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Sony E3 Conference 2016 |OT|

What are you most excited for?

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One thing I have to give Sony credit for - and this may sound sarky, but I assure you it's sincere: I was in no danger of falling asleep during that conference. When it starts at 2AM, that's a genuine risk!


6/10. God of war, Spider-Man and Detroit were the only games of interest . For some reason Sony likes these third person post apocalyptic semi open world narrative games. Three games in the conference looked the exact same. They're gonna tire out the genre if they keep doing this . Crash announcement was an absolute joke , a new game was wanted not friggin remasters. The gameplay segment at the end of the show really dampened things as well. Good effort but too much vr jank for my taste .


Oft hope is born when all is forlorn.
Spiderman= biggest game Insomniac ever did, biggest team ever, biggest Marvel game ever.

- Insomniac in the stream right now.

Spriderman by Insomniac is instant hit. Its going to be phenomenal. I am glad its not tied to movie bullshit. Hollywood/movie studio involvement would do nothing but ruin the game.


Speaking as a PS4 owner, with the exception of Kojima being finally released from his cage, nothing appealed to my personal tastes and the whole thing felt a little...off.

Horizon ZD looks too much like a paint by numbers Ubisoft open world game for me to trust it.

I didn't enjoy Team Ico's past games so I'm not interested in Last Guardian.

I've never cared for GOW's genre.

Days Gone looks incredibly generic.

I don't have any nostalgic stakes in Crash.

Though I enjoy the genre they work in, Quantic Dream takes their work waaaay too seriously and Detroit looked pretty cringey as a result.

Spiderman was a CG trailer.

Having messed around with VR, I'm very tepid on its current capabilities beyond gimmickry and was very lukewarm on that whole conference segment.

I was expecting Red Dead from the very fervent rumormill and was accordingly bummed when it didn't materialize.

COD is COD is COD. /shrug

The lack of indies was puzzling.

Finally, the pacing was weird. It ended at an odd time and felt like something got cut at the last minute and they had to reshuffle everything.

Hence, I found it pretty subpar overall.



Super underwhelming - again.

Started off with God of War parenting simulator. Who seriously thinks that will be fun? Why does Kratos even have a kid? He murdered his entire family. Remember? HUGE plot hole. .

He also wasn't part of the Norse mythology, so a ton of time has clearly past, he met someone and had a kid, not an incredibly big plot hole.


I know some people are disappointed by games being far off that were announced (though I think we see many of them next year). But at least all the games were in engine and mostly with gameplay. I can't recall any CGI, unless I'm forgetting one (Hideo Kojima's game is really far off but it was a cool reveal). Many games had sizeable demos.
6/10. God of war, Spider-Man and Detroit were the only games of interest . For some reason Sony likes these third person post apocalyptic semi open world narrative games. Three games in the conference looked the exact same. They're gonna tire out the genre if they keep doing this . Crash announcement was an absolute joke , a new game was wanted not friggin remasters. The gameplay segment at the end of the show really dampened things as well. Good effort but too much vr jank for my taste .

They couldn't be anymore different. Your really grasping with that one.
Super underwhelming - again.

Started off with God of War parenting simulator. Who seriously thinks that will be fun? Why does Kratos even have a kid? He murdered his entire family. Remember? HUGE plot hole.

Then we had Gorilla games with that hippy bullshit from last year. All we need is a Bernie Sanders NPC. "A Nation will not survive morally or economically when so few have...."

Then we have the last of us: sons of anarchy. Didn't look terrible, just uninspired.

Kojima basically trolled everyone with a trailor that doesn't make any sense YET people will fall in love with it. Let me summrise.
Dead crabs, naked man, no belly button. Some Kyle XY bullshit.

Happy that conker has competition for worst reimagining of a character now that Crash is in skylanders. Speaking of XY, how many chromosomes does that crash look like he has?

That game Detroit looks pretty cool tho.

LOL - you got me with the Bernie because I can imagine it. Even if Horizon was my favorite after GOW4 and Recore.
Speaking as a PS4 owner, with the exception of Kojima being finally released from his cage, nothing appealed to my personal tastes and the whole thing felt a little...off.

Horizon ZD looks too much like a paint by numbers Ubisoft open world game for me to trust it.

I didn't enjoy Team Ico's past games so I'm not interested in Last Guardian.

I've never cared for GOW's genre.

Days Gone looks incredibly generic.

I don't have any nostalgic stakes in Crash.

Though I enjoy the genre they work in, Quantic Dream takes their work waaaay too seriously and Detroit looked pretty cringey as a result.

Spiderman was a CG trailer.

Having messed around with VR, I'm very tepid on its current capabilities beyond gimmickry and was very lukewarm on that whole conference segment.

I was expecting Red Dead from the very fervent rumormill and was accordingly bummed when it didn't materialize.

COD is COD is COD. /shrug

The lack of indies was puzzling.

Finally, the pacing was weird. It ended at an odd time and felt like something got cut at the last minute and they had to reshuffle everything.

Hence, I found it pretty subpar overall.

lol, it was not CG



i think im a sony fanboy, and i liked the show, but it lacked one special thing to get me really excited. would have loved a FF7 Trailer.

kojimas appearance is nice but who knows when its coming
I have no idea why people were expecting Red Dead at the conference.

Rockstar is almost deliberately relishing the fact that they are so big right now that they can announce their stuff when they want.

If they didn't care about E3 with GTAV they won't with RDR neither.


Attn Canadian E3 theatre experience attendees: the URL on the lanyard redirects to EN-US by mistake. Manually change it to EN-CA. You will get a 'code is invalid or used' error if you don't.
MS did win it this year imo. I'm just a sucker for hardware announcements.
not even close...In fact, I’d say MS and early guys like EA/Ubisoft are even worse because they set the tone.

I don’t think things are added last minute, but certainly taken out. You have to bring your A game at E3, and I feel like MS is basically hedging their bets on something happening 18 months from now that should potentially be awesome (a brand new powerful Xbox) but what about now? Which is ironic because all the Xbox people keep talking about games announced that’s coming soon. Like did you guys watch the same conference as me? Half of MS games look bad? Recore, Scalebound, and Sea of Thieves all had bad showings. Tekken is likely going to dominate on PS4, I don’t think that resonated with anyone in the xbox audience. It was very meh, and sprinkled in was just cool things like new Xbox Live features and custom controller and a year and half from now, things are going to be awesome.

I feel like people are very very fickle, and this hype will die down long before Scorpio is even on the Horizon. Gears 4, Halo and Forza better be the SHIT! I feel like MS is pretty much relying on the same selling points they’ve always had. The ending of the conference just felt like Sony’s February event the condensed version. eh...


Super underwhelming - again.

Started off with God of War parenting simulator. Who seriously thinks that will be fun? Why does Kratos even have a kid? He murdered his entire family. Remember? HUGE plot hole.

Then we had Gorilla games with that hippy bullshit from last year. All we need is a Bernie Sanders NPC. "A Nation will not survive morally or economically when so few have...."

Then we have the last of us: sons of anarchy. Didn't look terrible, just uninspired.

Kojima basically trolled everyone with a trailor that doesn't make any sense YET people will fall in love with it. Let me summrise.
Dead crabs, naked man, no belly button. Some Kyle XY bullshit.

Happy that conker has competition for worst reimagining of a character now that Crash is in skylanders. Speaking of XY, how many chromosomes does that crash look like he has?

That game Detroit looks pretty cool tho.


amazing post
Spriderman by Insomniac is instant hit. Its going to be phenomenal. I am glad its not tied to movie bullshit. Hollywood/movie studio involvement would do nothing but ruin the game.

Yeah I agree.
What games are you getting U? Have you finished UC4 yet? Your going to love the final chapters


I think the actual content in this conference is the strongest its ever been but the pacing and presentation choices were bizarre. It just felt tonally off. I get the games, games, games element but having people talking about games and building things up is fine.

The show just had no context. Here's God of War being played, moment of silence, here's eight more games in video form with little gameplay shown, here's the price for PlayStation VR, here's some more game trailers, here's some gameplay of Days Gone, goodnight. No real rhythm or pop to the showing, and even though I appreciate that it was just games and no rhetoric about the future of the generation of the lifestyle of the who cares, even the game videos spoke less of gameplay and more of story presentation.

Wonderful games in that mix (though I could have used some platforming or lighthearted action, the Last Guardian and little Crash tease were a breath of fresh air, but even TLG was chaotic rather than heartrending,) but these conferences are best when you feel like being a certain platform fan has purpose when all of the games amassed have meaning that defines the console.

At least they didn't waste our time, though, and there'll be plenty of play shown when the event opens.


Another phenomenal conference from Sony, good job! Many titles missing though, I'm yet again looking forward TGS, Paris and PSX...


I'm not sure what you're arguing with me about here and it's very possible you're not arguing at all, so I'll just leave it alone.

I'm not sure anymore either, so I'm ok with this! lol
Your reply containing 'I get it' confused me there.

I actually play video games though...not just post on GAF and talk about them. The release schedule proves those sprouting nonsense about showing games only coming out “soon” have no weight. There’s plenty coming on soon and beyond on PS4, Sony can talk about whatever they want. And a lot of the conference was soon if you actually check dates.

Anyway, was that COD section in VR? Won’t that make you sick with the camera moving that fast?

I was agreeing with you. I started to post a lot less when I play as well and end up just lurking more often or post only in select topics like Overwatch OT as well.

Lately, I just want more games seeing that I stopped playing FFXIV and my focus became work, family, and some video games.


I .. I .. We don't agree on what's important at e3 at all it seems.

Games and how we play at the core of gaming.
Both had amazing games still, I just think MS had more to improve how we game.

I'm not saying its not about games, but if both were new cars then Sony was the base model and MS the sunroof and cool sound system model : Both get the job done but one does it better.
The reaching in here right now is legendary. I thought last year was ridiculous. This is just ten steps above.

Well imagine vegans watch a Bacon-Conference. Some people don´t like Sonys games. Is that strange? Yes. But is it totally out of this world? Don´t think so. Even if you account for the consolewarrior bs.
Gears of War 4
Sea of Thieves

Dead Rising 4
Forza Horizon 3
Halo Wars 2 (Was this announced before?)
Minecraft hosted servers
Limbo dev's next game
Division update
Tekken 7
Fallout 4 VR
Cross-buy for games
Custom controller server
Xbox One S this year ($300)
Project Scorpio next year ($??)

God of War
The Last Guardian
Horizon: Zero Dawn
Detroit: Become Human

Resident Evil 7
Last of the Sons of Anarchy and Us
Lego Star Wars
Crash Bandicoot
Battlefront VR
Batman VR
Kojima's game
Playstation VR this year ($400, exclusive)


Oh ok neat, thanks.
I think one big difference between Sony and MS is how many new games were shown and mentioned for the first time. MS took the "only showing games that have release dates" approach while Sony went future viewing.

Not disagreeing or agreeing with your main point. Just adding my thoughts.
Microsoft had a new slimmer console, custom controllers, background music, a better way to find like-minded gamers, cross platform play, and a stronger console next year... What did Sony have?

Slimmer console being a game changer? Custom controllers?

C'mon now, this is starting to get silly. If you said Re:Core, Sea of Thieves, State of Decay 2, Gear of War 4, Forza Horizon 3 I could even get your point, but the reasons you gave are just plain bullshit.
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