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South Park Creators backing off Trump.. "Satire has become reality"

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Look, I haven't watched the last season of South Park, so when I said "all sides are equally bad" I was not talking about the election, I was talking about how South Park deals with EVERY SINGLE ISSUE.

Issues that fuck up people even more than a Muslim ban like terrorism, mass murders, wars and other stuff.

Also, South Park works in a way of talking about the current news. So they NEED to talk about current news.

Their JOB as comedians is to criticize him.
To choose otherwise is either admitting that you are a shitty comedian or you are afraid of going for a fascist on power.

So they are either afraid of showing that they suck or afraid of the repercussions.


Their JOBS is to make an entertaining show. If that means dropping a admittedly poor plot line for the next seasons to make it better then so be it. They made fun of Trump for two seasons. They can chose to do so again whenever they want in the future as well and they can also criticize who ever they want. What part of this concept is hard to understand?


Unconfirmed Member
You know, I actually think this is a bigger problem for a show like House of Cards or Veep. Not necessarily South Park.

I got up to episode 18 or 19 of the latest season of Scandal that's on Netflix. I couldn't watch it anymore. It was clearly mirroring this past election between Clinton and Trump with one character on the show who could not be mistook for anyone else but that orange turd.

This was two weeks ago and I stopped watching since. It took so many things Trump did and said and made it part of his doppelganger in the show. I'm not sure how the season ends but I wouldn't be surprised if they elected someone other than the Trump-lookalike. But because I know how our election turned out, I can't deal with that shit.

Not sure how PTSD feels like but this season definitely made me relive some nightmares from the election to such a degree that I had nightmares about Trump winning for several days straight and woke up panicking.


Considering the last two seasons have been fucking shitty, no problem with this. They should just go back to making episodes about Underpant Gnomesa and Imaginationland.


best junior ever
I'm pretty sick of people that take interview answers as an official public statement. They haven't once said that they refuse to do do anything on Trump or tackle current issues, what they did was respond to a very specific question about how beneficial the current political climate is to them as comedians.


The only way to get even more hate at this point is making the next season all about what a failure Clinton was as a robot. Than have a season long act about how she goes to South Park as a substitute teacher in order to find her real purpose, develop feelings and retake the throne.


People calling Trey Parker and Matt Stone cowards. Unbelievable.

I get what they're saying and I wonder what they'll be doing now.

Personally, hopefully, a return to mini-story archs at best. Not a whole season. It's good seeing some continuity around the town, and characters in general, but some "daft" SP episodes would be appreciated again. Or more self-contained episodes.

In saying that, if they want to try a season-long story again, go for it, it's just going to have to do a lot to beat last season.

Also, of course American politics will get bashed again, which is what makes a lot of the posts in here pretty perplexing. We're most likely just NOT going to see a full season focussed solely on them.


now who is the pussy?
Literally backing out from calling people pussies? Amazing.
Talking about pussies

They are still the pussies, but I didn't want to invite a conversation on a topic I really don't care much about.

Easy for the South Park creators to use their platform to make jokes against progressive movements but Trump is too "difficult" to make fun of. More like, their fan base will revolt if god emperor Trump is rightfully lampooned


They are still the pussies, but I didn't want to invite a conversation on a topic I really don't care much about.

Easy for the South Park creators to use their platform to make easy jokes against progressive movements but Trump is too "difficult" to make fun of. More like, their fan base will revolt of god emperor Trump is rightfully lampooned

.... did you watch the last season?


They are still the pussies, but I didn't want to invite a conversation on a topic I really don't care much about.

Easy for the South Park creators to use their platform to make jokes against progressive movements but Trump is too "difficult" to make fun of. More like, their fan base will revolt if god emperor Trump is rightfully lampooned
Yet again, you are talking out of your ass
People calling Trey Parker and Matt Stone cowards. Unbelievable.

I get what they're saying and I wonder what they'll be doing now.

This so much. People who call them coward wouldn't have enough balls to do what they did on the show for more than a decade. "Coward" should be a last word used to describe Matt&Trey.


They are still the pussies, but I didn't want to invite a conversation on a topic I really don't care much about.

Easy for the South Park creators to use their platform to make jokes against progressive movements but Trump is too "difficult" to make fun of. More like, their fan base will revolt if god emperor Trump is rightfully lampooned

You didn't want to talk about about something you clearly don't know about but you did anyway.


Trump doesn't need anymore publicity. The best thing South Park could do is totally ignore him. That would be fitting.
They have completely missed the point, Matt and Trey are saying that Trump is so ridiculous that their input on him isn't needed anymore especially in the format they have been doing, maybe they will make an odd joke here and there but they are not doing a whole season revolved around it again because it's tired now, everyone is doing Trump jokes.

I don't watch South Park but this perfectly sums up my issue with SNL's current political segments. They're so paint by numbers and lowbrow satire. If all you can do is get up there and make jokes off his tweets than you're not doing a good job. What made their Clinton, Bush, Hillary stuff work was they created characters out of the satire. They didn't just parrot dumb tweets or news headlines into poor skits.

In a media cycle where EVERYONE is reporting on Trump and jokes are flying 24/7 it's ok for a show to not focus on that person/topic unless they can be REALLY original and clever.


This thread is effing crazy, holy effing liberal rage.... After all these unapologetic seasons of making fun of everyone and everything, doing whatever they please and crossing every line, how are folks calling them cowards?

Why would people think it's fear that motivates any decision they make? They were talking about Trump being a satire of himself. The statement was a mockery of Trump in and of itself.

This shit is crazy here.
Easy for the South Park creators to use their platform to make jokes against progressive movements but Trump is too "difficult" to make fun of. More like, their fan base will revolt if god emperor Trump is rightfully lampooned

Word of advice: Don't join discussions on subjects you don't know a single thing about.

Seriously how do you you think anybody could take your opinion of the show seriously if you post junk like this? It'd be like complaining about the last season of Super Dragon Ball for not bringing back Future Trunks.
The last season of Super Dragon Ball brought Future Trunks back.
This thread is effing crazy, holy effing liberal rage.... After all these unapologetic seasons of making fun of everyone and everything, doing whatever they please and crossing every line, how are folks calling them cowards?

Why would people think it's fear that motivates any decision they make? They were talking about Trump being a satire of himself. The statement was a mockery of Trump in and of itself.

This shit is crazy here.

This. They're basically admitting to not being able to top his actual behavior.
Look, I haven't watched the last season of South Park, so when I said "all sides are equally bad" I was not talking about the election, I was talking about how South Park deals with EVERY SINGLE ISSUE.

Issues that fuck up people even more than a Muslim ban like terrorism, mass murders, wars and other stuff.

Also, South Park works in a way of talking about the current news. So they NEED to talk about current news.

Their JOB as comedians is to criticize him.
To choose otherwise is either admitting that you are a shitty comedian or you are afraid of going for a fascist on power.

So they are either afraid of showing that they suck or afraid of the repercussions.


If you didn't watch the past season your opinion on the matter is literally worthless.


People sure are quick to jump to conclusions and find enemies everywhere.

Just like when AVGN said he just didn't want to watch the new ghostbusters movie because he felt he would be disappointed based on trailers and the Internet jumped at his jugular because of how big of a misogynistic piece of shitty he was.

Guess what, the movie did suck. So very much.

Matt and trey are only making a comment on how reality has surpassed fiction in ridiculousness, they've made fun of Trump before and they will in the future. All they say is that given recent events they don't even know how to top it.
If it's not 'both sides' it's 'they're alt right supporters' and now apparently its'they're cowards'

Maybe we should start restricting discussing shows to folks who have actually watched said show. Because fumbling around with moving the fucking goal post to 'look I wasn't even talking about them discussing and making fun of trump for 2 whole seasons, but they're cowards because they aren't making fun of him when they're supposed to and they're entirely political'

Except they aren't entirely political. They deal with recent events. But they can also ignore the president. They have a whole fucking world of stories to deal with. Go and count how many episodes feature george bush in a prominent role. Go count how many episodes feature Obama and mother of God, how many feature trump or them making a character trump.

They've done their due with trump and are now saying they can't make it funny. Because as someone who has seen 2 seasons of trump jokes, yes they can't make it funny. Go watch the damn show before you post. Not everyone is the enemy if they aren't always talking about trump


They are still the pussies, but I didn't want to invite a conversation on a topic I really don't care much about.

Easy for the South Park creators to use their platform to make jokes against progressive movements but Trump is too "difficult" to make fun of. More like, their fan base will revolt if god emperor Trump is rightfully lampooned

Keep talking out of your ass.

Clearly you haven't watched the last two seasons.


They have a point. They ramped up the absurdity with the troll army.

Hell Gerold got a golden shower from his wife in typical over the top South Park fashion... before we knew anything about the Trump Russia dossier.

Then we find out that reality is even dumber and way past the line that south park went for in this last season.

The member berries talking about the real storm troopers in the end didn't feel funny because it was just too fucking close to what is actually happening.

Dunno. I see their point. I like their voice and perspective sometimes and sometimes they get it wrong, but Poe's law is completely on it's head with this administration. Just reading any honest article about what transpired last week feels like something out of the Onion.
Well, I for one am shocked that a thread about Trump on neogaf has descended into bullying of anyone with a moderate or truly leftist position.


So I'm guessing like 80% of people on here slating this haven't seen the last two seasons of South Park where Trump literally dominated the show in being insulted in the form of Mr Garrison after he anally raped the real Trump to death, where they spent the entire season showing how he was only doing this for his ego and that he's a dumb fuck who can't control things and easily gets swayed by things said on the internet where the actual KIDS use that to manipulate him when he's in the war room. The same season where he was panicking and crying and literally told America that he has no single idea what he's doing and that they should vote for Hilary, which spoofed Hilary in showing that all she's done during the campaign is just disagree with Trump:

T: Vote for her, she's the best candidate, really!
H: ...Everything he says, is a lie!
T: WHAT, I'm literally handing this over to you, you just have to agree with what I'm saying that you're the best for this!
H: EVERYTHING, he says, ...is a lie

But sure, South Park haven't tried hard enough to make fun of Trump, they've only had him in the spotlight for two years mocking him outright to the point where it's bringing down the storylines and they're getting bored of focusing on him so much. Seriously, if you're infuriated by this but haven't seen South Park in years, go watch the last two seasons and try and come back and say they didn't try!
I keep seeing this accusation from the same people but they never provide proof, can you show me an instance where I have finger wagged?

By finger wagging do you mean dismissing ignorant hyperbolic statements and asking for evidence in return to argue against my points? Or trying to have honest discussion about issues rather than trying to create false hatred towards individuals who do not agree with the group in an effort to get them dogpiled and kicked out of the discussion?

I mean, for some I think this effort of dismissing my opinion actually means "You don't agree with our ridiculous hyperbole so we will find any way to try and discard your opinion as false but never present any reasoning behind why we think so other than one-word insults."

I know not everyone is calling them cowards, I am not only referring to the coward's remarks though.

I think the entire idea that this is anything other than what they have directly said it is in the interview is ridiculous, they have stated why they no longer wish to do it.

And perhaps instead of reaching for the lowest hanging fruit, why not just ignore them and interact with the people attempting to have a real conversation about it? Hell, I wasn't even calling them cowards, I actually tried having a fucking discussion.

And when it comes to how you post, it's almost entirely with the tone. You really do post in a holier-than-thou way. As if you've never been angry in your entire life.
So I'm guessing like 80% of people on here slating this haven't seen the last two seasons of South Park where Trump literally dominated the show in being insulted in the form of Mr Garrison after he anally raped the real Trump to death

Again, I don't watch but did he seriously anally rape a person to death but NOW is the time people are going to call out the show? FFS
Exactly, spot on.

Hey, guy..you seem to have a lot of time on your hands, considering your long winded posting. Could you count how many "knee-jerk" people there ate versus the "reasonable" folks in here? I'm trying to figure out who to start calling "GAF" in this scenario, because it looks to me that there are more people ok with their decision than not. Yet folks feel the need to keep calling out "GAF" as a whole in here.

Seems a little..knee-jerky? Meh..what do I know.

So I'm guessing like 80% of people on here

Yeah, that'd be you guessing. Read the post..number closer to 50%


They are still the pussies, but I didn't want to invite a conversation on a topic I really don't care much about.

Easy for the South Park creators to use their platform to make jokes against progressive movements but Trump is too "difficult" to make fun of. More like, their fan base will revolt if god emperor Trump is rightfully lampooned
Just call us white folk who watch South Park racist, because we watch South Park and South Park is liked by racists, thus we're racist too, and be done with it.

Don't censor yourself and believe you're being slick when the intent is obvious.


Look, I haven't watched the last season of South Park, so when I said "all sides are equally bad" I was not talking about the election, I was talking about how South Park deals with EVERY SINGLE ISSUE.

Issues that fuck up people even more than a Muslim ban like terrorism, mass murders, wars and other stuff.

Also, South Park works in a way of talking about the current news. So they NEED to talk about current news.

Their JOB as comedians is to criticize him.
To choose otherwise is either admitting that you are a shitty comedian or you are afraid of going for a fascist on power.

So they are either afraid of showing that they suck or afraid of the repercussions.


You never watched the latest season so you cant understand where some of us are comig from.
The latest season of South Park was a medicore season partly because they focused soo much on Trump, the entire season was about the election. They mocked him in every episode. All Matt and Trey are saying is that they are now going to dial it back a bit so they dont just focus on Trump. Them not wanting to cover Trump as much has got nothing to do with them being cowards or pandering to the Alt-right, it is for the betterment of the show.


Again, I don't watch but did he seriously anally rape a person to death but NOW is the time people are going to call out the show? FFS

Yes, Mr. Garrison Anally raped the real trump to death, then became a surrogate trump whose presidency is a result of strong nostalgia for the good old days. The final punch in the season is finding out the true good old days Garrison/Surrogate trump are ushering in involve a return to Nazi based fascism as they drop hints at the real stormtroopers coming.

They Pushed it pretty far and reality walked right on past that line and planted the flag of fascist bullshit.
Again, I don't watch but did he seriously anally rape a person to death but NOW is the time people are going to call out the show? FFS
Mr garrison, who plays the American trump in the show, has his motto where he will get rid of all the Canadians (aka South parks Mexicans) by 'fucking em all to death'. Canadians are moving into America and South Park because they voted for Canadian Donald trump for president. They all thought it was a joke when he was being considered and kept laughing until he was actually the president.

Mr Garrison then goes to Canada only to find they've built a wall to keep Americans out. He sneaks through, goes to Canadian Donald Trump and fucks him to death.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
They are still the pussies, but I didn't want to invite a conversation on a topic I really don't care much about.

Easy for the South Park creators to use their platform to make jokes against progressive movements but Trump is too "difficult" to make fun of. More like, their fan base will revolt if god emperor Trump is rightfully lampooned

You are making up stuff.

I don't get it, they've lampooned religion, current events, conservatives in the Bush era, in-your-face-liberals in the past couple years but Trump is "too hard?"

Before everything was up for grabs, but they reached their creative limit with the current president. It just screams cop-out, and I'm a big SP fan.

Fine, whatever, maybe we'll just have normal episodes again focusing on the town and not just an entire season of topical jokes.


Good cause last season was horrible, i don't think they're cowards at all. I mean i'm tired of hearing about trump another season focused on him would be bad even if it was funny


I don't get it, they've lampooned religion, current events, conservatives in the Bush era, in-your-face-liberals in the past couple years but Trump is "too hard?"

Before everything was up for grabs, but they reached their creative limit with the current president. It just screams cop-out, and I'm a big SP fan.

Fine, whatever, maybe we'll just have normal episodes again focusing on the town and not just an entire season of topical jokes.

Yes, Mr. Garrison Anally raped the real trump to death, then became a surrogate trump whose presidency is a result of strong nostalgia for the good old days. The final punch in the season is finding out the true good old days Garrison/Surrogate trump are ushering in involve a return to Nazi based fascism as they drop hints at the real stormtroopers coming.

They Pushed it pretty far and reality walked right on past that line and has been even more insane that what they portrayed last season in the show.
Mr garrison, who plays the American trump in the show, has his motto where he will get rid of all the Canadians (aka South parks Mexicans) by 'fucking em all to death'. Canadians are moving into America and South Park because they voted for Canadian Donald trump for president. They all thought it was a joke when he was being considered and kept laughing until he was actually the president.

Mr Garrison then goes to Canada only to find they've built a wall to keep Americans out. He sneaks through, goes to Canadian Donald Trump and fucks him to death.

I still just find it hilarious that people are outraged because they acknowledge sticking with Trump has no value at this point, but didn't care about some of the outlandish shit they did for the last 10 years.


They are scared and I can understand why. Trump is president and has the power to go after them. And he crazy enough to actually do so.


They are still the pussies, but I didn't want to invite a conversation on a topic I really don't care much about.

Easy for the South Park creators to use their platform to make jokes against progressive movements but Trump is too "difficult" to make fun of. More like, their fan base will revolt if god emperor Trump is rightfully lampooned
How could anyone watch the last season and think they're not making fun of Trump? Like, what the fuck are you talking about, man?


I think anybody that watched the last season could tell you that it was constantly backslapping Trump. It was a terrible season, the worst if you love Trump.


I don't get it, they've lampooned religion, current events, conservatives in the Bush era, in-your-face-liberals in the past couple years but Trump is "too hard?"

Before everything was up for grabs, but they reached their creative limit with the current president. It just screams cop-out, and I'm a big SP fan.

Fine, whatever, maybe we'll just have normal episodes again focusing on the town and not just an entire season of topical jokes.

South Park been making fun of Trump for 2 seasons, they essentially predicted the goldenshowers. It aint hard but when you have shows like SNL which do a decent job of satire that is aired everyweek, it makes it less worthwhile for Matt and Trey to focus all 10 episodes on Trump. Im sure when they release the new season theyll have 1-2 episode atleast based on something Trump has done.
I don't get it, they've lampooned religion, current events, conservatives in the Bush era, in-your-face-liberals in the past couple years but Trump is "too hard?"

Before everything was up for grabs, but they reached their creative limit with the current president. It just screams cop-out, and I'm a big SP fan.

Fine, whatever, maybe we'll just have normal episodes again focusing on the town and not just an entire season of topical jokes.

too hard yeah



They literally called his presidential win a nod to the days of the "real stromtroopers" They flat out called the movement that elected him Nazis.

How the fuck is that pro trump?


They literally called his presidential win a nod to the days of the "real stromtroopers" They flat out called the movement that elected him Nazis.

How the fuck is that pro trump?

Because if you aint 100% against Trump and dont attack him any chance you get, you are pro Trump.

How could anyone watch the last season and think they're not making fun of Trump? Like, what the fuck are you talking about, man?

Even just the last two episodes of last season. You'd have to go really hard out of your way to come away with the impression that they'd not be ripping Trump a new asshole.

And that's before Canadian Trump was literally fucked to death a few episodes prior.

Honestly, from where they've left off, there's nothing more they could do without repeating themselves.

This thread is embarassing. I have really nothing more to add.
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