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Phil Spencer: "I know we have to take risks [after Scalebound cancellation],"



I've heard of Tim Dog, Crapgamer, and MisterX for the XBOX side, but who are the main culprits for PlayStation and Nintendo's community?

JaytechTV. Say anything bad about PS and he'll block you, he is anti anything not PS.
Ironwolf - Used to be a xbox guy and was with crapgamer but swapped to Sony. ''The cloud is more powerful than 4 Titans'' guy actually said it and was serious.
Doctre81- Nintendo fanboy, nintendo can do no wrong in his eyes.

e3 because xbone has no game




Im betting a pre event in April/May



I've heard of Tim Dog, Crapgamer, and MisterX for the XBOX side, but who are the main culprits for PlayStation and Nintendo's community?

On that note, I looked up what good old misterx has been up to, and holy shit. Still delusions, still the hidden second GPU, and a lot of Trump/Putin propaganda. Somehow I'm not surprised.


Some people just live in another world...


On that note, I looked up what good old misterx has been up to, and holy shit. Still delusions, still the hidden second GPU, and a lot of Trump/Putin propaganda. Somehow I'm not surprised.


Some people just live in another world...

Well yeah, he makes money off rubes coming to his little site. You need to keep bringing them back with crazier rumors every time. I'm surprised he hasn't had a rumor that Trump will give out xbox ones to every american on the 20th (might be saving that for the 19th update).
Nah...You never know I suppose.

but seriously, nah...E3 XD

Well.... someone asked phil and he said he didnt know when they would show it. The person replied, everyone wants to hear about it pre-e3 and phil replied "youre right."

Ah snap im stirring the pot

Edit: ah shit i thought i posted my question in the scorpio thread. Goshdammit! Ugh.....


Dirk Benedict

Gold Member
Pro tip: You can safely disregard any twitter account with
in the username. They're sad man-children with an unhealthy love for an inanimate plastic object.

If any have played FFT, then you'd know what this is.

As for taking Risks. Well, now this is a subject I can finally chime in on with scathing words to boot. They do NOT risk anything. They have talented people working for the company and they do come up with some innovative patents, but most of the time they throw money at their problems. With Balmer, especially it was that scenario and a shit ton more.

Balmers steamroller tactics are what ended his shit in the company and they put someone in there, who knows when to throw money and when not to. Nadella is smart and seems ruthless in his own subtle way. As pretty much every CEO of MS has been.

Ultimately, I don't think, Spencer has the final word on this. I don't think Xbox Games Studios have the same amount of independence from Microsoft, that PlayStation has from Sony.
Also, comparing corporate cultures, doing things in incredibly different ways with how they handle their content-throughput is certainly telling who is being more efficient and productive, even though the same company(MS) has considerably more money to play with.

In short, Microsoft buys in on industry they want to be a part of instead of creating something unique within that industry and bringing something new to the table.
To be fair, I am thankful for Xbox Live, it paved the way for consoles to go beyond local 2 player. Also, not too thankful, as more games don't even have local coop now at days.

Risk is a new word to Microsoft.
They can talk about it from the mountain tops, but let's see these people act on the talk and set shit into motion. Cause as it stands, I am seeing the brand get a fuckton of flack. The Scalebound thing just opened the floodgates.


Post found by supposed MS employee on IGN, so take it with it three billion grains of salt


I will address these two statements. First you may not know but I actually work at Microsoft as a developer in Cloud and Enterprise. Things I say here are mostly my opinions based on the access I have to certain data but do not represent official positions for Microsoft on these topics for official messaging and information please contact Microsoft for a response. Now that that is out of the way, regarding Xbox and its importance to MSFT. We are constantly reminded how important gaming is to MSFT, it was under fire since its inception but so far has proven to be one of the biggest drivers in adoption. Most of the reason behind the new focus of incorporating PC comes from this new data also. There is a percentage of users that game on both Xbox and PC and making sure that the gaming experience carries over is why Xbox adopted or was re organized to include gaming on Windows. Xbox as a brand is gaming for MSFT. Including, PC, Halolens,mobile, VR, and Xbox. Xbox/P3 is responsible for ALL of it. Now when I hear "fans" constantly say certain games did not sell well, it makes me wonder where they get this information. It is not available in our financial report, it would have to be from someone in a position of power in MSFT studios , the Development studio, or a VP of Xbox. They dont strike me as people who would tell someone how much a game sold so that they can leak it on gaf. Next units sold is important but it is not as important as driving people to the store, and online play. The more people that play online, the more azure gets used, the more usage the more revenue from azure engage me of users tells a more complete story about the health of your organization.

The goal that Phil Spencer mentioned a while ago was investing in their IP portfolio. This does not mean that they require a blockbuster number of units sold before they act on use of the IP again. They are trying to follow the nintendo model of building Xbox. Build memorable characters and continue to add to those universe as time goes on. I truly believe we have not seen the last of Joule. The intelligence used to make this decision comes from not only units sold, but from the reaction and social media data mining that happens. They are aware of how people feel about the titles they are creating and despite what the numbers show they will pursue it if there is something there and as fans we just have to trust they make the correct or best decision they can make.

What fans say they want Rare to make is not really what they want Rare to make, there is a fine line to walk but just asking Rare to rehash old titles is not what people really want. The reason I say this is that you are now older than you were when those games released and the sensibilities change. I would say you want new games and new experiences that remind you of the "old times". If gamers truly just wanted remakes of games from their younger years there would not be any progress and gaming would grow stale and die.


Post found by supposed MS employee on IGN, so take it with it three billion grains of salt


I would say you want new games and new experiences that remind you of the "old times". If gamers truly just wanted remakes of games from their younger years there would not be any progress and gaming would grow stale and die.

And yet Phantom Dust is going to be a remake of the same game instead of something totally new.
If they spend a lot of time talking about Scorpio at E3 and show minimal new IPs that aren't indie titles then they are done as far as I am concerned. Having Nintendo and Sony to continue in this arena with Microsoft supporting the PC isn't a bad scenario at all.
For me the doubts about Phil started to creep in after their E3 2016 show had finished, of course this sort of stuff is subjective but I thought that show was underwhelming and I wasn't even that hyped to begin with.

Before the show he had stated it was one of the most special events of Xbox history and compared it in importance to the launch of 360. Then I watched and after it had finished all I could think was is that it? Really? In terms of actual gaming announcements I expected a little better there or something to really surprise people but it didn't come for me. (I saw the leaked list and thought the same at the time)

It was then I thought I am not so sure about this guy, nothing personal towards him, just the Xbox stuff. The S is nice, I like it a lot and the backwards compatibility is much appreciated but for me it shouldn't be the forefront of what you have to say particularly it's dominance in announcements since E3. It seems in terms of news it's took over a pretty quiet few months since that presser.

Then this week with the Scalebound stuff I noticed older tweets from him and they are repeated more or less on the same subjects.
One thing I would like to see is someone with gaming history above him at Microsoft, I look at Sony with Kaz and of course games are what Nintendo is, I don't feel MS have that.


Neo Member
Microsoft this gen has been after nothing but the casual market, even when they try to look like they are not they don't even bother to make it look real.

Actions speaks louder than words and the pr talk is nothing but trash as always.
Microsoft this gen has been after nothing but the casual market, even when they try to look like they are not they don't even bother to make it look real.

Actions speaks louder than words and the pr talk is nothing but trash as always.
Wut m8

U are oblivious to what they offer apparently. Idk how many times ppl list games that arent casual under ms. Lol these posts are so good though. Yummmm


For me the doubts about Phil started to creep in after their E3 2016 show had finished, of course this sort of stuff is subjective but I thought that show was underwhelming and I wasn't even that hyped to begin with.

Before the show he had stated it was one of the most special events of Xbox history and compared it in importance to the launch of 360. Then I watched and after it had finished all I could think was is that it? Really? In terms of actual gaming announcements I expected a little better there or something to really surprise people but it didn't come for me. (I saw the leaked list and thought the same at the time)

It was then I thought I am not so sure about this guy, nothing personal towards him, just the Xbox stuff. The S is nice, I like it a lot and the backwards compatibility is much appreciated but for me it shouldn't be the forefront of what you have to say particularly it's dominance in announcements since E3. It seems in terms of news it's took over a pretty quiet few months since that presser.

Then this week with the Scalebound stuff I noticed older tweets from him and they are repeated more or less on the same subjects.
One thing I would like to see is someone with gaming history above him at Microsoft, I look at Sony with Kaz and of course games are what Nintendo is, I don't feel MS have that.

I have to admit didn't even see the big picture until well after that E3. Always had question marks and suspicions but looking back and reading through on here all the things he said and did, or didn't, it's easy to see an insincerety between the things he says and does. When he said how he doesn't see how the competition, meaning PS, has more games or when he said how the focus would be on games, games, games and during his leadership how that number has decreased. Or how he always says nice things like praises the competition but then they go and diss them and even apologizes for it but they keep doing it. Either don't praise them and keep the trash talk going or be sincere with your praise. If you're going to say how dev relationships are key and how they will improve on that aspect and then burn so many bridges or how he kept stressing how xbox will be about more games games and just games and instead we have only a handful of games in the near future. It took a bit to see the big picture but all just came together and the Scalebound stuff was just the straw that broke the camels back imo. Not to mention his decision on getting rid of xbox exclusives is a major error. I know the thought process behind it is ''we don't care if they buy our console as long as they buy our game xbox or pc''. The amount of people buying their W10 games is so abysmal compared to the people who lose trust and interest in the brand and eventually either quit or switch sides. I'm one of the biggest xbox fanboys. I still remember how I imported the 1st one. I have zero hype for Scorpio. Mainly because of the no exclusivity. You want a game no one has that's specific to a console that highlights its power and not make it comparable. If you play the same game on xbox one or scorpio the difference is not going to be that big visually even if the hardware is.

My biggest fear is that they are slowly turning the xbox brand into a portal to use for Windows 10. To make it a service rather than a product.


Neo Member
Wut m8

U are oblivious to what they offer apparently. Idk how many times ppl list games that arent casual under ms. Lol these posts are so good though. Yummmm

Forza and Gears m8?

have they been making any new aaa core ips? no?

compare xbox first and second party titles btw 2005-08 and now since the launch of the x1 and you'll see my point.
For me the doubts about Phil started to creep in after their E3 2016 show had finished, of course this sort of stuff is subjective but I thought that show was underwhelming and I wasn't even that hyped to begin with.

Before the show he had stated it was one of the most special events of Xbox history and compared it in importance to the launch of 360. Then I watched and after it had finished all I could think was is that it? Really? In terms of actual gaming announcements I expected a little better there or something to really surprise people but it didn't come for me. (I saw the leaked list and thought the same at the time)

As a consumer/video games fan, when it comes to Phil, there are two things I'm fundamentally distrustful about when it comes to him.

1. Whenever he puts something he's doing as any form of high-ground compared to competitors.
- He has no qualms saying he doesn't like 3rd-party deals (in relation to Sony and their 3rd-party deals) when he himself has been in charge of several, high-profile 3rd-party deals with both big games and indies, and has actively pushed said deals as one of his tentpole announcements at events. (DR4, ROTR)
- He's threw some shade at the notion Sony's E3 2016 conference was seen as better than Xbox's by criticizing the lack of shipping dates for some of those announcements "huh, no dates to many of those games" as opposed to his conference that has dates/years to all of them, and some announcements coming in the same year (DR4, FH3) despite having done similar in the past.

2. Whenever he hypes up their upcoming E3 conference.
- Every year. Every year Phil talks up their E3 conference as something so special. Too much content for 90 minutes, stuff to cut, etc etc. Will be remembered as a special moment in Xbox history compared to etc etc.
- Mind you, they've never been bad shows. Some of them are pretty good. E3 2013 by Xbox remains of my favourite E3 conferences ever, despite it being hated for 499 and LOLDRM.
- But the hyperbole of Phil has never helped it out. He always overhypes his events and none of them are outstanding to the level he sets it up, especially since his language just gets more hype-mongering year after year, and last year's E3 conference was his worst one yet.


Forza and Gears m8?

have they been making any new aaa core ips? no?

compare xbox first and second party titles btw 2005-08 and now since the launch of the x1 and you'll see my point.

Pretty sure the budgets for Quantum Break, Scalebound, and Sea of Thieves were not small. While they don't own the IP on the following, I'd wager the deals for Titanfall, Sunset Overdrive, and Ryse were not cheap either.

They have tried things, just had a run of bad luck with anything driving sales.


Neo Member
Pretty sure the budgets for Quantum Break, Scalebound, and Sea of Thieves were not small. While they don't own the IP on the following, I'd wager the deals for Titanfall, Sunset Overdrive, and Ryse were not cheap either.

They have tried things, just had a run of bad luck with anything driving sales.

Here's my original point:

Microsoft this gen has been after nothing but the casual market, even when they try to look like they are not they don't even bother to make it look real.

Other than scalebound (which I was looking for since it's announcement) and maybe Sunset Overdrive those are just some games targeting casuals.

Ryse originaly a kinect game thus the exclusivity, Sunset Overdrive was a title that sony refused to pay for thus went to ms, QB was under development since before the new ms direction for this gen, lastly Titanfal was just another fps multiplayer game.

there's a big difference with titles that resonates with the casual market and hardcore nich games such as gravity rush not to mention that they aren't building or expanding any first party studios rather than prety much closing everything, the only studios getting built\expanded are for gears, halo, and forza.
I have to admit didn't even see the big picture until well after that E3. Always had question marks and suspicions but looking back and reading through on here all the things he said and did, or didn't, it's easy to see an insincerety between the things he says and does. When he said how he doesn't see how the competition, meaning PS, has more games or when he said how the focus would be on games, games, games and during his leadership how that number has decreased. Or how he always says nice things like praises the competition but then they go and diss them and even apologizes for it but they keep doing it. Either don't praise them and keep the trash talk going or be sincere with your praise. If you're going to say how dev relationships are key and how they will improve on that aspect and then burn so many bridges or how he kept stressing how xbox will be about more games games and just games and instead we have only a handful of games in the near future. It took a bit to see the big picture but all just came together and the Scalebound stuff was just the straw that broke the camels back imo. Not to mention his decision on getting rid of xbox exclusives is a major error. I know the thought process behind it is ''we don't care if they buy our console as long as they buy our game xbox or pc''. The amount of people buying their W10 games is so abysmal compared to the people who lose trust and interest in the brand and eventually either quit or switch sides. I'm one of the biggest xbox fanboys. I still remember how I imported the 1st one. I have zero hype for Scorpio. Mainly because of the no exclusivity. You want a game no one has that's specific to a console that highlights its power and not make it comparable. If you play the same game on xbox one or scorpio the difference is not going to be that big visually even if the hardware is.

My biggest fear is that they are slowly turning the xbox brand into a portal to use for Windows 10. To make it a service rather than a product.

It's clear you are passionate, my advice for what it's worth, try not to be a fanboy, it's not worth it dude. Maybe take a step back and look at what other platforms offer if financially possible?

I have a 90k gamerscore, spent a lot of money on the three platforms with games, Live subs etc but when I see something else on the market I try it if I can afford it. To me the best feedback is to vote with your wallet. They have heard all the complaints before many times I'm sure.
As a consumer/video games fan, when it comes to Phil, there are two things I'm fundamentally distrustful about when it comes to him.

1. Whenever he puts something he's doing as any form of high-ground compared to competitors.
- He has no qualms saying he doesn't like 3rd-party deals (in relation to Sony and their 3rd-party deals) when he himself has been in charge of several, high-profile 3rd-party deals with both big games and indies, and has actively pushed said deals as one of his tentpole announcements at events. (DR4, ROTR)
- He's threw some shade at the notion Sony's E3 2016 conference was seen as better than Xbox's by criticizing the lack of shipping dates for some of those announcements "huh, no dates to many of those games" as opposed to his conference that has dates/years to all of them, and some announcements coming in the same year (DR4, FH3) despite having done similar in the past.

2. Whenever he hypes up their upcoming E3 conference.
- Every year. Every year Phil talks up their E3 conference as something so special. Too much content for 90 minutes, stuff to cut, etc etc. Will be remembered as a special moment in Xbox history compared to etc etc.
- Mind you, they've never been bad shows. Some of them are pretty good. E3 2013 by Xbox remains of my favourite E3 conferences ever, despite it being hated for 499 and LOLDRM.
- But the hyperbole of Phil has never helped it out. He always overhypes his events and none of them are outstanding to the level he sets it up, especially since his language just gets more hype-mongering year after year, and last year's E3 conference was his worst one yet.

Yeah the hyperbole is starting to grate slightly , I get that he wants to big up Xbox, it's his job, the end results are not doing much for me at the moment.
Pretty sure the budgets for Quantum Break, Scalebound, and Sea of Thieves were not small. While they don't own the IP on the following, I'd wager the deals for Titanfall, Sunset Overdrive, and Ryse were not cheap either.

They have tried things, just had a run of bad luck with anything driving sales.

I think the focus on the raw sales of specific titles is precisely the wrong way to go about these things. The focus should be on offering high quality games with some decent variety between them. It has to be known that how well a game sells is, more than half the time, not a true indication of the quality of the game, nor is it exactly an indication of how well fans will take a franchise. The way these things should and need to work is that the publisher and the studio (but the publisher especially) putting out the game need not have any sort of positive reinforcement as to how good or bad their game is. They should immediately know and understand the quality of their game and the potential it has going forward. And if they feel their game is a winner, then they should be prepared to greenlight a followup. If these things happen fans that enjoyed or loved the first will not only be back, they will bring others with them.

The problem I see is that enough worthwhile franchises simply aren't being given a second chance anymore these days it seems like. it makes you wonder, "then how are publishers expecting these to ever become anything?" Quantum Break not getting a sequel when the first was so fucking good, and with a message being put out that the goal is to greenlight big games and take some risks, would be tantamount to dereliction of duty, being asleep at the switch. The foundation is crazy!!! Why wouldn't we want to see what that blossoms into? They've worked out some amazing technical wizardry in getting that game together. They need to revisit that. Who that loved that game isn't interested in seeing how Jack's powers develop? Who isn't interested in seeing if he goes and does what we all think he's going to do? Who doesn't want to see how he'll fight a shifter?
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