a leftist in believing that these actions should be done with the intention of bettering someone instead of just pushing them away and isolating them.

Nothing unreasonable about this tbh
Maybe I'm too liberal for my own good, but I think this result is as reasonable as it should go. This is his first time getting anything punitive from within competitive gaming for his actions, as such him being banned and it acting as a warning that anything else, going forward, will not be acceptable and will result in something more permanent.

Asking for a permanent ban from everything right off the bat seems a bit unfair, to be honest. He's obviously done tons of shit that is awful but when he's received no punitive action from this community prior, that was essentially condoning it by not punishing it. Now there's a precedent in place, which gives him an opportunity to clean up his act and continue doing what he loves in the future while also sending a firm message that a change needs to happen.

Like I said, I'm probably too much of a leftist in believing that these actions should be done with the intention of bettering someone instead of just pushing them away and isolating them.

He's been arrested for assaulting his girlfriend in the past. He had his second chance and he shit all over it.


Maybe I'm too liberal for my own good, but I think this result is as reasonable as it should go. This is his first time getting anything punitive from within competitive gaming for his actions, as such him being banned and it acting as a warning that anything else, going forward, will not be acceptable and will result in something more permanent.

Asking for a permanent ban from everything right off the bat seems a bit unfair, to be honest. He's obviously done tons of shit that is awful but when he's received no punitive action from this community prior, that was essentially condoning it by not punishing it. Now there's a precedent in place, which gives him an opportunity to clean up his act and continue doing what he loves in the future while also sending a firm message that a change needs to happen.

Like I said, I'm probably too much of a leftist in believing that these actions should be done with the intention of bettering someone instead of just pushing them away and isolating them.

I agree as well. I get this guy has a history and all, but the responses here are a bit too extreme really. A ban from the year's events is a pretty big blow. Let that punishment hit, see if it changes his behavior. If not, obviously, it's time to go permanent, but the intense bloodlust people have about this is a bit counterproductive, I think.


Brown punched a dude before, so it's not like this is his first time doing something stupid
He's been arrested for assaulting his girlfriend in the past. He had his second chance and he shit all over it.

I'm well aware. Re-read what I said. By action not being taken within the community, it essentially condoned it. Now that something more firm has been dealt out, that sets the precedent going forward.

Daft Punk

Maybe I'm too liberal for my own good, but I think this result is as reasonable as it should go. This is his first time getting anything punitive from within competitive gaming for his actions, as such him being banned and it acting as a warning that anything else, going forward, will not be acceptable and will result in something more permanent.

Asking for a permanent ban from everything right off the bat seems a bit unfair, to be honest. He's obviously done tons of shit that is awful but when he's received no punitive action from this community prior, that was essentially condoning it by not punishing it. Now there's a precedent in place, which gives him an opportunity to clean up his act and continue doing what he loves in the future while also sending a firm message that a change needs to happen.

Like I said, I'm probably too much of a leftist in believing that these actions should be done with the intention of bettering someone instead of just pushing them away and isolating them.

No I agree to an extent. Banning him for the rest of the season is fine. Banning him for life on the first offense for something that has no precedence ever in the FGC is egregious IMO. I like UA's response; kick him off the team, ban him for this season, and then reevaluate him next season.


So he's banned from entering SFV at any CPT event, and banned from actually being able to attend EVO and Combo Breaker. Not as harsh as I would have thought. Better than nothing I guess.



Eh I'll take this. There hasn't been any precedent before. This sets one. You're right maybe Noel shouldn't be given a "second" chance. But anyone else going forward knows the consequences right now. They know what's at stake if they make a decision like this.

And to be quite frank I doubt the sponsor even welcome Noel back after all this and i doubt he's going back to Combo Breaker ever. We'll see how this pans out at other events.


Maybe I'm too liberal for my own good, but I think this result is as reasonable as it should go. This is his first time getting anything punitive from within competitive gaming for his actions, as such him being banned and it acting as a warning that anything else, going forward, will not be acceptable and will result in something more permanent.

Asking for a permanent ban from everything right off the bat seems a bit unfair, to be honest. He's obviously done tons of shit that is awful but when he's received no punitive action from this community prior, that was essentially condoning it by not punishing it. Now there's a precedent in place, which gives him an opportunity to clean up his act and continue doing what he loves in the future while also sending a firm message that a change needs to happen.

Like I said, I'm probably too much of a leftist in believing that these actions should be done with the intention of bettering someone instead of just pushing them away and isolating them.
Yeah I was thinking the same thing and was ready to being called a molester/pervert defender for saying that 1 year is a good precedent for this kind of infraction , but doesn't necessarily mean that future problems would only get 1 year. Lifetime would be ridiculous, but then again GAF is as bloodthirsty as it can be regarding any type of infraction.
No I agree to an extent. Banning him for the rest of the season is fine. Banning him for life on the first offense for something that has no precedence ever in the FGC is egregious IMO. I like UA's response; kick him off the team, ban him for this season, and then reevaluate him next season.
Yes this really is the perfect process. Future reevaluation is the perfect solution. And not that it really matters since he's not getting a sponsor ever again.

Could the girl present police charges for this?
He should be lifetime banned. That should be the precedent for this type of shit.

Sexual harassment promotes the rape culture mentality that makes events like these uncomfortable for women. Why the hell would any event organizer allow someone who does this to come back and create a hostile atmosphere for other people, especially women?

Screw that. Make an example of him.

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
Noel Brown just shot himself in the foot.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about Fighting Game culture (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in Dota where you can become successful by being an asshole. If you screw someone over in the FGC, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.

What this means is the FGC, after hearing about this, is not going to want to sponsor Noel Brown, nor will they allow him to attend any tournaments. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Noel has alienated an entire community with this move.

Noel, publicly apologize and stop coaching Justin or you can kiss your fight money goodbye.

Not really. He still has a lot of dickriders. More importantly he has the support of known people like Jwong, Flash, Marn, etc... They'll all do their best to rugsweep the situation because it's one of their boys.


Every. Goddamn. Time.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
As someone on the outside who is friends with a few FGC people on facebook...

...There have been a lot of really gross reactions to this. And it's not the people I'm friends with but the people I see them engage with.

Such as theories that the girl only said it was wrong because she didn't want to be caught cheating and 'they were just drunk'. Some good stuff in there.
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