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11 years after the last major SaGa release, Scarlet Grace comes out next week!


It doesn't surprise me that people would like SF2 more than some of the others. One of the scenarios in it is more traditional.

You talking about Wil's route? It still seems a bit less traditional to follow these characters over the course of their lives as they age, at least to me.

SF2 probably gets love because it's one of the most linear and easy to comprehend SaGa games, it's relatively easier, and it's also one of the best looking best sounding games ever made.


they really know how to cut exciting trailers for this game. God I hope it's good.


You talking about Wil's route? It still seems a bit less traditional to follow these characters over the course of their lives as they age, at least to me.

SF2 probably gets love because it's one of the most linear and easy to comprehend SaGa games, it's relatively easier, and it's also one of the best looking best sounding games ever made.

The linearity is what I meant by more traditional, really.


I'll pick it up if it's localized for sure. If it's not I might skip it, I hear going back and forth with imports on the Vita is a huge pain.


Thanks for reopening old wounds.

At least they're on regular DS and not Region locked DS(aka 3DS around these parts).

I didn't mention it but in that timeline Europe and North America got every single Squaresoft games and Secret of Evermore was still made and was still great.

Fuck if I could progress in RS 1 & 3 without understanding a sentence of the whole script, I really should try to get this new game.


I think SF2 gets a lot of love for very obvious reasons - the art style is much more of a fairy tale cartoon that goes over well internationally, the painted backgrounds are gorgeous (Legend of Mana gets love for the same reason I feel), there's a linear chronological story progression, and everything just feels "right". But to me that also makes it one of the more boring SaGa games in the franchise, because well it is pleasant, it lacks the audacity. I like it when the settings in SaGa are a mix of really unconventional stuff, and character stories can possibly go anywhere, even to places I don't expect.


I think SF2 gets a lot of love for very obvious reasons - the art style is much more of a fairy tale cartoon that goes over well internationally, the painted backgrounds are gorgeous (Legend of Mana gets love for the same reason I feel), there's a linear chronological story progression, and everything just feels "right". But to me that also makes it one of the more boring SaGa games in the franchise, because well it is pleasant, it lacks the audacity. I like it when the settings in SaGa are a mix of really unconventional stuff, and character stories can possibly go anywhere, even to places I don't expect.

The game still there out a few curveballs but overall I'm in agreement. I like SaGa the most when it's more freedom and less traditional.


Been a SaGa fan since 1998. SaGa Frontier is on my top 5 RPG'S list. Pisses me off that the West gets screwed AGAIN for new releases and installments. It was stated sometime back that Scarlet Grace will see a Western release but I haven't heard anything regarding this. Then, Romancing SaGa 2 was supposed to be released in the Vita in the West but nothing has come from that statement that was made 7 months ago on Twitter.

Once my mic gets here, I'm making a video about this.


Those interested in Scarlet Grace might want to give this a read: http://dengekionline.com/elem/000/001/423/1423501/

Dengeki's staff writer assigned to cover the SaGa franchise has played over 50 hours of the game and has a detailed write up on it. I'll be giving it a read later on.

There was also a recent livestream where various streamers were invited to play the game for -SIX HOURS-: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OeQzzgwvX-o


Oh, this is good. This gives a much clearer impression of the game flow. I'll have to read the article tomorrow.
I enjoy SaGa games but since I don't own a Vita and my Japanese isn't good enough for a game as complex as SaGa I'll have to pass for now. I'll probably watch streams or videos and dream of it though.


I think SF2 gets a lot of love for very obvious reasons - the art style is much more of a fairy tale cartoon that goes over well internationally, the painted backgrounds are gorgeous (Legend of Mana gets love for the same reason I feel), there's a linear chronological story progression, and everything just feels "right". But to me that also makes it one of the more boring SaGa games in the franchise, because well it is pleasant, it lacks the audacity. I like it when the settings in SaGa are a mix of really unconventional stuff, and character stories can possibly go anywhere, even to places I don't expect.

I like how a game where you never really know what your party composition is going to be or which of three completely different battle types you're gonna get, that allows you to select events in differing order between two interacting storylines that span generations with varying casts that experience world changing events, and a final boss that is considered by some to be insanely difficult is still considered lacking in audacity by SaGa series standards haha.


I'm... not really sure if this thread is trying to sell or bash the game lol

Haven't seen much, but from what I've seen it looks like a SaGa game alright, with all the good and all the bad from this series. The art looks gorgeous and the systems seem obtuse as fuck. SaGa in a nutshell.


I like how a game where you never really know what your party composition is going to be or which of three completely different battle types you're gonna get, that allows you to select events in differing order between two interacting storylines that span generations with varying casts that experience world changing events, and a final boss that is considered by some to be insanely difficult is still considered lacking in audacity by SaGa series standards haha.

ikr. :)


Unconfirmed Member
I like how a game where you never really know what your party composition is going to be or which of three completely different battle types you're gonna get, that allows you to select events in differing order between two interacting storylines that span generations with varying casts that experience world changing events, and a final boss that is considered by some to be insanely difficult is still considered lacking in audacity by SaGa series standards haha.
10/10. Would play again.
So, as a massive Vita fan and someone who had an enjoyable (if frustrating) time with Frontier 2, I'd be all over this, but the fact it's just overworld + events doesn't make it very importable with my limited Japanese.

Kinda miffed with the technical issues too, because the art & music otherwise looks superb.

Will wait for impressions
since we're never getting it in English :(


I would get the game but I don't have a Vita, and I don't know Japanese.

I love SaGa games, so it's awesome and sad at the same time that this game is coming out the way it is...


Those interested in Scarlet Grace might want to give this a read: http://dengekionline.com/elem/000/001/423/1423501/

Dengeki's staff writer assigned to cover the SaGa franchise has played over 50 hours of the game and has a detailed write up on it. I'll be giving it a read later on.

Read most of this yesterday. It's a really long write up so I skimmed some of it. The impressions are very positive but it's a media preview write up so it's hard not to feel that there's an amount of shilling going on. What does interest me is how much effort there seems to have been put into the scenario. It sounds really, really, really dense. The writer mentions that depending on the protagonist you play, you really get a totally different experience from the story. There are things in the world only certain characters will be aware of or care about, and some details will be completely glossed over if you play a character who doesn't have that perspective. There are also different outcomes and solutions for the same situations which characters will run into during the story. Not just based on player chioce, but the choices themselves tend to differ depending on the protagonist.

The world map and locations are supposedly very diverse and there are tons of things all over the world. Even though there are no explorable dungeons and towns, the writer felt that exploring the world map had a real sense of discovery and excitement, and there's a strong sense of "oh I wonder what will happen next" as you play the game. Towns and cities might just be menus but different NPCs populate different places and since all of them are apparently recruitable, it means that there are events you can discover and trigger basically everywhere in the game.

I have to admit, reading it made me a lot more excited to play the game. But then, watching the stream video brings me back down to Earth when I see how cheap and janky the battle loading is. At the same time though, the battles do look really good in terms of how they capture the art style of SaGa. This is going to be a really.... conflicting experience I think.


This is going to be a really.... conflicting experience I think.
So, it's SaGa. (ノ゚Д゚)八(゚Д゚ )ノ

OT is all typed up and I'll be posting it in roughly... 24 hours? I won't have the game until like 56 hours from now though, so, you know. Gah!


Neo Member

Regardless of everything, I really respect and like how they sell the game through those trailers.

What SaGa games are recommended for hyper-newbies like yours truly?

I've checked out:

* The Last Remnant via the PC demo
** liked it, but found playing in on PC a hassle, since my laptop heats up, and my hands are hypersensitive to temperature, which is a shame

* SaGa 2 (Final Fantasy Legend 2) via the Let's Play archive
** loved how... simple some parts of it are, mechanically speaking
** liked the robot class, even though I would have preferred the (Romancing|Frontier|Remnant|Legacy) style of learning skills
*** I don't like the un-learning part of mutant skill development

* The Legend of Legacy (sorry duckroll), i.e. SaGa 4Kids by purchasing the (rather cheap) Limited Edition
** https://d3esbfg30x759i.cloudfront.net/ss/WVW69j4XjlcMMdk7A1
** https://miiverse.nintendo.net/posts/AYMHAAADAAB2V0fc7IYqlw
** finished after four hundred eighty five (485) in-game days or three hundred nine (309) real-time hours
*** used a hyperdefensive build that used
**** shields to attain counter, and mass offensive skills
**** counter-slapping the enemy with a shield for massive damage
**** Charging Star-ing all enemies Captain America style
*** elemental magic to attain mass offense skills
**** Air spell that attempts to stun all enemies for massive damage
*** enemy trolling
**** set up my team to constantly obtain Air and Water elemental ownership at the very end of the turn, preventing enemies from ever recovering their HP and EP


As broken and unfinished as SaGa Frontier turned out it became one of my favorite games. I really like the split story structure and most had interesting backstories. The only part I couldn't stand was the bit in Rikku (the monster PC, not sure if I'm remembering correctly) where you fought this duke guy and the only way to clear it was with combo attacks with enough party members participating. I remember grabbing a notebook and writing down combo attacks so I could use it against him. The Wakatu music is still one of my favorite game songs.

I say all this in the hopes this new SaGa game can rekindle some of that rose colored glory.


I really need to replay SF2. This thread has me excited to replay it then I remember the impossible final boss and the terrible war battles.


I own every SaGa game released in the West.

I own this gorgeous thing:

I loooved The Last Remnant (on Steam, don't bother with the awful X360 version) and Unlimited Saga is one of my favorite PS2 games (not a common opinion, I know). I even bought that Legend of Legacy thingy from Furyu.

I may be buying this game.


* The Legend of Legacy (sorry duckroll), i.e. SaGa 4Kids by purchasing the (rather cheap) Limited Edition
** https://d3esbfg30x759i.cloudfront.net/ss/WVW69j4XjlcMMdk7A1
** https://miiverse.nintendo.net/posts/AYMHAAADAAB2V0fc7IYqlw
** finished after four hundred fifty eight (458) in-game days (or three hundred thirty hours (330) in real life
*** used a hyperdefensive build that used
**** shields to attain counter, and mass offensive skills
**** counter-slapping the enemy with a shield for massive damage
**** Charging Star-ing all enemies Captain America style
*** elemental magic to attain mass offense skills
**** Air spell that attempts to stun all enemies for massive damage
*** enemy trolling
**** set up my team to constantly obtain Air and Water elemental ownership at the very end of the turn, preventing enemies from ever recovering their HP and EP

I really liked LoL but christ, what can you even do for 330 hours for one playthrough?
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