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The Mass Effect: Andromeda Multiplayer Thread


Backlash is a cool idea on paper but ingame it just feels worthless

Sad, because pretty much every kit that has it is disadvantaged because they have 1 shitty/useless power

That's certainly overstating it, I've destroyed plenty of observers and anointed with backlash, it's really useful against them.


That's certainly overstating it, I've destroyed plenty of observers and anointed with backlash, it's really useful against them.
It's pretty terrible in most other instances, though. In the time it takes for you to wait for the enemies to reflect enough bullets at themselves you could've just emptied a couple clips into them. I think it would've worked better if it was just a shield you could throw up while still being able to aim and shoot your gun. It's not a totally useless trash power or anything, it just has kind of limited utility.


I miss this Asari costume from ME3.

Overall I think the outfits in this game pale to ME3 MP.

It's pretty terrible in most other instances, though. In the time it takes for you to wait for the enemies to reflect enough bullets at themselves you could've just emptied a couple clips into them. I think it would've worked better if it was just a shield you could throw up while still being able to aim and shoot your gun. It's not a totally useless trash power or anything, it just has kind of limited utility.

Disagree. While you are exchanging fire with those bullet sponge enemies, I'm using backlash to reflect back at them while simultaneously protecting myself from counter attack. Often Annointed, Observers and even Nullifiers will take themselves out in one go (or at least 75% of the way there) when you spec backlash for reflected damage. And I've saved my whole team many times by reflecting the Ascendant's shield popping energy sphere back at them.

Also, I play Asari Sentinel so by the time my backlash is ready to break, my energy drain power is off cool down and ready to bump my shields back up if they had been popped before I activated the backlash shield.

Sometimes it feels like Backlash/Energy Drain is actually OP for keeping you alive. So much so that I use it on my single player Ryder.


The game crashed on me 3 straight time in the middle of the match (PS4). What the fuck is going on? I was busy with the SP and just started the MP yesterday.

I wasted 6 boosters including 3 bonus XP boosters.

EDIT: And it happened again. Every single time it was while using CHARGE when surrounded by enemies.
FML I hate Kett/Upload so much.

Had 3 fails on Silver/Kett/Ice Last night. All in wave 6, all in Upload, with 3 different teams. I only died in one of them (pokeballed by an Ascendant), the others we just ran out of time.

Part of it was because some players were trying to solo points, but mostly it was because of those damn Ascendants. They are by far the most annoying thing to deal with in this game, and Upload just accentuates that bullshit.
This is why I love Backlash so much. Send that pokeball right back at them.

Pokeballed = Ascendant 1-Hit Kill Animation. Gotta crush 'em all!

Unfortunately although sending those Ascendant projectiles back at them does decent Orb damage, still doesn't solve the annoyance of Kett/Upload.


Sync kills are a terrible design decision and should not have been carried over from ME3. At least not in their current form, they'd be better if you could revive out of them.


Probably not the thread. I finally got around to getting this disaster refunded tonight. I had only played multiplayer as I couldn't bring myself to touching the campaign.

Damn disappointing what has happened to one of my favorite franchises.
played a few matches tonight crashed 50% of the matches really fun thank you Bioware one was on wave 7. This is the worst working console game i ever bought.
Thus far all the ultra rare classes I've gotten have been solid at rank I; I'd prefer cards didn't give points and just gave customization options, but at least they're not terribly gimped. Krogan gladiator is probably my favorite kit in the game right now, it's just so satisfying to pull in multiple enemies and beat them with a hammer. Also makes quick work of ascendants! I'd say i enjoy it more than the warlord from ME3MP in terms of gameplay because you will die if you just go in hammering everything, but you can be extremely effective if you use it at the right time.


Sync kills are a terrible design decision and should not have been carried over from ME3. At least not in their current form, they'd be better if you could revive out of them.

Executions were what made banshees, phantoms and the like so much of a threat in ME3(well, they were strong regardless). The biggest problem is that only one of the factions has all of the enemies that can execute, making them by far the hardest faction.

Honestly, all the enemies besides the Kett ones seem lazy as hell compared to ME3 equivalents. Well, I take that back, the Geth were pretty tame and by the books in ME3, though I'd still put them a smidge above the mercs and about on par with the bots here.


Cobras being so useless against Ascendants makes them just cheap.
Cobra should just flat out do 5 billion damage or whatever or ignore its shields.

They should just make it so ascendants have 75-85% damage reduction when it's shield is up and have it take extra damage when it goes down. Or something else than what we have now to be honest.
Overall I think the outfits in this game pale to ME3 MP.

I think a better improvement other than just having a default costume that you can change the colors on, would have been to let you get different custom armor sets in loot boxes and custom facial options too, like a tattoo or different hairstyle or whatever. It seems like they copied and pasted a lot of stuff that could have been improved upon.


Does it still do damage to you, though? I mean, even when you deflect it you're still in a bubble.

Nope. If you reflect it back you and anyone behind you is spared from any damage.

I think a better improvement other than just having a default costume that you can change the colors on, would have been to let you get different custom armor sets in loot boxes and custom facial options too, like a tattoo or different hairstyle or whatever. It seems like they copied and pasted a lot of stuff that could have been improved upon.

This would be ideal, yes.
I miss this Asari costume from ME3.

Overall I think the outfits in this game pale to ME3 MP.

I agree that that Asari costume is awesome. I prefer it to what the Asari wear in ME:A, but some of the other characters have some nice armor.
And yes, I too wish the devs would stop denying us access to maps - especially considering we only have so few as it is. I can only hope when this new Apex only map shows up, the devs will add that other one to the regular rotation. Its a good map.



isnt this is SECOND map they hide behind apex missions?

So dumb...
TBF, I don't actually know for sure I was just being snarky :p
my money is still on a similar release style to the other map still in APEX purgatory.

I'll be very baffled if they don't at the very least release the other map into the regular rotation if they put this one out as an APEX exclusive. Like...what are they going for with this exactly?


I'm kinda losing my fun momentum with MP atm. The grind seems 3x that of ME3. Maybe I'm inaccurate in saying that but getting a class to level 20 feels so slow. It's still early in the games life so I'll be patient with it.


Did they change how much money you get from completing matches?

I could have sworn i was opening 3 basic packs every time i won a bronze match but im noticing im only getting 10K which is only good for 2 packs. maybe im just not remembering correctly
Out of curiosity, for the console players experiencing constant crashes, do you guys use the apex HQ app? Now that I think about it, I didn't experience much crashing when I played with ea access but the first week and a half of playing MP and also using the app, I got a ton of crashes. Perhaps try disabling access/uninstalling the app for a few days and see if it helps?


Gold Member
Out of curiosity, for the console players experiencing constant crashes, do you guys use the apex HQ app? Now that I think about it, I didn't experience much crashing when I played with ea access but the first week and a half of playing MP and also using the app, I got a ton of crashes. Perhaps try disabling access/uninstalling the app for a few days and see if it helps?

I haven't used the app at all and is experiencing crashes now and then. The lag is unbearable. Everybody warping everywhere, its really killing the experience. I hope they fix this soon.


It sounds like the console versions are super rough. I've had a few crashes in MP on PC but once every couple days or so, nothing more.


From 20h hours of playtime in the MP, my game crashed twice on PS4, and it was after release

ever since the newest patch, I had no crashing issues

But man... The framerate can be ATROCIOUS at some points. Like, it can reach 0 fps if there's too much action going on at the same time. That's my main issue right now.

If there a lot of biotic explosions and effects at the same time, the game REGULARLY drops to 20 FPS and lower....


I miss this Asari costume from ME3.

Overall I think the outfits in this game pale to ME3 MP.

Disagree. While you are exchanging fire with those bullet sponge enemies, I'm using backlash to reflect back at them while simultaneously protecting myself from counter attack. Often Annointed, Observers and even Nullifiers will take themselves out in one go (or at least 75% of the way there) when you spec backlash for reflected damage. And I've saved my whole team many times by reflecting the Ascendant's shield popping energy sphere back at them.

Also, I play Asari Sentinel so by the time my backlash is ready to break, my energy drain power is off cool down and ready to bump my shields back up if they had been popped before I activated the backlash shield.

Sometimes it feels like Backlash/Energy Drain is actually OP for keeping you alive. So much so that I use it on my single player Ryder.

That and the ME3 Asari didn't all suffer from same-face-itis. Did they think we wouldn't notice or something?

Anyway having a ton of fun with this game and the MP, despite its flaws. Thankfully no crashes to dashboard since 1.05 on Xbox.


Random thoughts.

I'm strangely okay with the balance issues at the moment, but the crashes and loss of credits/progression just utterly kills any interest in playing the game long term.

The game rarely/almost never crashes if I host, but if I join someone else I usually become crash prone.

There are several issues from what I can tell :

Unless this game is doing something different under the hood - UPNP doesn't seem to be working properly with this game, or it's simply using the default PSN ports that the PS4 opens up when you power on and connect.

My Edgerouter lite can usually pick up PS4/PSN games requesting certain ports to be opened. Wildlands and For Honor both causes the PS4 to create entries in my firewall via UPNP - I can see them via the command line - and the games themselves in turn will report an "OPEN" nat when starting up. VS if I disable UPNP FH/Wildlands will both report moderate NAT.

When opening the ports manually, MEAMP seems to use certain ports that are not opened via UPNP.

Disclaimer : this is purely hobby level armchair analysis. I'm not a network engineer or programmer by any means.

From what I can tell, the game crashes when it de-syncs due to lag/packet loss up to the point where it can't recover anymore and then it just crashes with a generic error.

If I host games, I almost never crash - but the catch is I can see my teammates crash, and friends who join me would occasionally crash as well. The ones that are able to stay connected however, are usually players from the same region or are fairly geographically close to where I am.

In short, better matchmaking (regional option please - something like "world" or "local region" as an option when matchmaking) could possibly address a lot of the lag and crashing issues.

Still no communication on the balance updates. Keep (not) playing.

Great. I mean, I know that comparing this to ME3MP at this point is beating a dead horse, but back then they didn't wait this long between balance pushes to tweak the numbers, and they didn't hide behind "but our investors" as an excuse for not talking about it. It's gone from being something annoying to something intolerable. Bioware isn't going to get liquidated for keeping in touch with the community and letting them know what balance changes are coming down the pike.


Yeah the crashes on wave 6,7 and extraction are infuriating. They need either a rejoin option, wave by wave credit collection or fix the damn crashes/disconnects all together.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Are these crashes/disconnects that people keep complaining about something that mostly happens on consoles? Playing on PC, the only issue I have to deal with is some laggy games once in a while, probably due to the host.


I'm kinda losing my fun momentum with MP atm. The grind seems 3x that of ME3. Maybe I'm inaccurate in saying that but getting a class to level 20 feels so slow. It's still early in the games life so I'll be patient with it.

Honestly, so am I. I'm not having as much with any character other than my Krogan Vanguard, and the grind is losing me.
Watching the stream now, new map looks... tricky. BIG open area with large pieces of cover around the edges. Looks difficult. It looks like mostly a single room.

Sounds like they may be actually considering across-the-board buffs (at least for ARs).

"'Make assault rifles great again.' That's the plan."

[EDIT] Map will only be available in the mission. "Over time we'll start to roll it over into our regular system". Possibly next week?

"Next week we won't have something narrative-based, but we have something up our sleeve."


Randomly threw on a Power Capacity +3 and +3 Power on Angaran Insurgent.
Killed everything. Weapon only modestly necessary.
Stupid crazy powerful class.


Are these crashes/disconnects that people keep complaining about something that mostly happens on consoles? Playing on PC, the only issue I have to deal with is some laggy games once in a while, probably due to the host.
I'm on PS4 and have only been dropped 2 times in 30 hours (back to back games). There's definitely something going on based on all the reports, just not sure it's based on the system.
I played on that new robot base level tonight, for an Apex mission. The map was a bit disappointing. Its just a big room.
Still, at least its better than the London map in ME3

I heard you could make the hex-cloth part the same color as her skin.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Ha. ALL my Asari were colored to promote that look in ME3.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Is it just me, or it's impossible to join an APEX mission unless you create it yourself? I'm trying to find a match for that bronze one today, and it keep throwing me into a regular match group.

Cat Party

Is it just me, or it's impossible to join an APEX mission unless you create it yourself? I'm trying to find a match for that bronze one today, and it keep throwing me into a regular match group.
I usually have to try 3 or 4 times, but I've been able to join them before. I think the problem is that the game doesn't account for when someone starts an Apex match but then changes the settings back to normal.
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