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Magic: the Gathering |OT9| Kaladesh - Cruisin' Down the Street in my 6/4

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So I didn't get a chance to prerelease this weekend, instead I got married! Fun to read about everyone's experience though, glad to see some cool stuff and pulls! A buddy of mine that went to prerelease picked up 2 extra boxes for me and my wife because the prerelease promos will have our wedding date on it which was super awesome and I hadn't thought of! Hope everyone had a good weekend for magic though!



second prerelease I went 3-0-1 (six packs)

this thing DOES WORK



So I didn't get a chance to prerelease this weekend, instead I got married! Fun to read about everyone's experience though, glad to see some cool stuff and pulls! A buddy of mine that went to prerelease picked up 2 extra boxes for me and my wife because the prerelease promos will have our wedding date on it which was super awesome and I hadn't thought of! Hope everyone had a good weekend for magic though!
Congrats man!!!
Also my decks:

Fully built: merfolk, death and taxes (mono W)
Almost built: bogles, cheerios, esper draw/go, UWR control, B/W martyr proc

Not really built: Merfolk, D&T
Good question, and that's a good suggestion as well.

Myself I'd like to see anything banned that hurts Dredge. I really loathe that deck.
And Kaladesh adds another excellent enabler for it.
Honestly, Dredge isn't that bad right now. Yeah, it's unfair, but at least it's not killing you pre-Turn 4 in most instances. I mean, I'd love to see more graveyard hate, but I don't think it's that hard to beat Dredge(I run Scooze+Wheel of Sun and Moon as a general anti-graveyard hate)
Honestly, Dredge isn't that bad right now. Yeah, it's unfair, but at least it's not killing you pre-Turn 4 in most instances. I mean, I'd love to see more graveyard hate, but I don't think it's that hard to beat Dredge(I run Scooze+Wheel of Sun and Moon as a general anti-graveyard hate)

I don't disagree with you there, but I just hate it. Even to see it at the table next to me. Just one of those things...

For awhile on MTGO it was everywhere too.
Really glad I decided to go to a prerelease. Got some decent pulls and went 2-2 running BR. This set feels surprisingly balanced and a lot of fun overall. Most matches were close, and I had a great time.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I don't understand why all these Aetherworks Marvel dudes are playing so many Emrakul. It's generally worse than Ulamog and you're very unlikely to hardcast either one. Better to just run some Roflcopters to pitch them to something better, imo.


I don't understand why all these Aetherworks Marvel dudes are playing so many Emrakul. It's generally worse than Ulamog and you're very unlikely to hardcast either one. Better to just run some Roflcopters to pitch them to something better, imo.
Because Emrakul is the logic kek

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Because Emrakul is the logic kek

I mean, I understand why people like the effect but while Emrakul is a better card in the scenario that you want to hardcast the card, if you're getting the effect for free there's no real reason to play Emrakul over Ulamog outside of specific scenarios. I mean, sure there are spells that can kill Ulamog. There are also spells that kill Emrakul, but Emrakul is a more often going to be the worse card if you're behind on board and both of them probably win the game on Turn 4 anyways.

I have Emrakul in my deck for only one specific reason, and its for people who like Lost Legacy out of the sideboard.

And yes, I'm still running into wannabee-control dudes playing 4 copies of bad Mana Leak. It's gotten to the point where I just don't want to bother playing them because its annoying to waste 50 minutes playing a game against a deck that loses to Lumbering Falls.


Went 2-2 at my Prerelease which, can't complain. Put together a pretty decent Temur Energy deck with the Hydra, the "+X/+X where X is his power" dude, the "pay 8 Energy to blast an opponent for 6" guy, and so forth.

I also managed to pull a Saheeli (card I most wanted out of the set, so, very grateful for that!) who is CRAZY in Limited with that setup. I think I won any game where I got her out... getting a free dude to swing with and doubling the Energy output is nice. Saheeli's Artistry, also great if you've got a good boardstate.

In general I really like the format. It's a bit on the grindy side with evasion being huge, but I don't mind that. The way the mechanics mesh with each other and lead to different strategies just feels awesome... I love Fabricate, and how it can play into the artifact stuff, the vehicle stuff, the +1/+1 counter stuff, and so forth. Everything intersects really interestingly. Looking forward to drafting it.
Sometimes it's important to build a stable deck you can throw your brews against, even in a new rotation.


I do like how clean the curve is, though.

  1. 16
  2. 12
  3. 8
  4. 4

Westvales should probably just be plains, to be honest.


Went 4-1-1 at my prerelease to make the top 8. Won my QF game then split the top 4 to get 12 boosters. Unfortunately is was mostly crap. Opened the white gearhulk and Nissa in pool than another white and blue gearhulk in prize boosters. Was hoping for a few lands but saw none in 18 boosters.
[QUOTE="God's Beard!";218023298]Sometimes it's important to build a stable deck you can throw your brews against, even in a new rotation.


I do like how clean the curve is, though.

  1. 16
  2. 12
  3. 8
  4. 4

Westvales should probably just be plains, to be honest.[/QUOTE]

Have you tried splashing Red for the Hanweir duo in place of Westvale?


I'm trying to make Blue-Green Energy Goodstuff work

Basically gain a shitton of energy and pump it into +1/+1 counters then reap the reward with the +1/+1 counter draw guy


Learned a rule interaction today.

There was a combat phase that involved my Filgree Familiar blocking and dying. I drew my card, which was Impeccible Timing, and called a judge over to ask if I could still cast it even though damage had fully resolved, and was surprised to learn that the answer was yes.

I learned of this back when Ninjutsu was released, sometimes you want to bounce a ninja that's attacking but still want its sabouteur ability.


This may get lost in all of the Standard talk, but what decks are you playing in Eternal formats?


I'm curious to know what everyone else runs or wants to run, and their opinions of the deck.

I don't play either Vintage or Legacy, but in Modern (paper) I run RG Titan Breach, which I'm now looking to update with the new Chandra. I just love winning by beating people with a hasty Prime Time.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Oh yeah I had an inexperienced guy who was acting as judge make a call that I'm almost 100% certain was incorrect. I attacked into a guy with two creatures, an artifact creature and the black dude who gains deathtouch if you control an artifact. In response to blockers being declared I fried the artifact creature with a spell. The black dude should have lost deathtouch right?

Damage resolves, the artifact creature dies immedietly and now when blockers are checked the black guy sees no artifacts (and the dude blocked by the artifact is still blocked but takes no damage)
Oh yeah I had an inexperienced guy who was acting as judge make a call that I'm almost 100% certain was incorrect. I attacked into a guy with two creatures, an artifact creature and the black dude who gains deathtouch if you control an artifact. In response to blockers being declared I fried the artifact creature with a spell. The black dude should have lost deathtouch right?

Damage resolves, the artifact creature dies immedietly and now when blockers are checked the black guy sees no artifacts (and the dude blocked by the artifact is still blocked but takes no damage)


Was it this guy? If so, I believe you are correct, yes.
This was the first prerelease event I ever attended.

First of all again a big thanks to all the tips and suggestions I received in advance. The whole event lasted for about 7 hours, so bringing a lot of food and something to drink was really crucial.

Although the event was intended for max. 32 players, we we're actually 2-3 more when it started and everything was pretty cramped.

We got our boxes and had 50 minutes to build our decks. As far as I can tell the whole playerbase opened 3 Kaladesh Inventions: a Sol Ring, a Sword of fire and ice and my brother opened the red Gearhulk. We also had 3 Chandras (one being a promo), so I guess we got pretty lucky with our boxes at the event.

I built a W/G/U deck based around the white gearhulk. Here's how it went:

Game 1 [0 - 2]

My first match was against one of the guys who was organizing the whole event. I could tell that he knew how to play competitive and as someone who usually plays kitchen table magic and had a longer break I was a bit intimidated. I actually cared way to much to not break any rules / learn the etiquette used during such an event instead of focusing on the game. So I lost hard twice in a row because I played sloppy. The guy then looked through my deck saying that it was actually pretty good and gave me some tips on how to improve my play.

Game 2 [2 - 0]

The next guy I played against played a G/U deck. I won the first round because he couldn't keep up with my strong beaters and the second round because he had to mulligan down to 5 and got mana screwed. I have to admit that I didn't feel bad for him because he was trying to cheat during that second round and overall got pretty salty when he realized that he was losing. My brother played against him next and he didn't behave all that great there, too.

Game 3 [2 - 0]

This guy played a similar deck in terms of strategy and the first match was pretty close but he couldn't deal with the tokens Oviya Pashiri, Sage Lifecrafter was creating every turn. On the next round he only had lands on his hand after turn 3 and lost because of this, which was a shame. Still weird that his happened because he was only playing 16 lands in a 42 card deck.

Game 4 [2 - 0]

This time around I was playing against someone who was attending events quite often and knew a lot about competitive play. He was really nice though and helped me out quite a lot when I asked him if certain things were possible to do and so on. I won the first round mainly because of my white gearhulk. The second round didn't look good for me. He played a lot of small minions and attacked me using Inspired Charge to pump his minions. Unfortunately he miscalculated and I survived with 1 life being able to deal lethal damage on the next turn.

Game 5 [0 - 2]

My opponent was a kid that pretty much knew all the cards I played which was really fascinating to me. He also knew the event etiquette and played really well, so my guess is that he played competitive magic for some time now. His deck was really strong against mine, it was pretty fast and had good removal. Didn't help that I had to mulligan down to 6 in both games.

Game 6 [1 - 2]

Originally it was planned that there were 5 matches for each player, but for some reason they increased it by one match. These 3 rounds were super fun and really thrilling to play. He played a red deck with a lot of vehicles and our decks were both at the same power level. I lost the first game because he had quite a lot of ways to ignore my blockers. But I was able to beat him on the next round by removing his creatures and leaving his vehicles useless on the battlefield. The last match was pretty even until we were both running out of cards in our hands. I drew land after land while he got to summon some good beaters and I had to forfeit eventually.

So I ended up playing 3 - 3 with 7 wins and losing a total of 6 rounds.
I ranked 15 of total 31 players left and got one booster pack as a reward.

As a conclusion I can say that I met a lot of cool people and learned a lot about playing this amazing game. I will most definitely attend a prerelease again but I have to say that I was pretty exhausted after it was over.
Kaladesh is a lot of fun to play and introduced some great mechanics while not feeling bloated by new rules. Also Ceremonious Rejection is super strong in this format and set.


Oh wow, in Spanish the expression "Live fast, die young and leave a good looking corpse" is not a thing, so the translation team got a little creative with it, saw it in reddit:


That's really good.


Yeah, that's called a state-based effect, I believe. Once the artifact is gone the game checks immediately and is adjusted accordingly.

EDIT: Actually it's checked when a player has priority.


Congrats man!!!

Hey thanks!

Opened our boxes and ended up with the mana rock vehicle guy as my promo. Nothing too sweet on my end but my wife pulled a promo Nissa and Dovin Baan which is pretty sweet! Gonna get the promos framed and put on the walls which is pretty cool.


Meh, I did okay, I was 2-3 at the end of the day. I got Gonti, Lord of Luxury as my promo and an Aetherworks Marvel. Magali Villeneuve has been knocking out of the park lately with all the high-profile cards; good for her. Speaking of which, we have some new Aether Revolt artwork on one of the tokens. Anyone wanna guess who this is?

Meh, I did okay, I was 2-3 at the end of the day. I got Gonti, Lord of Luxury as my promo and an Aetherworks Marvel. Magali Villeneuve has been knocking out of the park lately with all the high-profile cards; good for her. Speaking of which, we have some new Aether Revolt artwork on one of the tokens. Anyone wanna guess who this is?


I built a W/G/U deck based around the white gearhulk. Here's how it went:

Ha, not only did you face a guy who was salty about losing, but you also fought a guy playing more than 40 cards and you lost to a little kid. You got the full Prerelease experience!

Oh wow, in Spanish the expression "Live fast, die young and leave a good looking corpse" is not a thing, so the translation team got a little creative with it, saw it in reddit:


That's really good.

Unfortunately for the translators, I'd say there's a really good chance "Carpe Diem" and "Tempus Fugit" will be English card names for different cards some day. Perhaps the Spanish translations of those will be literal ones into Spanish.


I am seriously on tilt right now; won zero games at my pre-release. My pool:

Aetherstorm Roc
Angel of Invention
Consulate Surveillance
Eddytrail Hawk
Glint-Sleeve Artisan
Impeccable Timing
Ninth Bridge Patrol
Revoke Priveleges
Tassled Dromedary
Thriving Ibex
Visionary Augmenter
Aether Meltdown
Ceremonious Rejection
Gearseeker Serpent
Hightide Hermit
2 x Malfunction
Revolutionary Rebuff
Tezzeret's Ambition
Thriving Turtle
Vedalken Blademaster
Weldfast Wingsmith
Ambitious Aetherborn
Dhund Operative
2 x Die Young
Embraal Bruiser
Fortuitous Find
Live Fast
2 x Maulfist Squad
Ovalchase Daredevil
Prakhata Club Security
Rush of Vitality
Tidy Conclusion
Aethertorch Renegade
Chandra's Pyrohelix
2 x Demolish
Giant Spectacle
Harnessed Lightning
Incendiary Sabotage
Reckless Fireweaver (foil)
Renegade Tactics
Speedway Fanatic
Terror of the Fairgrounds
Thriving Grubs
Wily Bandar
Attune with Aether
Commencement of Festivities
Cowl Prowler
Durable Handicraft
Fairgrounds Trumpeter
Hunt the Weak
Larger Than Life
2 x Orbamental Courage
Peema Outrider
Take Down
Empyreal Voyager
Kambal, Consul of Allocation
Unlicensed Disintegration
Bomat Bazaar Barge
Consulate Skygate
Filigree Familiar
Fireforger's Puzzleknot
Fleetwheel Cruiser
Ghirapur Orrery
2 x Glassblower's Puzzleknot
2 x Inventor's Goggles
Narnam Cobra
Prakhata Pillar-Bug
2 x Prophetic Prism
2 x Self Assembler
Workshop Assistant
Aether Hub
Botanical Sanctum (promo)
Sequestered Stash
Spirebluff Canal

I built (what I thought) was a strong R/W deck, would you have gone in a different direction?

My list:

Aetherstorm Roc
Angel of Invention
Glint-Sleeve Artisan
Impeccable Timing
Ninth Bridge Patrol
Revoke Priveleges
Thriving Ibex
Visionary Augmenter
Aethertorch Renegade
Chandra's Pyrohelix
Harnessed Lightning
Incendiary Sabotage
Speedway Fanatic
Thriving Grubs
Kambal, Consul of Allocation
Unlicensed Disintegration
Bomat Bazaar Barge
Filigree Familiar
Fleetwheel Cruiser
Narnam Cobra
2 x Prophetic Prism
Aether Hub
7 x Mountain
8 x Plains
1 x Swamp
Were you having mana issues when playing? I can't help but think the inclusion of two black spells with no Swamps was a bad move.
Could you go into more detail about how games went?


Were you having mana issues when playing? I can't help but think the inclusion of two black spells with no Swamps was a bad move.
Could you go into more detail about how games went?

I rebuilt a couple of times between matches; I originally had no black spells and no prisms; in the end, I forgot to write I did have one swamp (+ 2 prisms & the hub).

Some losses were just mana screw; my first two games I stalled at two lands. Only drew the roc once, never drew the angel.

Edit: will type more later; had trouble attacking profitably. Only evasion was on cards I didn't see much of. Ran into a lot of fatties (both green and vehicle) who were not impressed by my servos.


I am seriously on tilt right now; won zero games at my pre-release.

I had bad luck too today, even though my deck was actually pretty strong. Green Gearhulk, dragon, Oviya (foil). I had a lot of issues with my lands and had to mulligan quite a few times, didn't draw on curve, didn't see my bombs. Meanwhile I got stomped by my opponent's green gearhulk, my opponent's dragon and then I ended up making stupid mistakes like when I thought Oviya's x/x token ability was 6 mana, not 5. Ended playing 2-1, 1-2, 0-2, bleh. My opponent's decks were a lot stronger this time, too, or they just had better draws. Not that it mattered, because everyone got the same price anyway. My two reward boosters were awful

btw the 1/2 white bird that gives flying to other creatures is pretty stupid with the 4+ mana vehicles
and white removal is too damn good
oh, and it's practically impossible to survive a turn 4 outrider turn 5 verdant gearhulk play, good luck facing two 4/4 trample creatures and a 4/4 servo, not to mention their turn 2 and 3 creatures which are most likely amazing because it's green
Unfortunately for the translators, I'd say there's a really good chance "Carpe Diem" and "Tempus Fugit" will be English card names for different cards some day.

Really? Are there any cards to date with foreign phrases that haven't been fully subsumed into English? The closest I can think of is "Ad Nauseam" and that's pretty much been fully adopted at this point.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Really? Are there any cards to date with foreign phrases that haven't been fully subsumed into English? The closest I can think of is "Ad Nauseam" and that's pretty much been fully adopted at this point.
They can just change the foreign cards' name.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Learned a rule interaction today.

There was a combat phase that involved my Filgree Familiar blocking and dying. I drew my card, which was Impeccible Timing, and called a judge over to ask if I could still cast it even though damage had fully resolved, and was surprised to learn that the answer was yes.

Damage occurs at the beginning of the combat damage step but you gain priority both then and during the end combat step.

There's barely a reason for the end combat step to exist other than stuff triggers at the end of combat, e.g. Exile St. Traft angels.


Were you having mana issues when playing? I can't help but think the inclusion of two black spells with no Swamps was a bad move.
Could you go into more detail about how games went?

I usually run two-color decks for consistency, but I keep hearing that the best sealed decks splash a third color for power. I saw I had two prisms, which would serve three purposes: mana fixing, draw me closer to my bombs, and provide a artifact to sac to the Incendiary Sabotage. I'm not sure the cards I splashed (Unlicensed Disintegration, Kambal, Consul of Allocation) were worth the splash, though. I am also unsure I had enough off-color sources (I had four, two Prisms, Aether Hub, and one Swamp). Putting the two Prisms in let me activate the Narnam Cobra, which was very relevant. Instead of the two gold cards + two Prisms, I originally ran 2 x Self-Assembler, Demolish, and Eddytrail Hawk. I had cut the Eddytrail Hawk because a 1/2 flyer is barely worth a card, but I think I underestimated how its ability to grant flying is. I had a lot of trouble attacking in, due to lack of evasion. With the two Prisms self-cycling, I think 17 land might actually be too many, I ended up mana flooded every game I played them.

I also made some mistakes in playing; I intentionally let Servos die to make my Ninth Bridge Patrol grow, but would have been happier if I had let them live to crew my vehicles. I ended up with a huge Patrol and then drew into both my vehicles which was terrible for defense; even though I had three cards on the board, I could only block with one.

I'm also unsure if Incendiary Sabotage is good or not. I ended up wiping my opponent's board twice, but did not get any card advantage out of it since many of my guys are small as well.


I usually run two-color decks for consistency, but I keep hearing that the best sealed decks splash a third color for power. I saw I had two prisms, which would serve three purposes: mana fixing, draw me closer to my bombs, and provide a artifact to sac to the Incendiary Sabotage. I'm not sure the cards I splashed (Unlicensed Disintegration, Kambal, Consul of Allocation) were worth the splash, though. I am also unsure I had enough off-color sources (I had four, two Prisms, Aether Hub, and one Swamp). Putting the two Prisms in let me activate the Narnam Cobra, which was very relevant. Instead of the two gold cards + two Prisms, I originally ran 2 x Self-Assembler, Demolish, and Eddytrail Hawk. I had cut the Eddytrail Hawk because a 1/2 flyer is barely worth a card, but I think I underestimated how its ability to grant flying is. I had a lot of trouble attacking in, due to lack of evasion. With the two Prisms self-cycling, I think 17 land might actually be too many, I ended up mana flooded every game I played them.

I also made some mistakes in playing; I intentionally let Servos die to make my Ninth Bridge Patrol grow, but would have been happier if I had let them live to crew my vehicles. I ended up with a huge Patrol and then drew into both my vehicles which was terrible for defense; even though I had three cards on the board, I could only block with one.

I'm also unsure if Incendiary Sabotage is good or not. I ended up wiping my opponent's board twice, but did not get any card advantage out of it since many of my guys are small as well.

I think sets nowadays have enough playables in each color to not have to splash a third color (unless you have a super bomb you can splash)
I think a splash into a third colour is most often reasonable if the powerlevel is there which in case of the kill spell it definitely was.
I wouldn't have played the prisms though in a deck with a low curve.
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