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Trump will be one of the Greatest 45th Presidents of the United States ever

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So, what happened to the OP? Are they going to back any of this up with examples? I genuinely would like to see how they reached this conclusion.
Nothing he has said or done leads me to believe this. Additionally, the people surrounding him only compound my fears.

"Hope for the Best, Expect and Prepare for the Worst" - Van Jones


Cool Facts: Game of War has been a hit since July 2013
Here's my prediction: OP will come back in a couple hours and say "wow, I didn't think there would be so many comments!". Then he'll only respond with phrases like "let's just agree to disagree" or "lol you guys sure get angry".
For real, we should make room for him on mount Rushmore. By the end of his 8 years as president we will be so tremendous and great that he'll have earned his place among the greats of the greats. In Americas legacy hundreds of years from now he will be mentioned at an equal level with Lincoln, Roosevelt, and Washington. President Donald Trump: revered national treasure adored by everyone. It's happening.


Opening this thread and not seeing a linked article but instead a picture of a squirrel's balls says it all, really.


What are the odds that the OP isn't a straight, white, male? Because to me, that's the only way his line of thinking makes sense to me.
"Troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll
Troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll
Troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll"

Gtg to work cya guys
Here's my prediction: OP will come back in a couple hours and say "wow, I didn't think there would be so many comments!". Then he'll only respond with phrases like "let's just agree to disagree" or "lol you guys sure get angry".

"this response was expected but come on guys"


I think Jon Oliver put it pretty well yesterday: "It's like we're on a plane and we just found out our pilot is a wombat. I don't like this, I don't understand how it happened and I'm pretty sure we're headed for disaster, but what the hell, come on, Batty, prove me wrong," he said, adding that, "Optimism is nice if you can swing it, but you've got to be careful because it can feed into the normalization of Donald Trump, and he's not normal."
Let's all hold hands and sing hymns y'all. Well not all hold hands, a lot of them refuse to hold mine style that's gay and they refuse to hold my brother and my mother's because they're dark.

But let's all hold hands.


Unconfirmed Member
Clearly trolling. Greatest President ever?Born leader?Courageous?Patriot?HONEST?Let me repeat that one. HONEST???Not even his supporters really believe half the shit you wrote here.


Neo Member
I don't think he will be as bad for the U.S. as the doom n' gloom crowd thinks.
I mean, it clearly won't be good, but 4 years of misery is survivable.
So, what happened to the OP? Are they going to back any of this up with examples? I genuinely would like to see how they reached this conclusion.

He'll be back after work, and judging by the fact that he's a Trump supporter, I'm going to guess that he's a non-educated white person, so we may have to wait until Dante comes in to relieve him at the Quick Stop, or else he'll have to pull a double again.
I'll say it right now, with all due respect to democrats, I got nothing against them, in fact, we are all on the same team at the end of the day. However, I would like to express my feelings on Trump. I believe with 100% absolute certainty that Mr. Donald Trump will be one of America's best Presidents, ever! He's bold, he's honest, at least far more honest than most other politicians, and he's a patriot that has this bold, courageous demeanor that feels strong and confident. But what i love most about Trump is his leadership, he's a born leader and i just have this gut feeling that he'll surprise the entire world on his leadership of America.

I am just so happy and relieved that he won, i know others don't feel the same and i can understand because i would feel exactly like they do about Trump as i would with Hillary at the helm. I watched the 60 minutes interview and was proud of Trump and what he and his family had to say. Even with the low ball questions that seem to never stop, he responded well. I also like how he mentioned (not in this interview) that Politics in general has a way of bringing the ugliness out of people involved, him included he said, its true, he's right and like he said..sometimes when people are getting ugly with you, you gotta respond with your own dose of ugliness. I am paraphrasing that but you get what i mean.

So all in all, I am very excited to see Trump make America Great again. I am proud and completely unashamed to mention this in here as i know Gaf is more Dem than anything else but like i said..at the end of the day, we are still on the same team and I feel that a lot of folks have Trump wrong, totally misunderstood and we need to give this guy a chance. He just has this strong courageous attitude that feels what's been missing and in my honest opinion, I think he'll shock the entire world by being one of the best Presidents of the United Stated, ever! God Bless America

Gotta go to work now but remember, we are all on the same team and like many pro-Hillary people in recent days have said...lets give him a chance and stop the division that others are trying to cause in America right now. We are better than that and we have a strong leader about to run this country that will be great for the people!


Trump looks completely overwhelmed. He's trying to delegate everything he needs to do to celebrities, shock-jocks and career-elitist-politicians.

His past is full of horrible incidents. He's foul-mouthed. He doesn't give a shit about being politically correct. He's willing to ignore contracts and abandon people who don't give into his bullying or blackmail efforts.

He speaks about warfare as casually as I speak about coffee blends.

But yea, he'll be so awesome.
He will try and run the Country like the majority of his businesses, which is badly, but still reaping the benefits in some way while many others take the hit.

(and that's without getting into the garbage men he's surrounding himself with)


Here's my prediction: OP will come back in a couple hours and say "wow, I didn't think there would be so many comments!". Then he'll only respond with phrases like "let's just agree to disagree" or "lol you guys sure get angry".

More like, "See, the left is intolerant of people who think differently!"


semen stains the mountaintops
I don't think he will be as bad for the U.S. as the doom n' gloom crowd thinks.
I mean, it clearly won't be good, but 4 years of misery is survivable.

The doom and gloom comes from everything he said he will do.

So, it the only way Trump ends up not being a terrible president is if he goes back on everything he said he would do.
I'm pretty much convinced that when the average Trump voter says "honest" they mean "authentic".

As in, Trump brings his real character to the table, with all the bullshit it entails. While someone like Clinton calculates her answers (even if they're truthful).
Can I say the "I love how here's talking like he's above dirty politics" but when he literally said on NATIONAL TV that he'd lock his opponent up if he won,?

Fucking please.
OP preemptively bounces on his own thread? Kind of feel like it should be banable, especially when you try to make inflammatory threads on purpose... He's not trying to discuss, just stoke the fires



this is hilarious, Hillary referred to Robert Byrd as her mentor on his passing, who was a KKK recruiter that filibustered against the Civil Rights act. Hillary and the DNC's ties to banks and corporations is unmatched .

Dont get me wrong, I wanted Hillary over trump, but the hypocrisy on both sides is astounding.
Yep, for rich people.

All the folks thinking he is bringing back their manufacturing jobs, enjoy your bread line, especially after paul ryan and the rest of the GOP kill any possible safety nets you had.

And you know what? get fucked. No sympathy or empathy for you.

You are okay with racism, bigotry, sexism, etc, i'm ok with you starving.

I will only worry about my own.
He literally intends to put white supremacists into the white house? I guess that's bold.
Hillary and the DNC's ties to banks and corporations is unmatched .

as opposed to owning corporations and not setting up a blind trust for them instead letting his kids handle them which he also has in his intermediate team?

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
'i believe he'll make America great again'

define what you mean you twitter FOOL
the democrats should feel almost as stupid as you, but you voted for a racist sexist scumbag that has never been an admirable human being.
Donald Trump is honest? Do you believe in fact checkers, OP?

I actually agree that more often than not (and probably more often than the average politician) that Trump is honest. The problem is more that he's dumb and changes his mind a lot. He means what he says in the moment, but he'll get basic facts wrong and/or have a mood swing and change his mind about something.

Sooooo in some ways it could be even worse, but hey...


This really doesn't take any balls whatsoever. In fact, I'd call this a rather "ball-less" act given the fact that he seems to have dropped this turd and ran.
I should have added that this would be the case if OP does not do a hit and run and actually engages in a discussion.
this is hilarious, Hillary referred to Robert Byrd as her mentor on his passing, who was a KKK recruiter that filibustered against the Civil Rights act. Hillary and the DNC's ties to banks and corporations is unmatched .

Dont get me wrong, I wanted Hillary over trump, but the hypocrisy on both sides is astounding.
if I hear this both sides bullshit one more time.

Don't give that "well o didn't want him to win" crap.

Own it.


The honesty thing used to baffle me. Trump lies more than anyone. He says whatever he needs to say to move things into a direction he likes regardless of facts. When called out on it he dismisses it as if it doesn't matter

But I've come to learn that people don't mind those lies at all. His base enjoys these lies that get things moving into a path of his favor. They somehow don't even view them as lies the same way they view other politicians, because they like his motivations to lie as better. When called out on his lies, they do the same thing as trump: dismiss them as if they don't matter. Even if the lies stir up divisiveness and society unrest

It's pretty insane if you ask me
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