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Steins;Gate 0 |OT| Another Time Dilemma


Agreed, it helps that she is the most developed and established feeling new character in the game. The closest to being as important is Kagari and she's probably my least favorite character addition in the game. The ending also had some of my favorite scenes like Kurisu and Maho and the confrontation with Judy. Plus, the whole needing to clean that room was hilarious and the ending definitely help me feel better about Moeka as a character than in the first game.

Oh man, that part
with the cleaning with Daru absolutely killed me!

There will be an anime?

I read it was greenlit. Pretty excited for it.
Oh man, that part
with the cleaning with Daru absolutely killed me!

I read it was greenlit. Pretty excited for it.

Yep! Still have the
whole "Nae-sama, hai, Nae-sama!" come into my head when I remember that. Doesn't make me forget the creepy Nae scenes in Steins;Gate though. Still have that creepy CG pop into my head and get memories of similar things like Higurashi: When They Cry


Yep! Still have the
whole "Nae-sama, hai, Nae-sama!" come into my head when I remember that. Doesn't make me forget the creepy Nae scenes in Steins;Gate though. Still have that creepy CG pop into my head and get memories of similar things like Higurashi: When They Cry

psycho Nae still gives me chills. Everytime I see her in this game I'm a lil scared of her like Okabe. We know, we know.
There will be an anime?

Yes, no date yet for broadcast though. Just an announcement to my knowledge.

Yeah, they were finishing up another one before starting work on SG0 so it may be a bit.

They actually did an alternate version of one of the later episodes in the original anime that shows
Okabe giving up after accidentally killing Kurisu - the first bit of SG0 basically
. Can find it on YouTube.


A bit over 4 hours to the story. Pretty interesting stuff, but I'm not sure eyes how 'needed' this plot is for the main picture. Still early goings, though.
I really appreciate the direction they took with this game. While the ending of the original Steins Gate is great I never liked the bit where Okabe's problems are just randomly solved by a message of his future self. What's with this new Suzuha and WW3 stuff. It seemed a bit cheap and lazy. The rest of the end is great though. So to go back and watch his attitude change and him try to live his life with his decision felt very real and had real weight to it. I was thinking how interesting could the story be when you already know how it's going to end? I think it was a real gradual change and not a one instant moment for Okabe to change back into his old persona and find the strength to continue to find Steins Gate. Yea there was a moment or two where he finally switched but I think there was a real slow progress. I like to think that bits and pieces of all the endings are kinda canon on the games worldline just not fully explored in them all. There's nothing that annoyed me to greatly in this game that annoyed me in the first game. Like the really slow beginning and Rainet card game chapter (oh god that was bad). I think the supporting cast was great as well. Especially Suzuha. I felt like she could have her own game or tale. Very strong likeable character. Mayuri and Daru where great too. Didn't like Daru too much in the first game but I think he is more likeable here even though he really didn't grow too much.

The only parts that I thought where weak and are pretty minor in the grand scheme of the game are
The reaction of Mayuri finding out that Okabe chose her over Kurisu in the Mayuri Ending. This should have had more weight and character interaction between the two characters. I think this should have been one of the major events in the game and just kinda seemed to happen at the end and was quickly brushed off with Mayuri immediately choosing to go to the time machine. In the bad end this seemed a little heavier. This should have had more time to burn and develop IMO.
Bad End was cut really short. It left too many characters left open ended. It wouldn't be so bad but getting this as my first end. It needed to be fleshed out a little more.All the other endings where.
Kagari as a protagonist. Kagari as the girl whose memories were being fused with Kurisu's memories was kinda boring and I think it didn't really add much too the game or any of the characters. Kagari as the antagonist who turned into the assassin who wanted to keep the worldline as it was, was way more interesting. I was kinda 50/50 on this character because I felt like the game didn't know what she should be. I also don't like her design at all. Making her look like Kurisu was a mistake. They already have Amadeus and the real Kurisu so I don't really see the point in having another really similar looking character unless you make the point is that her memories of Kurisu are making her look similar to her but that is really dumb. I will say I really liked her ending though. I thought it was very sad and the writing was really good for it.

Everybody keeps on saying that the true ending felt short but I think the chapter before it was really part of the actual end so when I got to it, it didn't feel cheapened or anything I think.

The Sum of Zero

Gold Member
Just got the
Promised Rinascimento
ending (as well as getting everything else on "that branch" of the story). Hype as fuck.

The anime is going to HAVE to adapt all the routes,
with the way they play off of each other, each one building the foundation for Operation Skuld.
So... I'm fairly far in the game now (I think) and it's really great... I did one blind playthrought and now I use an ending guide (cuz I don't know if I could guess how the branches diverge).

Some moments that blew my mind (SPOILERS)

When Okabe gets back (briefly) to the alpha line and see Kurisu. How many hit can a man take seriously? It's so fucking sad and beautiful at the same time that I let my very manly tears flow. I hope this is going to have to good ending for this dude he deserves it godammit :(

That moment when Okabe wakes up in 2036, gets out of the rumble and see the desolation around him. I guess from that point he really realize the impact of his choice. The burden just keeps getting bigger and bigger...

I wasn't really moved by Luka's death btw. I mean it was sad but it didn't get to me :/

And recently... The comeback of Hououin Kyouma! That was just pure happiness and it has been a while since I didn't smile like that. The old Okabe is back, the chunnibyou style is back baby! xD Well more or less since he seems a bit hesitant and embarrassed sometimes :p

That's where I left of last night, going to dive back in! I don't want to finish it too quickly so I play 1-2 hours a day top. But so far I think it matches the level of the first game and maybe surpasses it (I'll tell when I'll see all endings)
Just finished the game, imo it's a very solid VN, but... Isn't really as good as the first. (which is a true masterpiece).

The good:
The early parts of the game was more enjoyable than the first because I've already known the character.

At its heights and climaxes the story is mindblowing.

The character development is so, so good. Characters like Moeka, even Nae got a nice development.

My gripes and questions:
The branching is confusing! Like, I don't even remember what events happened in what timeline. Because of how the story is branched, the suspense when you change branches is lost in the more slice-of-life parts.

There are no explanations for the rise of Enchepalitis disease? Like, there's an outbreak and that's that?

Do Fubuki and especially Kaede have any meaningful impact on the story? I feel like Kaede is just... there. There's no twists, or even development at all for her.

Soo... How does Leskinen brainwash Kagari in the future? I think there are 3 versions of Kagari:
1. The Yuki version (in the true end/gehenna stigma)
2. The Kurisu induced version
3. The lost memories, normal version
Is it explained, the difference how she ended being in the version 2 and version 3? I'm really confused at some parts of the story.
My gripes and questions:
The branching is confusing! Like, I don't even remember what events happened in what timeline. Because of how the story is branched, the suspense when you change branches is lost in the more slice-of-life parts.

There are no explanations for the rise of Enchepalitis disease? Like, there's an outbreak and that's that?

Do Fubuki and especially Kaede have any meaningful impact on the story? I feel like Kaede is just... there. There's no twists, or even development at all for her.

Soo... How does Leskinen brainwash Kagari in the future? I think there are 3 versions of Kagari:
1. The Yuki version (in the true end/gehenna stigma)
2. The Kurisu induced version
3. The lost memories, normal version
Is it explained, the difference how she ended being in the version 2 and version 3? I'm really confused at some parts of the story.
Someone on Tumblr complied a ~120-page plot summary covering all the scenarios. Although the blog post claims the initial synopsis was based on the Japanese version, it appears the respective Google document continues to be updated, presumably with adjustments for the English release along with illustrative screenshots. A flowchart was made for referencing the chapter titles as well so, hopefully, that'll assist with getting the correct arrangements of events pinned down.

According to my understanding, the rise of the Enchepalitis epidemic is merely a misdiagnosis of the 'Reading Steiner' phenomena being reported and documented by an increasing number of individuals. Katsumi "Fubuki" Nakase's relevance to the overarching plot is meant to reflect the increasing psychological difficulties being experienced by other folk with the same dilemma of "déjá vu" as a result of them recalling different timelines and mistaking it for an illness.

Having previously commented on Fubuki's part in the plot, I do believe that Kaede Kurushima doesn't quite possess much relevance to the time-travel events on a grander scale. Arguably, her purpose concerns being the "grounded" element amidst Mayuri's cosplay network and comforts Fubuki when she initially struggles with the 'Reading Steiner' effect before being sent to the hospital.

Explaining Kagari might be the most difficult aspect of the entire conceptualization of Steins;Gate 0 with the fickle flags that alter her background. If I make any mistake with my interpretation hopefully someone will make the appropriate corrections down the line. Basically...

Gehenna's Stigma [Leskinen End] - Kagari possesses the ability to hear the 'Voice of God' and spends the present time keeping tabs on Lab Members/time machine. She has a confrontation with Suzuha regarding her precious Upa. Teams with a 'brainwash susceptible' Maho after they fail to reach the time machine on top of the building as Mayuri has seemingly disappeared at this point. Kagari dies during the raid to save Okabe after Leskinen successfully obtains a copy of his memories via the Amadeus program. Maho moves into hiding to avoid disrupting Okabe and Daru continues work on his time machine but, unfortunately, the former mad scientist abandons all will to attempt altering the future.

Presage or Recognize/Vega and Altair/Milky-way Crossing [True End] - A 'flashforward' reveals a young Kagari receiving treatment for her illness regarding the 'Voice of God' when an older Mayuri attempts the adoption process. In the present, Kagari has taken on Yuki Amane's identity through plastic surgery and attempts to manipulate Moeka with a fake phone from 'FB' while tending to her wounds. She has a confrontation with Suzuha over the lost Upa item. During the rooftop shootout, Kagari manages to save Suzu and Mayuri from the foreign soldiers albeit severely wounded. Okabe encounters Leskinen on the stairway where he unveils his connection to Stratfor and confesses that he had found a younger Kagari about ten years ago. While studying her brain activity, he realizes that her apparent 'Voice of God' was actual himself from 2036. As a result, he discovers the existence of time travel. Kagari succumbs her injuries. An attack helicopter destroys the time machine, but Suzuha and Mayuri's status remains unknown. Okabe returns to the Lab and makes a brief time leap that allows him to encounter Suzu and Mayuri on the rooftop before their departure. Kagari takes a shot from Moeka, but ultimately lives to see Okabe sent off on his trip to rescue Suzu and Mayuri lost in time.

On the other major worldline...

A Stray Sheep - Kagari apparently has full blown amnesia, but suffers major shock when encountering Suzuha, Mayuri and the fairy Upa item. Stratfor makes an unsuccessful attempt to kidnap her during one of the Lab parties. Okabe receives a phone call from Amadeus. If he doesn't answer, the divergence shifts to Twin Automata while, on the other hand, picking it up continues to Antinomic Dual.

Twin Automata [Maho End] - Unless I'm mistaken, Kagari doesn't appear too often within this route as she seemingly finds her 'family' during a trip with a few other characters.

Antinomic Dual - Kagari suddenly suffers from the dilemma with future memories conflicting with Amadeus Kurisu's data. She expresses an awareness of the Viktor Chondria University when a program plays on the television and recites knowledge that confirms her possession of Makise Kurisu's memories. Daru discovers files seemingly belong to Kagari on the Stratfor server via a stolen Amadeus program and attempts to send them to her via phone. Okabe begins to suffer hallucinations of 'Kurisu' begging for her memory to be erased as an impending raid looms outside the Lab. If Okake cancels the call, the worldline shifts to Recursive Mother Goose whereas moving forward with the plan leads to Promised Rinascimento.

Recursive Mother Goose [Kagari End] - A flashback reveals that she had been kidnapped in an unknown facility while running from Suzuha, but manages to escape after being encouraged by memories of Mayuri. She very briefly encounters a young Okabe who overhears her lullaby that he later spreads through the Future Gadget team moving forward. An unknown man attempts to return her to the provision, but she eventually gets hit by a truck causing her present-day memory loss. Full blown amnesia once more until the truck accident triggers them upon awakening from the hospital. In the following summer, Kagari replaces Mayuri in a trip back to the past with Suzuha.

Promised Rinascimento [Kurisu End] - Okabe and Daru discover Stratfor server reports of brainwashing on Kagari, aged 17; however, they were never used in conjunction with the stolen Amadeus program thus she doesn't possess Kurisu's memories. Kagari is set off into hiding at one of Daru's safe houses, but she is drawn out through the use of classical music as conditioning from mobile vans. Okabe and Suzuha find Kagari rigged to a memory transfer device being operated by Judy Keyes who reveals herself as a secret agent for DURPA. Okabe speculates that she used her disguise under Stratfor as a way to spy on the Amadeus program and, thus, uncovered the possibility of time travel via Kurisu's memories. Keyes clarifies that uploading them would allow a human to be manipulated into spilling Kurisu's material without having to deal with data encryption on her American laptop/hard-drive. Okabe and Suzuha manage to save Kagari before the program could begin and Keyes has her own memories wiped in a disrupted attempt to upload them to her head. Daru erases all the Stratfor data before anything could take place. Okabe sends a D-Rine to his past self in X-Day Protocol as part of the Bad or True End route about deceiving the world.

I think that about covers it all. Apologies in advance for any spelling errors...

OMG Aero

Just got my first ending and it was the bad one.
I felt so confused when the credits rolled because in the original game I managed to get to one of the "good" endings without looking anything up, but this time I couldn't think of any time where I made a wrong choice or made a mistake through inaction (like how you get the bad endings in the original game).

I've looked it up now and seen what I've done wrong (
answering a call from Kurisu when you see Daru at his secret job
) but I don't see how doing the opposite would steer me away from a bad ending (
since Kurisu telling you that Leskinen's lab has been raided alerts you to the MIB about to enter the building and lets Okabe and co get out in time
), I guess I'll see how it plays out next time I play.


Just got the true ending. Shocked
how abrubt it is
. I feel stupid, so many unanswered questions in my head. Do this game has a spoiler thread, I need to read all the theories lol


Just god the true ending. Shocked
how abrubt it is
. I feel stupid, so many unanswered questions in my head. Do this game has a spoiler thread, I need to read all the theories.

Feel free to post your questions here. The game leaves a lot unanswered.


I feared that this game could not be as good as the first one, but actually is incredible... any spare time I have is used to play it... :)

I actually got my first ending, I just read before the correct road map to get all the endings
close the phone on amadeus, do all the endings in this route changing response to amadeus, and then go back to the first... I actually started like this even before knowing that just for luck, lol

I like they changed the subject from time travel to AI!

Can't wait to end the game to go back here and read all the spoilers


I noticed that PlayStation Lifestyle ripped into the game this morning and gave it a 5/10.

I don't really understand what kind of more interesting gameplay they were looking for from a Visual Novel, but in the interest of fairness I figured I might as well balance out the glowing reviews I put in the OT.

Seems like a strange thing to count as a huge negative, as for me, a visual novel is about the story and characters, as well as the audio-visual experience. The choices are more like an extra for me. But I guess everyone has different opinions.

As for playing this game, I would like to, but the steep price is keeping me from jumping in. I will wait for a sale, or perhaps a cheaper Steam version down the road.


Who I thought Kagari was and thoughts about some of the endings:

For awhile I thought Kagari was a clone of Kuriso's DNA made by a distraught future Maho. (Maybe it still could be... We still didn't learn where Kagari really came from just that she was in the Professor's orphan clinic and Maho and the Professor were linked.)

Some of the stuff that happens after the Vega and Altair ending on the way to the Milky Way ending was kinda weird. Like so in that world line Kagari is a spy Yuki that looks exactly like her? Comeon now. Also that untranslated cutscene at the very end hahaha.

I think the Vega and Altair ending is by far the strongest of the six. Hearing Mayuri say how she really felt affected me man =(

Game was really good and I'm glad I played it. That first game really is a true masterpiece though.


I'm trying to think of a sequel that dropped the ball more than this one. The premise was so interesting but the story never went anywhere. All the plot elements they set up
Kagari, Amadeus,Suzu and Mayuri's secret mission
in particular never actually go anywhere or remain unexplained by the end.

The different world lines are such a mess in this, compared to the original where it was handled so elegantly. In this the changes to the world line just seem random.I never understood why answering a particular call would lead to the specific change in the world line.

The true ending was utter shit aswell. Just setup for a sequel or a light novel or whatever.

The art is such a downgrade from the original. Daru in particular just looks wrong now.I mean there of course was some enjoyment in just spending time with these characters again but overall it was a massive massive disappointment.

It was such a weird feeling where every ending I got in this game made me like it less. When I got my first ending I was really enjoying it and by the end I was forcing myself to finish it in the hope that the true ending might redeem it.

To try and finish on a positive, there were a few good scenes.
The scene where Yuki-Kagari murders all those dudes at the end of Vega and Altair was pretty great.The return of mad scientist Hououin Kyouma.
. But overall this is a disaster of a sequel and I really wouldn't recommend it to anyone.


Just got the true ending. Shocked
how abrubt it is
. I feel stupid, so many unanswered questions in my head. Do this game has a spoiler thread, I need to read all the theories lol

It basically
ties directly into the true ending of the first game
so yea, it does feel abrupt especially with the buildup.


It basically
ties directly into the true ending of the first game
so yea, it does feel abrupt especially with the buildup.

Why do people keep repeating this as if's an explanation or an excuse? I would hope everyone playing this has played SG1 (or at least watched the anime) and understand what is happening.

The true ending in this is garbage. When people are complaining about how short and abrupt it is, what they are actually saying is that they were expecting more resolution for the story of SG0.

I can't imagine anyone unlocking that true ending and feeling happy with that as a resolution to SG0.


Why do people keep repeating this as if's an explanation or an excuse? I would hope everyone playing this has played SG1 (or at least watched the anime) and understand what is happening.

The true ending in this is garbage. When people are complaining about how short and abrupt it is, what they are actually saying is that they were expecting more resolution for the story of SG0.

I can't imagine anyone unlocking that true ending and feeling happy with that as a resolution to SG0.

We never said it was good if you checked our posts. I'm just saying that's how they tied them together.


We never said it was good if you checked our posts. I'm just saying that's how they tied them together.

Sorry, I shouldn't have singled you out on this. Multiple times in this thread and on reddit etc. I've seen people post something like "I'm surprised/disappointed by how short the true ending was" and the first response always seems to be
"But it ties into the first game"

No shit. We saw the ending too. We all get that.


Sorry, I shouldn't have singled you out on this. Multiple times in this thread and on reddit etc. I've seen people post something like "I'm surprised/disappointed by how short the true ending was" and the first response always seems to be
"But it ties into the first game"

No shit. We saw the ending too. We all get that.

Yup, I totally understand. I was pretty disappointed too. Can't help but feel they want to keep it open enough to have more possible sequels.
Why do people keep repeating this as if's an explanation or an excuse? I would hope everyone playing this has played SG1 (or at least watched the anime) and understand what is happening.

The true ending in this is garbage. When people are complaining about how short and abrupt it is, what they are actually saying is that they were expecting more resolution for the story of SG0.

I can't imagine anyone unlocking that true ending and feeling happy with that as a resolution to SG0.
Well, it is an explanation. I don't think any of us have excused it though.

They needed to include some extra scenery at the end (and have it properly translated on PS4) and it would have been much better.


Well, it is an explanation. I don't think any of us have excused it though.

They needed to include some extra scenery at the end (and have it properly translated on PS4) and it would have been much better.

How is it an explanation for the ending being so short and bad? They could have written any ending they wanted.
Yup, I totally understand. I was pretty disappointed too. Can't help but feel they want to keep it open enough to have more possible sequels.
With the current setup, I really, really hope they'll canonize the general story of
"Load Region of Deja Vu" for a potential third installment. It seems like a pretty ideal story given the likelihood of Okabe getting lost in the flux of time searching for Mayuri and Suzuha. The situation could serve as a explanation for his "out of body" dreams being a legitment occurrence from another worldline plus building upon his wavering disappearance in the Steins;Gate worldline as depicted in the anime film. I love the poetic nature of a follow-up being from the perspective of Kurisu who must meddle with time herself in an effort save the existence of her love in return. I know they could likely use plot points from the scrapped light novel, "The Committee of Antimatter," which dealt with the sudden appearance of a time machine in the Steins;Gate worldline further into the future. Hopefully nothing too major was recycled in this interquel since it was canned about a year prior to this game being released.
How is it an explanation for the ending being so short and bad? They could have written any ending they wanted.
Do you understand the difference between the words excuse and explain? The explanation is that S;G0 is a midquel so they thought it would be adequate to include a mere text crawl.

That's an explanation "X then Y therefore Z." It's not an excuse because that's a shitty line of reasoning that they had.


Do you understand the difference between the words excuse and explain? The explanation is that S;G0 is a midquel so they thought it would be adequate to include a mere text crawl.

That's an explanation "X then Y therefore Z." It's not an excuse because that's a shitty line of reasoning that they had.

Again, what I said was that the response "
The true ending ties into the first game
" is neither an excuse nor an explanation for the terrible ending. It's just people stating what clearly happened in the ending.

I don't know who you are arguing with but it isn't me.


Boy is this game rough. I understand wanting to release the game in November but it could've used a few more months of editing. Each route I've done so far has had its share of issues and I'm pretty forgiving of this sort of thing because I know it's a lot to translate. But the frequency of typos and grammatical errors is ridiculous. Not to mention an instance or two of a character calling someone else by the wrong name and
Rochel showing up as R?chel.

And to top it off, some CGs don't even display properly? They show the background of the desktop instead. And yes, I've waited and then tried again.

I probably wouldn't care as much if it were any other game but this is a landmark release as far as localized VNs are concerned and it's Steins;Gate. They had one chance to make a good or even great impression and they blew it.
And to top it off, some CGs don't even display properly? They show the background of the desktop instead. And yes, I've waited and then tried again.

I 100%'d the game and didn't run into the problems you've mentioned. And what do you mean the background of the desktop, do you mean the PC version?


Boy is this game rough. I understand wanting to release the game in November but it could've used a few more months of editing. Each route I've done so far has had its share of issues and I'm pretty forgiving of this sort of thing because I know it's a lot to translate. But the frequency of typos and grammatical errors is ridiculous. Not to mention an instance or two of a character calling someone else by the wrong name and
Rochel showing up as R?chel.

And to top it off, some CGs don't even display properly? They show the background of the desktop instead. And yes, I've waited and then tried again.

I probably wouldn't care as much if it were any other game but this is a landmark release as far as localized VNs are concerned and it's Steins;Gate. They had one chance to make a good or even great impression and they blew it.

Are you playing PC? Vita had major graphical glitches without the patch. Even after they patched it, lots of localization errors. Quite a shame considering the pedigree of the first game.
Boy is this game rough. I understand wanting to release the game in November but it could've used a few more months of editing. Each route I've done so far has had its share of issues and I'm pretty forgiving of this sort of thing because I know it's a lot to translate. But the frequency of typos and grammatical errors is ridiculous. Not to mention an instance or two of a character calling someone else by the wrong name and
Rochel showing up as R?chel.

And to top it off, some CGs don't even display properly? They show the background of the desktop instead. And yes, I've waited and then tried again.

I probably wouldn't care as much if it were any other game but this is a landmark release as far as localized VNs are concerned and it's Steins;Gate. They had one chance to make a good or even great impression and they blew it.
Are you playing the PC version?

I saw my share of translation issues but never had the CG problem on PS4.
The true ending in this is garbage. When people are complaining about how short and abrupt it is, what they are actually saying is that they were expecting more resolution for the story of SG0.

I can't imagine anyone unlocking that true ending and feeling happy with that as a resolution to SG0.

I just got the true ending and
I agree that it's far too abrupt.

I would have had it do the video recordings, then cut to playing the exact same ending from the original game instead as Okabe received the message. They just dangled a sequel hook and I can't help but feel it was very unnecessary.

Loved everything about the game except the very short true ending segment though, no other major complaints.


the holder of the trombone
Just finished it. I'm kinda alright with the ending in that all I needed from it was
how future!okabe reached the point where he can inspire okabe to reach steins;gate

Actually really loved the game overall, except for one major gripe.
Like what did they even want to do with kagari? I'm actually kinda fine with her story in the timelines where she had amensia but what was the whole point of the yuki = kagari thing in the true timeline? Didn't really add anything to it. Didn't help that I did gehenna whatever and vega & altair as my first 2 routes.


Overall loved it, just about the true end
I wuold have preferred to not have an open ending... I would like to know if at the end he found the Steins Gate and could save both Mayu and Kurisu... :(
Didn't liked much Kagari plot and characted, loved the idea of AI amadeus


the holder of the trombone
Overall loved it, just about the true end
I wuold have preferred to not have an open ending... I would like to know if at the end he found the Steins Gate and could save both Mayu and Kurisu... :(
Didn't liked much Kagari plot and characted, loved the idea of AI amadeus

i mean the whole game was about him reaching the requirement to unlock steins gate.


i mean the whole game was about him reaching the requirement to unlock steins gate.

I felt like that was such a small part of the game actually. That's the premise but I didn't feel like too much of the content of the game actually tied into that in a meaningful way.
I'm hoping someone can answer a few questions for me, i just finished it last night.

Why did Kagari get plastic surgery to look like yuki?
In the true ending, did okabe find steins gate and save kurisu and mayuri or are we to just speculate that he did, since he just kinda went into the time machine and the game ended.



i mean the whole game was about him reaching the requirement to unlock steins gate.

Well... is not stated that he found it, it just says he maybe found the way to trigger it at last, but that is not sure.. is it? Also if it is, why not showing us the happy ending? I love happy endings... :)


I'm hoping someone can answer a few questions for me, i just finished it last night.

Why did Kagari get plastic surgery to look like yuki?
In the true ending, did okabe find steins gate and save kurisu and mayuri or are we to just speculate that he did, since he just kinda went into the time machine and the game ended.


With regards to the second question - Have you played the original Steins;Gate? Your question is answered in that.I don't want to spoil it if you haven't played it.
With regards to the second question - Have you played the original Steins;Gate? Your question is answered in that.I don't want to spoil it if you haven't played it.
I played it in Japanese back when it first came out. I could use a refresher. Is it some endless loop or something? I'm so confused.
I played it in Japanese back when it first came out. I could use a refresher. Is it some endless loop or something? I'm so confused.

The video message recorded in the true ending let Okabe reach steins gate in the original game.

In my opinion after that moment it should have cut off to the ending of the original game exactly as it was there, rather than the sequel hook nonsense they put after the recording.
I played it in Japanese back when it first came out. I could use a refresher. Is it some endless loop or something? I'm so confused.

The message that Okabe records at the end of this game was the message that he sent back to his younger self during the true end of the original game. It was lead to him finding Steins Gate and creating a world where both Kurisu and Mayuri survived at the end of the original game.

The whole of 0 was essentially just explaining how future Okabe came up with that plan that he implemented at the end of the first game.


the holder of the trombone
Well... is not stated that he found it, it just says he maybe found the way to trigger it at last, but that is not sure.. is it? Also if it is, why not showing us the happy ending? I love happy endings... :)

You need to play the first game then.
i mean the whole game was about him reaching the requirement to unlock steins gate.

That was actually the most disappointing thing about the game. It shows signs of being a story that can stand on its own, but nope, it's just a story that ends up focusing on filling in gaps that didn't need to be filled.


the holder of the trombone
Eh, I kinda disagree with that, because okabe becoming a depressed fuck doesn't make sense anyway unless you knew what he went through the first time. Or I feel like he would be a really unlikable character without that context.

I also didn't need it to be standalone.
Eh, I kinda disagree with that, because okabe becoming a depressed fuck doesn't make sense anyway unless you knew what he went through the first time. Or I feel like he would be a really unlikable character without that context.

I also didn't need it to be standalone.

I don't mean completely standalone, but a story that justifies its own existence as more than what SG0 ended up being. The game teased being more, but ended up being content to just be a glorified fan disc.


the holder of the trombone
I dunno, did it promise to be something more than that? Given the premise of it from the start it was kinda what I expected.
I dunno, did it promise to be something more than that? Given the premise of it from the start it was kinda what I expected.
There's no reason for this to exist at all if it was just to tell us something we already knew. The game actually felt really unfocused and ended up dropping a bunch of plot threads and characters. Even the ending was an anti-climax and you could have stopped it at the Promised Rinascimento and maybe even had a better game.
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