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Breath of the Wild is the official subtitle for Zelda U/NX, first gameplay trailer


There simply is no such thing as a bad Zelda game anyway. That's the only truth there is. (the obvious exceptions are those CDi things) There's just weird ones that not everyone likes and some with off-putting flaws. But bad? No, not a single one.
Didn't care for SS or PH. Replaying TP now and I'm still not terribly fond of it, either; it's not until the third dungeon it stays at a consistent good quality, imo.

Breath of the Wild is shaping up to be everything I've wanted from Zelda. Won't surprise me in the least if it ends up being masterpiece tier alongside OOT/MM/ALTTP.


Cool Facts: Game of War has been a hit since July 2013
It's a bit frightening just how good this game looks and to see that they seem to do everything right this time...
I agree, it's insane how different this is from the past few games. It's like they read all the complaints about Skyward Sword and decided to address them:
-no boring 2 hour tutorial before anything fun happens
-more difficult and complex combat
-a fully connected world that doesn't look like a theme park
-a large variety of regions
-non linearity
-less emphasis on controller gimmicks
-tons of beautiful views
-no insulting handholding
There simply is no such thing as a bad Zelda game anyway. That's the only truth there is. (the obvious exceptions are those CDi things) There's just weird ones that not everyone likes and some with off-putting flaws. But bad? No, not a single one.

Right on, brother.



There simply is no such thing as a bad Zelda game anyway. That's the only truth there is. (the obvious exceptions are those CDi things) There's just weird ones that not everyone likes and some with off-putting flaws. But bad? No, not a single one.



There simply is no such thing as a bad Zelda game anyway. That's the only truth there is. (the obvious exceptions are those CDi things) There's just weird ones that not everyone likes and some with off-putting flaws. But bad? No, not a single one.



I agree, it's insane how different this is from the past few games. It's like they read all the complaints about Skyward Sword and decided to address them:
-no boring 2 hour tutorial before anything fun happens
-more difficult and complex combat
-a fully connected world that doesn't look like a theme park
-a large variety of regions
-non linearity
-less emphasis on controller gimmicks
-tons of beautiful views
-no insulting handholding

agreed with everything!

what do you mean with happiness though?


the map analysis part was brilliant, mouth was open the entire time :D

finally finished watching, took multiple breaks^^

Astral Dog

I agree, it's insane how different this is from the past few games. It's like they read all the complaints about Skyward Sword and decided to address them:
-no boring 2 hour tutorial before anything fun happens
-more difficult and complex combat
-a fully connected world that doesn't look like a theme park
-a large variety of regions
-non linearity
-less emphasis on controller gimmicks
-tons of beautiful views
-no insulting handholding
i guess they went too experimental with Skyward Sword, less technical limitations definetly helped to define the direction this game was going to take.


Bad OST, bad Zelda

Did you play the game on mute, or... do you just have bad taste?

Fi's Theme

The Sky




Bamboo Isle

Sand Sea

Lanayru Harbor

It has some of the very best music in the series, and often fully orchestrated. The only complaint you could possibly make is that some of the small-scale midi music filling the gaps between the big orchestral pieces sounds a little weak in comparison.

I personally love Skyward Sword even though it has some faults. Not sure why it just seems to be getting more and more negativity over time.


I personally love Skyward Sword even though it has some faults. Not sure why it just seems to be getting more and more negativity over time.

For me at least, my opinion was cemented early on. I actually don't actively disliked it, but I feel like I was barraged with many of the things console Zelda had been building up to: way too much hand holding, extremely streamlined, practically non-existent overworld and those fucking annoying text messages when you pick up anything ever.

I also just simply do not like motion controls 99 percent of the time and the entire adventure was based around it.

It's a Zelda game though and since I tend to love Zelda adventures, I was still happy to see it through to completion, I just think outside of Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks, it was the least memorable Zelda I've played. Even the dungeons didn't really sit right with me.

Someone people love it, more power to them. Personally, I couldn't be more excited about the route Nintendo took with Breath of the Wild though because it's hitting on all the right notes for me.
I like everything we've seen thus far from this game, but one thing: the approach to music.

I understand the minimalistic approach is related to the "wilderness" theme of the game, still I can't help but miss a more traditional composition for the field. But we never know, maybe later in the game the overworld shifts to a more traditional music.


Yes impressionistic music annoys the crap out of me. It's like improv jazz but somehow even worse. Still, I have to applaud them for doing something differently. And I also have faith in Nintendo in this regard. If they can make big band work with a racing game to create the best OST of all time, then this deserves the benefit of the doubt.


I would imagine the music will pick up as you start meeting other people in the world (if they even exist). On the plateau, you're kind of isolated from everyone and everything besides monsters, the Old Man, and nature. Pretty quiet and serene environment otherwise as well.


I'm a little concerned about the soundtracks' minimalism as well. I'm hoping that we get some memorable themes at various points throughout the adventure.

Did you play the game on mute, or... do you just have bad taste?

I can't speak for the other poster, but while those tracks are aces, there is a lot of filler that's fairly mediocre. And sadly, those are the tracks you are hearing a majority of the time, because they are the overworld themes for the various zones/dungeons/etc.
Never been much of a Zelda fan, a Nintendo fan yes but Zelda I usually take or leave. I am really liking what I have seen of this game though, looks excellent.


Im not concerned about the minimalism. I sometimes find myself a tad bit annoyed by repetitious tracks in extended play sessions in some Zeldas... Then there's Shadow of the Colossus which had an AMAZING sound track that was used sparingly in favor of atmospheric soundscapes for the large majority of the time.
the only acceptable Zelda games to link to under that phrase are on the CD-i. everything else is just factually wrong. :)

I know we've had our disagreements in the past Moon but... they all pale in comparison to this one, Phantom Hourglass is a steaming pile, I'll fite anyone who disagrees IRL m8 :p

Since there is a button to throw your weapon, imagine if you threw the master sword and it worked like a boomerang since it would strange to throw it away

When you throw the Master Sword it'll just shoot a beam instead :3


The point of the overworld is for there to a sense of silence. The music isn't supposed to stand out or wow you. Plus, we've already heard from the trailer music that there will be some stunning tracks somewhere in the game.


never left the stone age
I honestly think Skyward was the most fun to play 3D Zelda, loved the combat, some of my favourite dungeons and bosses in the entire series, Ancient Cistern might be the best dungeon of them all.

Did you play the game on mute, or... do you just have bad taste?

Fi's Theme

The Sky




Bamboo Isle

Sand Sea

Lanayru Harbor

It has some of the very best music in the series, and often fully orchestrated. The only complaint you could possibly make is that some of the small-scale midi music filling the gaps between the big orchestral pieces sounds a little weak in comparison.

I personally love Skyward Sword even though it has some faults. Not sure why it just seems to be getting more and more negativity over time.

Koloktos is so good, easy to tell it's a Yokota track as well, it's very Mario Galaxy'esque. While I really love the minimalistic approach for Breath of the Wild, I do hope we get at least one huge bombastic orchestral track for the final battle.

It's probably nothing. It most likely is after Link.

Yeah, what happens is at the end of that cutscene is most likely it making a hasty look down, and discovers Link, gets ready and charges its laser and then an off screen NPC fires one of the tech-arrows and disables it. Then we get some Guardian exposition on how they've been corrupted by Calamity Ganon's presence and how Link must use a Sheikah Arrow to disable them. I'm 99.9% certain that's what'll happen :p.


Looks like the Guardians are protecting Link, not fighting him.

Well, the 2 on the ground are dead, so we can't say they were helping Link, and the one that's active is being controlled by Ganon so it's definitely not protecting Link.

Remember, guys, that it doesn't have to tilt its head to see or to fire its laser up or down. The stationary one at E3 couldn't tilt its head up or down at all and was still capable of seeing and blasting Link at any angle. So just because the one in the trailer isn't "looking down" doesn't mean it's not looking at and preparing to fire at Link.

Soapbox Killer

Grand Nagus
Although it's near impossible due to how Skyward Sword plays out but I'd much rather have Lord Ghirahim return than another new villain.


Although it's near impossible due to how Skyward Sword plays out but I'd much rather have Lord Ghirahim return than another new villain.

Ghirahim was literally just a pawn of Demise, having even less individual power and agency than Zant. There's no way I can see him as a legitimate villain.


I know we've had our disagreements in the past Moon but... they all pale in comparison to this one, Phantom Hourglass is a steaming pile, I'll fite anyone who disagrees IRL m8 :p


Phantom Hourglass' Temple of the Ocean King is a steaming pile, and that's what killed the game for me.


Ah, the Temple of the Ocean King. Just played PH last year and was awed by its tight design and clever use of repetition to keep you coming back and finding new ways to stealthily traverse the floors, dispatch the guards ans find new hidden treasures. Some neat little puzzles in there, too. Along with the Silent Realm in Skyward, the best use of stealth in the Zelda series.


Cool Facts: Game of War has been a hit since July 2013
I kind of liked Temple of the Oven King, it was satisfying to speed through the old areas with your new items. Still, Spirit Tracks had the better phantom dungeons. PH suffered from bland music and visuals + boring overworld design, while Spirit Track's train travel got aggravating quickly.


Ghirahim was literally just a pawn of Demise, having even less individual power and agency than Zant. There's no way I can see him as a legitimate villain.

He was working for Demise, but he still had a ton of personality.

Look at something like The Matrix. Agent Smith was just a program pawn of The Matrix, but after being separated from The Matrix he went nuts and became a villain of his own merit.

I think Ghirahim has potential to return. He was a computer program inside a sword that was an anti-Master Sword; the antithesis of Fi and the Master Sword. Ghirahim is the biggest mystery of Skyward Sword that is never explained. We know why the Master Sword was created; it was commissioned by the Goddesses as a countermeasure to the Triforce. I'd like to know more about this anti-Master Sword.

While the anti-Master Sword evaporated at the end of Skyward Sword, that doesn't necessarily mean we've seen the last of it. Demise evaporated afterwards as well and then was sealed inside the Master Sword, so it's possible Ghirarhim was, too.

If Ghirahim returned, they could have him go mad from having failed his master or they could have him serving a new master.


Yeah even the GameXplain video mentions that. Now I'm intrigued to know what could be more important than Link on that moment... HYPE!
I watched the trailer countless of times and it is until now that I notice that the Guardian actually move the rest of the guardians broken parts in which he puts his legs AND when this happen the legs adjust in a way that avoids moving the main body too much.

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