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Trump will be one of the Greatest 45th Presidents of the United States ever

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The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
I'm pretty much convinced that when the average Trump voter says "honest" they mean "authentic".

As in, Trump brings his real character to the table, with all the bullshit it entails. While someone like Clinton calculates her answers (even if they're truthful).

He "tells it like it is", which is really just shorthand for "he validates long-held bigoted beliefs that I've been afraid to state in public."
It's fucking amusing how many Trump voters are not out with this "we need to stick together, we're a team, lets unite".... After the campaign Trump ran, and how rabid and disgusting the alt-right were on social media? We're supposed normalize this loser(popular vote)?
Maybe wait and see before declaring him greatest president? We really have no clue what's in store since he has absolutely no previous record of political accountability for anyone to try and use to predict how he'll behave with actual power. Besides, this election has brought out the absolute worst qualities of our country - how do you think Trump is going to fix the burning pile of hate we've got in the aftermath? Let's just hope the worst doesn't happen.


sometimes when people are getting ugly with you, you gotta respond with your own dose of ugliness.

You got that right, I'm going to be hideous as fuck. I absolutely reject your happy-go-lucky bullshit, there is no meeting half way here.

Blows my mind when people say Trump is honest.

I think people view him as honest in that he says what he thinks not so much that he tells the truth. He is honest in that regard he is just also bigoted and factually wrong.
this is hilarious, Hillary referred to Robert Byrd as her mentor on his passing, who was a KKK recruiter that filibustered against the Civil Rights act. Hillary and the DNC's ties to banks and corporations is unmatched .

Dont get me wrong, I wanted Hillary over trump, but the hypocrisy on both sides is astounding.

Robert Byrd was a man who learned from his mistakes.


I hope we can revisit this in four years. Because clearly this is false as hell and it will show in due time how terrible he will be as president.

Even the guy who predicted he would win says he will be impeached lmao.


semen stains the mountaintops
More like, "See, the left is intolerant of people who think differently!"

That's the one he will do, hell, he already pulled it in the OP. A year and a half of cheering on bigotry but now he decides that we need to come together.

This narrative that Trump supporters are trying to weave, that they're tolerant and that the left pushed them to, what, vote for a racist and prove them wrong by proving them right is, one of the most perplexing reasoning I've been seeing pop up all over the place.


Gotta go to work now

I don't think he's going to be this psuedo Hitler figure like many people seem to think. But a great president? Almost certainly not.

He ran on this promise of change, but honestly there's no way he can really change the power structures that run the US. He's a political outsider who is going to get swallowed up - and by the looks of who he's getting surrounded by - swallowed up by some particularly nasty forces, even by Washington standards.

The best we can hope for is probably just business as usual.


i know others don't feel the same and i can understand because i would feel exactly like they do about Trump as i would with Hillary at the helm.

Unless you are a marginalized person who voted against their own interest, no. No, you absolutely can't understand. Fine, you may have your reasons to look past your candidate's bigotry, but cut the false equivalency right now.


Tears in the rain
Sorry OP but I can't agree at all. Not only was the man so poor of character (grab them the pussy, blacks are lazy, mexicans are rapists), that he shouldn't ever have been a legit candidate, but he's also an avowed con-man, who swiddled from thousands (Trump University) and admits he plays the system for his own gain.

And now he's appointed a White Nationalist as his chief strategist. Steve Bannon is a legit, honest to God, Nazi. A man who said that birth control makes women ugly and incontrollable. A man who said that women shouldn't be on the Internet. A man who refuses to call the American Civil War, a Civil War and would rather use the White Nationalist term of it: War of Southern Independence.

This awful piece of human shit is chief strategist to the new president of the USA. If that makes you feel good, it says a lot about you and your views.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
this is hilarious, Hillary referred to Robert Byrd as her mentor on his passing, who was a KKK recruiter that filibustered against the Civil Rights act. Hillary and the DNC's ties to banks and corporations is unmatched .

Dont get me wrong, I wanted Hillary over trump, but the hypocrisy on both sides is astounding.

The same Byrd that later realized his mistakes in that support and who had the NCAAP mourn his death?

The NAACP is saddened by the passing of United States Senator Robert Byrd. Byrd, the longest serving member of congress was first elected to the U.S. House from [West Virginia] in 1952 and was elected Senator in 1958. Byrd passed away this morning at the age of 92.

"Senator Byrd reflects the transformative power of this nation," stated NAACP President and CEO Benjamin Todd Jealous. "Senator Byrd went from being an active member of the KKK to a being a stalwart supporter of the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act and many other pieces of seminal legislation that advanced the civil rights and liberties of our country.

"Senator Byrd came to consistently support the NAACP civil rights agenda, doing well on the NAACP Annual Civil Rights Report Card. He stood with us on many issues of crucial importance to our members from the reauthorization of the Voting Rights Act, the historic health care legislation of 2010 and his support for the Hate Crimes Prevention legislation," stated Hilary O. Shelton, Director of the NAACP Washington Bureau and Senior Vice President for Advocacy and Policy. "Senator Byrd was a master of the Senate Rules, and helped strategize passage of legislation that helped millions of Americans. He will be sorely missed."



I agree with him if he was being disingenuous.

Then again, only the "greatest country in the world™" would facilitate something like this.
"sometimes when people are getting ugly with you, you gotta respond with your own dose of ugliness."

I think he's suggesting Trump didn't bring the ugly right out of the gate. I mean, he was getting ugly years ago when he lead the birther movement. I'm not forgetting, and I'm not gonna forgive. Trump is trash.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
I think Jon Oliver put it pretty well yesterday: "It's like we're on a plane and we just found out our pilot is a wombat. I don't like this, I don't understand how it happened and I'm pretty sure we're headed for disaster, but what the hell, come on, Batty, prove me wrong," he said, adding that, "Optimism is nice if you can swing it, but you've got to be careful because it can feed into the normalization of Donald Trump, and he's not normal."


Yeah I think everyone would like to see him have a successful presidency using all measures of the definition.

The early signs look bad though.
Apparently the man who would repeal Roe v Wade, but maintain gay marriage because 'the supreme court decided on it', is honest. Or maybe Trump has no fucking inkling on how the government he inherited works? Maybe that's a bigger stumbling block.

Trump looks completely overwhelmed. He's trying to delegate everything he needs to do to celebrities, shock-jocks and career-elitist-politicians.

His past is full of horrible incidents. He's foul-mouthed. He doesn't give a shit about being politically correct. He's willing to ignore contracts and abandon people who don't give into his bullying or blackmail efforts.

He speaks about warfare as casually as I speak about coffee blends.

But yea, he'll be so awesome.



Well... uh, I agree with you that he's bold...

That's all I got.

The OP is not coming back

He probably has 12 hours to come back. I mean, I guess he's not working more than 12 hours. I work 10-11 every day.

OP, I support your freedom to post whatever you want and I won't insult you for it. It is a good idea to come back and give some reasons/examples of why you feel like he'll be "great".

Do you see his recent comments on same-sex marriage as a positive?

Do you think a lot of what he said was hot air and he's going to sort of meet some policies "half-way"?

You can put in more than a guess at least :)

I personally do not like the environmental stuff. I wanted someone that would move us towards replacing oil as an energy source. I want my Sun powered grids and alternate fuel cars.
I'm going to wait to see what he does POLICY wise before I declare the world has ended

No one said anything about the world ending

Minorities and LGBTQ individuals are already being impacted negatively by the results of the election. If someone just being elected causes an uptick of hate crimes that's already bad enough

Personally, my world kinda does end if i become the victim of a hate crime. So when someone says "minorities and LGBTQ people are feeling the damage done" and you say "nah the world isn't ending it's cool", I kinda see where you're coming from.
For the sake of the country, I just hope he doesn't go down as one of the worst Presidents America has ever had.

Yea I mean I have a family to provide for so I don't want him to be awful, but jeezus OP... I mean right from the get-go you faceplant... honest?

Check his statements on factcheck or snopes... dude lies ~70% of the time... mainly cause he doesn't actually know much about anything.
Trump is a serial liar.
But he's honest about his emotions. Politicians like Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton do not get the privilege of being honest about their emotions. The country does not want to see an angry Black man or angry woman.


There is no war with Oceania. We've always been at peace with Oceania.

Sorry, but a government built on lies, fraud, and fear will never have success. We will pay for these sins, 10 fold.

Facts may not enter the reality distortion field, but disaster will cut the ground away from underneath us all.
What damage has already been done? he's not in office yet
Stats are already showing a spike of hate crimes against some of those groups, he has openly encouraged and condoned violence against them, and he is entirely responsible for encouraging all of the things his supporters are doing and will do against them. His rhetoric has begun to normalize so much bigoted hatred and that is simply undeniable.


Unfortunately, even while trying to be an optimist, the people around Trump are just business as usual for the Republican party. If I was a "burn it all down" voter, I'd be disappointed right now. But we'll see. I'd like to believe that Trump can do some good, but not if he defers to the "experts" on his cabinet.
I'm just tired of this, you say you have respect, but clearly your candidate doesn't show respect, so why in the world do you support him?

I will never work with a man like that, I will not be tolerant of his behavior. And it's not because we lost or because it's just simple opinions. I believe we and society deserve to be held to a higher standard, a standard that Trump has tarnished even more than others in the Republican party already have. This argument or "comfort" of yours is legitimatizing White Supremacy, sexism, racism, everything we are taught and expected to not be. People are afraid for their lives OP, they are afraid for their families and friends. You have a leader who is openly supportive of Russia for christs sake, advocates for Torture, war crimes, jokes about sexual assault, talked about going against the constitution of the United States and ban all Muslims, called Mexicans rapists, has lawsuit after lawsuit surrounding him. And to top it all off, he isn't even anywhere close to being a good business man. he has a VP who believes in shocking the gay out of people, and they are surrounding themselves with people exactly like that. He isn't even anti-establishment, he is surrounded by the establishment and he and them will fuck you over unless you're rich and white. And when the damage is done they'll have the audacity to say America has been made great again.
No one said anything about the world ending

Minorities and LGBTQ individuals are already being impacted negatively by the results of the election. If someone just being elected causes an uptick of hate crimes that's already bad enough

Personally, my world kinda does end if i become the victim of a hate crime. So when someone says "minorities and LGBTQ people are feeling the damage done" and you say "nah the world isn't ending it's cool", I kinda see where you're coming from.

Trump himself said he's not going to touch gay marriage after the supreme court decision, so there's that at least

and I'm a minority FYI


He lied to your face multiple times when he said he wasn't for the Iraq war. He still denies it even though he's admitting he was for the wrong on multiple interviews. Recorded interviews. Things he literally cannot deny. Yet he did. And people believe him for whatever reason. Small brains, small hands, whatever. My biggest concern is for the planet. You can fix a broken economy you can't fix a broken ecosystem.
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