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What would you want from TLOU2's gameplay?


And on the sixth day the LORD David Bowie created man and woman in His image. And he saw that it was good. On the seventh day the LORD created videogames so that He might take the bloody day off for once.
The Last of Us Part II's story and character potential has been discussed to the moon and back, and rightfully so. It was undoubtly one of the most celebrated aspects of the first game, along with acting, graphics, and presentation. However comments about the actual gameplay were a little more mixed. Still mostly positive, but not as universally acclaimed. So ITT I want to specifically focus on the gameplay possibilities of its sequel.

What elements from original do you feel should be retained, improved upon, or scrapped all together? What entirely new features would be a good idea to introduce?

Personally I absolutely loved all the mechanics and systems of the original. I felt they nailed a number of key aspects I was looking for in a setting like that. For the sequel I really hope they preserve things like the heaviness of the playable characters, the weighty gun controls,the brutal impact when connecting a melee attack, and the way you can seemlessly go from stealth to open combat then back to stealth. The right balance of scavanging and crafting is also important to the experience.

I feel the biggest improvement could be in the A.I. department, both with enemies and friendlies. It'd be cool to see more self preservation tactics if I'm pointing a gun at an unarmed person. And partner NPCs should still be invisible to enemies, I just wish they'll do a better job of hiding that fact next time around. No more awkward situations like Tess randomly burying her face full-speed into a Clicker's crotch lol

There's more gameplay tweaks I'd like to see in Part II, but what say you? Now that Ellie is the main protagonist, how do you see it affecting certain systems or mechanics that we had gotten used to when playing as Joel?
I'd be fine if they got rid of Listen mode. Maybe swap it out for the system from Uncharted 4, where you can mark enemies and have allies point them out to you. Both are equally unrealistic but Uncharted 4 just gelled better than your character just having sonar vision.
I actually don't know what I'd want, which is kind of exciting. I can only imagine how limiting developing a new IP on a 512 MB memory footprint must be, so I think that the TLOU part II we will eventually be playing will be profoundly different from the game on the PS3. A bit like Destiny 2 actually.


Ask me about the moon landing or the temperature at which jet fuel burns. You may be surprised at what you learn.
Bring back the super AI they had to dumb down for the final game.


Please don't make Ellie nimble in a Drake-esque fashion. My biggest prayer.

Keep the slow plodding play style, keep the weight of the guns. Improve the enemy ai and stealth mechanics, give me more sections where I have to deal with infected and humans.

And don't skimp on the combat. UC4 got away with it because IMO UC gunplay isn't fun. TLOU's combat encounters were and I hope they don't cut back on them
Partners should definitely be better at preserving the illusion of remaining in stealth even if they're undetectable. That kind of polish is something Naughty Dog prides themselves on.

Tall-grass 'cover zones' like what U4 had would probably give the AI partners a very nice assist.


Ellie has no problem of getting infected... And now that she is grown up, I would like to have her have more capabilities to melee infected/clickers.

Two Words

I want to play as Ellie and be completely unnoticeable by all of the enemies and have Joel constantly be spotted by enemies. They have to maintain the Last of Us canon.
I really liked what TLOU was putting down gameplay wise.

I think just more variety and more bandits versus clicker stuff are the obvious ideas.

I'd be fine if they got rid of Listen mode. Maybe swap it out for the system from Uncharted 4, where you can mark enemies and have allies point them out to you. Both are equally unrealistic but Uncharted 4 just gelled better than your character just having sonar vision.

Maybe they can tune listen mode to be less of a crutch. A strict cool down or Make it harder to tell what is a enemy versus a mouse or some grass rustling etc..

If anything I can think of story reasons why Ellie would have something like listen mode but I do think Listen Mode as it currently exists needs to be tossed out and redone.


I don't know but as someone who loves TLOU, I don't think I can take another 14 hours of creeping around clickers and bandits with intermittent plank puzzles.
TLOU was a near perfect base, just focus on making the AI fucking awesome for these smaller scale encounters

More encounters with humans and infected

Preferably no vehicles. I enjoyed them in U4 but I can't really see them benefitting TLOU2


More stealth options, i.e. figure out more shit to put in the environment besides bricks and bottles.
More melee moves, maybe? Make combat a teensy bit more complex and involving.
More enemy variety.
More variety to said enemy AI.
Make your waist-high cover (if you absolutely must have waist-high cover :p) and your brick/bottle distribution a bit less obvious. Even the newbs from the REACT channel could tell when they were going through a "quiet" section that would later become a battlefield.

I don't really know what else. I really liked how TLOU played as-is. I'm fine with just expanding on that.
I don't know but as someone who loves TLOU, I don't think I can take another 14 hours of creeping around clickers and bandits with intermittent plank puzzles.

Yeah, they need to change the pacing up quite a bit imo. Gameplay is fine as is, could use a little tweaking to stealth and melee.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Retain predatory stealth vs humans. I loved that Joel didn't have to crouch or worry abou sound as much when fighting humans. You could walk around and stalk them, dropping in and out of combat, by breaking line of sight. You were like Batman. lol

Seriously though, that was an often overlooked aspect of TLoU combat.

The most important thing though, was tension. And thinking on the fly when your plan blew up in your face. Those frantic moments of improvising with your precious resources, trying to make each bullet matter, is TLoU gameplay at its best.

Please don't lose that.
more encounter variety rather than just cycling between infected and humans, and more puzzle variety than ladders and planks.
less forced walking segments
better narrative pacing, but considering druckmann's flippancy about UC4's pacing criticism, i'm expecting more glacial paced boredom punctuated with a bit of light stealth and combat, then a massive ramp up after the halfway point.


Some good ideas in here.

Personally, I'd be happy with the exact same gameplay as TLOU1 but I'd like to see them add a wave-based horde mode. If you can remember the section in TLOU where Joel uses a sniper rifle to aim down the street and protect Ellie and friends, I'd like a co-op mode where you and 3 friends work together to survive while crafting/building fortifications and traps.

Imagine one player up on the 3rd floor of the house using the sniper rifle to aim down the road like Joel did, while 2 other players move around on the first and second floors laying traps and stuff and the last player runs around outside trying to gather up resources sort of like the Scout in Gears of War 4's Horde mode. That'd be really cool. Maybe set some objectives out there like the boss is the armored car from the story mode but when you take it down, the next round is all about getting to it and siphoning the remaining gas out of the tank before it catches fire and explodes. Success could mean having the power to run a generator for an electric fence or something like that, while failure could mean you can still survive but it will cost you more ammo that you wouldn't have had to spend otherwise.

That's the sort of thing I'd like to see TLOU bring to the table next time. I really liked the competitive VS mode, but at some point the player pool becomes hardcore elite players and it isn't as fun for me as a casual player. That's where co-op can keep me tuned in.

Also, please don't do DLC weapons. Cosmetics are fine but weapons are off-limits. You have to protect the gameplay.


Bring back the super AI they had to dumb down for the final game.

The 'stalking' AI exhibited by that one boss-type encounter was really impressive. More of that would be what I'd ask for. The early gameplay videos seemed to imply that this was something which could happen during normal gameplay, like when one enemy was left and they got desperate.
I agree about the AI, I think it would be nice if you had some enemies that actually surrendered if you damaged them enough, or had a clearly more powerful weapon. I think that would add to the idea that you're fighting other people, instead of "enemies". Every time you ended someone you'd be forced to think in the back of your head if there was a way you could have done it without killing them.

Other than that I really liked the gameplay systems, the weapon switching and on-the-move crafting was really cool. I wouldn't really know what to change there.
The hotel is my favorite sequence in TLOU

I want at least two of those in Part 2. Some people really hate U4 dialing back the combat but I loved it because damn near every combat arena/encounter was on that level


-Better AI, companion and enemies.
-More variety in the enemies. Attack dogs controlled by fireflys, wild animals and maybe one more type of infected.
-I know this aint going to happen but would be cool if they allow parts of the game where you have AI companions to be Co-op.
-Destructible cover.
-Better puzzles, no more find ladder/raft type puzzles.


I would appreciate not walking into a room full of waist high cover that spoils that there's going to be an action sequence.
I have to say, primarily more of the over the top set pieces ND is known for. I don't find their combat or other game mechanics that interesting but of course I want them to be refined but the set pieces intrigued me and I'm interested to see what they do next


I'm fine with more of the same, but bigger. There definitely needs to be combat encounters with both infected and enemies, in SP and MP. Imagine a MP game where there is a clicker asleep in a corner and you throw a bottle that breaks near an enemy, waking up the clicker and using them to kill your opponent. It would be so great.


Looking for meaning in GAF
Tighten up the crafting stuff. I always thought it was pretty tedious to have you collecting nails and shit the entire game just so that you could make most of your guns do stuff like hold one extra bullet or make a barely noticeable improvement in damage or reload speed. Drip-feed weapon upgrade systems always bored me.

And yeah, get rid of sonar vision. I hate how so many modern games give the main character superpowers just because.


Junior Member
Creepy infected wildlife would be great. You could have a dark forest level where you are only fighting infected wildlife, that would be terrifying lol. It would add some great variety to encounter design.


Give us the basement 2.0 section again that was at the hotel. It was horrifying being down there. I actually felt scared for once and it's something most games today lack. The ability to scare you without jump scares.


Better. AI.

Those enemies bordered on stupid if you weren't playing the hardest difficulty.

Maybe expand on the crafting, I really like the way the first game handled crafting. You were basically rewarded for exploration. Sure, the game is linear as heck, but I still loved that addition.
more encounter variety rather than just cycling between infected and humans, and more puzzle variety than ladders and planks.
less forced walking segments
better narrative pacing, but considering druckmann's flippancy about UC4's pacing criticism, i'm expecting more glacial paced boredom punctuated with a bit of light stealth and combat, then a massive ramp up after the halfway point.

This is already updated in The Left Behind DLC btw

They need more of the Human VS Infected AI fights for sure. They were a blast to mess around with in the DLC.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
And tbh, I better not have to push another fucking box, cart, plank, pallet... ND is supposedly the top devs? I'm sure those folks can come up with something to replace this lame shit.

It got pretty bad by the end of TLoU, but when it was constantly in UC4 too? I felt a little embarrassed for them. Like... really? Again? Yikes.
I loved the gameplay in TLoU, so there's not much I would want changed in the sequel. Maybe more survival horror-y stuff, like more thought-provoking puzzles and perhaps the option for save points instead of auto checkpoints. I wouldn't change a whole lot about the combat, which I thought felt really good.


I'm fine with more of the same, but bigger. There definitely needs to be combat encounters with both infected and enemies, in SP and MP. Imagine a MP game where there is a clicker asleep in a corner and you throw a bottle that breaks near an enemy, waking up the clicker and using them to kill your opponent. It would be so great.

Agree with the combat encounters of infected and enemies in SP but hate the idea of that in MP. If they do add it to MP it better be a seperate mode.
Also would like a horde mode.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
I would also appreciate a "Grounded" (no radar, wall-hack) playlist in Factions. Please.
Better AI obviously, along with AI actually using their environment to fight you. To smoke you out.

Something that goes beyond gun placements or turrets.


No guns. Instead Ellie should have to scavenge for special pills that make her invincible and allow her to actually eat her enemies.


What I'd like beyond "more of the same":

Little bit more variety with infected based on further passage of time. Few more types that introduce some additional tactics to deal with them would be nice

AI that better preserves stealth - either by allowing you to issue commands or by choosing how to hide/move better. On PS3 they made right choice given constraints but I'd hope to see this improved in sequel

Little bit more variety in encounter design - say few areas with more verticality

Human AI vs Infected AI opportunities for player to exploit

Some larger areas a'la Uncharted 4 to allow more choice for certain encounters - say how to get into a big camp (sneak in, attack weak spot or get infected in somehow)


Less walking and talking, more shooting.

Creepy infected wildlife would be great. You could have a dark forest level where you are only fighting infected wildlife, that would be terrifying lol. It would add some great variety to encounter design.

I said goddamn. This, please.


Just double down on everything they had in the first combat wise.

TLOU gameplay was amazing. Best from Naughty Dog by far.
Let me run full speed during non-combat sections. I get it during walk and talk moments, though I'm not a big fan of those either, but don't restrict my running speed while I'm exploring the area, just because.
I agree on the heaviness and weight felt on both the characters and guns, its a must.

I just want everything from the first game, but more advanced. Better crafting, better stealth and melee animations. Perhaps even a vehicle section.

But what I want the most is enemy variety; both human, zombies, and abominations like this:

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