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Trump will be one of the Greatest 45th Presidents of the United States ever

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All this talk about how hes gonna surprise people... And be great.

How is he gonna do that? What is it he stands for that you think is going to bring g about his greatness?


Nothing says "gonna be a great president" like stacking your advisor staff with white supremacists.

Are you for real, OP? His cabinet looks to be made up of the worst kind of GOP establishment figures, while he actively negotiates to not have to live in the White House any more than necessary. Honest? He's already backing out of his most prominent campaign promises, which is good in the sense that said promises were, you know, horrific, but where the hell do you get "honest" out of Donald Trump? Mind-boggling.


I am just flabbergasted how any sane person can process Trump's many statements as nothing but hateful. He insulted his opponents at every step and significant portion of America had no issue with that. How does any fucking Trump supporter defend that he is not sexist, misogynistic and racist ?

They literally don't acknowledge it. They pretend like he didn't say them, or that everyone says them, and when that fails they just say "but Hillary".

They live in a full on alternate reality and we ALL know exactly how they feel on the inside. History is going to shit all over them and the rest of us will never forget.


While i disagree with a whole lot you wrote OP, i will say that it takes some balls to make a thread like this. In fact i think you have more courage than the president-elect.


While you're free to have your opinion Slapnuts this

but remember, we are all on the same team and like many pro-Hillary people in recent days have said...lets give him a chance and stop the division that others are trying to cause in America right now.

Will never be true for 100% of the country so some do take it as quite condescending when people say it or similar remarks.

To be engaged in politics is to always actively be campaigning and voting for things which you feel are better for the country than what the alternative political parties offer. If everyone thought alike there would be 1 political party and we wouldn't even need to vote.

We are simply not all on the same team and even when your candidate/party wins you still need to accept this.
OP be like:



I mean I'll admit I'm very curious what President Trump is going to be like, but it's like a negative curiosity you know? Have very little hope for the next four years.
I'll say it right now, with all due respect to democrats, I got nothing against them, in fact, we are all on the same team at the end of the day. However, I would like to express my feelings on Trump. I believe with 100% absolute certainty that Mr. Donald Trump will be one of America's best Presidents, ever! He's bold, he's honest, at least far more honest than most other politicians, and he's a patriot that has this bold, courageous demeanor that feels strong and confident. But what i love most about Trump is his leadership, he's a born leader and i just have this gut feeling that he'll surprise the entire world on his leadership of America.

I am just so happy and relieved that he won, i know others don't feel the same and i can understand because i would feel exactly like they do about Trump as i would with Hillary at the helm. I watched the 60 minutes interview and was proud of Trump and what he and his family had to say. Even with the low ball questions that seem to never stop, he responded well. I also like how he mentioned (not in this interview) that Politics in general has a way of bringing the ugliness out of people involved, him included he said, its true, he's right and like he said..sometimes when people are getting ugly with you, you gotta respond with your own dose of ugliness. I am paraphrasing that but you get what i mean.

So all in all, I am very excited to see Trump make America Great again. I am proud and completely unashamed to mention this in here as i know Gaf is more Dem than anything else but like i said..at the end of the day, we are still on the same team and I feel that a lot of folks have Trump wrong, totally misunderstood and we need to give this guy a chance. He just has this strong courageous attitude that feels what's been missing and in my honest opinion, I think he'll shock the entire world by being one of the best Presidents of the United Stated, ever! God Bless America

Gotta go to work now but remember, we are all on the same team and like many pro-Hillary people in recent days have said...lets give him a chance and stop the division that others are trying to cause in America right now. We are better than that and we have a strong leader about to run this country that will be great for the people!

we are not, and never will be, on the same team as long as you continue to support a sexist, misogynistic, racist lying sack of orange tang. good day.


I dunno, man. It's possible he won't be the disaster many are making him out to be.

But thinking he's going to be a great president just feels divorced from the facts, no matter how you look at it.
The fact he was a democrat before shows he has zero loyalty to any party or political ideology, that alone would make him the most flexible president in history if he really just did "what was best for America"

At this point, it makes no sense but to anything but just accept things for what they are and hope for the best. If Trump is a good president we ALL win, wish ill on his success is the same thing as celebrating increase in unemployment and loss of healthcare, that sounds low to me
It doesn't matter if Trump was somehow a "good" president because the damage has already been done and is already impacting so many POC, LGBTQ+, etc. So no, we don't ALL win if he is a "good" president.
what baffles me is the fact that the guy constantly denied things he's said in the past and when asked about what he'd do as president he'd respond by calling his plans tremendous

dude has no idea what he's doing yet people claim shit like OP has
сделать америки здорово снова!
You brave OP, I'll give you that much.

I disagree with your perspective I foresee him as the worst thing to happen to the US but I'd love to be proven wrong.
I don't believe this is a real thread. Is it? Trump called Mexicans rapists and criminals. Called women pigs. Said he routinely sexually assaults women. Walks in on miss teens dressing room. Ban on Muslims.

If not I'm bookmarking.


Holy fuck are you delusional OP. Haven you seen who he's picking for his advisors and cabinet? What happened to "drain the swamp"? And he's already backing down from many of the things he said on the campaign trail. He'll end up relying on his advisors and become a run-of-the mill Republican president, only less effective.
While i disagree with a whole lot you wrote OP, i will say that it takes some balls to make a thread like this. In fact i think you have more courage than then president-elect.

This really doesn't take any balls whatsoever. In fact, I'd call this a rather "ball-less" act given the fact that he seems to have dropped this turd and ran.
His position on climate change alone will probably make sure he will go down in history as the worst president the US ever had.

Even if everything else he does is good, 4 years of inaction on climate change now are a fuck up of epic proportions. When future generations are dealing with climate change problems they will point their finger at Trump when looking to blame someone.
You elected a man who literally lies every other sentence.

So. No. He's a fucking fraud and we're stuck hoping he doesn't get bored and quit our impeached because the man the RNC cost to hold good hand is worse.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
This would be funny if it wasn't so pathetically sad. Thanks for supporting bigotry OP. I was called a nigger after he won, but that's great, so not only do you support blatant bigotry but alsostraight up stupidity as Donald's 100 day plan is straight up terrible and he's electing some of the worst people into positions of power. How do you feel about the person handling our country bankrupting multiple businesses despite multiple bailouts? Lmfso at the "he's honest" and "a born leader" he's neither of those things in way sense of the word. Oh and I love this "gotta go to work" shit, get lost dude. ��


semen stains the mountaintops
I fucking love this bit.

and stop the division that others are trying to cause in America right now.

Oh, NOW you care about people being divisive? Not when he was calling people rapists, saying he would murder families, ban muslims from entering the country, saying women are too ugly for him to rape and the endless list of horrible shit he said, that was fine with you.

You're a goddamn hypocrite and no one is buying your kumbaya bullshit.


Looking for meaning in GAF
This has to be a joke post right.

Seriously I just fucking calmed down from the election and now you just seriously pulled my fucking nerve. Holy shit so now you are basically saying fuck you to minorities and that whatever Trump said is okay. Dude I just wanted to have a nice day but you completely ruined it with this horeshit.

I am not in a fucking millions years going to accept this fuck or his beliefs for all the bullshit garbage he has spewed. The day I believe in this guy is the day I lose my identity and beliefs.
The best part is now that he's seen what this is Trump is visibly shook. Not a good look for a 70 year old man, let alone a president.

He's already fucked.


He's going to mess up your country and create division, sever international ties if not greatly strain them. He also loves to self congratulate himself, "I'm good, this is what I do, trust me, I know I made billions", it's up to others to make this observation not him, like he's so desperate to be recognised.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
slapnuts will be one of the greatest posters GAF has ever had
You had time to write Six paragraphs that's basically "trust me not facts he's fine" but can't take five more minutes to respond to anything?

Yeeeaaaaa I'm sure.
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