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Here's an underrated gem, Prince of Persia 08

The Dude


It's hard to believe this game is 8 years old, but I thought they did really good for such a gorgeous connected experience. This was one of my favorite PoP games, and even tho the boss battles combat were a little similar the overall wall scaling puzzle aspect of the game made up for it. And not to mention, it really looked incredible in places, some of the design and art direction was spot on awesome.

Just was thinking about it for some reason, I always have an itch to go replay it again. But if someone hasn't played it I highly suggest it, it's also held up pretty well.

Anyone else really appreciate this game?
Loved the game. Very underated.

I dug how the relationship between the two leads slowly dethawed over the course of the adventure, with the in-game quips being reflective of such

Edit: The poor framerate in the OP's video is not representative of how well the game ran on consoles, to my recollection

The Dude

It was one of my favorite "looker" games, I loved how it gradually gained color as you went. Very fun and very awesome
Honestly, with the love it gets and pretty decent scores, I don't feel it's underrated. Not talked about, sure, not underrated though. I really liked it however. Not too technical, yet relaxing in its simplicity. It essentially felt like an action rhythm game for me.

Also, not being able to die is the most gamer complaint I've ever heard and why this medium's fans are the worst. The game is easy for plenty of reasons, but getting rid of a game over screen cuts down on boring time. The middleman added nothing, why not use a more elegant solution? That's what this game did.


I actually think it's overrated, to be honest. It looks nice and was hyped decently enough back in the day, but I don't think it was even remotely as fun as the PoP trilogy before it.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
underrated by reviews you mean? certainly not by the internet since its a huge indie darling...well, without the indie. you know what I mean :p

The Dude

Well I came from IGN and people weren't as loving with it, I just remember having to sort of defend this game and some of its flaws to a good many people.


I quite liked that game. Sure, it was a little different than what you'd expect and the timing windows were pretty forgiving, but it still had enough platforming and exploration to entertain. Didn't really mind the QTE battles either. Of course the art and animation were absolutely gorgeous.


I think I played this one even. I hate those games and the style but this one looked cool. It's weird as shit seeing a game this new/old not having shadows but all the other style there. The under the bridge part in that video looked weird because it's lit as if they are on the ground in the sun. Always been a fan of stylized games over realistic. Windwaker still looks fantastic even to my 7yr old who is jaded as shit when it comes to graphics.
Really enjoyed it. I remember people discussing what it wasn't more than what it was. Honestly kind of surprised it didn't get a follow up actually. Never did play the dlc.

Also lots of focus on you couldn't die. Is it on xbox bc yet?


An amazing game with an amazing ending. Didn't even know about the epilogue ending until like 4 years after I finished the game.

I really want a Prince of Persia game this gen.

The Dude

Well again maybe in different areas of the Internet, but my experience was simply that most didn't see the beauty in this game, might of been an IGN thing... People here seem to appreciate games more, but IGN and the boards I posted on there for a long time weren't loving up PoP08

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
It's not underrated on gaf. IT's actually fairly overrated. People talk up always wanting a sequel only because they liked the art style and ignore the mind numbing collectibles and hand holding(literally) mechanics

Forgotten Sands is an underrated game.



The entire point of the game is to literally pick up hundreds of glowing dots.

No way to die, and the "tackle the areas in any order" meant they all had to be easy rather than ramping in difficulty.

The last level involved undoing everything you just spent doing, and the "true" ending is locked behind DLC.

I literally found myself daydreaming whilst playing it. I do the same whilst jogging or doing the washing up. That's what "entertainment" it's on par with.


Simon Says platforming and combat I still don't really get. A lot of mashing until you win when I played it. I did 1000 it because at some point the game just became relaxing to play, so I guess it has that going for it. It's a beautiful looking game and a very relaxing tone, but as far as playing it? A bit boring and incredibly easy.

I also remember this being quite a big deal back when it was released. Sure, not talked about much because it was 8 years ago, but underrated? No.


I microwave steaks.

The entire point of the game is to literally pick up hundreds of glowing dots.

No way to die, and the "tackle the areas in any order" meant they all had to be easy rather than ramping in difficulty.

The last level involved undoing everything you just spent doing, and the "true" ending is locked behind DLC.

I literally found myself daydreaming whilst playing it. I do the same whilst jogging or doing the washing up. That's what "entertainment" it's on par with.

The game isn't very challenging, which I think helps lend to it's charm. I enjoyed the change of pace.

Though the ending did literally piss me off.


Pretty but boring. Its game design was bad, whether it was platforming, combat, boss recycling, or random area unlock with no sense of progression


Great aesthetic, sure. But a very weak game overall.

Too much hand-holding and 0 challenge. Definitely the wrong route for the series to take.
It's not underrated on gaf. IT's actually fairly overrated. People talk up always wanting a sequel only because they liked the art style and ignore the mind numbing collectibles and hand holding(literally) mechanics

Forgotten Sands is an underrated game.

Mmm nope. I'd like a sequel because I enjoy the rhythm type platforming, it felt a bit like when you start to flow through areas in flower or journey but obviously with more input. Definitely would want a sequel for the gameplay first and foremost, although not the combat so much admittedly.


Sometimes it happens. Great games that got lost because other even greater games got release during same time. Put sins of a solar empire in that very same league ;)


Absolutely, loved this game. Speaking of which I still have to go back and do the DLC and extra missions for POP 08 and Dante's Inferno.....Remaster on both would be nice....


Just didn't like you couldn't die

You couldn't die in Sands of Time either, nor can you die in 90% of video games (except a few roguelikes). POP08 just had a generous checkpointing system, didn't have a "you died" screen, and didn't force your to go through a menu to restart.
Real nice game with lovely artwork.

I distinctly remember this was like an outcast game then, like it wasn't going to be viable anymore for a Ubi to justify a game like this. You had Gears, Assassins Creed, Bioshock, COD and so on all hitting hard.


Never finished it but the time I did play was fun. I especially liked the art style and how vast the desert section when you were headed to the big tree at the beginning of the game.

The Dude

Real nice game with lovely artwork.

I distinctly remember this was like an outcast game then, like it wasn't going to be viable anymore for a Ubi to justify a game like this. You had Gears, Assassins Creed, Bioshock, COD and so on all hitting hard.

Yea, thats about right. This game just didn't quite fit in for all the dark style games at the moment, and that's why my mind has always been etched in as a game that is a bit underrated.


Unconfirmed Member
A great looking game with none of the great, challenging and intricate platforming and combat from its predecessors a gen before it. The story was also lacking(remember the dlc they had to put out for that?)

There were good reasons why fans disliked this game, and it wasn't just because you couldn't die because the game would rewind, or else people would have hated Braid too. If they ever return to this Prince of Persia I would hope they took notes and really paid attention to what made Sands of Time so good.

Edit: This game was a clear example why people shouldn't fall for a game just because it looks really good.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
Only Ubi game I have cared about in.. Well, possibly forever. Ubi generally makes games I wouldn't want even if I got them for free, but this game was a flawed masterpiece. Too bad they never made a sequel.

Fuck Ubisoft.


It was a good game but having to collect those light balls every time you wanted to progress was tedious as hell.
game is super easy, but I also found it relaxing to play with how smooth you progressed through level.

One of the best endings ever written
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