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BioWare to announce how they're going to address ME: Andromeda on April 4th

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Inarguably there? You're serious...? Lol
Since you seemed to have skipped this part:
Without any bugs

Yes. Inarguably. Right now it's in the 70s on metacritic. With bug fixes it'd be inarguably a 7.5-8 game. With QoL improvements like fast traveling it'd be a solid 8, I think.

Personally I think right now it's an 8-8.5/10 after 60 hours in. It definitely starts out as a 7/10 because most of the jank is front loaded. And I've personally not seen anything more heinous than any other big RPG as far as bugs go. It's really just some quality of life things I'd like in the game and then it'd be 8.5+ for me, especially if the ending part is as good as others have said.
Inarguably there? You're serious...? Lol

The combat is great. The planets look really good. The squadmates are all interesting. The side-quests have improved. It's mainly the writing and the story that is a major letdown. It's like they had a bunch of cool ideas but they couldn't manage to integrate them properly into one game. Andromeda feels like a bunch of loose sand at times.

I enjoyed my time with it and gave it a 6. If BioWare manages to do the much needed technical and QoL improvements I could see this as a 7/10 game.


Since you seemed to have skipped this part:
Without any bugs

Yes. Inarguably. Right now it's in the 70s on metacritic. With bug fixes it'd be inarguably a 7.5-8 game. With QoL improvements like fast traveling it'd be a solid 8, I think.

Personally I think right now it's an 8-8.5/10 after 60 hours in. It definitely starts out as a 7/10 because most of the jank is front loaded. And I've personally not seen anything more heinous than any other big RPG as far as bugs go.

Without any bugs but with it's current gameplay, storylines, quest structure you think it would inarguably be 7.5-8, yeah I got that the first time that's why I'm dumbfounded. The game has a ton of issues beyond bugs, I think you may be missing the complaints if you think people's only problems are the bugs lol

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
So you think EA should have just forced Edmonton to work on ME forever even if it means they lose some of their key employees who burn out on the franchise?

No, I was implying the opposite.

They should have let the series die, or pawned it off to another developer if Bioware wasn't interested in giving it the attention needed to make a game up to the IPs standards.

Pressuring a dev to make a game they don't have their heart behind is going to lead to a lackluster (at best) game and wasted money either way. Quality would be better if you forced the main team to do it, but they'd still end up with a lesser game than if they let them make the game they wanted to make. Here they did that, but will likely lose money from forcing a B team to make ME:A, and likely killed one of their strong IPs vs. letting it sit longer or finding one of their Dev teams that was passionate about doing it.

This makes no sense. They should make a full game but not *this* full game? They had already produced two single player DLCs and a full, incredibly well received, MP mode. Plus there were quite a few series veterans who made the transition to Montreal so its not like the team didn't have veteran talent.

Nevermind the idea that the Montreal team was entirely staffed by rookies instead of the fact that a good chunk of the team were likely industry veterans.

It makes perfect sense. A huge, 60+ hour WRPG with a crazy rabid fanbase (and legion of haters) creating a TON of pressure to deliver is a hell of a tall task for any teams first full game even if they have some veterans on the team. The veterans clearly weren't the key writers and animators, which are the key for this IP as at the end of the day the majority of the fanbase was their for the story, characters and character relationships--as the success of the first game with it's clunky-ass gameplay showed.

Without any bugs but with it's current gameplay, storylines, quest structure you think it would inarguably be 7.5-8, yeah I got that the first time that's why I'm dumbfounded. The game has a ton of issues beyond bugs, I think you may be missing the complaints if you think people's only problems are the bugs lol

They said fixing the bugs would bump it from a 7-7.5 game to a 8ish game.

How is that implying that would fix all the issues people have? They suggested it would just bump the average up by 0.5-1 point.
Inarguably there? You're serious...? Lol
Read the content of the reviews instead of whichever glitch compilation on YouTube. They can definitely address a lot of reviewer complaints, even just outside of the animation.

It is already sitting on a very low 70s MC, with polish it would probably be higher.


It's always a balance. But at the end of the day, it's not slave labor. Devs (individuals, not the whole team/CEO etc.) can tell their publisher to shove it and just go make their new IP for someone else. I'm sure EA would have preferred the main team make a great new ME as established IP sell better and are safer bets than new IP.

I'm not so sure about that. Big single player game aren't as profitable as they used to (though andromeda budget is a bit on the low side in that regards). And the new IP is supposedly a MP RPG-ish game which seems to be THE things that every publisher bets on these days (Destiny/ The Division) so I'm not even sure it was Bioware idea in the first place

And yes, of course Montreal needed to make a full game. But it's a recipe for disaster to give such an inexperienced team such a HUGE game to make for their first stab at a full game.

Even the main team struggled with ME1. It was a buggy, janky mess that gets a pass as it had a great story and was very well written. The Montreal team clearly didn't have the writing talent to pull that off, nor the programming talent since this game is even buggier, worse animated etc. than ME1.

That's just not going to fly in 2017 when the quality bar for big, narrative driven open world games has been raised so high by games like Witcher 3, Horizon etc. Putting out a game inferior to the first 3 entries in the series, which themselves have already long been surpassed in the genre, is a recipe for disaster and one that should have been anticipated by putting the Montreal team on the game without sufficient assistance from the main ME/DA team.

Bioware always make huges game, what were they supposed to work on ? And it's not like they send Montreal on a suicide mission. They helped on 3 games made 2 DLC and designed ME3 MP. Plus they sent a bunch ME trilogy veteran to Montreal.
Maybe that wasn't enough or it wasn't done properly. But it's much simpler for us to judge what should or shouldn't have been done when everything is over (that doesn't excuse everything obviously but still)
Well for starters it's not a clusterfuck. It's a solid 7.5-8/10 game. Without any bugs it'd be inarguably there. With the bugs it's still a pretty good game.

I completely agree. The internet echo chamber has turned some awkwardness and jank into MAJOR ISSUES. Last time I saw that happen was Mass Effect 3.

When I started playing the game, after seeing all the hysteria, I expected a complete unplayable mess. What I found was a solid, entertaining Mass Effect game.


maybe its the fact that I'm a new comer and never played the old ME games, but I'm enjoying the hell out of this game. The acting is terrible for sure but since when has acting ever been good in games, with the exception of one or two here and there. I've only had one major glitch so overall, I'm pretty happy with a game that many people here are calling a disaster. lol.


I completely agree. The internet echo chamber has turned some awkwardness and jank into MAJOR ISSUES. Last time I saw that happen was Mass Effect 3.

When I started playing the game, after seeing all the hysteria, I expected a complete unplayable mess. What I found was a solid, entertaining Mass Effect game.

Pretty much.


Read the content of the reviews instead of whichever glitch compilation on YouTube. They can definitely address a lot of reviewer complaints, even just outside of the animation.

It is already sitting on a very low 70s MC, with polish it would probably be higher.

I've played the game myself, even without the numerous bugs it still is a bad game, imo obviously. They would have to completely remake the game for it to be good.


Without any bugs but with it's current gameplay, storylines, quest structure you think it would inarguably be 7.5-8, yeah I got that the first time that's why I'm dumbfounded. The game has a ton of issues beyond bugs, I think you may be missing the complaints if you think people's only problems are the bugs lol

Let me parse this out for you.

The game is already basically a 7.5 by critical consensus. Yes I think that fixing all the bugs would make it inarguably .1 or .2 points higher than it already is. Why is this so hard to understand?

I'm not missing other complaints. That's why I'm still saying it's a 7.5-8/10. That doesn't make it a perfect game. Hell, we have threads around here all the time saying 10/10 games aren't perfect.

I completely agree. The internet echo chamber has turned some awkwardness and jank into MAJOR ISSUES. Last time I saw that happen was Mass Effect 3.

When I started playing the game, after seeing all the hysteria, I expected a complete unplayable mess. What I found was a solid, entertaining Mass Effect game.

I honestly really love the game. Not as much as ME2 or 3, but more than 1. My post in the game thread the other day sums up my own opinion so i don't have to get into it here.


I mean how do you save such a clusterfuck?

Letting me save would be a good start. Never seen a game with such a crazy aversion to letting me save my fucking progress. Love getting one shotted at the end of a dungeon area on insanity by a new enemy because I was out of cover for literally seconds and now I have to redo the entire fucking place again. Seriously bioware? This isn't fucking dark souls and at least in dark souls I have the option to run past the enemies on my return trip.
I completely agree. The internet echo chamber has turned some awkwardness and jank into MAJOR ISSUES. Last time I saw that happen was Mass Effect 3.

When I started playing the game, after seeing all the hysteria, I expected a complete unplayable mess. What I found was a solid, entertaining Mass Effect game.

Mine is a literal unplayable mess. What now?


Game isn't broken. I'm 46 hours in and have had 1 crash.

The hyperbole needs to stop. It's not a broken game. It's not garbage. It's just a disappointment as it's a 7/10ish game that's the 4th installment in a series that was beloved and well reviewed.
"It didn't happen to ME, so it can't be a broken mess!"

Look, I never experienced any bugs or glitches or crashes in Assassin's Creed Unity, but I acknowledge other people did, and on a scale that was concerning and tarnished the series's reputation.

I still have an original Xbox 360. It never gave ME a red ring of death, but I don't act like it wasn't a huge problem for others that should have been addressed earlier instead of denying the problems.

I know one Mass Effect player who has had a crash nearly ever hour. His experience is just as valid as yours. And by that experience, yeah, the game is beyond broken and unplayable at times. And it doesn't take much effort to find other players encountering similar issues.

Mass Effect Andromeda is not just a mediocre game. It's a buggy, glitchy, unfinished, rushed, unpolished mediocre game. That makes a difference.
I've played the game myself, even without the numerous bugs it still is a bad game, imo obviously. They would have to completely remake the game for it to be good.
But I think, having played it, you could see how with the bugs fixed it would probably score higher? :p that was a big part of all the reviews.

Not talking like going from good -> great, just almost good -> just good.


Let me parse this out for you.

The game is already basically a 7.5 by critical consensus. Yes I think that fixing all the bugs would make it inarguably .1 or .2 points higher than it already is. Why is this so hard to understand?

I'm not missing other complaints. That's why I'm still saying it's a 7.5-8/10. That doesn't make it a perfect game. Hell, we have threads around here all the time saying 10/10 games aren't perfect.

So you are talking about the overall score, not your personal score. That's fine that makes more sense then sorry.

But I think, having played it, you could see how with the bugs fixed it would probably score higher? :p that was a big part of all the reviews.

Not talking like going from good -> great, just almost good -> just good.
Well yeah, less bugs is inherently better. But it wouldn't fix the underlying issues so I don't think the review impact would be enough to push it from a middling 7 game (even that's too high imo) to a 8


But I think, having played it, you could see how with the bugs fixed it would probably score higher? :p that was a big part of all the reviews.

Not talking like going from good -> great, just almost good -> just good.

If they do a complete overhaul, just relaunch it with a new title --- Andromeda Reborn.
The game will gets new reviews for sure.


If this were a standalone game, maybe, but it's not. It's supposed to be the start of a new trilogy and who knows how much paid DLC. They should be all hands on deck to get this thing fixed.

I mean, I don't know if the game ends on a cliffhanger or what, but they did go out of their way to say it wasn't the start of a new trilogy. DLC is coming for sure (tho it might have changed in scope/priorities) but they can definitely cut and run from these characters, and if we see another ME I bet that's what they do.

I don't know how many resources it would've taken to delay the game again, and it's likely they didn't have any confidence in the team to make that decision, but it should be significantly more than whatever this new plan is going to cost them. So yes, it should be all hands on deck, but it's unlikely it will be. They probably still want to make a profit.

That's their statement?

In the new patch (1.05) for Mass Effect: Andromeda, our focus was on bug fixes and improvements to the player experience.

We’ve introduced a number of balance changes to single player and multiplayer, and resolved some issues with saves not working properly. We’ve also improved lip-sync and facial acting during some conversations, and have implemented a much-requested change that allows players to skip the autopilot sequences in the galaxy map.

We’ll continue to listen to your feedback, and we thank you for working with us to create an even better Mass Effect: Andromeda experience.

Patch notes are also available in French, Italian, German, Polish, Spanish, Russian, and Brazilian Portuguese.

Patch 1.05 Notes

Improved tutorial placement

Single player balance changes: Ammo crates, armor, weapons, nomad, profiles, attacks, and progression

Multiplayer balance changes: Weapons, cover, and enemies (check back for detailed notes on balance changes)

Added option to skip autopilot sequences in the galaxy map

Improved logic, timing, and continuity for relationships and story arcs

Improved lip-sync and facial acting during conversations, including localized VO

Fixed various collision issues

Fixed bugs where music or VO wouldn’t play or wasn’t correct

Fixed issue where global squad mate banter sometimes wasn’t firing on UNCs

Fixed issue where player was unable to access the Remnant Console Interface after failing decryption multiple times

Fixed issue where fast travel is sometimes disabled after recruiting Drack until the player reloads a save

Fixed issue where Ryder can become stuck in the start of Biotic Charge Pose

Fixes issues related to some saves

Fixed issue where objective sometimes becomes un-interactable for players in multiplayer

Streaming and stability improvements


I just don't understand how they can fix all the horribly animated faces and dead eyes with a patch, has that happened before? Like a complete overhaul?
No, I was implying the opposite.

They should have let the series die, or pawned it off to another developer if Bioware wasn't interested in giving it the attention needed to make a game up to the IPs standards.

They did give it to another developer. Bioware Montreal. In the process they also staffed Montreal with several key series veterans to hopefully ensure a smooth transition. Obviously things didn't work out as planned. It will hopefully make a fantastic article someday. But at this point we don't have anywhere near enough details to start saying that the game's issues were due to a rookie or inexperienced dev team.


omg the poll



Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
I just don't understand how they can fix all the horribly animated faces and dead eyes with a patch, has that happened before? Like a complete overhaul?

Several games have done this.

Patches these days can fix pretty much anything.
Talk about weak. I guess we'll have to see before/after comparisons on the animation issues, but I was expecting some kind of plan on how they were going to fix the game long-term.

edit: nvm, I read their 2 month plan. That sound better.
Oh, here we go:


Hi everyone,

It’s been two weeks since the launch of Mass Effect™: Andromeda and we’re thankful to the millions of you who have already joined us on this journey. And though the game is now in your hands, it’s really just the beginning.

Since launch, our team has been poring over your comments and feedback, looking to discover what you like about the game, as well as areas we can evolve or improve.

This Thursday, we’ll release a new patch that addresses technical fixes (crashes, improved performance), but also adds a number of improvements we’ve heard you ask for, such as:

  • Allowing you to skip ahead when travelling between planets in the galaxy map
  • Increasing the inventory limits
  • Improving the appearance of eyes for humans and asari characters
  • Decreasing the cost of remnant decryption keys and making them more accessible at merchants
  • Improving localized voice over lip sync
  • Fixing Ryder’s movements when running in a zig zag pattern
  • Improving matchmaking and latency in multiplayer

There are many more adjustments being made, all of which you can find in our patch notes.

Over the next two months we’ll be rolling out additional patches which will go even deeper and look to improve several areas of the game:

  • More options and variety in the character creator
  • Improvements to hair and general appearance for characters
  • Ongoing improvements to cinematic scenes and animations
  • Improvements to male romance options for Scott Ryder
  • Adjustments to conversations with Hainly Abrams

These upcoming patches will also address performance and stability issues. And we’re looking at adding more cosmetic items to single player for free.

For multiplayer, over the same timeframe, we’re going to continue to build on the APEX missions that have been running since launch. We’ll be adding new maps, characters, and weapons. On Thursday, we kick off the first of three new chapters centered around The Remnant Investigation.

This is just a taste of what’s in store as we continue to support Mass Effect: Andromeda. And as always, you all play an important role in that. We want to hear from you about your experiences, both what you love about the game and what you’d like to see changed. We’re listening, and we’re committed to partnering with you as we continue to explore the Andromeda galaxy together.

Here’s to a great journey,


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