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California takes Scotland's approach to election results, rejects Trump values

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Honestly, some talk about California secession might be just anger and disappointment talking, but is there a specific reason why it's unrealistic? In California's instance their economy is more than big enough to handle themselves. Maybe I'm just too pragmatic, but why can't there be an independent blue US and an independent red US? It's only logical to want to live with people that share (most of) your views. Now because of rural states in the Midwest/South, the blue coast cities are stuck with that shit.

The civil war settled that issue, beyond the slavery issue the core was whether a state or group of states can unilaterally secede from the United States.

In 1869 (post civil war) the Supreme Court ruled that unilateral secession is illegal, but if the other states consented it would be legal.

So yeah, if the rest of the 49 states agree its ok (and it would take I believe a majority) then they could, plus probably a vote from house and senate. Seems unlikely it would really pass any of those bodies though.

California is great and all but keep in mind you pay federal taxes, state income taxes, and 9%+ state taxes on everything you buy, plus real estate taxes and the like if you own a home. Housing prices are a tier or two higher than most other places in the country as well.

i am unagi

Neo Member
We would need to take Nevada with us because pretty sure that's where the nukes are. We'd have to defend our new country.

Maybe "the big one" will naturally separate us.



Putting Trade and Economic issues to the side for the moment - why not though?

As someone on the west coast, I feel no cultural connection with most of the country to the east of me. I have no love for "America" and much of it does not share the west coast's values at all. "The South" feels like a very alien place with a vastly different culture that I want no part of and have no connection to. I definitely cannot put myself in the mindset of Rural America and its values.

So if someone gave me a real chance to jump on board with splitting up the US and making the west coast its own region I'd gladly jump on it. I'm tired of all of this and the bitter reality that a ton of people are okay with wanting to shit all over civil rights and that Trump is somehow an even remotely sane choice. It sucks and I don't want to be from the same country and I have never been and will never be proud to be an American as long as the the mindsets that allowed this to happen continue to exist.

I'm glad that California is taking a stand and pushing back and I hope more states do the same. Compromising with the GoP and its base has not worked out and likely won't ever work out at this point. The previous administration trying to be "bi-partisan" was a horrible mistake.

California is its own region its called a state. California would never be able to secede and become its own region country whatever. It would be a complete disaster and you're only looking at things from some weird angle. Tax dollars from the federal government would stop. Every business involving the US government would leave. This list continues and continues.

Plus California doing its own thing opens the west coasts vulnerability greatly. Does California have the resources to defend the waters?

These secession ideas aren't thought out and are plain stupid and deserve to be called stupid.


I'm originally from Florida. I moved here to CA seven years ago.

Today, I will begin saying I'm "from" California. This state represents who I am as a person. Fuck you, Florida.

Though yes kudos to all the other liberal states as well.

Do you have space in your home for Floridian refugees?



California is a beacon of hope in these dark times.

Oh, and Illinois. Those sumsuhbitches are holding out surrounded by a sea of red.

Truly love to be in Illinois. It's red as fuck around here but Illinois is as sane as it gets in the midwest.
I hate Trump as much as the next person with their sanity intact but succession from the Union is utterly ridiculous. Im in NY and my state was solid blue.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Howabout Canada reach down through British Columbia and snag the entire West Coast for themselves? That way California, Oregon and Washington become Canadian and you got a clear path from Mexico to Canada. I wouldn't mind us being considered "South Canadian", ay? Any liberal folk from the other corners of the US could come and join us in the new Southwest Canadian Terrirories! We need to fill out some areas in dire need of it(parts in Oregon and Washington, for sure).

I, for one, welcome our new Canadian overlords.
Someone make a Civ mod of the Second American Civil War. The New California Republic (CA, WA, OR, HI, NV, NM, and CO) allied with the North East Federation (New England, NY, NJ, MD, DE, MN, maybe steal PA too) against Trumpistan.


Sometimes it's nice to be from California. That is if you don't mind the no winter, bad traffic, and high cost of living in exchange for saner politics and In-N-Out.

#Calexit is hilarious though, keep seeing it all over Facebook and it's giving me a good laugh.

All his energy... so long as it doesn't interfere with being a movie star, right?

Anyway, successionist morons dampening my pride aside, living in CA is at least some consolation after last night. I really, really hope that we're able to come up with a way to prevent people being affected by DACA being repealed and other immigration bullshit. I don't really know anything about the laws so maybe there's nothing to be done, but I want to believe we're not going to have to stand by and take everything Trump has prepared.


I'm no longer acknowledging that I'm from Ohio or that I'm in Ohio. I'm nowhere. I'm in a floating house.

I want to move to CA.


Honestly, some talk about California secession might be just anger and disappointment talking, but is there a specific reason why it's unrealistic? In California's instance their economy is more than big enough to handle themselves. Maybe I'm just too pragmatic, but why can't there be an independent blue US and an independent red US? It's only logical to want to live with people that share (most of) your views. Now because of rural states in the Midwest/South, the blue coast cities are stuck with that shit.
Civil War 2 now with drones?
California is its own region its called a state. California would never be able to secede and become its own region country whatever. It would be a complete disaster and you're only looking at things from some weird angle. Tax dollars from the federal government would stop. Every business involving the US government would leave. This list continues and continues.

Plus California doing its own thing opens the west coasts vulnerability greatly. Does California have the resources to defend the waters?

These secession ideas aren't thought out and are plain stupid and deserve to be called stupid.


Trump's win is making people forget their sense of logic. Come on.

California still benefits greatly from being a part of the U.S., and vise versa. By seceding you'd be giving up precious federal grants for welfare programs, safety nets, scientific and medical research, and more. It would be disastrous for the elderly and disabled, even moreso than a Trump presidency will be.
Civil War 2 now with drones?

Hypothetically speaking, which side would NATO or the EU back if Trump responded with military force to a peaceful secession decided by referendum?

As for China - No matter who's in charge of the US, I'd imagine they wouldn't be entirely happy with an independent west coast since that presents the issue of having to go through another nation to reach US markets until a hypothetical California Republic, US, and China can come up with a good trade deal to handle the fact that the Blue Wall represents a major trade artery that would no longer be US controlled if California and the west coast seceded.

That's why I think a secession would never work. No party or president is going to be willing to let those west coast ports go as long as trade with China is so big. Not after going to war with Mexico a century and a half ago in order to claim them.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Hypothetically speaking, which side would NATO or the EU back if Trump responded with military force to a peaceful secession decided by referendum?

As for China - No matter who's in charge of the US, I'd imagine they wouldn't be entirely happy with an independent west coast since that presents the issue of having to go through another nation to reach US markets until a hypothetical California Republic, US, and China can come up with a good trade deal to handle the fact that the Blue Wall represents a major trade artery that would no longer be US controlled if California and the west coast seceded.

That's why I think a secession would never work. No party or president is going to be willing to let those west coast ports go as long as trade with China is so big.

Man, think of the fat cash to be made acting as a middle man in most Asian-US trade.
California just needs to contract Google and Apple to build their robot army and secede by force. Might as well take Oregon and Washington too.

Then you invade Canada and force them to make you guys provinces The New California Republic. Finally, you give Obama and Co. citizenship and kidnap him and resettle him in the new capital of the New California Republic - Portland.

Finally, you convince Obama to run for the leadership under the NDP banner of the NCR and eventually he makes it all the way up to becoming Prime Minister of Canada. Canada has no term limits so in the next 20 years, we get Universal Healthcare 2 - Dental Plan. Legalized weed. We switch to clean energy. Then we go to Mars.

Man, think of the fat cash to be made acting as a middle man in most Asian-US trade.

Were it so simple though.

A California Republic would be competing with Canada and Mexico for such a deal, two countries that would probably have a stronger offer at the bargaining table compared to a fledgling nation.


Honestly - I do think the Democrats should start on the state's rights thing as well (this was even before the Trump election).


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
If social media is any indication then other states would let this happen.

Were it so simple though.

A California Republic would be competing with Canada and Mexico for such a deal, two countries that would probably have a stronger offer at the bargaining table compared to a fledgling nation.

You think a far more conservative US would let Mexico have that kind of leverage on them?

Trump's win is making people forget their sense of logic. Come on.

California still benefits greatly from being a part of the U.S., and vise versa. By seceding you'd be giving up precious federal grants for welfare programs, safety nets, scientific and medical research, and more. It would be disastrous for the elderly and disabled, even moreso than a Trump presidency will be.


California sends out more money than it receives from the federal government. It is a net subsidizer of the government.


CA def has the economy power to leave the union. I mean we are #6 GDP of the world and then there's large amount of agriculture, live stock products and sea foods produced here.

California grows over 200 different crops, some grown nowhere else in the nation. Crops include grapes, almonds, strawberries, oranges and walnuts.

California produces almost all of the country's almonds, apricots, dates, figs, kiwi fruit, nectarines, olives, pistachios, prunes, and walnuts. It leads in the production of avocados, grapes, lemons, melons, peaches, plums, and strawberries. Only Florida produces more oranges.

The most important vegetable crops grown in the state are lettuce and tomatoes. Again, California leads the way. Broccoli and carrots rank second followed by asparagus, cauliflower, celery, garlic, mushrooms, onions, and peppers. Only Texas grows more cotton than California.

Hay, rice, corn, sugar beets, and wheat are also grown in large quantities.


Livestock and livestock products include milk, beef cattle, eggs, sheep, turkeys, hogs and horses. Dairy products are California's most valuable products followed by cattle and calves and chicken eggs.

California is the second ranked producer of livestock products behind Texas.

We'd probably need a few salination plants or at least include the whole NW region to get some extra water supply. Even then, what is the path way for a government body to transform from a state to a nation? That seems like something that would take many years to transform. Not to mention many other issues that haven't thought about. Either way, the US fed would never let CA go.

California sends out more money than it receives from the federal government. It is a net subsidizer of the government.

Cali pays $13 billion ish in federal taxes.

Cali receives $11 billion ish in federal aid.

Oh look $2 billion more for California if we weren't paying for the red states.

Wow, didn't know that. That's pretty crazy.

Even more reason why secession will not happen, though. You think the federal government would stand by and let all that California money evaporate? No way.
America is like a married couple that have come to despise each other, but they continue to live together even though their differences are irreconcilable. It would be best if they moved on from each other, but they fear an uncertain future and choose to stay in the house, miserable at the other spouse.
I'm looking at numbers now and wow, California voting was way down on both sides. Combined, Trump and Clinton got around 300,000 more votes than Obama. Third parties made up around 400,000 votes. Clinton also got fewer votes than Al Gore did in 2000.


Hypothetically speaking, which side would NATO or the EU back if Trump responded with military force to a peaceful secession decided by referendum?

As for China - No matter who's in charge of the US, I'd imagine they wouldn't be entirely happy with an independent west coast since that presents the issue of having to go through another nation to reach US markets until a hypothetical California Republic, US, and China can come up with a good trade deal to handle the fact that the Blue Wall represents a major trade artery that would no longer be US controlled if California and the west coast seceded.

That's why I think a secession would never work. No party or president is going to be willing to let those west coast ports go as long as trade with China is so big. Not after going to war with Mexico a century and a half ago in order to claim them.
NATO won't be involved in a civil war in the US. The EU will support the US here since that makes the most sense the US yields too much power.

This is all hugely hypothetical however, the US would never allow California to even have such a referendum and is not obligated to respect California leaving unilaterally, and California would never risk doing anything like that.

Nyoro SF

While it's an interesting idea, I am not keen at California being invaded by non-Californian US military forces to retake our state.


America is like a married couple that have come to despise each other, but they continue to live together even though their differences are irreconcilable. It would be best if they moved on from each other, but they fear an uncertain future and choose to stay in the house, miserable at the other spouse.

The red states would burn down without the money from the blue states paying for them

I mean, that's not 100% accurate in every single case, but as a whole it's true

It's truly a farce that california has 39 million people living in it and two of them are senators. Montana has five people living in it and two of them are senators. Simple math shows us that if you live in california (or any populous state) you matter less


Cali pays $13 billion ish in federal taxes.

Cali receives $11 billion ish in federal aid.

Oh look $2 billion more for California if we weren't paying for the red states.

That's the Brexit argument. How much of California's trade is with the rest of the US? How much would it lose out on if that trade was subject to tarrifs? What about losing freedom of movement with America? What about the additional costs of an independent military?
That's the Brexit argument. How much of California's trade is with the rest of the US? How much would it lose out on if that trade was subject to tarrifs? What about losing freedom of movement with America? What about the additional costs of an independent military?

Those are additional factors that one would need to consider.

It really depends on what happens during a Trump presidency. If Trump does as he says and starts tearing down trade agreements, it is inevitable a trade war will erupt.

Well, then... the calculus changes. Your arguments wouldn't hold the same level of water.
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