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So I just went on my girlfriends ipad....

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The thirst.


I wonder if she told her friend everything.

"I came in to the apartment and he was looking through my text messages... he violated my trust, and I didn't do anything wrong."

This is exactly what she will say. Exactly.


At this point you're beginning to worry me that you're trying to make yourself feel better for cheating on someone in your own life.

Great, now people are trying to psychoanalyze me.

I just try to treat people that I can't relate to (women, minorities, LGBTQIA+) with more weighted respect and sympathy since it's already so easy to empathize with people in my own social group, as this thread proves. Practically nobody tries to look at both sides of the issue when they can relate to being hurt by someone in a similar scenario to the OP.

Been in a relationship for 7 years this month (I'm 24). The things that have gotten closest to ending it are the secrets that come out of nowhere. Over the past two years of marriage we've tried to make it a habit to tell each other all of our temptations on an-almost daily basis. For example: me watching porn of other women or being tempted to cheat hurts her feelings and makes her feel insecure, but if I'm honest about what I'm thinking and what I've done all the time without springing it on her after like 6 months, it's not as devastating and we start to understand that we're both just filthy humans struggling constantly and desperately to not live in a lie as well as find ways to deal with our base urges. (I'm not including things she's done to me 'cause I don't have her permission.) Through all that, I think, real love and understanding and empathy comes through. I've got a lot of life yet to test that though.

OP, if nothing else, try on your next relationship to have conversations about honesty and personal desires whenever it arises. A lot of people most likely aren't up for it, but maybe you'll find someone who is.

Not's 6th Post.


I read the first 3 pages. Someone please tell me what happened after that, I need closure to this just as much as the OP
I don't get all this "pack up your shit and instantly leave your home" advice. Who among you would really be prepared to do that? That seems an extreme overreaction. I'd take pics of your stuff in case and be ready to call the police if you think she'd really go that far. Set up a cam or something to record your flat when you go to work if you're really paranoid.

It's pretty obvious that they won't be able to live together. The OP feels that she's a hot head, and she bailed as well. No point in dealing with the stress of dragging it out just because of some attachment to a rented space he's only been in for a year. Why deal with the potential of cops, lawsuits, and insurance just to prolong the inevitable a week or a month?


Stallion? More like a gelding.

Sorry, OP. Hang in there buddy.

That picture is old now so no worries lol

Not's 5th Post (sigh):

OP, When I asked if you guys had conversed about this kind of thing before, I meant before the whole incident you made a thread about started. Like, what's your history of cheating, feelings on sex and relationships and monogamy, fetishes, that kind of thing. Openness to me is super important-- otherwise people have to hide around and do stuff like this. If you're constantly confessing the shit you to do all the time, it might hurt your SO's feelings on a daily basis, but it won't be the whomper out of nowhere that makes you want to pack and leave.

I guess I'll try to stick around and respond after all, if you want to OP. Feels wrong to bail now that I think about it, but I didn't want to add to the overwhelming slurry of ideas and experiences and love and vitriol that GAF is pouring on you.

Yeah I'd say we had a pretty open relationship, we were generally able to talk about everything.

I'm pretty easy going so conversation was never awkward or anything. I'm in agreement that good relationships need to be open, you should feel comfortable talking about everything.

So if you aren't happy about something you're able to talk about it, if the other person doesn't know a problem exists then nothing is going to change.

That was my point with her though, if I was doing something she wasn't happy about then she should have told me.


You'll be fine once you move past OP. You're a solid looking dude.

Already looks like you have fans in the thread. Just hit up the next RL gaf meet up. :tup:
*Finally gets of GAF today*

*Sees thread*

*Spends too much time catching up on said thread*

Wow, OP, I feel for you. Nothing much else to say that hasn't been said. You clearly deserve better, watch your valuables. and get checked out.


Personally I think true love is how people behave when the shit is really gritty. Not when it's all nice and whip cream. If you refuse to even talk and run out to some dude after I call you out on nasty behavior? Yea, shit's a wrap. Fuck forgiveness. I ain't Jesus.
I can totally agree to this.


This thread makes me nervous

I hope to God I never find something like this in my GFs phone

(She lets me play and browse with it, it runs Pokemon GO way better)


They're Essex girls, so you can probably imagine the accent.

I don't talk like that, I've got more of a London accent (not posh).

When they talk they're like "You alright babe *mwah*" (say that in the Essex accent and you can imagine how annoying it is)

Well that explains a lot.

Dai Kaiju

I'm sad for you OP. I would be heartbroken if I stumbled across something like that.

Edit: Never mind. I just saw your pic. Sympathy redacted you handsome son of a bitch.
Can we get a summary for those just joining?

50 pages?!


Can somebody update me as to what's taken place?
How is this a 44 pages thread LMAO

OP had day off
OP's GF left her iPad at home
OP used iPad to browse (GF lets him use it)
OP opened up iPad to see a raunchy conversation with some dude and his GF leading up to her receiving a dick pick

1600+ posts of great "level headed" advice.
OP and GF share an apartment
OP decides to wait till tomorrow to confront the GF until after he gets more details on how to get out of the lease.

GF comes home

OP pulls a Lerooooooy Jenkiiiins and posts this:
Ok my plan went out the window.

She grabs the ipad and then sits down. I'm on another chair on the laptop.

I manage 5 minutes of tongue biting before I come out with "Fancy seeing some more pictures of people's dicks"

She looks at me sheepishly, and responds with a "What?!, what are you talking about?"

But you know when you know someone is lying by the way they talk, their body language etc, and they know you know.

"I saw your conversation last night"

"What conversation?"

"Please Sarah stop this, you've been talking to guys behind my back"


and leaves the room (ipad in hand) and slams the door in the bathroom.

And here I am like a fucking idiot sitting here typing my problems on a forum, with my head in my hands.

OP, I've drawn you a new avatar.

GAF grabs popcorn

So here is the run down for people
  • OP Has a 55" OLED TV and High End Gaming PC.
  • OP Co-rents a property with his cock hungry GF
  • OP casually uses the iPad and once he unlocks it he sees a conversation in which the GF has been getting dick picks from another guy and suggesting she wants to bounce on it.
  • OP Diligently saves the conversation and emails himself.
  • GAF spends an entire work day and 28 pages giving mostly great advice on how to deal with the situation
  • OP Comes up with a plan to start removing his expensive items from the property during the day tomorrow before GF returns home at which point he will confront her using GAF's sages advice
  • GF comes home and quickly grabs the iPad so she cant slyly see some more strange salami.
  • OP Is overcome with rage and quips the timeless words "fancy seeing some more dick?"
  • GF freaks the fuck out and retorts "OH MY GOD, WHAT IS YOUR FUCKIN PROBLEM"
  • GF runs to bathroom to contemplate how badly she fucked up (and/or) get some more of that big ass motobike dick
  • OP talks to a door for a bit
  • GF comes out of bathroom and pushes OP out the way and leaves
  • OP is now alone
  • GF is out in the wild, maybe getting taken to O town by Big Dig Mcgee.
  • A NEW PLAYER HAS ENTERED THE GAME - GF's friend sends OP the eloquently worded prose ""Who do u fink u r goin dwn her stuff u cunt""


This thread makes me nervous

I hope to God I never find something like this in my GFs phone

(She lets me play and browse with it, it runs Pokemon GO way better)

As long as you trust each other and communicate, you'll be fine, bruh. Enjoy your relationship and by any reasonable means make her happy, and trust that she'll do the same for you.


Non-UK GAF, do you wish the sample the uttery finery of an Essex experience?

Next time you visit London way I would point you over to -

Steam & Rye, City of London
Coq d'Argent, City of London
Madison, One New Change, City of London
EDIT: Also Forge (previously Abacus), City of London.
Any Jewel Bar in Zone 1
SugarHut (TOWIE central, the epicenter of all that is Essex, but negative that it is actually IN Essex)
Any number of Shoreditch bars - Golden Bee, Boundary, even the Shoreditch House which has now gone down the shitter with the Essex invasion.

Thursday nights are guaranteed 100% hit-rate for the Essex train.
I wonder if she told her friend everything.

"I came in to the apartment and he was looking through my text messages... he violated my trust, and I didn't do anything wrong."

"I can't believe he doesn't trust meeeeee"


OP, don't let her make you feel like the perpetrator. Like you said, if she was feeling unhappy about some parts of the relationship, she should have opened her fucking mouth and say something.

You got this, mang. Stay strong.
Can we get a summary for those just joining?

So here is the run down for people
  • OP Has a 55" OLED TV and High End Gaming PC.
  • OP Co-rents a property with his cock hungry GF
  • OP casually uses the iPad and once he unlocks it he sees a conversation in which the GF has been getting dick picks from another guy and suggesting she wants to bounce on it.
  • OP Diligently saves the conversation and emails himself.
  • GAF spends an entire work day and 28 pages giving mostly great advice on how to deal with the situation
  • OP Comes up with a plan to start removing his expensive items from the property during the day tomorrow before GF returns home at which point he will confront her using GAF's sages advice
  • GF comes home and quickly grabs the iPad so she cant slyly see some more strange salami.
  • OP Is overcome with rage and quips the timeless words "fancy seeing some more dick?"
  • GF freaks the fuck out and retorts "OH MY GOD, WHAT IS YOUR FUCKIN PROBLEM"
  • GF runs to bathroom to contemplate how badly she fucked up (and/or) get some more of that big ass motobike dick
  • OP talks to a door for a bit
  • GF comes out of bathroom and pushes OP out the way and leaves
  • OP is now alone
  • GF is out in the wild, maybe getting taken to O town by Big Dig Mcgee.
  • A NEW PLAYER HAS ENTERED THE GAME - GF's friend sends OP the eloquently worded prose ""Who do u fink u r goin dwn her stuff u cunt""
  • GF is seemingly staying with a local friend and spinning the story her way

Additional Material
  • Who do u fink u r goin dwn her stuff u cunt"" translates as "Who do you think you are going down her stuff like that you cunt" Not common parlance but basically means "How dare you read her private messages like that"
  • OP's GF is a typical "Essex's Girl" by all accounts. Example

Also it turns out OP has nothing to worry about as the gods carved him from pure sexy

Non-UK GAF, do you wish the sample the uttery finery of an Essex experience?

Next time you visit London way I would point you over to -

Steam & Rye, City of London
Coq d'Argent, City of London
Madison, One New Change, City of London
Any Jewel Bar in Zone 1
SugarHut (TOWIE central, the epicenter of all that is Essex, but negative that it is actually IN Essex)
Any number of Shoreditch bars - Golden Bee, Boundary, even the Shoreditch House which has now gone down the shitter with the Essex invasion.

U wot m8, is this a British joke or sumfink..

Judging from the pictures... we'd prolly both have to be on GHB... and MDMA. Then sure


So here is the run down for people
  • OP Has a 55" OLED TV and High End Gaming PC.
  • OP Co-rents a property with his cock hungry GF
  • OP casually uses the iPad and once he unlocks it he sees a conversation in which the GF has been getting dick picks from another guy and suggesting she wants to bounce on it.
  • OP Diligently saves the conversation and emails himself.
  • GAF spends an entire work day and 28 pages giving mostly great advice on how to deal with the situation
  • OP Comes up with a plan to start removing his expensive items from the property during the day tomorrow before GF returns home at which point he will confront her using GAF's sages advice
  • GF comes home and quickly grabs the iPad so she cant slyly see some more strange salami.
  • OP Is overcome with rage and quips the timeless words "fancy seeing some more dick?"
  • GF freaks the fuck out and retorts "OH MY GOD, WHAT IS YOUR FUCKIN PROBLEM"
  • GF runs to bathroom to contemplate how badly she fucked up (and/or) get some more of that big ass motobike dick
  • OP talks to a door for a bit
  • GF comes out of bathroom and pushes OP out the way and leaves
  • OP is now alone
  • GF is out in the wild, maybe getting taken to O town by Big Dig Mcgee.
  • A NEW PLAYER HAS ENTERED THE GAME - GF's friend sends OP the eloquently worded prose ""Who do u fink u r goin dwn her stuff u cunt""
  • GF is seemingly staying with a local friend and spinning the story her way

Additional Material
  • Who do u fink u r goin dwn her stuff u cunt"" translates as "Who do you think you are going down her stuff like that you cunt" Not common parlance but basically means "How dare you read her private messages like that"
  • OP's GF is a typical "Essex's Girl" by all accounts. Example

Also it turns out OP has nothing to worry about as the gods carved him from pure sexy


Lol, amazing.


I don't get all this "pack up your shit and instantly leave your home" advice. Who among you would really be prepared to do that? That seems an extreme overreaction. I'd take pics of your stuff in case and be ready to call the police if you think she'd really go that far. Set up a cam or something to record your flat when you go to work if you're really paranoid.
Honestly I live down the block from a home depot I would have changed the locks hours ago.
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