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Colin Moriarty is leaving Kinda Funny Games.

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Didn't follow him on twitter so I'm not too familiar with his politics, which seems to be why a lot of people dislike him. But ive been watching the "colin was right" segments recently and thought they were fantastic. I had heard that he was a Trump supporter or whatever, but that won't make me instantly hate him. He was making quality content from what I've seen. I'm possibly missing some parts of this whole story though.
and keep in mind, he did not come out and denounce that kind of rhetoric and bullshit. He's quick to call out "the left" when they are being SJWs or snowflakes but heaven forbid someone start up a twitter group, IN HIS NAME, saying "Fuck Islam" and he says nothing. Even his mom and gf stayed quiet on that one.

Yup, him not telling people to cut that shit out speaks volumes about him.


This attitude is why political discourse is so poisonous and has been destroyed.

People don't give a shit about politics, so all it takes is one movement full of reprehensible human sludge to do irreversible damage to a country.

People need to understand that politics are part of your life, they will always impact you and everything around you. You need to be invested in them and discuss them and how they impact things whether you like it or not.

You've never been able to escape politics. This isn't some new creation from the advent of the internet.

Yep, the reason we are in this crazy division is people suppress their shitty views(or act like there should be a time or place for politics) its way better to get them out in the open. Cuz you know what if you arent an all around decent human being i really dont want shit to do with you. especially if your political views an awful.
I'm not sure what's so horrible about Colin outside of not enjoying his troll tweets, or not liking his attitude. He was a moderate republican until he left the party because of them getting behind Trump, he hates Trump as much as any liberal. He has the same stance on science and social issues as liberals, so why the hate?

He's the potent combination of fart-sniffing and navel-gazing that connects with white conservatives.


This is what I thought about him but I haven't been Keeping up with kinda funny lately. So all these people calling him a nazi is confusing to me.
Basically he says one thing, but does another. He's a fraud. He's less "Nazi" than he is indifferent. He will claim to support these things while supporting economic and political philosophy that harms the people he claims to care about. He shits on people trying to do good on a consistent basis, and antagonizes people for self promotion. Basically, he's eceptionally selfish and a liar.


Actually Colin has a video stating the importance of dev's injecting their politics into games because otherwise we would have bland and boring games.

It's important... so long as they're politics he agrees with. Including women, POC, LGBT characters is pandering, dontcha know.


...I'm torn on this.

on one level, the more I watched him the more I enjoyed his opinion, even if I didn't always agree.

BUT when he mentioned that he has never had a job interview, or written a resume, and yet makes his career picking apart the hard work of others..... put a sour taste in my mouth....

and now this. So, I say, Good Luck to him, and good for him for trying something new.

Isn't this the same Colin that's attacked the notion of privilege?

Does he own a mirror?


Didn't follow him on twitter so I'm not too familiar with his politics, which seems to be why a lot of people dislike him. But ive been watching the "colin was right" segments recently and thought they were fantastic. I had heard that he was a Trump supporter or whatever, but that won't make me instantly hate him. He was making quality content from what I've seen. I'm possibly missing some parts of this whole story though.
It isn't about Trump. It's about his consistent history of making bigoted and anti-women comments.

Everyone who is confused/upset he is gone needs to read this. They call him out on all his hateful bullshit, with evidence:


Honestly not surprised. At times I felt like I was playing more AAA games than him even though I have a full time job. It just seemed weird that he would take breaks from playing games when it was his job. While I don't agree with his political views, I thought he offered great insight into video games. I only really watched ps I love you, and without him I think I'm done watching KF. I've been watching more EZ allies lately.


Didn't follow him on twitter so I'm not too familiar with his politics, which seems to be why a lot of people dislike him. But ive been watching the "colin was right" segments recently and thought they were fantastic. I had heard that he was a Trump supporter or whatever, but that won't make me instantly hate him. He was making quality content from what I've seen. I'm possibly missing some parts of this whole story though.

He's not a Trump supporter, just outspokenly conservative/libertarian.

I agree that Colin Was Right was some of the best content that Kinda Funny has ever produced. It's a shame it's already gone.
You are a perfect example of many Gaffers on here. Don't know shit, don't read shit but decides to make a post that comes out his/her ass. Doo Doo butter for everyone and for free.

That image that has been floating around of the Twitter account "I Stand with Colin M" and the Gadsden flag isn't Colin's official account but some fan. We know Colin's account is notaxation. You are a prime example of not just Gaffers but of the internet as a whole. Read a snippet, decides to have an opinion based on very little info and decided to open their mouth and spew Doo Doo butter.

I get that Colin is abrasive, arrogant, snug and I disliked him towards the end for all those reasons. But I've been listening to this guy since I was 18. 9 fucking year now. It's an end of an era and for us fans of Colin (and I know you're out there) don't be afraid to come out and state it for fear of reprisal from other Gaffers, fuck that.

I won't let his legacy on the gaming industry (games press and games personality) side be soiled by a stupid, tasteless joke he made. That I could have made myself on any day of the week. That my dad could have made, anyone could have done it. Some will say it wasn't the joke and that it was Colin overall and his attitude but people, especially on this forum have wanted his head for months now. Now you have it.

Won't someone think of Colin Moriarty's legacy?!?
I won't let his legacy on the gaming industry (games press and games personality) side be soiled by a stupid, tasteless joke he made. That I could have made myself on any day of the week. That my dad could have made, anyone could have done it. Some will say it wasn't the joke and that it was Colin overall and his attitude but people, especially on this forum have wanted his head for months now. Now you have it.
"I'm not a big fan of diversity for diversity's sake" –Colin 'Was Right' Moriarity

Yeah definitely about a dumb dad joke tho


Man, as someone who doesn't follow the new wave of these weird YouTube personality based game companies, this shit is all so confusing to me.

I tried watching this video of him and Jason Schrieier (sp?) talk together and realized it was 1h45m long.

Who has the time for these guys? Don't people have games to play instead of listening to other people talk about them?

Podcasts are great for grinding in RPG's!


Colin says this but he actively and vocally supports politics and people that seek to discriminate against these minorities and says that white men shouldn't speak up for them. His only defence for this shit is "I have black/female/gay friends and voted for Obama in 2008" whilst talking about how smart a neo-nazi is.

Edit: I was confused about who was being called a Neo-Nazi here, my bad.


You are a perfect example of many Gaffers on here. Don't know shit, don't read shit but decides to make a post that comes out his/her ass. Doo Doo butter for everyone and for free.

That image that has been floating around of the Twitter account "I Stand with Colin M" and the Gadsden flag isn't Colin's official account but some fan. We know Colin's account is notaxation. You are a prime example of not just Gaffers but of the internet as a whole. Read a snippet, decides to have an opinion based on very little info and decided to open their mouth and spew Doo Doo butter.

I get that Colin is abrasive, arrogant, snug and I disliked him towards the end for all those reasons. But I've been listening to this guy since I was 18. 9 fucking year now. It's an end of an era and for us fans of Colin (and I know you're out there) don't be afraid to come out and state it for fear of reprisal from other Gaffers, fuck that.

I won't let his legacy on the gaming industry (games press and games personality) side be soiled by a stupid, tasteless joke he made. That I could have made myself on any day of the week. That my dad could have made, anyone could have done it. Some will say it wasn't the joke and that it was Colin overall and his attitude but people, especially on this forum have wanted his head for months now. Now you have it.
One person making a mistake does not represent all of gaf. Get a grip.


You are really diluting the term neo-Nazi. You can not like his politics, but he didn't hold water for Trump and his cronies whatsoever.

I had my gripes with Colin at times as well but the hyperbole here is ridiculous.

You're saying Steve Bannon isn't a neo nazi? Really?
You are a perfect example of many Gaffers on here. Don't know shit, don't read shit but decides to make a post that comes out his/her ass. Doo Doo butter for everyone and for free.

That image that has been floating around of the Twitter account "I Stand with Colin M" and the Gadsden flag isn't Colin's official account but some fan. We know Colin's account is notaxation. You are a prime example of not just Gaffers but of the internet as a whole. Read a snippet, decides to have an opinion based on very little info and decided to open their mouth and spew Doo Doo butter.

I get that Colin is abrasive, arrogant, snug and I disliked him towards the end for all those reasons. But I've been listening to this guy since I was 18. 9 fucking year now. It's an end of an era and for us fans of Colin (and I know you're out there) don't be afraid to come out and state it for fear of reprisal from other Gaffers, fuck that.

I won't let his legacy on the gaming industry (games press and games personality) side be soiled by a stupid, tasteless joke he made. That I could have made myself on any day of the week. That my dad could have made, anyone could have done it. Some will say it wasn't the joke and that it was Colin overall and his attitude but people, especially on this forum have wanted his head for months now. Now you have it.

Outrage culture is real.

We have discussed at length why what Colin did was not a joke but a baiting attempt.
Read this. It makes it pretty clear with multiple instances of evidance that Colin is a hateful sexist bigot.


Look at his twitter handle and avatar for crying out loud. He isn't trying to hide his absurd insane conservative politics which have no place in this fandom.

From what I took of that article, the only instances they gave of him 'shitting on women's rights' is the Tweet and a joke about not selling any women clothes. Again, jokes are jokes. I've followed him and the KF crew for awhile, never have I ever gotten the notion that Colin is sexist.
I won't let his legacy on the gaming industry (games press and games personality) side be soiled by a stupid, tasteless joke he made. That I could have made myself on any day of the week. That my dad could have made, anyone could have done it. Some will say it wasn't the joke and that it was Colin overall and his attitude but people, especially on this forum have wanted his head for months now. Now you have it.
I wonder what you and your dad have in common with Colin 🤔


You're saying Steve Bannon isn't a neo nazi? Really?

No, I'm not saying that. When did Colin say he was a fan of Steve Bannon? I am under the impression Colin didn't vote for Trump?

I am legitimately asking, because I don't follow him all that closely. Happy to be corrected here.


I'll really miss Colin. He came across as grumpy but good-natured, and his commentary was always very insightful. I'm not too interested in the politics, since I'm British, but I hope no friendships have been adversely affected by whatever's going on behind the scenes.


I won't let his legacy on the gaming industry (games press and games personality) side be soiled by a stupid, tasteless joke he made. That I could have made myself on any day of the week. That my dad could have made, anyone could have done it.

so you're misogynistic too?


While Colin had some valid points here and there, I never got the dynamic between him and the other two. He was more so than not, the "Debbie Downer" of the group and his negativity really didn't jive with me.

Was a KF subscriber and will remain so.

Edit : good luck to Colin on his future endeavors.
I actually had more respect for the rest of them before they started navalgazing about this whole thing. This livestream is a mess.
Won't someone think of Colin Moriarty's legacy?!?

I'm just gonna have an aside, a quick one, here. I know there are people who post here, Jason being chief among them that are involved in this industry so I don't want to slag all over it, but here goes.

There is no such thing as "games journalism". The dude worked for IGN, IGN is a marketing arm of the games industry, as all "gaming outlets" are. His legacy is a personality, you like his "legacy" because he made you laugh, you agree with his points about an entertainment product. Gaming press is all about selling more copies of video games. That's why developers and publishers basically prop most of these institutions up.

But he's not some profound journalist, this isn't Dan Rather being forced to retire and we find out it's because he made some yo mamma jokes or whatever.

It's a dude who talks about video games in a mostly positive light moving on to probably talk about video games for some right wing whacko's.


I don't know anything about Colin outside of Kinda Funny but I really only ever found him to be interesting to listen to. Greg worked fine alongside him but I can't see him being very strong on his own. And Tim is too loud, in your face and ultimately uninteresting for me.

Good luck to both camps I guess but Colin was really central to what made PSILY worth watching.


You are a perfect example of many Gaffers on here. Don't know shit, don't read shit but decides to make a post that comes out his/her ass. Doo Doo butter for everyone and for free.

That image that has been floating around of the Twitter account "I Stand with Colin M" and the Gadsden flag isn't Colin's official account but some fan. We know Colin's account is notaxation. You are a prime example of not just Gaffers but of the internet as a whole. Read a snippet, decides to have an opinion based on very little info and decided to open their mouth and spew Doo Doo butter.

I get that Colin is abrasive, arrogant, smug and I disliked him towards the end for all those reasons. But I've been listening to this guy since I was 18. 9 fucking year now. It's an end of an era and for us fans of Colin (and I know you're out there) don't be afraid to come out and state it for fear of reprisal from other Gaffers, fuck that.

I won't let his legacy on the gaming industry (games press and games personality) side be soiled by a stupid, tasteless joke he made. That I could have made myself on any day of the week. That my dad could have made, anyone could have done it. Some will say it wasn't the joke and that it was Colin overall and his attitude but people, especially on this forum have wanted his head for months now. Now you have it.

His legacy of being a divisive asshole?

You say it's about one tasteless joke, but that people have been headhunting him for months.

Wouldn't that mean that it's about more than one stupid joke?
Win/win. He can talk about what he wants elsewhere and only those who want to hear it have to.

Kinda Funny has never clicked with me. I assumed it was a combination of outgrowing the gaming podcast thing and Colin's social/political outlook (edit:and personality) not appealing to me on a surface level. Maybe I should give it another try since Greg's goofiness and enthusiasm for games helped carry Podcast Beyond for me back in college.


I had heard that he was a Trump supporter or whatever, but that won't make me instantly hate him.

Pretty sure this election made him leave the Republican party, so I don't think that he is a Trump supporter.

Anyway, I'm going to miss his content for sure. Good Luck Mr. Moriarty.
It's important... so long as they're politics he agrees with. Including women, POC, LGBT characters is pandering, dontcha know.

I never once heard him talk badly about Horizon Zero Dawn just because the protagonist is female. In fact, he praised the game as being the best of 2017 yet. Why are you making things up to justify your hate?
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