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Horizon Zero Dawn - Aloy's Journey Trailer, delayed to February 28th, 2017


Oh yeah, that line launcher was cool for sure. I wonder if you can rope swing or climb cliff faces with that thing.

I really hope they do take advantage of a cool idea for a weapon like that and its only purpose isn't securing a dino in place. I remember the trip bomb now too. So yeah, if they have cool ideas for setting up traps and stuff that would definitely make up for a lack of gun-like weapons.

I like the idea that its not just a shoot-bang with fancy guns kinda game. I just fear the combat getting stale after a bit.
I like that she has a slo-mo slide attacks like in Vanquish.


Sucks that Amazon is the only place to have the CE right now, and it's not even currently release date shipping...

C'mon Best Buy!

Must be something going on because the Limited Edition hasn't gone on sale yet. That plus the Collector's Edition not hitting release date is a bit strange.

Ran rp

Well, yeah, the goal here is discussion

Btw, the first was a classic sci-fi novel called Uplift, but the idea has been used in many other sci-fi works since (us uplifting other species, or aliens uplifting us) while the latter was Planet of the Apes.

But there are other silly examples. A towering radioactive monster emerges from the ocean and razes Japan. It's silly, but they treated Gojira with a seriousness befitting its Hiroshima/Nagasaki inspirations, treated it as a unstoppable force of nature, and gave the movie a dark disturbing pathos that still resonates today

So I just think it rests more on the execution rather than the idea. And we really don't know how they're going to execut the narrative idea of Horizon yet

I mean, a giant, radioactive sea beast isn't that crazy and is more believable than the robot thing here. There are and have been some enormous creatures on earth. But yeah, we won't really know how they'll handle it until the game is out. Still hoping they'll surprise us.

I actually have many of the same questions you have. However we also have zero information on the how and why of robo dinos so it's simply not something to worry about until we know the background. Plus, and I think this is the disconnect, robo dinos are so cool that I'll probably be okay with a far weaker explanation than the one you might like.

Say mad scientist who loves robots and dinosaurs builds automated factory, hence it turns out robots with the parts other robots can gather. This explains the robots built to the same-ish specs, the lack of armour (perhaps scientist didn't think of programming mining robots?), and whatever other quirks are covered by rich mad genius personal issues.

RoboDinos are cool as hell. Again, I wouldn't have a problem with it if they weren't going with the serious tone. I wouldn't even mind the writing and VA.

Edit: Okay, I would but not nearly as much. :p

Yeah, this is godly.

I have no idea how a PS4 can run that, looks close to an open world UC4. Gurreila are wizards if they nail it.

Yeah, like the gameplay trailer last year, this just looks sick. They've always been cutting edge with the tech though so here's hoping they pull this off.

2) The dialogue. What the hell happened here? "Am I an outcast?"
Are you kidding me? Cheesy writing like this has no place in such a creative game. I hope this was just a trailer thing. Otherwise Im worried.

Firstly, why pick the line when she's like 5?
Second, she doesn't say "Am I an outcast?" she says "Why am I an outcast?" seems kind of natural for a kid.
I like that she has a slo-mo slide attacks like in Vanquish.
Yeah that is cool for sure. I imagine there is some kind of skill tree to unlock new skills and stuff too. I'm still curious how "RPG" this game is and if it leans more towards the action or RPG side of things.

I mean, it definitely looks really actiony from what we've seen but I wonder how much down time and exploring, upgrading ect there is.


Yeah that is cool for sure. I imagine there is some kind of skill tree to unlock new skills and stuff too. I'm still curious how "RPG" this game is and if it leans more towards the action or RPG side of things.
Does Aloy have skills you would upgrade?
de Jong: Absolutely. One of the core ideas for setting up the character is that, in a lot of games you get a selection of what player you are, a combat player or stealth player. In our game we wanted to keep that completely open for the player. You can mix and match and put it together in any way you want. Also during the game you can switch. So the different weapons we present, you can work with the weapon wheel and customize it, but also with the skill trees they are very open. As the player levels up, you get skill points, you get to spend them on the skill trees. There, you can go in all directions you want. You can really create your own custom character instead of having to go through this fixed path and not being able to switch things around.
Some games get a bit overboard with their crafting menu systems. How are you guys going to tackle that in the game so players aren't intimidated by the menu or encumbrance, etc.?

One of the things you just saw in the behind-closed-doors demo is that we have the quick-craft menu. Because we're an action RPG, everybody calls themselves open-world action RPGs. At this point, that's really hard for gamers to understand, so if we were to put this on a graph, you would say, on the far left is Watch Dogs or Far Cry, where the menus are simple, not super in-depth. You could do a lot of things just inside of the wheel. Specifically in Watch Dogs they allow you to craft inside of that wheel as well. On the right side of the spectrum, you'd have your Witcher 3s and you have to jump into the menu just to put oil on your sword, or a Skyrim or a Fallout. I don't think any of those are wrong. Those games, on the left side, are more action RPGs and on the right side it's more RPGs with action on the back end.

For us, interestingly, we're carving out a spot almost in the middle of the spectrum. We don't want to be inundated with U.I. [user interface - ed.]. I know Mathijs is constantly trying to keep the U.I. very simple. And we certainly don't want very complicated menus. One of the things that would be bad is [for players to say], "Hey, I don't know exactly how I do this," or "I have all these resources but I don't know how they map to the different things." But we're working on all of that stuff.


Is it weird that I kind of wish this were a movie?

After Shadow Fall I just don't know about Guerilla anymore. And that was a genre they had experience in.


Something about the aesthetic is giving me the same vibe as the new Zelda - provided there's not too much POI-janetering, this could be an amazing piece of virtual tourism :D
Quick question, does this game have multiplayer? If so, is it co op, competitive, or both? Any details? If not, any reason why not?

Visual wise and atmosphere pleases me. They seemed to have created another great gaming world.

Dialog and VA, though, seem poor. GG has never really done a good job with that either. "Scatta, grenade" from Killzone 1 still haunts me. Killzone 2 had great gameplay and graphics, but VA was poor and Rico just pissed me off. Killzone 3 seemed to have better VA from what I remember, but still subpar. Haven't played Killzone SF.

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
The steelbook in the CE is terribad compared to the one in the LE, probably just an error
not that I'd buy either overpriced crap anyway, but still it might be cool when €20


This is the first time I've been excited for a new IP since...Watchdogs (which in the end didn't look as good).

Don't let me down!

Game is looking good.


I'd be in the dick
Quick question, does this game have multiplayer? If so, is it co op, competitive, or both? Any details? If not, any reason why not?

Visual wise and atmosphere pleases me. They seemed to have created another great gaming world.

Dialog and VA, though, seem poor. GG has never really done a good job with that either. "Scatta, grenade" from Killzone 1 still haunts me. Killzone 2 had great gameplay and graphics, but VA was poor and Rico just pissed me off. Killzone 3 seemed to have better VA from what I remember, but still subpar. Haven't played Killzone SF.

They're focusing on the single player.
Re-watched a few times now...

It’s really really good.

If they nail the gameplay, and basically make bosses feel unique and levels in themselves in how you beat them, they could have a big hit on their hands. I hope they don’t tone down the difficulty so everyone can get through the game so easily. I want the challenge of each boss to be progressively difficulty, and hope we have a thread like the Souls game figuring out how to beat certain bosses.
I'll disagree with those saying the writing is terrible and that the dialogue sucks. That seems like hyperbole to me. I wasn't trying to say that, but simply that this game deserves better than average dialogue.


With all the money they are pouring into a game like this, I really would hope Guerilla takes inspiration from Naughty Dog's mo-cap, facial animation, and story design. They are under the same umbrella company, so I would hope they'd atleast give it a thought because this game looks to have the gameplay and aesthetic part of the equation down.
Look good, though my main takeaway is "I wonder how that looks/runs on OG PS4", which unfortunately is going to colour all PS4 trailers for me going forward.


Neo Member
My #1 most anticipated game of the year, The delay hurts a little as I was hoping to play this in november or sooner but I'd rather them take their time and make this as good if not better than I'm hoping it'll be. Also yeah this looks really good graphics wise I've watched the reveal trailer like a million times and this is definitely on another level. Hoping its just improvements over the year and it's still PS4 footage, if not I'm getting myself a Neo.


Quick question, does this game have multiplayer? If so, is it co op, competitive, or both? Any details? If not, any reason why not?

Visual wise and atmosphere pleases me. They seemed to have created another great gaming world.

Dialog and VA, though, seem poor. GG has never really done a good job with that either. "Scatta, grenade" from Killzone 1 still haunts me. Killzone 2 had great gameplay and graphics, but VA was poor and Rico just pissed me off. Killzone 3 seemed to have better VA from what I remember, but still subpar. Haven't played Killzone SF.
Jamie Grey Hyder did a great job on Echo with KZSF imo. Loved her character. Now David Harewood, oddly enough left alot to be desired. The main protagonist you play as was hot garbo too. I like all the VA they've shown for Aloy so far.

Speaking of which, have they announced who is doing the VA for Aloy? I seen rumors that its Ashly Burch
With all the money they are pouring into a game like this, I really would hope Guerilla takes inspiration from Naughty Dog's mo-cap, facial animation, and story design. They are under the same umbrella company, so I would hope they'd atleast give it a thought because this game looks to have the gameplay and aesthetic part of the equation down.

Yeah. They should.
Hmm, this footage does look a big step up from last years, which already looked great. I mean, it looks quite a bit better than the Witcher 3, even on PC...


I'm going to go ahead and use some common sense and tell you all that footage in the trailer has to be from the PS4K or hardware spec equivalent.
I'll disagree with those saying the writing is terrible and that the dialogue sucks. That seems like hyperbole to me. I wasn't trying to say that, but simply that this game deserves better than average dialogue.

Agreed. And while the narration was written a bit dry I really like the VA's they seem to have so far.
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