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Is Hillary up for the biggest Presidential landslide victory in history?

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(Disclaimer: I can't stand either candidate; I'm somewhat reluctantly #TeamGaryJohnson as of right now.)

No. People have been underestimating Trump every step of the way. He's absolutely a jackass, and he is going to continue saying stupid shit. But his main focus is going to be attacking Hillary. She hasn't been attacked yet. Sanders (probably to his detriment) kept his distance for the most part.

I know HIlldawg-gaf (and most of the mainstream media) have already decided none of Clintons vulnerabilities (Benghazi, Clinton Foundation, emails, Slick Willie's escapades, among others) matter. But sitting in an echo chamber repeating that none of it matters doesn't mean much outside the echo chamber on the debate stage.

Trump has a lot of ammunition, and for as bad as his negatives are right now, Hillary's aren't much better. And her supporters strutting around claiming "anyone who supports Trump is automatically a bigot" (I see a lot of that on this site) aren't exactly going to win anyone over that way.

As of now I'd guess Trump will probably come up short. For as awful a candidate Hillary is, Trump is, well, Trump. But I see little/no chance of a landslide. I think we'll see a map pretty similar to 2012, but Trump has a shot at doing well in the rust belt and potentially stealing Ohio and/or Pennsylvania (though he could lose a couple states Romney won).

The debates will be interesting.

15 points is far beyond "not much better".


Here's my issue with making such a prediction.. it seems every month we hear about the "breaking point" for Trump's campaign, and for every given example so far these statements about Trump's campaign reaching its breaking point have been dead wrong

Also, while Trump is polling as the most unpopular nominee in election history, Hilary is polling as the second most unpopular nominee in election history.

Do I want Hilary to beat Trump? absolutely, but thus far I see nothing worth getting cocky over.. the fact of the matter is Donald Trump may very well be our next president
the fact of the matter is Donald Trump may very well be our next president

This is about as probable as Bernie Sanders' having won the democratic nomination. People believed in it long, long after it was actually plausible, because there was something alluring in the narrative of it that allowed them to minimize or completely sidestep everything that was screaming otherwise.

It is more likely that Trump actually quits the race than it is he wins it.
I think it ends up like this.

This is the most likely outcome, IMO.

It's possible Clinton also picks up Georgia, South Carolina, and Utah.


(Disclaimer: I can't stand either candidate; I'm somewhat reluctantly #TeamGaryJohnson as of right now.)

No. People have been underestimating Trump every step of the way. He's absolutely a jackass, and he is going to continue saying stupid shit. But his main focus is going to be attacking Hillary. She hasn't been attacked yet. Sanders (probably to his detriment) kept his distance for the most part.

I know HIlldawg-gaf (and most of the mainstream media) have already decided none of Clintons vulnerabilities (Benghazi, Clinton Foundation, emails, Slick Willie's escapades, among others) matter. But sitting in an echo chamber repeating that none of it matters doesn't mean much outside the echo chamber on the debate stage.



No. Reagan-esque blowouts are no longer possible due to polarization. A landslide for her looks like Obama 2012 + NC + one or two more.

Ironically, that kind of polarization may help Democrats this time around. The Democrats actually picked up two Senate seats in 1972 and 1984 even though their presidential candidates got thumped. That kind of vote splitting just doesn't exist anymore.
LOL no. No president from this point forward will ever see a landslide like Reagan/Mondale. Our country is way too polarized.

Unless you think the US is going to fall apart in the next few decades, I think it's a bit early to make ultimatums. Times change.


Unless you think the US is going to fall apart in the next few decades, I think it's a bit early to make ultimatums. Times change.

Hasn't changed yet. Trump should be getting laughed out the building and instead he is proving a worthy opponent. This election will be a wake up call as to what the US is really like, and I wish I could say I was confident trump won't make it close.

The Republican Party is endorsing this man. The party that controls congress and half the country. That alone speaks volumes for whothe people in this country really are


A Good Citizen
(Disclaimer: I can't stand either candidate; I'm somewhat reluctantly #TeamGaryJohnson as of right now.)

No. People have been underestimating Trump every step of the way. He's absolutely a jackass, and he is going to continue saying stupid shit. But his main focus is going to be attacking Hillary. She hasn't been attacked yet. Sanders (probably to his detriment) kept his distance for the most part.

I know HIlldawg-gaf (and most of the mainstream media) have already decided none of Clintons vulnerabilities (Benghazi, Clinton Foundation, emails, Slick Willie's escapades, among others) matter. But sitting in an echo chamber repeating that none of it matters doesn't mean much outside the echo chamber on the debate stage.

Trump has a lot of ammunition, and for as bad as his negatives are right now, Hillary's aren't much better. And her supporters strutting around claiming "anyone who supports Trump is automatically a bigot" (I see a lot of that on this site) aren't exactly going to win anyone over that way.

As of now I'd guess Trump will probably come up short. For as awful a candidate Hillary is, Trump is, well, Trump. But I see little/no chance of a landslide. I think we'll see a map pretty similar to 2012, but Trump has a shot at doing well in the rust belt and potentially stealing Ohio and/or Pennsylvania (though he could lose a couple states Romney won).

The debates will be interesting.
Pretty much everything in this post is wrong. If anything, people have been overestimating Trump based on his performance in the Republican primary which had a pathetic lineup. He has been fumbling pretty much every day since the GE cycle truly kicked into gear during the last real week of primary campaigning from the Dem side. He squandered every opportunity he had (the short bit of bickering among Dems, Orlando which played into his anti-Muslim rhetoric) and his polls are sinking to the ground. His campaign is basically non-existent.

Hillary has been attacked for the past forever. Republicans have hated her and smeared her for ages. We pretty much know everything about her, plus things that aren't even true. And it'd be a lie to say it doesn't matter or that people don't care, but it's just not enough to sink her. If Trump has any ammunition to use against Hillary, it's almost certain that he'll probably end up hurting himself with how he handles things. The stuff that made him popular with Republican primary voters simply won't work with the general electorate, and he doesn't know how to do anything else. The debates are going to be embarrassing for him; especially since Hillary & Dems have shown that they have no interest in playing nice and passive with Trump.

It's not going to be a landslide in the sense the OP suggested, but it's not going to be as close as you think.
My guess is voter turnout for this election is going to be low, which will help negate any gains Hillary might have gained from her opponent being Trump.

The Apathy for Hillary is high.


Neo Member
tbh this is the absolute best I can see Hillary doing. And this is like, doomsday scenario for Trump, calling Hillary a bitch in the middle of a debate, RNC completely abandoning him, etc.

maaaybe give montana to Hillary too. I can't really see her ever winning the plains states, most of the deep south, or a good chunk of the mountain west.
How the fuck did that happen?

Reagan benefitted from a number of factors. The economy was in recovery from the early 1980s recession. GDP growth was strong and unemployment, while relatively high in an absolute sense, had been falling sharply. The Democrats also faced an uphill battle given that this election was only four years removed from the end of Jimmy Carter's presidency, which was largely seen as a failure.

Democrats were also facing more fundamental trouble, as their coalition had been coming apart at the seams since the late 1960s, with several of their former key constituencies (e.g., Southerners, working-class whites) defecting to the Republicans. Indeed, of the six presidential elections between 1968 and 1988, Republicans won five. Four were landslides, two of them ranked among the biggest landslides in US history. The only Democratic win came in 1976 in the wake of the Watergate scandal and a weak economy, and Jimmy Carter still only barely managed to defeat Gerald Ford.

Mondale himself was a deeply flawed candidate. He was fundamentally an old-school New Deal Democratic politician in an era when that no longer appealed to enough people to put together a majority. He made some big mistakes on the campaign trail, including telling the American people that he would raise their taxes (the comment was defensible in context, but that context certainly wasn't going to be used when the Republicans attacked him on it). His choice of running mate, Geraldine Ferraro, went over poorly. It was hoped that she would appeal to women, but the selection was regarded as more of a pander, and her husband had some skeletons in his closet that hurt the ticket.

Long story short, Reagan was running for re-election in a time of economic growth, while the Democratic Party was struggling to find itself, and Mondale was a poor candidate. Those factors all combined to produce one of the most lopsided elections ever.
I always wondered what would happen if something similar to what happened in Canada's last election might happen in the States.

Essentially, the Liberals got more seats that many polls had expected, and voter turnout, especially amongst the youth, had increased.

Certainly not apples to apples, but I do wonder if you might see a variation of this. A push back against Trump's campaign, and an increase in people coming out to vote because of it.

And there have been interesting notions that rather than a Trump Right-wing Movement taking hold, you see an increase in left-wing support in America as a reaction to Trump.


This is about as probable as Bernie Sanders' having won the democratic nomination. People believed in it long, long after it was actually plausible, because there was something alluring in the narrative of it that allowed them to minimize or completely sidestep everything that was screaming otherwise.

It is more likely that Trump actually quits the race than it is he wins it.

Well you know something? I hope you're right.. I just don't believe you're right

He has been falling in the polls more recently, so there is some indication that you are right.. however, there also was a time when he was behind Ben Carson in the polls
I'd really love to see a blowout in favor of the Democrats. I desperately want to see the GOP become more progressive. I really don't like having so much disgust with one of our main parties.


40% voting for Trump is a scary thought. Trump has never scared me. The people voting for him do. This might be the beginning of a powerful far movement in the US.


I think so. Trump has blown it. Didn't take advantage of the momentum coming out of the primaries, failed to move towards the centre.

The Republicans kind of fucked themselves early on though. Cruz unelectable, Rubio a lightweight, Kasich a non-starter, Bush obliterated by Trump.


you can't put a price on sparks
i dont think there's much by way of legitimate criticism about clinton that trump can muster that outweighs what he's said and done this election cycle. don't throw rocks from a glass house

it'll be a big win, but not as much as i'd prefer. this is probably the beginning of another ugly chapter of politics in this country, and i thought it was already bad. trump and his voters arent going away


https://www.yahoo.com/news/hillary-clinton-invokes-unlikely-allies-000000292.html She won't be winning anything if she keeps making comments like this.

Read the article. Those sort of comments are exactly why she way win big - by persuading moderate republics, especially suburban women, to cross over. We are right to praise Bush for going to an Islamic centre and calling for tolerance 6 days after 9/11 - that's what the president should do! The fact the party has now strayed so far from that just highlights how insane they have become.

Also, to the person thinking that voter apathy will result in low turn out for both sides - Hillary won the democratic nomination by millions of votes (more than anyone on either side), and had one of the highest vote totals in the primary process of anyone, despite it being a non-competitive primary. Her favourables with democrats are exceedingly high. Just because the echo chamber of the Internet doesn't reflect her support doesn't mean it doesn't exist - California and New York are testament to that. Democrats are excited by Hillary Clinton and want to vote for her.


This kind of thinking is what could very well lead to record-breaking low voter turnout on the democratic side.

Don't count your chickens before they hatch. Trump is a threat.


This kind of thinking is what could very well lead to record-breaking low voter turnout on the democratic side.

Don't count your chickens before they hatch. Trump is a threat.

You are correct, but there's a real possibility people will treat trump as a threat and vote against him even if he's guaranteed to lose in a landslide because people will try to make sure they played a role in defeating trump and making sure he has little chance of doing to well.We know that in some states latinos are registering in huge numbers to vote agsinst trump right now I wouldn't really worry about voter turnout because there is a good chance it will be up compared to some of the recent US elections, but i don't think we will see voter turnout be like 7%+ higher than the last presidential election. Were voter turnout will end up I have no clue. The only thing that could really hurt voter turnout is if not many republican or republican leaning voters show up at the polls and voter turnout in other groups is not high enough to prevent an overall decrease in voter turnout.


remember me
This article talks about why it could be a landslide


The reality of modern American politics is that it’s actually very difficult for ordinary Republicans or Democrats to lose by a landslide in national elections. A generic Republican would be running neck-in-neck with Clinton. (It’s hard to imagine any Republican who ran for president this year faring worse than Trump, except, perhaps, Ben Carson.) But Trump is no ordinary politician. He is running a train wreck of a campaign, has little patience for fund-raising, and can’t stop picking fights with leaders in his own party. He is loathed by a vast swath of the American people, and loved only by one faction of his own party. There’s every reason to think that Trump can pull off the near-impossible task of losing by more than 10 percent and possibly by much more. Moreover, as he continues to feud with members of his own party, he’ll drive down the value of the Republican brand so the party could end up losing both the Senate and the House. If he manages this feat, Trump will truly have left his mark on American politics.


It's very possible Trump could just collapse. I'd probably peg its chances at only around 20%, but that's not unthinkable. If he's down 10 in late July and has to pick Chris Christie or Newt Gingrich (because there's no one else), he might just subconsciously give up.


tbh this is the absolute best I can see Hillary doing. And this is like, doomsday scenario for Trump, calling Hillary a bitch in the middle of a debate, RNC completely abandoning him, etc.

maaaybe give montana to Hillary too. I can't really see her ever winning the plains states, most of the deep south, or a good chunk of the mountain west.

Hillary isn't going to split Nebraska unless she takes like 95% of the vote, the state GOP gerrymandered us and split the Dem base in half.


If Trump can lose approval after a Muslim commits a terror attack on US soil then there's no hope for him. Everything he says is poison to his campaign.
The map will look exactly like 2012's with the possibility of Arizona turning blue due to increased Hispanic turnout.

No way North Carolina or Georgia will. Trump's bigotry helps him in the South.


The '80s were a really fucked up decade.

People love romanticizing it but holy shit

Much of Reagan's issues were not as scrutized back then. They didn't materlalize until later in the public discourse.

He public persona was carefully crafted and he also hid behind the veil of being a strong Cold War President, which ended in his watch.

I remember all the fearmongering as a kid about nukes and the Soviets. Reagan and his handlers capitalized on that.

Democrats actually controlled both Houses at the time and did much better in State houses and governorships back then.
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