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Clinton aides blame loss on FBI, media, sexism, Bernie, everything but themselves

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This I will admit. Sanders as a racist was a bit too much. That the BLM movement went as to be biased toward Clinton as a move against Bernie Bro's was just looking at branches instead of the forest.

BLM was kept at arms length from Clinton's campaign. it's a policy outlined in this memo:


its a policy we saw in action again and again. when confronted by protesters, Sanders was raked over the coals for letting them speak their mind. when confronted by protesters, Clinton spoke past them w the usual empty politician platitudes.

the DNC exploited the movement and took them for granted, like everything else. maybe everyone forgets at the DNC they actually chanted "All Lives Matter".


is a goddamn bear
Comey fucked things up for her the most. I stand by that.

Had he not started up the email bullshit again, wouldn't be in danger now.
And this delusional, "not my fault" mentality will continue if the likes of Howard Dean (a "yes, ma'am") gain power in the party.


Saint Titanfall
She won the primary fairly and Sanders fans still refused to be even remotely rational or conciliatory. What exactly was the other side supposed to do? Why should they be coddled like children when HRC's supporters in 08 never acted like that?

This was happening loooong before then. There was also sorts of derisive mocking of Sanders character and his fans as he continued to campaign when it was clear he was losing and almost lost. It was obvious he was trying to push DNC campaign as far left as possible with his continued campaigning but boy the dude and anyone associated with him were public enemy number 1 for a while.


Don't know about Bernie, Bernie or busters sure. That shit didn't help. And I agree the media didn't help either pandering Trump 24/7 while taking about nothing else other than her emails.

And FBI? LOL, they were in the tank with Trump, see Comey letter a week before election. The main cause.

But they have to take some of the blame, I'll admit. But still agree with most of this.


Wow where did all the anti-Hilary gaffers come from? I been lurking here for the past 3 weeks and literally havent seen anyone for Trump.


You see a lot of the same garbage still happening now. The assertion that the Democratic party needs to rediscover its original appeal to the WWC is denounced with a brigade of straw-man arguments construing it as advocacy for dumping minorities and civil rights arguments. The implication then, just as the implication now, is that everyone who cast a protest vote against the establishment candidate or didn't vote for the top of the ticket at all is a sexist, racist homophobe that is both irredeemable and incapable of reason. It's insular, incestuous logic that has somehow taken hold here and it needs to be excised from the Democratic body politic like the malignant mass that it is.

Its a trait of the left when such labelling arguably happens incorrectly. These will be the same people who call Sam Harris a bigot, Islamophobe racist. Everyone's favourite Ben Affleck made an arse of himself doing this.

In the world of social media and YT it is just soo easy to use name calling as a way to protest/disagree rather than having to roll your sleeves up and take time to intelligently debate and criticise.
To say she didn't lose because of sexism is straight up bullshit and denial of the highest order. "Charisma vacuum", people use that to describe her while being so totally unaware of the fucking double standard society placed on her. The way she sounds, the way she walks, the way she dresses. Why do you think so many gave no fucks about the pussy grabbing tape? Men think they own women. They will never see them as equals. Even if they display masculine traits like stone cold perseverance in the face of bullying like Hillary did, it's still wrong.
Oh come on, that's the sort of cynicism that gave us Trump.

Personality over policy.
Personality, messaging, and appearance, all "superficial" aspects of a candidate's platform, are incontrovertibly important aspects of a campaign.

People need to get over this.
Wow where did all the anti-Hilary gaffers come from? I been lurking here for the past 3 weeks and literally havent seen anyone for Trump.
Most people denouncing Hillary are not pro-Trump. They're frustrated by the campaign Hillary ran that they had to vote for.

Look through this thread and witness how people were treated that were criticising Hillary on the deplorables statement. It's even more shocking in hindsight.

You see a lot of the same garbage still happening now. The assertion that the Democratic party needs to rediscover its original appeal to the WWC is denounced with a brigade of straw-man arguments construing it as advocacy for dumping minorities and civil rights arguments. The implication then, just as the implication now, is that everyone who cast a protest vote against the establishment candidate or didn't vote for the top of the ticket at all is a sexist, racist homophobe that is both irredeemable and incapable of reason. It's insular, incestuous logic that has somehow taken hold here and it needs to be excised from the Democratic body politic like the malignant mass that it is.

That stupid comment that she made is a direct growth from that type of awful attitude.





Wow where did all the anti-Hilary gaffers come from? I been lurking here for the past 3 weeks and literally havent seen anyone for Trump.
They're not Pro Trump. They're pro Bernie, and serving crow with a side of I-told-you-so.

And they werent present because they were shouted down during the Primary, and gave up trying to have any meaningful discourse here.
you are mostly right. However the issue I have with your assessment is that you are saying "she had this this this this and this stacked against her, and the DNC made some huge mistakes"

The problem is EXACTLY AND PRECISELY what those huge mistakes were. They called her a criminal and she did nothing to respond to that. They called her crooked and irresponsible and she did little to respond to that. She made mistakes, many, over the years and the opposition made that the target of their character assassination.. and she never addressed it. Why? Well.. we don't know. Maybe she thought it was taking the high road by not playing their game? Maybe it was hubris thinking she still had the election even with that stuff out there (thanks to HORRIBLE polling)?

Whatever the reason.. those huge mistakes the DNC made was essentially ignoring the attacks on her by the other party, and the other voters, and just going on with her message as usual.

Who knows what the DNC will be up against in 2018. I "hope" (honestly) that we aren't up against an absolutely failed and abysmal GOP platform... because that would mean that much of america's life will suck for the next two years. However.. if we are.. then at least that gives them a little more leeway in who they can run with.

The better hope is that America isn't totally fucked in 2018.. but has enough frustrating GOP rollbacks and regression, and the DNC has strong enough, non-establishment candidates who can get the voters excited.

Polling (uggh...) shows that in fact most of the country typically does not want to see roll backs on social and environmental policies. Remember that only 27% of the voting population voted trump into office. Most social and environmental issues show anywhere from slight majority favorability, to large majority favorability. Get a candaidate that charges up Dems and moderates alike and a strong GOP platform over the next two years should be easy to topple. But the DNC has to NOT do business as usual.

about the worst that can be said.. is that the Senate likely won't go blue until 2022 at the absolute earliest. It seems this cycle is the one that contains the most battleground seats. 2018 looks to be hard red, and 2020 looks to be hard blue.
I'm part of the left. I voted and advocated and donated for Bernie. I did the same for her but without authentic vigor. I like so many recognized she was a poor candidate was dismayed as she ran her 2nd disastrous campaign.

I don't own an ounce of this loss. I sympathize with well meaning people who did their best, and I mostly respect the people who mismanaged this whole affair. But I did more than most, and as much as I could. I don't accept any blame for this debacle.

This is on the DNC, and her campaign. Full stop.

You believe you did everything you could for Clinton, that's absolutely fine, I'm not asking you to beat yourself up for the result. But people just like you, whether it be age, race, gender, job ect. were part of a demographic that underperformed and having had similar life experiences you're in a unique position to look at what happened and to better figure out what went wrong for like-minded people. If everyone does that, I think that's a huge first step.

And people working in the DNC should sure as hell have even more reason for reflection, I'm not taking them off the hook, they need to look at their actions and thought process more than anyone else in the country.

Hopefully you read this, went offline for a few hours and this thread is speeding along.


Wow where did all the anti-Hilary gaffers come from? I been lurking here for the past 3 weeks and literally havent seen anyone for Trump.
I, as a Bernie supporter, was fed up at some point and left the forum, because I couldn't go anymore without people ripping at Bernie and Bernie supporters. It was vogue to diss them and when it oozed to gaming side, I had just enough. I am also not the only one. A lot of people went low key or straight-up left. Now the bullies have holed up and we have breathing space again without getting dogpilled. We were literally told that they don't need us, that they don't want to walk with us on the assumption that we are all sexists and racists for criticizing Clinton.

You see a lot of the same garbage still happening now. The assertion that the Democratic party needs to rediscover its original appeal to the WWC is denounced with a brigade of straw-man arguments construing it as advocacy for dumping minorities and civil rights arguments. The implication then, just as the implication now, is that everyone who cast a protest vote against the establishment candidate or didn't vote for the top of the ticket at all is a sexist, racist homophobe that is both irredeemable and incapable of reason. It's insular, incestuous logic that has somehow taken hold here and it needs to be excised from the Democratic body politic like the malignant mass that it is.

That stupid comment that she made is a direct growth from that type of awful attitude.


You see a lot of the same garbage still happening now. The assertion that the Democratic party needs to rediscover its original appeal to the WWC is denounced with a brigade of straw-man arguments construing it as advocacy for dumping minorities and civil rights arguments. The implication then, just as the implication now, is that everyone who cast a protest vote against the establishment candidate or didn't vote for the top of the ticket at all is a sexist, racist homophobe that is both irredeemable and incapable of reason. It's insular, incestuous logic that has somehow taken hold here and it needs to be excised from the Democratic body politic like the malignant mass that it is.

That stupid comment that she made is a direct growth from that type of awful attitude.

I agree with you 100%. The future of the country is not the WWC. Democrats made the right bet for the future of their party in the wrong cycle, and the wrong confluence of October surprises.


If South Anerica, a continent with insane sexism in place, both historically, systemically and social wise has elected numerous women president, then I'm sure America could too with a good candidate.

And even if she'd gender the only thing that influenced on her likeability ratings, then they should've planned accordingly.

She won the primary fairly and Sanders fans still refused to be even remotely rational or conciliatory. What exactly was the other side supposed to do? Why should they be coddled like children when HRC's supporters in 08 never acted like that?
So they could win the election?

Hillary getting the nomination was fine even when considering how the entire party was behind her for their own personal benefit, the complete silence of the media regarding Sanders and the notoriety she had to the registered democrats. The reasons of her winning the primaries don't matter. It doesn't even matter that people point out the strengths of Sanders for the GE, especially against Trump. What matters is that she ran a terrible campaign. Alienated the left wing of the party by burying them after the primary, alienated environmentalists, alienated the working class and decided that her message would be "at least I'm not trump".

People feel both sides are bad because both sides do thing against their interest. Denying Clinton's corporate connections, neoliberal policies and Enviromental and foreign policies she represents. Republicans being a terrorist organization doesn't wash away the problems surrounding the party.



Look through this thread and witness how people were treated that were criticising Hillary on the deplorables statement. It's even more shocking in hindsight.

Maybe I'm being dense here, but as someone who who actually prefers some semblance of truth from my political candidates rather than political correctness, what is wrong with the deplorables line? Is it just that I'm not as big on political correctness and coddling racists as the white moderate, or is there something factually wrong with it?


But not voting for her regardless helped Trump eek out a win. Don't deny that.

Those things aren't mutually exclusive of each other and the more the left tries to sum up complex issues with a neat bow in one sentence the more of a mess we get in.

You can both say those who didn't vote helped Trump win and many of those who didn't vote for Hillary are "x".

Simply saying though everyone who didn't vote for Hillary is a racist sexist fucker isn't exactly going to help the Dems make up that 6m loss from 2012. People don't exactly like it when you approach them with insane hostility, no shit. I have called people who didn't vote lazy, complacent and other similar things. I'm not going to simply call them sexist racists though when it's clear some abstained because they didn't like Hillary and some probably because every poll was saying she'd win. To which I do call them lazy, because screw polls have enough self respect to always take some time out of your day every few years to exercise your right to vote.

As frustrated as not voting makes me feel, it does not give me some moral high ground to call people racists and sexists. Unless there is actual evidence they are. As much as some on Hillary GAF were insufferable before the vote, they're now seemingly carrying on with the same tactic after it. By now calling everyone sexist racist and bigots. Just as they attacked all Bernie voters. I can assure you it's not going to help the lefts housekeeping and rebuild for 2020.
Maybe I'm being dense here, but as someone who who actually prefers some semblance of truth from my political candidates rather than political correctness, what is wrong with the deplorables line? Is it just that I'm not as big on political correctness and coddling racists as the white moderate, or is there something factually wrong with it?
I've said this before, but elections aren't won on simple truth. Anyone who's ever paid attention to politics for more than ten seconds should know that.

They're won on messaging and on approach, something the Clinton campaign and the "deplorables" line lacked in spades.

But please, by all means, go ahead and keep alienating the white working class. See how that works out for you in future elections. I'm sure it'll go brilliantly.


Wow where did all the anti-Hilary gaffers come from? I been lurking here for the past 3 weeks and literally havent seen anyone for Trump.
Believe it or not, you can be anti-Hillary and anti-Trump.

Like more than 50% of America are/were.
Maybe I'm being dense here, but as someone who who actually prefers some semblance of truth from my political candidates rather than political correctness, what is wrong with the deplorables line?

imo its a weird and stilted line just considering the wording. it's a New Yorker parody of something an coastal elite would say. it's dainty and snobbish. even without the divisive attitude it conveys, it puts across the image of someone who is hopelessly out-of-touch.

try saying it out loud. "basket of deplorables".


Maybe I'm being dense here, but as someone who who actually prefers some semblance of truth from my political candidates rather than political correctness, what is wrong with the deplorables line? Is it just that I'm not as big on political correctness and coddling racists as the white moderate, or is there something factually wrong with it?

it's just an awful tactic for someone trying to gain public office


Saint Titanfall
But not voting for her regardless helped Trump eek out a win. Don't deny that.

Of course but people have that freedom it's her and her campaign's job to get people to vote. The issue with assuming the everyone that didn't vote for her is irredeemable is that it serves no positive purpose and is completely worthless. It's like complaining about gravity when your rocket failed to launch. Drawing an aggressive line in the sand against everyone that failed to support you helps no one. The point is succeed where you failed last time. That doesn't mean you have to coddle racists, sexists or whatever that aren't likely would vote democrat anyway, there's plenty of people to draw to your cause that aren't so black or white, namely the apathetic. Painting them all even simply by inference as Trump supporters is a winning recipe for a second failure.
Maybe I'm being dense here, but as someone who who actually prefers some semblance of truth from my political candidates rather than political correctness, what is wrong with the deplorables line? Is it just that I'm not as big on political correctness and coddling racists as the white moderate, or is there something factually wrong with it?

anecdotal, but considering the number of people on my facebook (and friend's facebook) list who immediately identified themselves as deplorables in some way (profile photo, hashtags etc) it did nothing but harden a base that had significant issues with her already, valid or otherwise. add to this that she more or less neglected middle america throughout the campaign, well, here we are.

it's just a dumb thing to say; you're essentially saying 'you're a lost cause, I don't need your support, peace'. that may play well on a forum but that isn't gonna cut it on a ballot.


She won the primary fairly and Sanders fans still refused to be even remotely rational or conciliatory. What exactly was the other side supposed to do? Why should they be coddled like children when HRC's supporters in 08 never acted like that?
Fairly? BULLSHIT. Absolutely liquid bullshit. And also hipocritical.

The DNC had the cards stacked against Bernie since even BEFORE the Primary began. Hey knew who they wanted and the evidence is clear. Super delegates pledged their vote from day one. DWS was Clintons secret cheer leader. Leaked emails show the OBVIOUS conflict of interest. Media ties, almost ZERO coverage for Bernie, even when his rallies were much bigger than that of TRUMP rallies. We'd be staring at an empty Trump podium, while Bernie is packing fucking stadiums.

The DNC, Hillary, and the media didn't have to pivot in the Primary. They were already ready for the GE.

Even more ironic is the same folks that lifted her up in the Primary, failed her in the GE.

Oh, and why hippo critical? Because you can't in the same breath bitch about the GE and he popular vote, but then accept super delegates when it's convenient. It's not a good look.


it's just an awful tactic for someone trying to gain public office

Not only did that do damage, but also the fact that her supporters embraced it. That only made things worse. It turns out that you shouldn't insult the people whose vote you need.
Fairly? BULLSHIT. Absolutely liquid bullshit. And also hipocritical.

The DNC had the cards stacked against Bernie since even BEFORE the Primary began. Hey knew who they wanted and the evidence is clear. Super delegates pledged their vote from day one. DWS was Clintons secret cheer leader. Leaked emails show the OBVIOUS conflict of interest. Media ties, almost ZERO coverage for Bernie, even when his rallies were much bigger than that of TRUMP rallies. We'd be staring at an empty Trump podium, while Bernie is packing fucking stadiums.

The DNC, Hillary, and the media didn't have to pivot in the Primary. They were already ready for the GE.

Even more ironic is the same folks that lifted her up in the Primary, failed her in the GE.

Oh, and why hippo critical? Because you can't in the same breath bitch about the GE and he popular vote, but then accept super delegates when it's convenient. It's not a good look.

Truth! Bernie was creaming Trump when polled against him while Clinton barely scraped by. The writing was on the wall from the beginning. Didn't Trump even chicken out of debating with Bernie?
But not voting for her regardless helped Trump eek out a win. Don't deny that.

It's the other way though.

Trashtalking everyone who isn't completely on your side is the reason why Clinton lost millions of voter. Can't treat everyone like shit and then expect to support her.


She won the primary fairly and Sanders fans still refused to be even remotely rational or conciliatory. What exactly was the other side supposed to do? Why should they be coddled like children when HRC's supporters in 08 never acted like that?
Are you kidding me? Just check out PUMA, or Party Unity My Ass.


Maybe I'm being dense here, but as someone who who actually prefers some semblance of truth from my political candidates rather than political correctness, what is wrong with the deplorables line? Is it just that I'm not as big on political correctness and coddling racists as the white moderate, or is there something factually wrong with it?
Because blanket statements are shitty coming from ANY side. I'm sure there are a lot of folks that supported Trump for other reasons in spite of his toxicity. That toxicity still comes with he package, and they should feel like shit because of it, but I'm sure there are people that resonated with some trump lines. The rust belt is evidence of this.


Wow where did all the anti-Hilary gaffers come from? I been lurking here for the past 3 weeks and literally havent seen anyone for Trump.

Most of us were Bernie supporters (and I assume mostly eventually voted for Hillary, as I did).

It was just obvious that GAF was a Hillbot give mind where Bernie supporters could catch bans for defending themselves from accusations of racism or sexism for having the audacity to say Hillary was a shitty candidate, and merely the least bad option.


Because blanket statements are shitty coming from ANY side. I'm sure there are a lot of folks that supported Trump for other reasons in spite of his toxicity. That toxicity still comes with he package, and they should feel like shit because of it, but I'm sure there are people that resonated with some trump lines. The rust belt is evidence of this.

Well the Bible belt done mental gymnastics to support Trump due to them being hardcore republicans. That fact doesn't make a difference though, Dems need to get Dem voters out and unfortunately this time around it was proven even when republicans have an awful candidate they will still go out in numbers and vote republican, even if they need to leave their brain at home (like the mental gymnast Bible elite).

Maybe the Dems will need to work a bit harder and have a likeable candidate versus the mindless drones of republicans who will always go out and vote. Tough shit if that is so, get to work on doing what you need to do to win. Not crying that it's unfair the other side always go out to vote red whilst we have part time Democrats who stayed at home.


It's even a much bigger red flag that Bernie's initial ambitions certainly weren't for presidency, it was to have the platform to denounce Citizens United and demand political campaign reform. He exploded and Clinton even had to go along with it during the primaries. But where was this during the GE?
you are mostly right. However the issue I have with your assessment is that you are saying "she had this this this this and this stacked against her, and the DNC made some huge mistakes"

The problem is EXACTLY AND PRECISELY what those huge mistakes were. They called her a criminal and she did nothing to respond to that. They called her crooked and irresponsible and she did little to respond to that. She made mistakes, many, over the years and the opposition made that the target of their character assassination.. and she never addressed it. Why? Well.. we don't know. Maybe she thought it was taking the high road by not playing their game? Maybe it was hubris thinking she still had the election even with that stuff out there (thanks to HORRIBLE polling)?

If you deny, deny, deny you look even worse, unless she fights them with offensive zingers. But the onslaught was incessant.


Comey fucked things up for her the most. I stand by that.

Had he not started up the email bullshit again, wouldn't be in danger now.

While true, maybe we should have nominated a candidate that didn't have so much baggage.

While I liked Clinton, it did seem like the DNC just decided it was her turn. I'm not even talking about the Bernie shit, but why did no one else run besides Clinton and Bernie? Biden definitely should have run, but it feels like he was discouraged from doing so behind closed doors. Biden could have connected with those rust belt workers easy.


It's even a much bigger red flag that Bernie's initial ambitions certainly weren't for presidency, it was to have the platform to denounce Citizens United and demand political campaign reform. He exploded and Clinton even had to go along with it during the primaries. But where was this during the GE?

She benefitted from Citizens United, so why would she come out against it.


what's this I'm hearing about the Democrats wanting Tim Kaine for 2020? did they learn nothing? surely that can't be true

I haven't actually seen that anywhere. It in GAF posts, but if so, thats laughable as fuck.

Whats Tim Kaine's qualifications as a progressive? He speaks Spanish and is from Virginia?

I mean, he seems like a decent guy, but is less exciting than even Clinton.
what's this I'm hearing about the Democrats wanting Tim Kaine for 2020? did they learn nothing? surely that can't be true

If Tim Kaine is indeed the pick, then I am just going to be ecstatic that the DNC gets to suffer another loss at the hands of their own hubris.


I haven't actually seen that anywhere. It in GAF posts, but if so, thats laughable as fuck.

Whats Tim Kaine's qualifications as a progressive? He speaks Spanish and is from Virginia?

I mean, he seems like a decent guy, but is less exciting than even Clinton.

apparently there was some article that was fluffing him up and using pretty strong subtext that he's their guy? I haven't read it

tim kaine's qualifications as a progressive aren't great but his qualifications as a corporate establishment type are many, which is alarming that the higher ups in the Democratic party would even humor this as an idea.


I haven't actually seen that anywhere. It in GAF posts, but if so, thats laughable as fuck.

Whats Tim Kaine's qualifications as a progressive? He speaks Spanish and is from Virginia?

I mean, he seems like a decent guy, but is less exciting than even Clinton.

Yeah, Kaine would be like the Democratic Jeb!

DNC needs to get their heads out of their asses and swallow their massive pride.



Look through this thread and witness how people were treated that were criticising Hillary on the deplorables statement. It's even more shocking in hindsight.
There was a stunning arrogance displayed here by some white and black liberals that the election was so in the bag that it was time to finally come out in to the open during an election for President against a god damn white supremacist to stand up and talk to his supporters like it was a Twitter war against bigotry: with insults and memes and dismissal.

Heres why that's stupid: you're trying to win a god damn election.

People wanted to indulge their true desires: to shit on those they think are beneath them. Sometimes those people are beneath them. Sometimes they weren't (the BernieBro dog whistle pushed by manywhile and minority Hillary supporters. rs).you see it here post election with the poster IrishNinja insistent on how correct this was.

The only thing that ever mattered was doing whatever the holy fuck it took to make sure the white supremacist lost. You know what's better than kids gloves for racists? NOT letting them win an election.


This was happening loooong before then. There was also sorts of derisive mocking of Sanders character and his fans as he continued to campaign when it was clear he was losing and almost lost. It was obvious he was trying to push DNC campaign as far left as possible with his continued campaigning but boy the dude and anyone associated with him were public enemy number 1 for a while.
Just listening to people's accounts like Nina Turner's on how the party was borderline harrasing the Bernicrats is chilling.

And someone said that Kaine was a perfect vp pick to contrast with Clinton liberalism. I don't even know how to respond to that

She benefitted from Citizens United, so why would she come out against it.
Exactly. People joked about the Trump pivot, but Clinton had a dreadful pivot to the center. The Democratic Party hides behind social values that are in vogue like Gay marriage, but the stench of croney capitalism follows them everywhere and even the most ignorant people sense it at some level.


Gold Member
The left...the Democrats finally called WOLF! Too many times.

Everyone who didn't fall in line with the prevailing policy the Democrats were advocating was racist...bigot...homophobe...whatever.

And finally...there was a candidate who actually did use dog whistle racist rhetoric, and no one listed when they cried RACIST! It didn't matter.

Racism is an exceedingly complex topic...especially now that racism has been pushed more towards the institutions. Regardless of facts...REGARDLESS...many folks think we are passed racism...you can't yell racist at them...it doesn't work. This election just demonstrated the extent of the lefts ability to "shame" someone into your camp.

You have to show...slow...patience...why the policies that are being enacted have a desperate impact on minorities. You can't insult people then expect them to side with you.
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