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Sony E3 Conference 2016 |OT|

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I honestly don't think the ending demo was originally planned. That seemed tacked on and rushed (which is why it looked like a very early alpha build). They probably had plans on talking about Neo, then scrapped those plans, and needed filler. The conference didn't run its allotted time, for reference.


I will say that my biggest concern with VR after this show will be a complete lack of originality.

Ahh just need to mention really quick that demo kiosks will be available at select Best Buys starting next week. So if you're on the fence great way to see for yourself.


I actually play video games though...not just post on GAF and talk about them. The release schedule proves those sprouting nonsense about showing games only coming out “soon” have no weight. There’s plenty coming on soon and beyond on PS4, Sony can talk about whatever they want. And a lot of the conference was soon if you actually check dates.

Anyway, was that COD section in VR? Won’t that make you sick with the camera moving that fast?

Yeah this sentiment is so stupid. They could have doubled the length of the conference to talk about what's soon but people would complain they showed only stuff we know about.

MS's conference would have been 2015 redux if it weren't for the slim announcement. Scorpio doesn't really count since all it was was a confirmation like Sony's Neo announcement.


About the only thing I was hoping for that didn't come to fruition was a Demons Souls remaster. I guess everything else will have to do :)

I think I'm getting every game shown tonight, they all looked awesome.


Another phenomenal conference from Sony, good job! Many titles missing though, I'm yet again looking forward TGS, Paris and PSX...
Yep, what a fantastic presser. And it's amazing that we will have another one for EU (Gamescom/PSX), Japan (TGS) and at the PSX.



When you're games are looking like this I don't think you need to announce a more powerful console.

So true, if every developer was a Sony first party no one would need a new console.

I seriously don't understand how they are doing it, Horizon looks better than TW3 on fucking PC (jump at me), I'm amazed by the visuals.

No need to mention GOW4 obviously and the already released U4, it's like Sony devs has access to a better hardware when you see their games.


It wasn't weak but I don't consider it strong by any means; Acceptable?
I love Sony but Microsoft had new core features, consoles, controller options and games, while Sony had. games. And an orchestra. A great idea but no news of any new PS4.5 or features that make gaming better makes is meh.

Xbox 360->PS4 convert here day one; My xbox one I purchased last fall.
Sony was crushing it the start of the generation but Microsoft has made bigger strides recently.
Cross platform gaming is massive : Xbox and Windows 10 are one community, Playstation is another.
Multiplayer longevity hangs on player base, and adding another platform is huge news to me.
Should I buy third party shooter on X1 with 5 mil base of W10+X1 or on PS4 with 2.5 million base?

I have everything and play whats best at the time; I think Microsoft had a far stronger showing.

yeah i dont agree with this at all... as an XB1/PS4/and PC gamer... XB1 had zero games that i need an xbox for.

Like... no exclusives. If you have a PC and PS4 you literally dont need an XB1 because you will be able to play the games on PS4/PC

PS4 has exclusives... like you must own a PS4 or you cant play them... so tell me again why anyone needs an xbox? why should i keep my XB1 or get a Scorpio if the xbox is going to have the worst version of the games or i can play it on PC/PS4?

Who cares about slim model if a better version is coming next year? who cares about the scorpio if you have a capable PC already? who cares about multiplatform if its better on PS4?

Xbox soured my mood from the beginning of the day... i was honestly upset over their lame show and made me wonder why i need my XB1 on my shelf at all (i bought it thinking i needed it for Quantum Break, Scalebound, reCore and Gears of war... what a fucking joke that is)

... thank god sony showed some legit good looking stuff that reminds me why im keeping my PS4


Speaking as a PS4 owner, with the exception of Kojima being finally released from his cage, nothing appealed to my personal tastes and the whole thing felt a little...off.

Horizon ZD looks too much like a paint by numbers Ubisoft open world game for me to trust it.

I didn't enjoy Team Ico's past games so I'm not interested in Last Guardian.

I've never cared for GOW's genre.

Days Gone looks incredibly generic.

I don't have any nostalgic stakes in Crash.

Though I enjoy the genre they work in, Quantic Dream takes their work waaaay too seriously and Detroit looked pretty cringey as a result.

EDIT: Revisiting it, Spider Man looks okay.

Having messed around with VR, I'm very tepid on its current capabilities beyond gimmickry and was very lukewarm on that whole conference segment.

I was expecting Red Dead from the very fervent rumormill and was accordingly bummed when it didn't materialize.

COD is COD is COD. /shrug

The lack of indies was puzzling.

Finally, the pacing was weird. It ended at an odd time and felt like something got cut at the last minute and they had to reshuffle everything.

Hence, I found it pretty subpar overall.
Really!?!? Wow. So you don't like games. Got it.
I just got back home. Awesome conference. I give it an A-.

God of War looked amazing.
Horizon demo was amazing.
Resident Evil 7 was amazing.
Kojima teaser looked really cool.
Days Gone looked pretty cool.
The VR stuff looked awesome.
Even CoD looked awesome.
The Last Guardian looked amazing.

It was a very short, but efficient and packed conference. I really wish it were longer. And watching in the theater with others was really cool. Will do again next year if possible.

Also, lol Crash. I knew Sony didn't get that IP back. No avatar change for me!


Super underwhelming - again.

Started off with God of War parenting simulator. Who seriously thinks that will be fun? Why does Kratos even have a kid? He murdered his entire family. Remember? HUGE plot hole.

This is a joke post and I havent realised it, right? Beyond the idiocy of complaining about plot holes in a plot that we dont know anything about you are aware that you can have *gasp* more than one family? Kratos could have re-married, he could have adopted the kid, in short the idea that its a plot hole seems, lets be charitable and say, fairly shaky.


About the only thing I was hoping for that didn't come to fruition was a Demons Souls remaster. I guess everything else will have to do :)

I think I'm getting every game shown tonight, they all looked awesome.

E3 2017 :

Demons Souls remaster or Demons 2
Real new Crash game
Bloodborne 2

They have great games for next E3
Why waste time telling people when you can show them.

If you can actually show it in a decent way, go for it. Horizon and God of War were great examples of showing games of without actually needing to talk about them. If you can't convey the information we would want to know as a consumers through just a trailer though (and their was a lot of that, both with questions of exclusivity and gameplay), then you need someone on that stage, giving a good pitch.

Stuff like the Batman and Spiderman game, Resident Evil 7, VR in general and even honestly Days Gone, all needed some of this.


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
$ really?

Ahh just need to mention really quick that demo kiosks will be available at select Best Buys starting next week. So if you're on the fence great way to see for yourself.
I don't see myself running out and dropping $400 on this until it is super established. With such a steep price point I have a serious concern about its adoption rate. So I'll have plenty of time to make that decision, lol.
This thread is so funny.

Year after year it is folk hitting it with "ENOUGH OF THE TALK" They stop the talk and people go "WAAAH! IT WASN'T LONG ENOUGH; AND THERE WAS NO TALK!"

Then we have the shite journo's are pushing about how at least we will be playing MS' games soon. Well, as someone who doesn't own and Xbox One, that won't be happening. Actually, I might have been, if MS didn't pretty much say don't buy an Xbox One around 5 minutes from the end of their conference. It was mostly sequels anyway.

No Neo suggests Sony just thought: "Fuck it. We have plenty on the way over the next year or so and MS have basically said they aren't doing their super-duper console until next year, so no rush. We can do our thing later"
Oh yeah, Detroit looked really awesome as well. Like really. Wiring and acting was really good, and there seem to lots of different ways to change the story.

And Insomniac Spiderman! Wow.
You never know the Xbox one games seem to all be coming out on pc, which is great no need to splash out any money on any new hardware and can save up for Neo and PS VR. Halo Wars 2 i am really looking forward to being a huge CA fan.


Slimmer console being a game changer? Custom controllers?

C'mon now, this is starting to get silly. If you said Re:Core, Sea of Thieves, State of Decay 2, Gear of War 4, Forza Horizon 3 I could even get your point, but the reasons you gave are just plain bullshit.

The both had great games (Happy Few looks amazing to me, same with Kojima's new project) but options make life better; Cross play was a game changer while music and looking for group apps also improve how we play.

4K blu ray player for $299 was huge to me but if the games cancel each other out then its just an orchestra versus so much more.

Daft Punk

I don't see myself running out and dropping $400 on this until it is super established. With such a steep price point I have a serious concern about its adoption rate. So I'll have plenty of time to make that decision, lol.

Steep compared to $600 Oculus and $800 Vive. Riiiiight. This thread is turning into a dumpster fire. Why are we even discussing MS in a Sony thread? Are people that insecure?


Attn Canadian E3 theatre experience attendees: the URL on the lanyard redirects to EN-US by mistake. Manually change it to EN-CA. You will get a 'code is invalid or used' error if you don't.

I'd been scanning the internet for this. Can't believe I missed the geo. Thanks!


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
I think one big difference between Sony and MS is how many new games were shown and mentioned for the first time. MS took the "only showing games that have release dates" approach while Sony went future viewing.

Not disagreeing or agreeing with your main point. Just adding my thoughts.

True, and I did forget to add Kojima's game. Some of the things for MS' conference were leaked ahead of time as well.
I still would love to play Sunset Overdrive. The one game the X1 has i´m excited about :/ I guess a pc port is to much to ask for?

I really enjoyed Sunset and the mechanics of the game. Because of this I have faith that that the Insomniac spiderman game will be pretty cool. If they can combine the fluidity of SO and add webslinging seemlessly, traversal will be awesome.


Totally forgot about how sony is trying to turn FF XV into a waifu simulator. weeaboos are ruining my JRPGs.

This is a joke post and I havent realised it, right? Beyond the idiocy of complaining about plot holes in a plot that we dont know anything about you are aware that you can have *gasp* more than one family? Kratos could have re-married, he could have adopted the kid, in short the idea that its a plot hole seems, lets be charitable and say, fairly shaky.

When you're dating someone, when do you bail? For me, its when they say that they've gruesomely murdered their ex wife and kids. Not sure how that makes a whole lot of sense. That doesn't screem Father of the Year material.


Has fun in the theaters crowd was going wild..logs on GAF hey guys that was pretty go..o typical

Yeah when Kratos appeared my theater exploded. Very positive vibes leaving. I go on here and am hit with waves of cynicism.

Wasn't this what everyone claimed to want? No fluff, just games? They may have not been the games you wanted but thought it was a fairly impressive lineup all things considered.


The both had great games (Happy Few looks amazing to me, same with Kojima's new project) but options make life better; Cross play was a game changer while music and looking for group apps also improve how we play.

4K blu ray player for $299 was huge to me but if the games cancel each other out then its just an orchestra versus so much more.

I haven't seen MS' conference, but you can already do that on PS4 with Spotify, Communities and a bunch of games are cross-play, are they doing it differently or something?
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