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No Man's Sky: Free updates coming, potential paid DLC in future depending on budget


Oh, so it's our job as responsible consumers to cry, moan, and to invent outrage? Good to know.



Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
Would love to see some paid DLC for this game. This game could use being built upon for a while, then later on we can get NMS2. Perhaps next generation.
Holy crap every little thing Sean says just gets analysed under a microscope.

I have no problem with the OP, and to be honest, with the content in patch one, and the sound of the upcoming content in patch two, any paid DLC down the line (and he is implying it would be waaay down the line) will have such a shedload of content that I for one would be happy to pay for it.


The Birthday Skeleton
That post (I don't remember from whom) that stated how any critique is treated like it is a terrible attack was so spot on.
The only definitive statements I see about this game turn out to be untrue. o_O

To be fair I'm not closely following it but from the outside it diesn't look good from a PR standpoint.


Not really. Ignores the "no DLC" statement from a week ago.

I think the game is decent, but I don't get why so many are rushing to defend the many false claims and conflicting statements he has made over the last two years. I realize this is an indie title and made by a small team but this was marketed as a triple AAA game and certainly priced accordingly. Some of the exaggerations he pushed prior to release helped in the number of copies sold. Heck, he even got on the Late Show and talked about the MP elements with Colbert. Wouldn't have been a big deal though had he been honest a month or so before release that some of the features he talked about hadn't been included but hopefully would with updates. Of course that may have impacted sales. Instead he chose to ignore the many people asking for answers after the two players tried to meet but couldn't on Day friggin 1.

Good for him that the game is selling well though.
"We do want to add a ton of features, like we've just discussed: Freighters, bases, these type of things. But we want to do it for free. You've paid for the game, so you should get this stuff without paying even more money. So no, there will be no paid DLC, just patches."

The one time he managed to answer a question in a straightforward manner.

Edit: Some people seem to have a negative disposition towards Sean Murray and Hello Games. Currently, I am one of them. For some it might be because for some reason they've decided to hate him. For others, including myself, it might be because he has been dishonest about him game on numerous occasions, either willingly or unwillingly. I don't really care about Sean Murray the individual and I do plan on buying the game as soon as substantial content has been added. However, there is no doubt in my mind that if the same dishonesty and PR doublespeak had come from the mouth of an EA, Ubisoft or Microsoft spokesperson, most of GAF would be brandishing pitchforks right now.

I understand that games development is tough, that plans change and that the available budget dictates what can or can't be done. I expect PR bullshit from big publishers, that's basically all they do, but I hold indie devs to a higher standard. From them I expect total honesty and a close relationship to their customer base. Sean Murray hasn't managed to rise up to my personal standard. Not even close.

There are tons of PC games that have launched in early access with much less content and at a worse state than No Man's Sky, yet thousands of people had no issue paying for them because the developers were clear on what their customers were getting for the price. I don't like the fact that Sean Murray is bringing the PR doublespeak of the AAA market to the indie gaming market and I feel that he should be called out for it. For me, constantly blaming his dishonesty on his inexperience being in the public light or his naivety shows that part of the audience simply doesn't want to acknowledge his true failings, for whatever reason.
I would have thought being such a small studio, that the Revenue from the huge sales would mean the studio would have more money for free updates.

Bigger AAA studios at least have the excuse of massive overheads and costs


I don't know why people are saying this is a bad thing, it's not like he's saying he's going to take what would be previously put otherwise free and add a charge to it but they're open to making things big enough to be paid DLC/ expansions.
But now we are getting down to semantics with regards to mechanics.

I mean if you break it down any game has repeat mechanics and just a change a change in scenery. The only real thing that goes against NMS in this regard is that is isn’t a traditional narrative driven game otherwise the same arguments can be used for any game.

Of course value is subjective and I wasn’t trying to say otherwise but the previous poster was speaking in facts regarding its content which is why I called it out since it isn’t a fact and I and many others have got more time out of the game than they stated it had.
Tic Tac Toe has over 250,000 possible combinations but at the end of the day it's a grid with an X and an O.

The time spent doing the same stuff != more stuff.


It seems like Hello Games should be putting some of its money towards hiring a public relations person because trotting Sean Murray out there be he mistaken, lying, or whatever really isn't doing the company any favors.

If the DLC earns its price tag I don't have a problem with them charging for it though the messaging should've been made clear. I will say, however, that I will be very cautious about buying any Hello Games product going forward even though I like No Man's Sky. There's simply too much ambiguity, which is something that could be solved by more consistent PR representation.


The one time he managed to answer a question in a straightforward manner.

Edit: Some people seem to have a negative disposition towards Sean Murray and Hello Games. Currently, I am one of them. For some it might be because for some reason they've decided to hate him. For others, including myself, it might be because he has been dishonest about him game on numerous occasions, either willingly or unwillingly. I don't really care about Sean Murray the individual and I do plan on buying the game as soon as substantial content has been added. However, there is no doubt in my mind that if the same dishonesty and PR doublespeak had come from the mouth of an EA, Ubisoft or Microsoft spokesperson, most of GAF would be brandishing pitchforks right now.

I understand that games development is tough, that plans change and that the available budget dictates what can or can't be done. I expect PR bullshit from big publishers, that's basically all they do, but I hold indie devs to a higher standard. From them I expect total honesty and a close relationship to their customer base. Sean Murray hasn't managed to rise up to my personal standard. Not even close.

There are tons of PC games that have launched in early access with much less content and at a worse state than No Man's Sky, yet thousands of people had no issue paying for them because the developers were clear on what their customers were getting for the price. I don't like the fact that Sean Murray is bringing the PR doublespeak of the AAA market to the indie gaming market and I feel that he should be called out for it. For me, constantly blaming his dishonesty on his inexperience being in the public light or his naivety shows that part of the audience simply doesn't want to acknowledge his true failings, for whatever reason.

I agree with you completely

Poor Sean, one of the most likeable guys in the industry and people are so fucking angry and hateful

maybe people have good reason the be "angry" at him?


TBH this sounds like Murray realizing it's better to caveat big commitments until he's sure he can meet them: which is sensible move. I hope for free DLC and I hope they target as much of it as possible (sales seem decent enough already) but if they can't I'd want them to at least deliver very good content/price a'la Witcher developers.

I still love the guy's enthusiasm but commercially, saying "everything will be free" in a way that sounds like you haven't even checked that's feasible is letting enthusiasm get in the way of common sense and cautionary commitments.


Foundations of Burden
People forget that all DLC, free or paid, still needs to go through QA and submission testing on console platforms. If there is a future update big enough to warrant a price tag, then whatever, I'd consider buying it.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
maybe people have good reason the be "angry" at him?

No, they really don't.

Its just a game. Its not like they were being promised salvation or something!

Its incredibly childish to get worked up over every single word that a dev utters, and entirely unproductive because putting them under that level of scrutiny is not going to encourage further communication. Noone likes angry pedants.


Would love to see some paid DLC for this game. This game could use being built upon for a while, then later on we can get NMS2. Perhaps next generation.
I will totally pay for dlc if it adds content/something to do/quests and the planets are actually different. Oh, and that every single alien outpost isn't the same group of buildings.


No, they really don't.

Its just a game. Its not like they were being promised salvation or something!

Its incredibly childish to get worked up over every single word that a dev utters, and entirely unproductive because putting them under that level of scrutiny is not going to encourage further communication. Noone likes angry pedants.

You seem to not understand the consumer-producer relationship. There are actual laws that protect consumers by preventing people who are selling you a product from lying. In this relationship, you are spending your money on a promise by the creator. This is a business transaction. This transaction has legal protections. You are the one with the money to lose here, and it is in the best interest of the seller to trick you to spend your money. Without these protections every seller would be competing for who can lie the most and get away with it and the consumer would be taken advantage of.

When you sell a product, you must play by these rules. Being a nice person or selling an insignificant product does not matter. Remember that Sean was the marketer for this game. His words are part of this transaction. In this interaction he is not representing Seam Murray the person but Hello Games the corporation. He's a businessman. If he can't play by the rules, he should hire a professional marketer.
No, they really don't.

Its just a game. Its not like they were being promised salvation or something!

Its incredibly childish to get worked up over every single word that a dev utters, and entirely unproductive because putting them under that level of scrutiny is not going to encourage further communication. Noone likes angry pedants.
It's not childish to be angry at someone who sells you a product using false claims.

I'm definitely not in the ultra-hate camp, more in the SMH territory, but when you talk about features to sell your game and then don't include those features - that's what we call "lying". And considering you are paying the guy that lied to your face, it's a problem for many, as it should be. Hell, it's a problem for the fucking industry. This isn't about under-delivering, it's about features being completely absent and the touted post-releasee course changing. If they existed but were sub-par, you have a point.

People have been flat out lied to. If you can't see that being an issue then you are the reason these devs still exist. Shit needs to stop, flat out. Be honest about your game and intentions and the worst discussion you will have is people not liking your game because you made it poorly.


Poor Sean, one of the most likeable guys in the industry and people are so fucking angry and hateful
He gets a lot of hate, but if he just stopped being vague all the time and in some case straight out lie, he probably wouldn't be in this situation.

Most likable person in the industry is Luke 'Red Bull' Smith.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
You seem to not understand the consumer-producer relationship. There are actual laws that protect consumers by preventing people who are selling you a product from lying. In this relationship, you are spending your money on a promise by the creator. This transaction has legal protections. You are the one with the money to lose here, and it is in the best interest of the seller to trick you to spend your money. Without these protections every seller would be competing for who can lie the most and get away with it and the consumer would be taken advantage of.

When you sell a product, you must play by these rules. Being a nice person or selling an insignificant product does not matter. Remember that Sean was the marketer for this game. His words are part of this transaction. In this interaction he is not representing Seam Murray the person but Hello Games the corporation. If he can't play by the rules, he should hire a professional marketer.

First of all stop acting like every word a dev says is legally binding and that any change or deviation along the road of production absolutely has to be communicated else they rightfully be accused of deception.

If you are holding on that tight... the outcome is kinda predictable because nobody can live up to that level of scrutiny.

Getting angry also never works. Doesn't matter if its a game dev or the guy serving you your fast food; talking to/of people like they are pieces of shit for any perceived fault or slight is not going to endear you to them.

Hiring professional marketers (i.e. professional LIARS) is not going to change a damn thing either, other than add an additional cost to production/publication.


First of all stop acting like every word a dev says is legally binding and that any change or deviation along the road of production absolutely has to be communicated else they rightfully be accused of deception.

If you are holding on that tight... the outcome is kinda predictable because nobody can live up to that level of scrutiny.

Getting angry also never works. Doesn't matter if its a game dev or the guy serving you your fast food; talking to/of people like they are pieces of shit for any perceived fault or slight is not going to endear you to them.

Hiring professional marketers (i.e. professional LIARS) is not going to change a damn thing either, other than add an additional cost to production/publication.

Where do you draw the line? Do you draw the line at promising explicit multiplayer features? At going on national TV and talking about said features? You're still viewing him as the dev, but he has inadvertently taken on the role of marketer as well.

The point of hiring publicists isn't to get "professional liars" as you say (lol). It is to have people who can understand the liabilities spouting off bullshit and temper down overly enthusiastic devs who keep molyneuxing whatever feature comes to their mind and have no idea how to do PR.

Also, people spent $60 on a product that was sold to them on false pretenses. They were essentially swindled if they cared about those promised features. They have a right to be upset. And hiring a publicist is to prevent this from happening by putting a muzzle on things the developers are overestimating themselves with.

Go ahead and sue Sean Murray/Hello Games then.

I don't understand why people are getting upset about this notion. This is how publishing works. I don't care enough to file legal action, but someone else might. It's not preposterous to do so, it's one's legal right. Sean fucked up, but I don't see why people are so eager to act like he didn't. You can still enjoy the game.


You seem to not understand the consumer-producer relationship. There are actual laws that protect consumers by preventing people who are selling you a product from lying. In this relationship, you are spending your money on a promise by the creator. This is a business transaction. This transaction has legal protections.

Go ahead and sue Sean Murray/Hello Games then.
OMG the No Mans Sky hate is pretty ridiculous but maybe they should have never taken the deal from Sony and quietly released it as a digital only Indie game

There is merit to building a game up from a very low level

Them going 60 dollar retail with Full Sony backing seems to only made the divisive nature of the game very apparent

I get the HOWS and the WHYS of the decision but I cant help but think there might be a small tinge of regret?

hahaha fuck no the game is selling great from what I can tell. Divisive? Sure among critics and GAFFERs but here is where the reality check begins


I'm glad the game never had a season pass... Imagine the shit-storm that would have stirred...

If they find themselves able to fund some quality DLC, sure. If it is just ships or tools that you can just buy up front and start using, no thanks. If it extends the gameplay experience, that would be more like it.
Its incredibly childish to get worked up over every single word that a dev utters, and entirely unproductive because putting them under that level of scrutiny is not going to encourage further communication. Noone likes angry pedants.

I would much rather have a developer not say anything than promise features he won't deliver on. The fact that one week after launch we still don't have an official answer to such a simple question as "can two players see each other in the game" is completely and utterly ridiculous. Just imagine a journalist asking an EA developer "does Battlefront have a story-based campaign" and getting a reply like "so many players are playing Battlefront right now, my mind is blown".

Anyway, this has been discussed to death. As puzzling as some of GAF's attitude seems, it is what it is. Personally I won't believe a word that comes out of Sean Murray's mouth until I see the results directly implemented into the game.

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
No, they really don't.

Its just a game. Its not like they were being promised salvation or something!

Its incredibly childish to get worked up over every single word that a dev utters, and entirely unproductive because putting them under that level of scrutiny is not going to encourage further communication. Noone likes angry pedants.
Ugh. It's not childish. Some people are going overboard in their hate, but look at it this way:

If someone was to be interested in this game before (and up until) release and look up info on it, they'd see this guy - the game's creator - in interviews and tv shows and magazine articles mentioning Journey and Dark Souls and bumping into other players and making all these claims in interviews about NMS and playing with your friends and all this crap about starting 'trade partnerships' and wild races and living galaxies. They'd see trailers showing all this insane scope - basically the stuff that got this hype to fever pitch to begin with. Exciting, smooth graphics on lush, beautiful worlds with towering brontosaurus things and huge beasts plowing through forests scattering a herd of animals. Basically a sci fi dream.

Then, they see a heap of in-game footage that isn't quite so ambitious, but they keep being told up until release and even during the 'leak' period by the game's creator that the game is full of 'secrets' so don't ruin it! and the 'further they get into the centre' things get crazier, or wilder, or more creative, or more abundant or whatever.

None of that stuff appears to be IN the game, but he's happy to use it to sell the fucking thing for $60 a pop. And that's why people are pissed.

Now, personally, I get that things change during dev and I find the game quite relaxing in a chilled out 'interactive demo' kind of way - and I don't yet agree with tarring him with some 'liar' brush; that's kind of crazy. But he's hardly been transparent or forthcoming, and he seems to make a lot of misleading suggestions (but no outright promises!). I completely understand people being upset that they didn't get what the CREATOR OF THE GAME suggested and told them it would be for months, if not years.


I don't understand why people are getting upset about this notion. This is how publishing works. I don't care enough to file legal action, but someone else might. It's not preposterous to do so, it's one's legal right. Sean fucked up, but I don't see why people are so eager to act like he didn't. You can still enjoy the game.

I'm not upset at all. I like the game and there's nothing else to it.

I'm just seriously saying to you: If Sean Murray's statements are legally binding and you sincerely believe he's breaking some kind of legal oath, then go ahead and sue him. See how it goes. As far as I'm aware, the only output or information which is legally binding is paid-for advertising, i.e. bought advertising 'products'; TV adverts, Tweets, billboards, etc. I don't think any of his interviews count as that. (I could be wrong.)

It's a load of shit that he's lied about several aspects of the game, but in no way is what he said legally binding (AFAIK). It's just awful PR.


i haven't bought the game but i honestly wouldn't be surprised to see a class action suit against them at some point

Will be v interesting if it happens. Other devs have lied a lot more, though, and nothing happened. I'm not sure if there's any legal basis for it (see post immediately above).


The gameplay elements and features will be patched in for free like the day 1 patch.

If they do paid DLC it'll be player specific stuff like multitools and ships.


Still hoping for an update introducing real desert Biomes with some rare rock formations containing resources - of course Sandworms would be appreciated too.


I'm not upset at all. I like the game and there's nothing else to it.

I'm just seriously saying to you: If Sean Murray's statements are legally binding and you sincerely believe he's breaking some kind of legal oath, then go ahead and sue him. See how it goes. As far as I'm aware, the only output or information which is legally binding is paid-for advertising, i.e. bought advertising 'products'; TV adverts, Tweets, billboards, etc. I don't think any of his interviews count as that. (I could be wrong.)

It's a load of shit that he's lied about several aspects of the game, but in no way is what he said legally binding. It's just awful PR.

This is kind of a digression but I'm pretty sure people pay to be on shows like Colbert. Who knows what else is paid promotion or not. And I'm not a lawyer obviously. But my point want the letter of the law, it was that people are viewing Sean as a "bro", whereas they should be viewing him as a businessman trying to sell a product. However incompetent a publicist he might be, that's the role he's supposed to have and people should keep in mind that their own interests as consumers should come first.
OMG the No Mans Sky hate is pretty ridiculous but maybe they should have never taken the deal from Sony and quietly released it as a digital only Indie game

There is merit to building a game up from a very low level

Them going 60 dollar retail with Full Sony backing seems to only made the divisive nature of the game very apparent

I get the HOWS and the WHYS of the decision but I cant help but think there might be a small tinge of regret?

hahaha fuck no the game is selling great from what I can tell. Divisive? Sure among critics and GAFFERs but here is where the reality check begins
A whole lot of No Mans Boys in this thread. I really appreciate Jim for providing such a fitting label.
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