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Joe Rogan goes full blown MRA; defends Trump, denies gender wage gap

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You may or may not like Joe, but what he's produced in almost 900 episodes is far from worthless. I'm not even defending him, I'm just sad to see confirmation bias drive-bys posts saying everything Joe Rogan has done is garbage and dismissing him as is common in our internet age. It's just not the case, and polarized language like this doesn't help anyone.

You don't get one of the top podcasts on iTunes for 6 years by producing worthless garbage.
You don't get one of the top podcasts on iTunes for 6 years by producing worthless garbage.

I mean two and a half men kinda proved you can be successful AND worthless garbage. I don't suspect the average iTunes user to be of some more enlightened representation. Success is sort of equal opportunity for white guys.
Don't know who this idiot is, but I did see him doing a podcast(?) with Sam Harris, and it was weird...even though I never watched anything else from this guy he seemed really uninformed and buying into the whole "both sides are the same" shit when it comes to Clinton and Trump. It was like Harris walked into a wrestling podcast to talk about American politics.

And yes, I did get hints of pandering to the alt-right and this just confirms it.

I will say however that Bill Burr, although funny and a cool guy, sometimes seem to be buying into crazy conspiracy theories, and does come-off like he has some sexist views from a couple of things I seen him in (but not nearly as bad as this).


I've been listening to Burr for years. He was even trying to steer Rogan into the direction that Trump has done some of the stuff he's being accused of. "How many accusations do you need to believe the victims?" or something to that effect. And he's made fun of Trump for ages now. He's no fan of Hillary either, but most definitely not a fan of Trump.

Don't know Rogan at all, but the part where he discussed inequality, I don't think he said it was a lie, first of all. I think he said that the percentage of the difference between wages was incorrect.

Again, sports shouldn't be used as an example because too many things affect what each league makes. There will never be equal play in sports, except maybe for tennis majors. Those should be equal because WTA is so popular, as long as both men and women play in the best of five format. I don't think that's the case right now.

"A dollar less an hour. Do you know that that's not true? Do you know that whole thing about the gender disparity - the wage gap is not true. Do you know what that actually is? It's choices in jobs. It's not job for job. If you were an engineer and you were working next to a woman she wouldn't be making seventy cents to your dollar. It's bullshit. It's a lie, and it's one of those propaganda things they like to tout out."

Your listening sucks.
"A dollar less an hour. Do you know that that's not true? Do you know that whole thing about the gender disparity - the wage gap is not true. Do you know what that actually is? It's choices in jobs. It's not job for job. If you were an engineer and you were working next to a woman she wouldn't be making seventy cents to your dollar. It's bullshit. It's a lie, and it's one of those propaganda things they like to tout out."

Your listening sucks.

Hence the "I don't think", as I was listening to it in the car. He kept talking about it long after that. I thought he said later that it's not 70 cents on the dollar as is often said. If he didn't, then I'm mistaken. Maybe I have the percentage confused with the earlier discussion in this thread.
Welll we did it boys, thanks to Count Dookkake's ceaseless efforts, we have finally become a post racial society! A round of claps everyone!

Um, that's not what I was saying

There are shitty artists of all races who somehow make it to the top. All that matters is if they make money.

Sorry to interrupt your celebration.


Hence the "I don't think", as I was listening to it in the car. He kept talking about it long after that. I thought he said later that it's not 70 cents on the dollar as is often said. If he didn't, then I'm mistaken. Maybe I have the percentage confused with the earlier discussion in this thread.

The very first thing he said is that "the whole thing" about "gender disparity" and the "pay gap" is not true. That's not needling specifics about how much less they're paid. That's saying that there is no difference period. He only reinforces that point by saying that people get paid more or less for different jobs, not the same ones, and proceeds to literally call it a lie. There's zero wiggle room there.
Um, that's not what I was saying

There are shitty artists of all races who somehow make it to the top. All that matters is if they make money.

Sorry to interrupt your celebration.

Yes there's no shortage of garbage, but you did want to conflate the notion that it's some level playing field regardless.
The very first thing he said is that "the whole thing" about "gender disparity" and the "pay gap" is not true. That's not needling specifics about how much less they're paid. That's saying that there is no difference period. He only reinforces that point by saying that people get paid more or less for different jobs, not the same ones, and proceeds to literally call it a lie. There's zero wiggle room there.

Again, I'm in this thread for mostly defending Burr and the Trump discussion. And against people cherry picking things out of context when it comes to stand up comedy. Oh and the sports comparison when it comes to equal pay. Rogan doesn't interest me because I have never listened to him. He doesn't sound all that funny or entertaining.


Isn't it pretty much well established there is a difference between what men and women are paid in UFC? Like wasn't rousey one of the first to even remotely get paid what the dudes get paid?

I'm sure it's already been covered to death, but Rousey was the first woman signed by the UFC and the division was created entirely for her. She was the definition of a big fish in a small pond, but thanks to her shitty coaching and the incentive for other women to make the extra push to the top that the UFC presented a select few have caught up to her level. Still, the general skill gap between men and women at the professional level in MMA is huge as of now and the men most certainly deserve to be paid more for their accomplishments. To be brutally honest, most of the women signed by the UFC (particularly in the 135 division) don't deserve to be employed by the organization at all and only are because they're graded on a much easier curve than the men. It's been more entertainment/circus than sport in recent years though, so examples like CM Punk's (disclosed) $500k payday does muddy the waters. It's all about drawing eyes and inflating buys. Shameful, but I don't blame any athletes for taking what they can get. With proper promotion/marketing the UFC had seen steady growth for years but they've gone carny to grab those quick/fringe dollars whilst damaging the credibility of the sport.

But I digress since I'm starting to go off topic.
Yes there's no shortage of garbage, but you did want to conflate the notion that it's some level playing field regardless.

I conflated nothing. Check your dictionary. I just pointed out that turds of all colors can and do rise to the top, contrary to that weird stinger of a claim you made.

I'll save you the effort in trying to paint me as a racist or alt-right or whatever... black lives do in fact matter and white privilege does exist.
Rogan has always been a conspiracy theorist and someone who likes to "just ask questions" about scientific facts he "feels" must be wrong - the idea that this would extend to his views on social issues isn't exactly a huge surprise.

People saying Rogan is an MRA when he's married and has three young girls. Like what the fuck.

Guess you weren't paying attention to the fallout from the Trump tapes. Almost every Republican and Trump apologist lined up to say "look, I have a wife/daughter/sister so I'm not happy he said it, but as long as he didn't say it to my wife/daughter/sister, it's just boys being boys" - you don't have to be a sleazy pick-up artist to be a rape apologist.

Having female relatives does not make you fucking special. Guess what? Everyone has a female relation of some kind. What Trump did was disgusting because women are individual human agents with rights, not because it goes against some fucked up concept of daddy's little girl.
I conflated nothing. I just pointed out that turds of all colors can and do rise to the top, contrary to that weird stinger of a claim you made.

I'll save you the effort in trying to paint me as a racist or alt-right or whatever... black lives do in fact matter and white privilege does exist.

Why not simply provide the list to show equal opportunity for shit providers, why was the edit 'equal opportunity for everyone' really necessary for? You said Black Lives Matter, yet you imply they get the same deals.

You seriously don't think that life experience can change how you think about something? What?

But to assume that having a daughter is somehow a magic switch that'll awaken the female experience to even the bitterest man....
Why not simply provide the list to show equal opportunity for shit providers, why was the edit 'equal opportunity for everyone' really necessary for? You said Black Lives Matter, yet you imply they get the same deals.

The only claim I assert is that shit rises to the top if it makes money and that this is not unique to white people.

I'm not going to indulge this tangent any further, but feel free to go to a bookstore, fire up netflix, turn on the TV or radio and you will see the evidence.

But seriously, conflate doesn't mean what you think it does.
But to assume that having a daughter is somehow a magic switch that'll awaken the female experience to even the bitterest man....

I've heard from dozens of friends and family members that the literal moment of their child's birth was the most life-altering moment of their lives. Why wouldn't this extend to your child's rights and your hopes for their lives? Is reading a bunch of posts on a message board a more important moment?
I've heard from dozens of friends and family members that the literal moment of their child's birth was the most life-altering moment of their lives. Why wouldn't this extend to your child's rights and your hopes for their lives? Is reading a bunch of posts on a message board a more important moment?

Family is family. Many people you are not particularly fond are probably very different people to their kin. But the fact remains that their public face is one they choose to show.


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
Joe Rogan has been a blowhard for years... why do people keep thinking he's something other than he's always been.


Who? And sorry coming out for Trump now just shows how much of a terrible person you are. Period.

I haven't listened to this but he destroys Trump whenever he can, even in his Netflix stand up he destroys him.

Rogan is a very strange guy. I don't agree with him on 99% of his beliefs but he's still entertaining. His new standup is very funny, especially when he talks about his kids.


The thing about the pay gap specifically in the UFC is that pay is based on the win bonus, performance bonus, PPV buys, being a title fight or main event, making weight, etc. Every fighter gets paid wildly different amounts. There's no "entry level" pay and no "annual raise." It's not the same as hiring two people for the same job because everyone in the UFC is doing the job differently.


Someone that shares Breitbart news to 2 million Twitter followers is probably super liberal.

I mean, coming to the defense of Milo Yiannopoulos and proclaiming to the world that he was unjustly banned from Twitter for simply writing a bad review of Ghostbusters is one of the most progressive things I've witnessed in 2016.


The liberal hero we don't deserve.

Jokes on him. I don't eat vegan pizza and I don't like lady gaga.


But he wants to FORCE it on you. Dude will straight up flex that pizza down your throat while belting along with the Gaga tunes he's blasting.

Well if he's that insistent. I will eat a vegan pizza it's not a big deal. And lady gaga does make me cry (out of despair from listening to it mind)


The thing about the pay gap specifically in the UFC is that pay is based on the win bonus, performance bonus, PPV buys, being a title fight or main event, making weight, etc. Every fighter gets paid wildly different amounts. There's no "entry level" pay and no "annual raise." It's not the same as hiring two people for the same job because everyone in the UFC is doing the job differently.

Talking about a wage gap at the highest level of sports is weird in general.
Not just because men generally compete at a higher level, but because the men's side is typically more popular and brings in more money (Exceptions should be treated accordingly, of course).
Out of curiosity, has Rogan got a hot take on vaccines?



"They connected immunisation shots to their kids having autism. People don't want to hear that fact!"

"Should you give them to babies? I don't fucking know about that...Maybe we should look at that real quick. What are you shooting in there? You know it's a baby. It's a day old, you're gonna shoot chemicals in it. Maybe let it sit around for a while, and let it grow and get stronger maybe. That's what a lot of doctors think."

"There is a lot of money in vaccines. As soon as the corporations get behind the bottomline, they're just trying to sell more. They'll try to figure out a way to make it look like the kid can take it! These kids are strong these days. They're eating GMO corn. You can give them a hard vaccine. C'mon we're making a lot of money, Tommy!"

Oh god lmao
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