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Joe Rogan goes full blown MRA; defends Trump, denies gender wage gap

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or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
He isn't charming, and it says something about you if you think he is. And a host being ignorant of who he is is about the worst excuse imaginable, all it takes is 30 minutes of research to find out what he's done.

You're doing a lot of this "this says a lot about you" ad hominem leaning stuff. You should realize that people see right through this. Not good.

If you can't admit that Milo is charismatic then you're ignorant of why is appealing. He's very good TV/radio and that's the first thing you should understand about him, if you want to understand his phenomenon.

I very much dislike him and I think he's bad for society. He's also clearly charismatic and entertaining, obviously.

Milo isn't even known for anything other than harassment, jesus christ.

Maybe that's all you know him from. I'll say again that he's a recurring figure on British TV debate segments and the podcast circuit.


You're doing a lot of this "this says a lot about you" ad hominem leaning stuff. You should realize that people see right through this. Not good.

If you can't admit that Milo is charismatic then you're ignorant of why is appealing. He's very good TV/radio and that's the first thing you should understand about him, if you want to understand his phenomenon.

I very much dislike him and I think he's bad for society. He's also clearly charismatic and entertaining, obviously.

Do you think people are voting for Trump because he's charismatic? No. It's because he's a conduit for their hatred and backwards opinions. That's why Milo is popular. There's a lot of angry white people out there, and he's cashing in on them, along with Trump and Alex Jones.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Do you think people are voting for Trump because he's charismatic? No. It's because he's a conduit for their hatred and backwards opinions. That's why Milo is popular. There's a lot of angry white people out there, and he's cashing in on them, along with Trump and Alex Jones.

This sounds like a separate issue, really.

There are plenty of angry nobodies on the alt-right saying the same things. The reason why Milo is the celebrity is because he's saying it with comedic flair.


He's always came off as libertarian to me, but I never tooke him too seriously since he would tend to give a platform to conspiracy theories.
wait until people find out about Dennis Miller
Nah, it's pretty common knowledge if you've seen that dude's comedy specials.


Rogan is a good guy.

I've been listening to his podcasts for years and while I would never pretend to agree with everything he says a lot of what he says and promotes has a very positive message.

Please also bare in mind that he is a stoned comedian not an educated political commentator. Sometimes you gotta take the rough with the smooth.
I can understand what they are saying (men talking trash for fun). But in Trump's case, i don't think he has a sense of humor. I think Trump actually thinks he can get away with just grabbing women by the pussy because he's rich and famous.

Gender Wage gap is real (not in every profession but in general it's very very real). Lol, "go google it"...

Anyway, i think Burr is funny as fuck and Rogan is weird but interesting to listen to in podcasts (mostly because of the interesting guests). He's a bit of a conspiracy nut though.
To people calling him stupid. Nah, he's not stupid. That's a bit arrogant. If you need that then go ahead. I don't think anyone (including Rogan himself) thinks he's a rocket scientist.

Problem with some posts here is: "If you like anything about Rogan, you are disgusting".
Trying to influence and shaming others.
Maybe that's all you know him from. I'll say again that he's a recurring figure on British TV debate segments and the podcast circuit.
It's pointless to talk about the podcast circuit since that's self-selection and speaks to personal choices of podcasts (even then, has he been on non-biased podcasts?). I've never seen him regularly on British TV, and I live here. Now that I look it up, he's been on The Big Questions, which is a bad faith-based knock-off of Question Time that hardly anyone watches. He's been on there once, and this was in 2015, way after Gamergate popularised him.

So, I'm not convinced that Milo has been known before Gamergate.


"The regressive left" is another broad brush term used by the right to describe anything ranging from every single liberal alive to the most extreme examples who aren't even liberals in the first place. Why would you be using loaded terms like that or "SJW" if you weren't trying to put people into groups? Makes no sense. Use context or else you have no argument, you're just yelling at the clouds.

I find it odd that someone so quick to use labels objects to what you perceive as the other side's labels. The term "regressive left" was coined by a liberal, and is still used by liberals all the time, especially when talking about liberal Islam apologists. Since you have no problem with labels in general, perhaps you can suggest one besides "those nutjobs," which is unlikely to catch on.

just to say, you should be able to call anyone a dick if you feel the need, and I don't feel like Chumley is out of bounds for making this thread at all

anyone can call me a dick without fear of taunts or jeers

Ha, good guy Fat4all died for our sins today.

So what's your point? That I shouldn't call him an MRA? A boatload of his strong beliefs are right in line with what those winners are all about.

My beliefs line up with Hillary Clinton around 90% according to isidewith.com, yet I'm not a Democrat. Using your logic, you can tell me I'm a Democrat, and I'll say I don't identify as one, and further that I won't vote for Hillary. But a boatload of my beliefs are right in line with what those winners are all about...

All that wasn't even my point. That said, I think I've made my more general meta-point clear enough in previous posts.


Still waiting for this proof that Joe Rogan has "tons of liberal views".

He's more Libertarian.
He generally preaches that the overwhelming majority of people in this world are good, honest, hard working sensible people who should be free to live life as they please with minimal interference from what has become a corrupt political system.

He believes that if you want to do something (gay marriage, smoke weed, gamble etc.) and that action has no negative impact on anyone else then you should be allowed to do it.

He has a very liberal and hippy like view of the world and preaches about accepting others, working together for the greater good and generally not living your life like a selfish asshole. He is also very much in favour of any action that preserves the environment.
Rogan is a stupid person's idea of what an intelligent person is like.

It kind of makes sense now why Reddit seems to hold him in such high esteem.
Also, his latest comedy special on Netflix is titled 'triggered'. Which, to me, had always seemed like an easy go-to word for people like that to mock, while misunderstanding what it means in the first place.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
It's pointless to talk about the podcast circuit since that's self-selection and speaks to personal choices of podcasts (even then, has he been on non-biased podcasts?). I've never seen him regularly on British TV, and I live here. Now that I look it up, he's been on The Big Questions, which is a bad knock-off of Question Time that hardly anyone watches. He's been on there once, and this was in 2015, way after Gamergate popularised him.

So, I'm not convinced that Milo has been known before Gamergate.

Oh I'm not disputing that. Gamergate is part of his evil origin story as a public figure. He very clearly cynically grabbed onto that event as a catapult to infamy.

But to the first point, he has made a few more TV appearances that just the one you mentioned. The point is that it's kind of a skewed view to propose that anyone hosting him is necessarily an extreme right cohort. He's a minor media personality... unfortunately.


Uh, I don't. I just think it's depressing that Rogan, who used to be a kind of intelligent person, has now pretty much gone all in with the alt-right MRA crowd. It's not just political, his views around everything has gravitated this way with frequent rants against "SJW's".


Eloquent? Perhaps. Obnoxious? Most certainly. Intelligent? Nope. He reminds me of people I went to University with, the type of person who thinks that reading a wikipedia article or watching a lengthy youtube video whilst getting high suddenly makes them a leading authority of any particular subject.

Rogan is a stupid person's idea of what an intelligent person is like.

Nailed it.
Doug Stanhope is way more disgusting and way funnier.

Stanhope is a lit powderkeg in the middle of a room slowly filling with gas. But at least he has the decency to realize he's a garbage tier human. And has the balls to make light of the living disaster that is his life.


I find it odd that someone so quick to use labels objects to what you perceive as the other side's labels. The term "regressive left" was coined by a liberal, and is still used by liberals all the time, especially when talking about liberal Islam apologists. Since you have no problem with labels in general, perhaps you can suggest one besides "those nutjobs," which is unlikely to catch on.

Ha, good guy Fat4all died for our sins today.

My beliefs line up with Hillary Clinton around 90% according to isidewith.com, yet I'm not a Democrat. Using your logic, you can tell me I'm a Democrat, and I'll say I don't identify as one, and further that I won't vote for Hillary. But a boatload of my beliefs are right in line with what those winners are all about...

All that wasn't even my point. That said, I think I've made my more general meta-point clear enough in previous posts.

My logic is not tied to isidewith.com, it's tied to listening to someone talk for years and forming an opinion based off that. I don't know anything about you, and this crusade against labels is pretty convoluted.


It's pointless to talk about the podcast circuit since that's self-selection and speaks to personal choices of podcasts (even then, has he been on non-biased podcasts?). I've never seen him regularly on British TV, and I live here. Now that I look it up, he's been on The Big Questions, which is a bad faith-based knock-off of Question Time that hardly anyone watches. He's been on there once, and this was in 2015, way after Gamergate popularised him.

So, I'm not convinced that Milo has been known before Gamergate.

Go to youtube and type in his name and the word "news." You'll find he gets around on "British TV" plenty. Perhaps you don't watch much Sky News.

Still waiting for this proof that Joe Rogan has "tons of liberal views".


My logic is not tied to isidewith.com, it's tied to listening to someone talk for years and forming an opinion based off that. I don't know anything about you, and this crusade against labels is pretty convoluted.

We're at a dead end. I've said everything I wanted to say in this thread. If you don't sense a point within my posts, we'll have to leave it there.


Isn't at last part of page gap caused by women's own decisions when it comes to work? I wonder if anyone ever calculated how much does that cover out of the whole pay gap causes.


Go to youtube and type in his name and the word "news." You'll find he gets around on "British TV" plenty. Perhaps you don't watch much Sky News.

No one gives a fuck about his time on Sky News. His base is at Brietbart, that's where he made his name.


I listen to him mainly for MMA talk. I tend to tune out a bit when he goes on those weird rants. I don't think that he is pro Trump at all, but he tries to make these false equivalencies between Trump and Clinton all of the time that I don't agree with. Then there's the women's pay and SJW rants that he goes on. That's a weird hill to die on, but whatever. I'm not afraid to listen to someone that holds views I don't agree with. It's healthy to step out of the left-wing eco chamber once in awhile.


Rogan's been tiptoeing dangerously on that slope for a few months I've noticed as a casual listener. I imagine he has a lot of alt-right fans from all the hunting/survival talk, sometimes I wonder if criticism from that crowd gets to him personally or something. I'm surprised he hadn't triggered you guys sooner.


Joe Rogan is the kind of guy who has to have to have the moon landing conspiracy debunked by an astrophysicist in person in order for him to change his views. He's always been an idiot.

Yep. I think he's funny, but having listened to his podcast sparingly for about six months I've concluded that he is one dumb, lacking in critical thinking motherfucker.
Rogan's been tiptoeing dangerously on that slope for a few months I've noticed as a casual listener. I imagine he has a lot of alt-right fans from all the hunting/survival talk, sometimes I wonder if criticism from that crowd gets to him personally or something. I'm surprised he hadn't triggered you guys sooner.

He triggers people here all the time. And that's fine.
i have no idea how ufc works, but isn't that impossible? i mean, i think you have to fight someone in ufc.

Yes, but Ronda was the first real star I guess. If the men's competition makes more money (don't know that for a fact) female athletes shouldn't make us much as the men. Going back to the NBA vs. WNBA argument again.
Rogan is an interesting fellow. He comes across as friendly and curious. I don't agree with him on Trump or some of his woo-hoo shit, but ultimately he is a benign presence.

Certainly not someone you need be triggered by.
I listened to the podcast and thought it was hilarious.

Can't believe it actually made people on here mad.

It's a fucking comedy podcast. God damn


He was drunk and Harris was basically lecturing him on BLM, sounding his impossibly robotic self and being oblivious to it.

Can I see some receipts? I've seen his views and I wouldn't call a single one of them "leftist" besides pot and his flirtation with maybe being onboard with Bernie Sanders. I pointed out all of his conservative views earlier in the thread, of which there are a shitload especially if you look at the company he keeps.

He's been coming around to the idea of a guaranteed basic income and universal healthcare, but hasn't quite made the plunge. Overtime his views do change. However, on transgender rights he's still really behind the times.


God damn I really like Joe Rogan a lot too. He's a very smart and funny and talented guy. He's dead wrong here though.

It's ok to not agree with everything.
I love Joe and enjoy most of what he puts out but you're never gonna agree with everything and thats ok.

I cannot think of a better way to insult oneself than to exclaim "I find Joe Rogan funny".

Congratulations on making yourself sound like an asshole.

Also, you have used the word 'exclaim' incorrectly in this scentence. I suspect you meant to use the world 'proclaim'.
He's been coming around to the idea of a guaranteed basic income and universal healthcare, but hasn't quite made the plunge. Overtime his views do change. However, on transgender rights he's still really behind the times.

To his credit though, he does usually acquiesce to a person's preferred pronoun, so he's not hateful or antagonistic.


GAF has a "Joe Rogan Freakout" thread every month or so, and I have no idea what the catalyst is. It's like one forum member wakes up one day and decides Joe Rogan is public enemy #1 and has to alert everyone so that people don't start listening to his podcast and turn into Trump voters, and then everyone argues over whether Rogan is a liberal or a conservative until the thread gets locked.

What's the point, seriously?

It's because most people only know Rogan as a stoner who knows a lot about MMA, but then every once in a while he says some really stupid, and people realize he's kind of a mess.
I listened to the podcast and thought it was hilarious.

Can't believe it actually made people on here mad.

It's a fucking comedy podcast. God damn
Seriously, I can't believe people can be so touchy about this.

Burr and Rogan are performing here. They both are known for their rough around the edges comedic styles. That's what they're doing here.

People saying Rogan is an MRA when he's married and has three young girls. Like what the fuck.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Yes, but Ronda was the first real star I guess. If the men's competition makes more money (don't know that for a fact) female athletes shouldn't make us much as the men. Going back to the NBA vs. WNBA argument again.

This is a reinforcing problem, though. If women are paid less, then when women have the chance of pursuing a career as a professional athlete vs. other careers, more will chose other careers, which means the talent pool is diminished, which means games are of lower quality, which means less people watch, which means they earn less money, which means women are paid less.
I can't tell if this is serious? What has that got to do with anything?
You really don't see the connection between having a vested interest in his girls' futures and how campaigning against women earning equal pay would run directly against that?

These are jokes by comedians.
Seriously, I can't believe people can be so touchy about this.

Burr and Rogan are performing here. They both are known for their rough around the edges comedic styles. That's what they're doing here.

People saying Rogan is an MRA when he's married and has three young girls. Like what the fuck.
When you have people roll over so easily like this, it no surprise people like Rogan would lean into that crowd.

Real Hero

You really don't see the connection between having a vested interest in his girls' futures and how campaigning against women earning equal pay would run directly against that?

So you think people you think people who don't care/don't believe in/ or support a pay gap all have no mothers, wives and daughters?
Isn't at last part of page gap caused by women's own decisions when it comes to work? I wonder if anyone ever calculated how much does that cover out of the whole pay gap causes.
The use of ”women's own decisions” is very problematic, and the same applies for men. The above mentioned semi-recent Freakonomics episode is a good entry point to the complexities of the wage and opportunity gap.
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