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Nintendo NX rumored to use Nvidia's Pascal GPU architecture

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But you're the one not considering it as an hybrid, or that it's worth anything ... Cause you can't just say it's also a home console so it has to be compared to other home consoles, price and power wise. It's an HYBRID, and the fact that it's also portable is not something that makes it cheaper. It's actually something that ADDS VALUE!

I'll compare it the way I want, I'm looking for a Wii U replacement/upgrade/sequel, and as such the current rumor/fact about the NX device is failing bigtime.
Could change if the device is powerful enough or cheap enough.

You're basically saying that if you can plug the handheld into a TV (via a dock or whatever) then you will choose to count it as a console and therefore it will fail in your comparison to it's contemporaries. But you are the one choosing to view it like that, without any knowledge of how Nintendo will market it.

Since I'm out to get a Wii U replacement/upgrade/sequel how can I look at it any other way? Could it all change when Nintendo presents what the NX is, maybe, but as far as the rumor/fact from Eurogamer goes it's not looking good.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
They're also fishing for pretty much any information that could be interpreted to suggest AMD being involved (and Nvidia not being involved).

They wouldn't need to fish if there was really inside info.

Also true. Never have I seen so many people trying to disprove information from websites because they don't agree with early leaks, rumors, or reports. Had the initial report been a 6TF AMD home console, you can bet no person would be trying to disprove that.

Yeah. It's probably due to me not being so present on Twitter before, but things have been getting interestingly weeeeird in the past few months, with people like Nintendoubted (I still don't understand what happened with the accuses of one of the persons behind that account endorsing female violence + disguising himself for a completely different person, a female one), 10k himself (sorry dude :p ), Trevelyan after what happened with his Nintendo (legit) leak. Heck, sorry Trev, but I can't take you seriously with the whole Happy Nintendo Fan thing, and if you post someone else's video about how the EG's leak is debunked because

1) Nintendo said they're doing something really innovative...But look at that Razor's tablet, it already exists!
2) Nvidia should talk with investors about it, they need to know! (actually, this is the most realistic point of the whole video)
3) EG already said Tegra would've been behind 3DS, but it didn't happen! Maybe they have bad sources or they're doing it for clicks!


Got nothing against any of you guys, I just have to wait a few more months before I trust your sources 🙊
That's fair. So do I lol. A lot of this is new to me as well. The nx reveal will filter out many sources for me. That being said... I want this fucking ride to end lol. Rather my sources are right or wrong. The ups and downs are nuts.


To be fair to him, the Eurogamer article makes absolutely no mention of running the device at different clock speeds. I agree it seems like the logical (and almost necessary) thing to do with this device, but it's a bit odd that they've made no mention of it, since you'd think it is an important feature of the device.

At 540p, 500GFlops might be all that is needed to run AAA multiplats. Higher resolutions will demand much more GPU power, but it's theoretically possible to get XB1/PS4 ports to run on handheld mode (assuming a 540p screen) if the GPU is that powerful.

That's the same as a 2.8tflops gcn device pushing 1080p, the handheld only needs to be 256gflops at 540p to match what the xb1s is capable of at 1080p


It all makes sense now:

  • The SCD modules
  • The transforming/expandable controller
  • The 'N' in the name


NX spiritual successor to N64 confirmed!

There's no other conclusion! At least analog sticks are confirmed! The math problem is solved and X = 64!

Yes, and you'll get a whopping extra 4MB of RAM! :p

LOL!! Maybe it'll have like 10 ports on there for these packs?! Plus, it can use that 4MB more efficiently now then they could back then!
Yeah. It's probably due to me not being so present on Twitter before, but things have been getting interestingly weeeeird in the past few months, with people like Nintendoubted (I still don't understand what happened with the accuses of one of the persons behind that account endorsing female violence + disguising himself for a completely different person, a female one), 10k himself (sorry dude :p ), Trevelyan after what happened with his Nintendo (legit) leak. Heck, sorry Trev, but I can't take you seriously with the whole Happy Nintendo Fan thing, and if you post someone else's video about how the EG's leak is debunked because

1) Nintendo said they're doing something really innovative...But look at that Razor's tablet, it already exists!
2) Nvidia should talk with investors about it, they need to know! (actually, this is the most realistic point of the whole video)
3) EG already said Tegra would've been behind 3DS, but it didn't happen! Maybe they have bad sources or they're doing it for clicks!
The investor's bit is the most they've mentioned which is weird. Does NVIDIA have to announce every win? Couldn't Nintendo just asked them to not hint at it especially with how secretive they've been?
That's the same as a 2.8tflops gcn device pushing 1080p, the handheld only needs to be 256gflops at 540p to match what the xb1s is capable of at 1080p

I doubt GPU requirements scale exactly linearly with resolution but I would assume that would work as a ballpark estimate (though I'm certainly no expert).


Gold Member
From MCV's article:

God damn Nintendo, not again...

Not good news for me, it seems (I want a game console as well).

If Nintendo is going after those playing on the phone as their number one priority:

1. I assume that the screen will be smaller rather than larger, since there will have to be controllers on the side (although tiny ones I fear). WSJ had an article about Nintendo putting in an order for screens from Sharp where the screens in question can be made in sizes from 3.1" to 5". So maybe 5" will be the largest screen Nintendo is thinking about including.

2. The games Nintendo will focus on will move from being console games and handheld games, to handheld games and mobile games. A handheld system that also can be plugged into a TV will have the handheld mode as its main mode, since that is the mode that everyone will be using. Not everyone will plug the handheld into a TV.

Nintendo seems to have moved in this direction if we look at the games released for the Wii U. The only larger Nintendo-made games that seems to clearly work better on a big screen TV is Xenoblade Chronicles X. Guess we can add Zelda U as well. As for something as important as the Mario games, I believe that all of them can work on a small handheld screen. Maybe this is why Nintendo went in the direction they did when they made the last 3D Mario-game.

So while we may be able to play handheld games on our TVs, the larger Nintendo console games may be on the way out. Perhaps a couple will be made to make me shut th f up. If so, let one be Xenoblade Chronicles X 2, pretty please.


Sorry but £200 ($260) for the NX "hybrid" is way to much, unless ofc it really do rival/come very close to Xbox One. If it's a 256Gflop portable/stationary "hybrid" it need to go down, WAY WAY down.
This is one of the biggest challenges Nintendo faces imo. Market it as a handheld and the price would seem too high. Market it as a console and it might seem too weak. They might go with neither but it's still a tough sell.

What price comparison are you using to build your opinion sir ?

600$ smartphones or the 179$ 3ds with 60 times less power ? I'm confused.
Most people don't spend more than $199 for the smartphones they get due to contract subsidies. And the value of a smartphone is much higher as it's actually useful compared to a games system that is seen as an expensive toy. 3DS also struggled massively at $250 and so did the Vita. People aren't prepared to spend that for handhelds anymore. Nintendo needs to appeal to people more than that to sell this thing.


never left the stone age
She posted something that she saw Matt Castlevania post on IGN, a lot of the other old stuff I've seen was contested pretty strongly by Durante.
I don't have any more faith in her sources than I do in Dave's or 10k's tbh. 😞
Man I miss Matt Casablanca and his silly surname, he should make a grand return to games media.


This is one of the biggest challenges Nintendo faces imo. Market it as a handheld and the price would seem too high. Market it as a console and it might seem too weak. They might go with neither but it's still a tough sell.

Most people don't spend more than $199 for the smartphones they get due to contract subsidies. And the value of a smartphone is much higher as it's actually useful compared to a games system that is seen as an expensive toy. 3DS also struggled massively at $250 and so did the Vita. People aren't prepared to spend that for handhelds anymore. Nintendo needs to appeal to people more than that to sell this thing.

It's simple

Well at $250/£200 for system with dock
Then sell at $200/£170 system without dock


Junior Member
Gameblog's latest info

"nos sources nous ont confirmé que des jeux PS4 actuels pourraient tourner sur Nintendo NX. Des tests de portage auraient d'ailleurs été entrepris avec succès."

"Our sources confirmed that current PS4 games can run on the Nx, Porting tests have been carried out successfully

"En revanche, les portages demanderait une optimisation particulière tant l'architecture générale de la NX serait différente de ce que propose la PS4 et la Xbox One. Une fois de plus, le talent et les moyens déployés par les éditeurs feront la différence."

"On the other hand,the ports demand special optimisation due to the different architecture from the XB0 and PS4. Once again, the talent and methods used by des will make the difference."

"nos sources nous ont aussi indiqué que la NX disposerait d'une puce dédiée à la Réalité Virtuelle et Augmentée."

"Our sources also indicated that NX has a chip dedicated to VR and AR"

"Les dernières versions des moteurs Unreal Engine et Unity Engine tournaient très bien sur Nintendo NX."

"Recent versions of unity and Unreal Engine run very well on Nx"

"il nous a été confirmé que la NX serait une machine infiniment plus accessible et mieux préparée technologiquement que ne l'était la Wii U. "

"It was confirmed to us that NX will be a machine infinitely more accessible and better prepared technologically than Wii U was"

"ous les échos que nous récolté auprès de personnes ayant pu approcher les premiers kits ou ayant été au contact direct de ce qui se prépare sont unanimes : le sentiment général se montre particulièrement positif. Oui, la Nintendo NX sera différente de ses concurrentes. Oui, elle est intéressante. "

"The feedback from people in contact with the first dev kits is unanimous, the feeling is especially positive. Nx will be different from the other machines and interesting"

Sorry for the quick and dirty translation.


Gameblog's latest info

"nos sources nous ont confirmé que des jeux PS4 actuels pourraient tourner sur Nintendo NX. Des tests de portage auraient d'ailleurs été entrepris avec succès."

"Our sources confirmed that current PS4 games can run on the Nx, Porting tests have been carried out successfully

"En revanche, les portages demanderait une optimisation particulière tant l'architecture générale de la NX serait différente de ce que propose la PS4 et la Xbox One. Une fois de plus, le talent et les moyens déployés par les éditeurs feront la différence."

"On the other hand,the ports demand special optimisation due to the different architecture from the XB0 and PS4. Once again, the talent and methods used by des will make the difference."

"nos sources nous ont aussi indiqué que la NX disposerait d'une puce dédiée à la Réalité Virtuelle et Augmentée."

"Our sources also indicated that NX has a chip dedicated to VR and AR"

"Les dernières versions des moteurs Unreal Engine et Unity Engine tournaient très bien sur Nintendo NX."

"Recent versions of unity and Unreal Engine run very well on Nx"

"il nous a été confirmé que la NX serait une machine infiniment plus accessible et mieux préparée technologiquement que ne l'était la Wii U. "

"It was confirmed to us that NX will be a machine infinitely more accessible and better prepared technologically than Wii U was"

"ous les échos que nous récolté auprès de personnes ayant pu approcher les premiers kits ou ayant été au contact direct de ce qui se prépare sont unanimes : le sentiment général se montre particulièrement positif. Oui, la Nintendo NX sera différente de ses concurrentes. Oui, elle est intéressante. "

"The feedback from people in contact with the first dev kits is unanimous, the feeling is especially positive. Nx will be different from the other machines and interesting"

Sorry for the quick and dirty translation.
Different architecture from PS4 and Xbox One relating to the APU, GPU or CPU I wonder?


Gameblog's latest info

"nos sources nous ont confirmé que des jeux PS4 actuels pourraient tourner sur Nintendo NX. Des tests de portage auraient d'ailleurs été entrepris avec succès."

"Our sources confirmed that current PS4 games can run on the Nx, Porting tests have been carried out successfully

"En revanche, les portages demanderait une optimisation particulière tant l'architecture générale de la NX serait différente de ce que propose la PS4 et la Xbox One. Une fois de plus, le talent et les moyens déployés par les éditeurs feront la différence."

"On the other hand,the ports demand special optimisation due to the different architecture from the XB0 and PS4. Once again, the talent and methods used by des will make the difference."

"nos sources nous ont aussi indiqué que la NX disposerait d'une puce dédiée à la Réalité Virtuelle et Augmentée."

"Our sources also indicated that NX has a chip dedicated to VR and AR"

"Les dernières versions des moteurs Unreal Engine et Unity Engine tournaient très bien sur Nintendo NX."

"Recent versions of unity and Unreal Engine run very well on Nx"

"il nous a été confirmé que la NX serait une machine infiniment plus accessible et mieux préparée technologiquement que ne l'était la Wii U. "

"It was confirmed to us that NX will be a machine infinitely more accessible and better prepared technologically than Wii U was"

"ous les échos que nous récolté auprès de personnes ayant pu approcher les premiers kits ou ayant été au contact direct de ce qui se prépare sont unanimes : le sentiment général se montre particulièrement positif. Oui, la Nintendo NX sera différente de ses concurrentes. Oui, elle est intéressante. "

"The feedback from people in contact with the first dev kits is unanimous, the feeling is especially positive. Nx will be different from the other machines and interesting"

Sorry for the quick and dirty translation.

Thanks for that! How reliable have these guys been in the past?

Well if true this certainly makes me hopeful. Even if no 3rd party ports anything at least its sounding like to be a clear step up from Wii U.
Gameblog's latest info

"nos sources nous ont confirmé que des jeux PS4 actuels pourraient tourner sur Nintendo NX. Des tests de portage auraient d'ailleurs été entrepris avec succès."

"Our sources confirmed that current PS4 games can run on the Nx, Porting tests have been carried out successfully

"En revanche, les portages demanderait une optimisation particulière tant l'architecture générale de la NX serait différente de ce que propose la PS4 et la Xbox One. Une fois de plus, le talent et les moyens déployés par les éditeurs feront la différence."

"On the other hand,the ports demand special optimisation due to the different architecture from the XB0 and PS4. Once again, the talent and methods used by des will make the difference."

"nos sources nous ont aussi indiqué que la NX disposerait d'une puce dédiée à la Réalité Virtuelle et Augmentée."

"Our sources also indicated that NX has a chip dedicated to VR and AR"

"Les dernières versions des moteurs Unreal Engine et Unity Engine tournaient très bien sur Nintendo NX."

"Recent versions of unity and Unreal Engine run very well on Nx"

"il nous a été confirmé que la NX serait une machine infiniment plus accessible et mieux préparée technologiquement que ne l'était la Wii U. "

"It was confirmed to us that NX will be a machine infinitely more accessible and better prepared technologically than Wii U was"

"ous les échos que nous récolté auprès de personnes ayant pu approcher les premiers kits ou ayant été au contact direct de ce qui se prépare sont unanimes : le sentiment général se montre particulièrement positif. Oui, la Nintendo NX sera différente de ses concurrentes. Oui, elle est intéressante. "

"The feedback from people in contact with the first dev kits is unanimous, the feeling is especially positive. Nx will be different from the other machines and interesting"

Sorry for the quick and dirty translation.

Hmm. How reliable is that website?
Different architecture from PS4 and Xbox One relating to the APU, GPU or CPU I wonder?
Or just simply AMD -> Tegra. As we were talking about before, UE4 should run pretty well on Tegra.
Gameblog isn't that reliable, right? I'm not saying this couldn't be true, but from what I can remember, the site doesn't have that good a reputation when it comes to rumors.


It's probably conjecture, but it's extremely unlikely that they could push beyond X1 performance within the thermal restraints of a handheld. I personally feel that even with Pascal we'll see something 15-30% slower than X1 at best even in "console mode" if there is such a thing.
Ahh, you know what? I'm feeling that. All this 1+TF talk was getting a bit crazy IMO, but I can see where you're at now, and I'm on board.

Though you never know with Nintendo, even with the gamecube and Wii, they shifted clocks here and there just prior to launch to have better "balance". Nintendo hardware guys are an interesting bunch.

Even though I'd lean towards the low end of expectations, I'm still super excited about what we will get.


Not good news for me, it seems (I want a game console as well).

If Nintendo is going after those playing on the phone as their number one priority:

1. I assume that the screen will be smaller rather than larger, since there will have to be controllers on the side (although tiny ones I fear). WSJ had an article about Nintendo putting in an order for screens from Sharp where the screens in question can be made i sizes from 3.1" to 5". So maybe 5" will be the largest screen Nintendo is thinking about including.

2. The games Nintendo will focus on will move from being console games and handheld games, to handheld games and mobile games. A handheld system that also can be plugged into a TV will have the handheld mode as its main mode, since that is the mode that everyone will be using. Not everyone will plug the handheld into a TV.

Nintendo seems to have moved in this direction if we look at the games released for the Wii U. The only larger Nintendo-made games that seems to clearly work better on a big screen TV is Xenoblade Chronicles X. Guess we can add Zelda U as well. As for something as important as the Mario games, I believe that all of them can work on a small handheld screen. Maybe this is why Nintendo went in the direction they did when they made the last 3D Mario-game.

So while we may be able to play handheld games on our TVs, the larger Nintendo console games may be on the way out. Perhaps a couple will be made to make me shut th f up. If so, let one be Xenoblade Chronicles X 2, pretty please.

This is pretty much my feeling too. Good point about the Wii U library actually resembling the 3DS one, you could say their desire to consolidate their library sort of started with the way their console games felt more and more like handheld experiences, 3D World being the best example.


A...Chip dedicated to VR?

Pascal has Simultaneous multi-projection, single-pass stereo, lens based pixel culling for VR, I wonder if they just got confused by those features and called it a new chip? I can't imagine what a VR/AR chip would be elsewise.


Well, maybe not a chip exactly, but...


PixArt is listed on here now. They are a Nintendo supplier. Their "category" reads as "Head and Body Position/Orientation Tracker, Eye Tracker, Head and Finger Trackers." They are offering "Gesture recognition sensors, Multi-finger detection sensors, Eye-tracking sensors, Multiple Object tracking sensors, even customized image related sensors for specific application." Finally, they are "Looking for cooperation opportunity in HMD application."

Who knows? I'm sure there is at least a few sensors coming into this thing!

EDIT: Actually...there is another company now offering a SoC solution to sensor management that recently said they are getting involved in a gaming company...


Well, maybe not a chip exactly, but...


PixArt is listed on here now. They are a Nintendo supplier. Their "category" reads as "Head and Body Position/Orientation Tracker, Eye Tracker, Head and Finger Trackers." They are offering "Gesture recognition sensors, Multi-finger detection sensors, Eye-tracking sensors, Multiple Object tracking sensors, even customized image related sensors for specific application." Finally, they are "Looking for cooperation opportunity in HMD application."

Who knows? I'm sure there is at least a few sensors coming into this thing!

EDIT: Actually...there is another company now offering a SoC solution to sensor management that recently said they are getting involved in a gaming company...

OSVR lists Nintendo for Wii: http://osvr.github.io/compatibility/

Nintendo WiiMote


Included with OSVR-Core

External device supported using VRPN and descriptor/configuration files bundled with OSVR-Core
Data source: JSON device descriptor
It only adds value if you're someone who wants a device that is both a home console and a handheld.

If you only want a handheld it decreases the value...
If you only want a console it decreases the value...

...as you're being charged more for functionality that you don't want.

I get where you are coming from regarding a console gamer, but how does this decrease value for a handheld gamer? I can't see handheld gamers being effected negatively by a hybrid, but I may be missing something.


Pretty sure game blog was the one that had a rumor a month ago about the NX matching the Neo...Perry sure they are not legit.


Well, maybe not a chip exactly, but...


PixArt is listed on here now. They are a Nintendo supplier. Their "category" reads as "Head and Body Position/Orientation Tracker, Eye Tracker, Head and Finger Trackers." They are offering "Gesture recognition sensors, Multi-finger detection sensors, Eye-tracking sensors, Multiple Object tracking sensors, even customized image related sensors for specific application." Finally, they are "Looking for cooperation opportunity in HMD application."

Who knows? I'm sure there is at least a few sensors coming into this thing!

EDIT: Actually...there is another company now offering a SoC solution to sensor management that recently said they are getting involved in a gaming company...

Pixart is also a major supplier to Razer, who established OSVR.

OSVR lists Nintendo for Wii: http://osvr.github.io/compatibility/

Nintendo WiiMote


Included with OSVR-Core

External device supported using VRPN and descriptor/configuration files bundled with OSVR-Core
Data source: JSON device descriptor

If you look at the github repository you'll see that none of the contributors work for Nintendo. Nintendo also never refer to it as WiiMote.


Well, maybe not a chip exactly, but...


PixArt is listed on here now. They are a Nintendo supplier. Their "category" reads as "Head and Body Position/Orientation Tracker, Eye Tracker, Head and Finger Trackers." They are offering "Gesture recognition sensors, Multi-finger detection sensors, Eye-tracking sensors, Multiple Object tracking sensors, even customized image related sensors for specific application." Finally, they are "Looking for cooperation opportunity in HMD application."

Who knows? I'm sure there is at least a few sensors coming into this thing!

EDIT: Actually...there is another company now offering a SoC solution to sensor management that recently said they are getting involved in a gaming company...

Ahh, my head was in the game processing chip space, anything body tracking would of course need something like that. Interesting.

Hey...If the NX portable part can be used as a Cardboard/GearVR like display and processor for VR, at a low price that would sell like gangbusters...

Davey Cakes

I'm honestly past the point of needing graphics to be mindblowing on a detail level.

These days, my biggest thing is having a crisp image.

If the NX, as a console, only reaches the power of a WiiU+ can we still potentially get simpler looking games with extremely high IQ?

Games like Mario Kart 8 would look amazing if they just had higher image quality. I'm wondering if the NX can upscale a handheld image to look really great on a TV.


Gameblog's latest info

"nos sources nous ont confirmé que des jeux PS4 actuels pourraient tourner sur Nintendo NX. Des tests de portage auraient d'ailleurs été entrepris avec succès."

"Our sources confirmed that current PS4 games can run on the Nx, Porting tests have been carried out successfully

"En revanche, les portages demanderait une optimisation particulière tant l'architecture générale de la NX serait différente de ce que propose la PS4 et la Xbox One. Une fois de plus, le talent et les moyens déployés par les éditeurs feront la différence."

"On the other hand,the ports demand special optimisation due to the different architecture from the XB0 and PS4. Once again, the talent and methods used by des will make the difference."

"nos sources nous ont aussi indiqué que la NX disposerait d'une puce dédiée à la Réalité Virtuelle et Augmentée."

"Our sources also indicated that NX has a chip dedicated to VR and AR"

"Les dernières versions des moteurs Unreal Engine et Unity Engine tournaient très bien sur Nintendo NX."

"Recent versions of unity and Unreal Engine run very well on Nx"

"il nous a été confirmé que la NX serait une machine infiniment plus accessible et mieux préparée technologiquement que ne l'était la Wii U. "

"It was confirmed to us that NX will be a machine infinitely more accessible and better prepared technologically than Wii U was"

"ous les échos que nous récolté auprès de personnes ayant pu approcher les premiers kits ou ayant été au contact direct de ce qui se prépare sont unanimes : le sentiment général se montre particulièrement positif. Oui, la Nintendo NX sera différente de ses concurrentes. Oui, elle est intéressante. "

"The feedback from people in contact with the first dev kits is unanimous, the feeling is especially positive. Nx will be different from the other machines and interesting"

Sorry for the quick and dirty translation.

Thank you for the translation!

I mean, like I said in the MCV thread, Europe is being especially leaky lately, so who knows. I'm sure there are some rumblings going out though regardless.

Pixart is also a major supplier to Razer, who established OSVR.

I thought I had heard that before, but I thought it was wrong. Thank you for the confirmation!
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