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Supergirl S2 |OT| The Sky's the Limit - Mondays 8/7c on The CW

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Maybe they don't know what kind of show they want to be. I think people liked Flash so much because it embraced the crazier aspects of that characters roots. Supergirl right now is just low rent reskinned Superman stuff. I like the main cast but it doesn't feel like the show really cares too much about its comic roots. They just pull character names out of a hat and say "Oh that's Cyborg Superman!" or "That's Mon-el" but really they're just generic soap archetypes that they've put DC names on. Just make up new stuff if you need to change the characters so much.

What defines "soap"? I'm just trying to determine what's different from relationships here and the say the Wally/Jesse and Caitlin/Julian subplots of this week's Flash.


Maybe they don't know what kind of show they want to be. I think people liked Flash so much because it embraced the crazier aspects of that characters roots. Supergirl right now is just low rent reskinned Superman stuff. I like the main cast but it doesn't feel like the show really cares too much about its comic roots. They just pull character names out of a hat and say "Oh that's Cyborg Superman!" or "That's Mon-el" but really they're just generic soap archetypes that they've put DC names on. Just make up new stuff if you need to change the characters so much.

That's why I like Lena Luthor so much, cause she feels like something that fits well with this show. She isn't an original creation but her existence here makes sense.
Don't forget Miss Martian who might as well be a new character. Tbf Flash occasional does that with characters such as Shade but whatever.

It could be due to the CW move where they feel like they have to appeal to the CW audience and some of its intended original audience. So it's having an identity crisis.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
What defines "soap"? I'm just trying to determine what's different from relationships here and the say the Wally/Jesse and Caitlin/Julian subplots of this week's Flash.

Those are generic soap plots too. But nobody cares when you have a recognizable classic Flash rogue like Grodd as the centerpiece.

I liked the Mxy episode because they gave him a good amount of screentime and he's about what you would expect from that character. Mon-el and M'gann could be anyone and I wouldn't have noticed the difference. All the CW shows have done modified versions of characters, but it feels like that's all Supergirl has. Maggie, M'gann, Mon-el, both Hank Henshaws. We're getting deep into Season 2 and it's a superhero show without memorable villains.
I still can't get past how cheesy the entire arc around Mon-El is. It's just been pure cringe around that whole plot line for me this entire season


I really liked Mon-El at first and it seemed like he was building interesting relationships with the guys. There was an early Winn scene that I remember being a riot. It's a shame they've thrown all that away in favor of all these soapy scenes with Kara.
What defines "soap"? I'm just trying to determine what's different from relationships here and the say the Wally/Jesse and Caitlin/Julian subplots of this week's Flash.

Because Supergirl doesn't have a central plot the relationships are almost the only thing going on with Supergirl.
Flash relationships are fine because we aren't always beaten over the head with them.
Superhero stuff is still done well on Flash however Supergirl's is just less interesting.

Arrow cared more about Felicity in S3&S4 than anything else and look at that trainwreck,
and that actually had a heavy central plot.

Thankfully Supergirl hasn't hit a

I really like season 1 even with its flaws, but this show has the most directionless second season I've ever seen, it just doesn't seem to be going anywhere and characters and plot points just fall by the wayside and aren't replaced with anything else. It's not even monster of the week instead as some weeks we don't actually get one!

I know it's difficult without Cat Grant but the CatCo grounding of the show was one of its highlights before, now we're lucky if she's in the building for 5 minutes every other episode. They really needed to replace that mentor figure with somebody else, which is probably a lot of why there's such a void now. It's also hard to define your character if there's no actual central villain, I thought early on this season it was going to be about alien refugees and Supergirl fighting to stop people turning away from them while a villain tries to make it happen but that just vanished.

It sounds harsh, but if Supergirl runs for 8 seasons I'd totally skip this one so far on a rewatch and I really love the show!
It's really weird how a character that should be as fun as Mon-el has been written as a black hole of relationship nonsense and dumb plots. It's like they took the awkwardness and failures of Jimmy James and transferred them to Mon-el.

Even weirder, James seems to have become just Guardian. There's nothing else going on with him. Whenever they don't need his alter ego, he pretty vanishes into thin air.


It's really weird how a character that should be as fun as Mon-el has been written as a black hole of relationship nonsense and dumb plots. It's like they took the awkwardness and failures of Jimmy James and transferred them to Mon-el.

Even weirder, James seems to have become just Guardian. There's nothing else going on with him. Whenever they don't need his alter ego, he pretty vanishes into thin air.
Because without Catco he is useless when you the DEO doing the investigating. Even in the first season he existed to bridge it to superman and was boring ether way. Guardian is an attempt to make him relevant.


Why.... WHY they are forcing Kara & Mon-El "romance"? What I'm not seeing here because I just don't see that working out as relationship or even as interesting storyline. There is almost as much chemistry between her and James as she and Mon-El has, and it's very little.


+ Mr Mxy was always my least favorite Superman character, but I actually enjoyed this new take. I thought the ep was more fun that I had expected. And being a Legion of SH fan, I was pretty excited to meet somebody new from Dawnstar's planet, although I don't recall them having those alien faces from the comics - they were ancestors of Native Americans, I thought.

- I wish Maggie would move away. I flip past the Maggie and Alex dialogue scenes now, I don't care about them, there are too many scenes and especially this ep, they are so uninteresting.
- Don't care about Mon-El & Kara's relationship either, but I do like Mon-El as his more self-centered clueless womanizing self. Is CW changing the character? Or was this for the benefit of the mandatory lovey-dovey Valentines ep?
- Overall, I think CW is ruining this show, just like they are ruining the once-awesome Flash. Say what you will about season 1, when Supergirl was on CBS it stood out as different from the CW shows. Now it is ... something else, something more boring, despite the 'full DC universe' approach which I do appreciate. I have to admit, I miss the scenes at Catco.


Don't care about Mon-El & Kara's relationship either, but I do like Mon-El as his more self-centered clueless womanizing self. Is CW changing the character? Or was this for the benefit of the mandatory lovey-dovey Valentines ep?

Sadly they have been setting up and ramming in Kara & Mon-El romance for whole season, apparently writers want it to happen desperately. For me this is like watching forced Kara & James relationship build up allover again, but worse because imo Mon-El has even less chemistry with Kara than James had. If that is somehow possible. There must be something about Mon-El that I just fail to see and would make Kara falling for him more sensible.

I wonder if it's writing and acting or just actor chemistry that can't deliver beliavability to Kara trying to find SO?

At the end I still see Mon-El as way too self centered for him to be good fit with Kara, also I wonder if his past catching up to him kills relationships with Kara.


Comparing Mon-El with James is ridicolous because Chris Wood is simply a lot more charismatic.

Sadly is matters very little when looking at overall context in question. He is acting character that at his core is very self centered which is polar opposite from what Kara is. Yet somehow over few episodes he has convinced her that he is all changed now so she falls in love with him.


Looking at Kara's relationships with love interests have theme of being awkward, lacking chemistry and just rushed. Writers should give those more time to develop and grow, Mon-El would be better off for it.


Sadly is matters very little when looking at overall context in question. He is acting character that at his core is very self centered which is polar opposite from what Kara is. Yet somehow over few episodes he has convinced her that he is all changed now so she falls in love with him.


Looking at Kara's relationships with love interests have theme of being awkward, lacking chemistry and just rushed. Writers should give those more time to develop and grow, Mon-El would be better off for it.

The chemistry between Mon-El and Kara is worlds better than the chemistry she had with James. The difference is stark.

They've spent quite a bit of the season slowly laying out how he has tried to become a better person for her. It would be pretty unrealistic if he completely changed overnight. Hopefully we'll continue to see him improve himself as the relationship unfolds.


Bruh, this shows was like right behind Arrow for being the best Arrowverse show. Then the crossover happened and since then it's been terrible for lack of a better term


Bruh, this shows was like right behind Arrow for being the best Arrowverse show. Then the crossover happened and since then it's been terrible for lack of a better term

Arrow is still considered to be best Arrowverse show on GAF? That is total reverse from Reddit subs.


The chemistry between Mon-El and Kara is worlds better than the chemistry she had with James. The difference is stark.

And get pales in comparison to the chemistry between Kara and Lena.

This show needs a Lex Luthor type. Hopefully Lena really is playing a figurative game of 3 dimensional chess and will ultimately be that person for Supergirl.

God I hope not, she can be grey but if she is evil after all this proving of her goodness its going to be rubbish. Especially if the daxamite Mon-el prince plot is the reverse. Perceived shady girl is actually evil, perceived dude is actually good, frankly a little sexist to me.
I'm really satisfied with all four shows this season and would pretty much put them all on a par with each other. This season has felt pretty aimless over the past couple episodes but that's my only real complaint, otherwise the world feels more fleshed out, the characters are in more interesting places, the SFX has been stronger, I don't even dislike the CW drama because the other DC shows have been light on that this year, so at least it's making Supergirl feel distinct.

I just hope they don't screw up the final arc, if Lena is the big bad then at least that's been properly built up over the year, if not then I hope they'll be some through-line to early in the season because if Teri Hatcher is suddenly this year's big villain, I'd hate for it to feel tacked on.
The thing that makes everything about Mon-El so terrible is he serves no purpose other than to randomly show up in scenes for a "will they or won't they?" plot that has been dragged out waaaaaay too long. They are doing nothing with the character other than to argue / flirt with Kara. It's essentially the only time we see him ever and besides that he serves no purpose.

People joke about how useless James is this season but Mon-El is no better.
The thing that makes everything about Mon-El so terrible is he serves no purpose other than to randomly show up in scenes for a "will they or won't they?" plot that has been dragged out waaaaaay too long. They are doing nothing with the character other than to argue / flirt with Kara. It's essentially the only time we see him ever and besides that he serves no purpose.

People joke about how useless James is this season but Mon-El is no better.

Sadly I feel like everyone is useless, except having all these others around is hurting Kara as well.

The great thing about Arrow this season is you have so many characters all handled well.
The sidekicks aren't doing shit really but the show makes it feel like they are.
Curtis is the weak link yet he isn't just there, they still try to keep him connected.
Making it feel like and actual team this season as well.


The thing that makes everything about Mon-El so terrible is he serves no purpose other than to randomly show up in scenes for a "will they or won't they?" plot that has been dragged out waaaaaay too long. They are doing nothing with the character other than to argue / flirt with Kara. It's essentially the only time we see him ever and besides that he serves no purpose.

People joke about how useless James is this season but Mon-El is no better.

They only spent a couple episodes doing will they/won't they in earnest. He pretended to be dating Eve for the blink of an eye before the truth was revealed and they got together. I can't call it dragged out when the progression has been steady week to week with Mon-El slowly proving her wrong about him.

Training and mentoring Mon-El has shown her transition from the Kara of season 1 that wasn't sure about herself and her powers to the Kara of season 2 that is more settled into her role as Supergirl. Her prejudice toward him and Lena being melted away has also been a season long theme that may turn out to be crucial if Lena does turn into a villain. I do think they need to solidify him as a real partner for Supergirl rather soon and not have him be the guy that shows up and gets punched into a heap for lack of powers and skill, but he's not as useless as James who really does serve no purpose now.

And get pales in comparison to the chemistry between Kara and Lena.

God I hope not, she can be grey but if she is evil after all this proving of her goodness its going to be rubbish. Especially if the daxamite Mon-el prince plot is the reverse. Perceived shady girl is actually evil, perceived dude is actually good, frankly a little sexist to me.

I think we'd be well served by an episode where Kara and Lena spend time together outside of her office. Their relationship needs a lot of developing if they plan on having Lena turn into an antagonist later (which seems likely). I don't think sexism plays into it personally, but this show needs a long term villain that Kara is emotionally invested in now that her aunt and uncle are gone. There aren't many characters on the show that could fill the role.


Mon-El has the promise of a bigger story.

If his actual storyline doesn't begin properly before end of this season there has been very little reason to have him in since beginning. Even if it kicks in few episodes he could have been introduced around mid-season break.

That is based on me not really being fan of him as LI, like you most likely have noticed.


If his actual storyline doesn't begin properly before end of this season there has been very little to reason have him in since beginning. Even if it kicks in few episodes he could have been introduced around mid-season break.

You need the stuff before the winter finale. Kara needs time to train him and stuff. The problem is that they are now hesitating on introducing the villains.
Yeah the show really needs a good solid villain to push the cast along. I think the Flash has the same issue tbh. Both shows really don't have anything going for them.

Arrow still has the mystery of who Prometheus is, and Legends Probably have the best Antagonists of the verse because they are the best Antagonists of the verse. And those antagonists really rally those show's casts tbh.
Sadly I feel like everyone is useless, except having all these others around is hurting Kara as well.

The great thing about Arrow this season is you have so many characters all handled well.
The sidekicks aren't doing shit really but the show makes it feel like they are.
Curtis is the weak link yet he isn't just there, they still try to keep him connected.
Making it feel like and actual team this season as well.

You could have just simply typed Wild Dog>>everyone on Supergirl and saved yourself some time.
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