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Samantha Bee & Glenn Beck - on Trumpism

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Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
i .. smiled .. at .. this .. entire thing?


It's definitely good and it seems like Bee and Beck both were totally in on it for the comedy.

"You're me."
"Oh crap... well... what do you think-- what do you think about you're legacy being... me?"
"Oh, crap. I didn't even think about that."


His trying to sell potemkin communities didn't pan out (literal potemkin real estate communities), he's trying to expand his audience to moderates.
My opinion of Beck is still unchanged. F*** THAT POS! He fanned the flames that led to the movement that created Trump and the obstructionist government! F*** him now and forever.

There is no redemption of him in my mind.


I've listened to Glenn Beck on the radio in the morning for funsies (its fun to listen to right wing radio as some kind of like spying/i hate myself and wanna know what the fucks are saying, kind of way) for years, since at least like... what 2008 or so

and of all the right wing nuts, I actually like Glenn Beck.

If you listen to him and his show, he actually is super talented and entertaining, and clearly is interested in more than just being a rightwing fuck stick. Some of his stuff actually has some great production quality and theater to it, very talented guy.

As part of that I think he gets way caught up in that and goes overboard, not necessarily cause he believes it, just cause its almost a character. So its hard to say what he really believes.

So much of it is wrapped up in his brand and his audience and what not. But I do believe that he is probably sincere in this to a great degree, I am sure some part of it is more theater and character, and yeah the blaze and what not and even he on his show still peddles a bunch of bullshit.

But at the very least dude was firmly anti Trump so... I dunno.

In a weird twist, if you check out the Blaze comment section, a lot of people on that website, seem to hate it and think Beck is a lefty shill.

This world is fucked up.
He still employs Tomi Lahren

Right. Like, how are you gonna talk to me about how you've been divisive and you want both sides to come together and fight against Trumpism when your bread and butter comes from a Trumpbot apologist who calls BLM "The New KKK"?

Again, fuck Glenn Beck.


At the risk of sounding catastrophist, the difference between Obama and Trump is that Obama is Obama and Trump is Trump.

Even if you disagreed with Obama on every issue, you could see that he had a sense of personal conviction, morals, and love of the country. Whatever he may have done that upset you, you could atleast be assured that he was doing it because he genuinely thought it was the right thing to do. You could say that about almost any president.

Trump is unlike anything this country has ever had before. He has no convictions. He only has his self interest at heart. He praises authoritarians, and he praises them because their authoritarian. And he gained the presidency through fostering the support of deplorable and maliciously minded people who hate minorities, refuse science, and are happy to game systems they purportedly believe in when it's to their advantage. All headed by a part who already is happy to practice unconstitutional ways like gerrymandering to maintain power.

I don't know what America will be like after Trump, but trying to go "hey, don't worry guys, trump will never X" has proven time and again to be a temptation of fate that whatever higher being there is seems eager to indulge in. This feels like yet another iteration of the 'both sides' argument. "We were catastrophists and were wrong, now your catastrophist, so your wrong too." No, you were wrong about Obama because you were being a fucking idiot and making shit up. I hope we're wrong about Trump, but we're using actual facts to make our assessment of him.

Being a catastrophist sounds an awful lot like being a realist right now.
people i didn't think i'd be allied with against the alt-right

glenn beck


The Juggalos are all about, at their core, accepting and protecting their "family" and there are Black, Hispanic, Asian, LGBTQ+, even Arabic Juggalos. The Alt-Right runs counter to what the Juggalos stand for. Don't let the "stupid and trashy" stereotype blind you, sure there are lots that fit that description, but plenty of Juggalos have gone to college and hold down white collar jobs too.


My opinion of Beck is still unchanged. F*** THAT POS! He fanned the flames that led to the movement that created Trump and the obstructionist government! F*** him now and forever.

There is no redemption of him in my mind.

No middle ground?

Someone has to be the bigger human being.

Hope for redemption is all we have left.
No middle ground?

Someone has to be the bigger human being.

Hope for redemption is all we have left.

He at least he might make a good tool. If he turns even a few from the alt-right course he'll have served a purpose. It wont make up for setting the stage so Trump could become a thing to begin with, but I'd take solace in a few people like Exuro getting their dads back.

Fox Mulder

People are getting played.

He's only flipping because he's drowned out on the right by even crazier people. Now the left is showering him with attention.



good credit (by proxy)
I could care less what his motives are. If he sends positive messages to a new demographic than good. My listened to his radio show way back when and he seemed sort of centrist back then. Then Fox News happened and he lost the plot. If he's back to being somewhat reasonable, for whatever reason, than great. I support that.

Or we can continue to disavow all pragmatism and keep on with the purity tests. That approach has lead to such great results, eh?


I'll be glad if this switch does some good.

But I'd be a fool to trust Glenn Beck's intentions, especially this soon. I like to believe in the good in people, but I also know people are selfish assholes. This man's job is entertainment, he's suckered millions of people, don't let him sucker you.

You can be happy about the positives without trusting Glenn Beck.


Coming soon on Netflix.

I seem to remember you were such an asshole Mr Beck....What happened?

Voice of Maya Angelou from heaven.


Eh not buying it. Sorry but he's probably singlehandedly responsible for giving the right majority of it's talking points against Obama and Obamacare
No middle ground?

Someone has to be the bigger human being.

Hope for redemption is all we have left.

If Beck wants to redeem himself, he has to be willing to actually own up to what he did in specifics and not just give weak blanket statements like saying he "helped" Trumpism.

The minute people actually challenge him, which Bee did not do, he crumbles and whines about how unfair it is. He even admitted to doing this little switch of his for ratings in this interview.

Redemption is fine, but it has to be earned, and Beck wants it to be given with no questions asked. We shouldn't make it easy for him to fool us the way he fooled his audience at Fox.


I don't buy it either, but that was a good bit. Sam Bee excels when she's talking to crazy people. The Gary Johnson one was amazing.
Look at Glenn Beck's history. He was never a true believer. He was a morning zoo radio hack that lucked into a hell of a money maker.

Yeah, back in 2007 I actually enjoyed listening to him in the mornings. Then he slowly slipped into being an asshat.

Seems like was just following ratings, which is an asshat thing to do still.


He's an obvious huckster. If he wants to make amends then great, let's re-evaluate him in 5-10 years time but nobody should take what he says at face value.


Glenn Beck's swing continues to confound me.

He didn't think Trump would win so he tried switching teams.

But now he is stuck as a two-faced piece of shit (which he always was).

Glenn Beck is a moral abyss. There is nothing really there.
Is it a swing when DeNiro does comedy instead of Drama?

Because it's exactly the same thing, but infinitely more harmful (not counting the damage caused by Meet the Fockers 2).

He's not swinging, he's been ignored and figures he can get attention by doing the most controversial thing. Short of tatooing a swastika on his business, the most shocking thing he could do, is pivot 180. Oh what a coincidence!

Don't get me wrong - by doing this he can undo a little bit of the harm he's caused, but his audience is limited to the kind of Trump fan who is even CAPABLE of having their mind changed by facts. Liberals will probably trot him out as a visible "I told you so" and that will be his true utility. The more hyper conservative voices show up rationally in this shitshow, the better.

I don't know about that. His anti-Trump swing has seriously cost him several radio markets. Numerous conservative stations have dropped him in the months leading up to the election and Blaze is taking a hit as well.
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