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What would you like to see in a Persona 5: Crimson? aka Persona 5: Golden


Junior Member
No need now that DLC is a thing they can just add the extra content now to the base game.

They couldn't do that with Persona 3/4 because PS2 did not support DLC so they had to re-release it in a different version.


Sat alone in a boggy marsh
Hifumi playable, like the devs wanted at first, is all I'm asking! She diserves her own arc.

And yeah of course more dungeons, etc.

Best waifu should have been a team member

Also even though I'm just finishing last dungeon on first play trough, I agree with others that hard really needed time to develop


No need now that DLC is a thing they can just add the extra content now to the base game.

They couldn't do that with Persona 3/4 because PS2 did not support DLC so they had to re-release it in a different version.

I doubt they want to miss out on double dippers and handheld gamers. Did P3P and P4G sell more than the originals?

True Fire

No need now that DLC is a thing they can just add the extra content now to the base game.

They couldn't do that with Persona 3/4 because PS2 did not support DLC so they had to re-release it in a different version.

It's ATLUS, they rerelease pretty much everything. Or they make sequels with reused assets. Or both.
Shorter dungeons. Or more ways to bypass puzzles.

Make the Devil Arcana more useful.

Make the last team member join earlier or be present earlier.

Have Easy or even Normal options to retry battles, less of this getting randomly gibbed and losing hours of progress on lower difficulty.

Lower the skill-based restrictions on some Social Links.

Allow you to use the Fortune Arcana abilities remotely.

Once you max all abilities, keep it from going to the skill screen every time you get points in a skill.
Once you max all abilities, keep it from going to the skill screen every time you get points in a skill.

Yes, please.

Add a Phantom Thieves social link, and work some of the basic battle options (like baton pass) into it

This too! A few extra confidants, including a Phantom Thieves link, paired with more flexible nights would maintain the game's Confidant balance with less forced-sleeping and the extra group hangouts that some people missed.
Add a Phantom Thieves social link, and work some of the basic battle options (like baton pass) into it

I agree with this. Some things should be based on team and not on individuals. I'm glad that SL's have combat benefits but I end up doing SL's I don't want to do just to get Baton Pass.
Less restrictive nights, please don't make me go to bed just because of a cutscene that happened during the day. That's a waste of a day and a problem the series has had in general. It tells me to spend each day carefully yet has no problem wasting many days of my time because of plot.

I would also love to see optional party members. That can be accomplished by completing an optional palace, but I also understand it would be pretty difficult to implement the character into the plot after you beat that palace, so I also get why they wouldn't want to do it. It'd be pretty neat tho. No Marie characters please.

Another overworld theme would be nice, maybe something more vocal and lyrical for the daytime like they did with the night theme? Another battle theme would be pretty cool too.

Put in more social events in the game. I know this is kinda contradictary to what I asked for earlier, but I feel like the cast in the game rarely get to hang out with eachother. Most of the time when they meet up its mostly Phantom Thieves related, we don't really have too many social events where everybody can relax and have fun. I'm not talking about putting in any dumb "DUDE WE'RE GETTING THE BAND BACK TOGETHER!" shit they pulled in P4G, but anything would be fine in here, even if its just the cast spending the day at the mall or something.

Otherwise, more Social Links, more Personas, more Skill Cards, more Daily Activities, the works.

Late game heavy spoilers
I don't want Goro to be redeemed or any of that crap, having him rejoin our party after forgiving him for killing Haru's dad and almost killing us. But what I do want is for the game to acknowledge Goro after his death at least. After he dies nobody even talks about Goro anymore or anything! He gets one or two lines from Shido and the police and that's about it. He was a pretty huge part of the game and to see him be thrown aside after his "death" is jarring. I'm not talking about giving Goro a funeral, but at least acknowledge him a bit during the end game.

Also as much as I want something like Golden where we get Jan and Feb to hang out, I understand why they cannot do the same for Persona 5 unless they shift the end game dates around. That's a shame though.

Late game light spoilers
Introduce Haru earlier into the game, give her a few scenes or allow us to talk to her a bit. She joins the party way too late into the game and introduces nothing new to the plot outside of her father. Her spotlight also gets stolen by Morgana's scenes so its like "just throw her a bone or something, damn".


Junior Member
I want them to fix the two major exploits that gives out easy exp and money concerning the reaper and mementos miniboss.
Late game light spoilers
Introduce Haru earlier into the game, give her a few scenes or allow us to talk to her a bit. She joins the party way too late into the game and introduces nothing new to the plot outside of her father. Her spotlight also gets stolen by Morgana's scenes so its like "just throw her a bone or something, damn".

Mid-to-late game spoilers

Haru needs to be introduced earlier and they need to find a role for her that makes sense. Makoto and Futaba have very clearly defined roles on the team so they work well incorporated. I think Yusuke kinda doesn't feel a part of the team completely until he finds a foil in Futaba. Haru neither has a role like them, nor a good foil to help contrast her personality. She's basically a nice rich girl who likes planting her garden.


The Amiga Brotherhood
1. Vita is dead.

2. Excuse me? That was one of the absolute best skills in the game.

5. Still dead.

Vita: dead since 2011... but still here with new games :p

If i were you i wouldn't rule out Vita yet, like it or not it's still getting Japanese support.


Totally wish P3FES/P3P and P4G came out on PS4. Don't even care if it's remastered or not. Just put it on the console.


"Never said I wasn't a hypocrite."
Vita: dead since 2011... but still here with new games :p

If i were you i wouldn't rule out Vita yet, like it or not it's still getting Japanese support.

Maybe before this year. Nintendo's got the new hot thing, and I wouldn't be surprised to see some of the JP devs who used to show Vita support leaning into the Switch.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Not anymore Persona though.

Maybe before this year. Nintendo's got the new hot thing, and I wouldn't be surprised to see some of the JP devs who used to show Vita support leaning into the Switch.

I agree that there isn't too much time for a Vita version, but on Vita's side Persona 5 runs on PS3(and PS4) and Vita got/gets lots of PS3(and PS4) ports, also Vita's installed base is bigger than Switch.
Vita: dead since 2011... but still here with new games :p

If i were you i wouldn't rule out Vita yet, like it or not it's still getting Japanese support.

Atlus would be suckers to pass up switch for a vita version if Switch doesn't completely implode on itself in the next year. Even then, I'd argue it's still a better choice. Vita is fine for niche games, but it feels like it'd be a significant downgrade (vs golden which was an improvement in most ways over 4, a ps2 game), and deliberately kneecapping the sales potential of a rerelease, as if I remember rightly, 5 has already shipped more copies than 4 golden ever did.


Add some story for January-March. Give Haru some more reason to be there.

Plus make the Star's confidant abilities ready from the start. Its difficult to stress just how invaluable they are in combat and i don't know they aren't just mandatory.
Redoing the localization would be the easiest thing they can fix, honestly.

Outside of that, tightening the pacing through adding another dungeon in summer, moving Haru up, or otherwise reducing wasted time then would be good.

Pacing could also use some definite work in the games latter half, the fact that there is zero time between the last few palaces to do anything really meaningful other than fight, and that there's no freedom to do anything between the last boss and leaving also suck.

The ending is far too abrupt, and the game wears out its welcome by then, too. Puzzles and overall dungeon lengths should be shortened to even out pacing and additional time should be included at the end to finish everything up and say goodbye to everyone.

Other than that... FeMC, redo some social links, more events, definitely more music, etc.

... Even then I'll probably still prefer P3P and P4G more.
Bring in haru to the team earlier, write a new scenario for her to be included that early on at least in a support capacity. She is introduced way too late.

Add more hanging out scenes throughout the game. The base game doesn't have enough.

Have the cat not tell me what I can and can't do at night m

First and foremost, I want an entire restructuring of Akechi's Confidant so that it's not automatic and you have to actually spend time with him and build it over the course of the game. I think this might help mitigate the WTF feeling from a non-zero chunk of players when they reach the end of his arc and see all the Thieves wanting to talk him down and sympathizing with him. It'd be an interesting Confidant to build because Akechi never becomes a real friend, so even when you hang out with him, the two of you would be keeping each other at arm's length -- which is a way different dynamic from all of the other Confidants. And if you max out his link, you should be able to save him. Maybe not at the moment, but perhaps you can drag his ass out of the Velvet Room later after unmasking Igor. This doesn't necessarily mean he has to have a happy ending; I'm fine with his ass staying in jail even after Joker's released.

I also want to see a new true ending. Something about the true ending of this game feels off. Sae even says that it feels like everything wrapped up a bit too neatly -- like everything fell into place too conveniently just for the sake of a happy ending. That + Mona coming back alive just because the crew "believed" he should be there makes me feel like something's still fucked up in the world, because reality shouldn't really work that way. I have no real preferences as to how this ending should go -- and I'm not saying it should be super dark and depressing or that Mona should stay dead/gone -- but right now I feel like there's a sense of weirdness about the current ending that needs to be shaken off and resolved.

In terms of gameplay, please for the love of god make Baton Pass a rank 1 perk for all party Confidants. RIP Haru; I never used her in NG because I didn't have the Proficiency to rank her up to 2 and get Baton Pass.

You should be able to skip the tutorials in NG+.

Cut some parts of the palaces to remove padding and improve overall pacing.

Enable share features.

Lala Escargot portrait. Pls.

Let me be gay, and fucking remove the adult romances from the game. And the perving on Ann anime scenes. Get that shit away from me. It just shoots the tone and messaging of the entire game in the foot.
1. FeMC
2. Gay romance options
3. Hifumi party member
4. Confidant with the black gaijin dude outside the bar on central street and Lala Escargot
A way to save and convert Akechi to your side
6. More development for Kaneshiro. He has like a few dozen lines, a lame boss fight where he does Gangnam Style on a big metal pig and a neat dungeon.
7. Haru introduced earlier and have her get baton pass immediately
8. Social stat requirements for Iwai, Makoto, Haru nerfed
9. Less restricted and more telegraphed night forced sleeps
10. Combat doesn't game over if MC dies
11. Way more Mementos side quests
12. Balance confidants so Kawakami, Chihaya etc aren't miles better then Issi and Ohya
13. Don't trick me into thinking I have months left when I quickly realize I don't


1. Ryuji/Yusuke/Mishima/Iwai/Akechi/Sae romance (and 3rd level personas for party members)
2. Expansion which continues after beating the game (1-2 extra dungeons and story)
3. New party member (Fuck Hifumi, make Sae a party member)
4. Add more scenes building up to palace 5 and Haru and remove the gay predator shit. Fixing lines as well.
5. Rework Mementos, make more engaging side-quests and have a whole lot more of them in the endgame so you have something to do (see challenge quests in SMT IV/A)


A lot of us are pretty far in the game or have beaten it already, so I thought it would be good to have a retrospective on what could be changed or improved in an updated version a la Golden.

Be sure to mark spoilers!

1. Make nights less restrictive. It's a bit ridiculous with the freedom the rest of the game gives you with picking activities you want to do.

2. Make Hifumi a playable character on the team.

3. It's about time navigators actually become playable in battle. This game makes it a little bit difficult seeing as Futaba is a NEET, but I'm sure she can get enough exercise to do it.

4. More stuff to customize MC's attic flat. A lot of the gifts you can buy in the game at first sound like something you could put in your room. Also actually let us clean the attic lol. You clean it and even have a maid over yet the place is still full of dust and miscellaneous shit.

5. Fix some of the pacing issues later in the game. Fixing up August and September to make everything tighter would be nice.

6. More dungeons would be nice. Microslices that aren't as big as the Palaces would be good. If we had twice as many Palaces in the game but they were all shorter would have been preferable. The social aspects of the game really overpower the dungeon crawling more so than I felt P3 and P4 did.

7. DLC Included of course. I'd like to see the character wear these outfits in their portraits and story sections. Also having the ability to have non phantom thief outfits wearable anytime including at school would be cool.

A lot of people are probably going to mention having a FeMC, but I imagine that would be a ton of work to add. P3P had the benefit of everything scaled down.

#3 I'm really on board with. I'd love it if navigators had a turn cooldown and you could pick the buff. So many times I could've used HP and she gave me Attack Up.

I kinda have an inkling to go through and just play post end game. Like, go to school, do after school stuff, advance social links. Like the MC chooses to just stay as opposed to leaving. That would never happen though.


2. Make Hifumi a playable character on the team.

I wouldn't mind Hifumi as a playable character. I'm not sure why, but to me she's designed visually as a main character and the skills you learn from her make her seem like she'd be good in combat.

4. Seeing as we can designate party members through the stat screen, why not make us pick the navigator as well. You can make choices between Futaba, Morgana or Hifumi as navigators and you can make them party members as well. Give them different Navigator skills.

Hifumi playable, like the devs wanted at first, is all I'm asking! She diserves her own arc.

Best waifu should have been a team member

3. Hifumi party member

Hifumi is the new Stella.


I've seen the name "P5: Crimson" thrown about and just would like to know where that originated. I know it's made up but it just seems like the widely accepted fan name.

Anyways, I agree with a lot in here, especially introduce Haru earlier. Not using a guide, I paid zero attention to her since I at first didn't have the skill rank needed and was near the end by the time I did, also regardless of that, once you meet her and pass that dungeon, that's when shit goes crazy and the game gets accelerated.

On another note:

ya'll acting like you saw a body an Akechi isn't going to show up in the fighting game spin off
I have yet to meet Hifumi but hearing all this praise for her makes me actually excited to meet her. If she becomes playable somehow in another version even better.
1. FeMC
2. Gay romance options
3. Hifumi party member
4. Confidant with the black gaijin dude outside the bar on central street and Lala Escargot
A way to save and convert Akechi to your side
6. More development for Kaneshiro. He has like a few dozen lines, a lame boss fight where he does Gangnam Style on a big metal pig and a neat dungeon.
7. Haru introduced earlier and have her get baton pass immediately
8. Social stat requirements for Iwai, Makoto, Haru nerfed
9. Less restricted and more telegraphed night forced sleeps
10. Combat doesn't game over if MC dies
11. Way more Mementos side quests
12. Balance confidants so Kawakami, Chihaya etc aren't miles better then Issi and Ohya
13. Don't trick me into thinking I have months left when I quickly realize I don't

You can scratch off the following:


I have yet to meet Hifumi but hearing all this praise for her makes me actually excited to meet her. If she becomes playable somehow in another version even better.

Yea, she's cool. Not gonna spoil what her story is about but you'll understand once you meet her.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Atlus would be suckers to pass up switch for a vita version if Switch doesn't completely implode on itself in the next year. Even then, I'd argue it's still a better choice. Vita is fine for niche games, but it feels like it'd be a significant downgrade (vs golden which was an improvement in most ways over 4, a ps2 game), and deliberately kneecapping the sales potential of a rerelease, as if I remember rightly, 5 has already shipped more copies than 4 golden ever did.

As i said before Vita is still getting ps3 and ps4 ports/multis and all the ports are expanded/better versions, not just P4G, Vita is easy for good PS3/4 ports, Persona is mostly a Playstation brand and Vita's userbase is still bigger than the one of Switch.

If you look at the actual situation(obviously the more the time passes the better is for Switch) with neutral eyes you would see that Vita is still the better choice for now.

also let's not rule out the possibility of a Playstation exclusivity deal with Sony.


Fix the school trip.
It's quite frankly kinda useless.

Forgot about this. The game would be better off without it since it book ends two story locks. It's a good part of the reason why my game ended with three level 9 social links. I ended up losing 2 weeks of play time since I didn't know it was there. I had to spend a lot of time rushing around and the game would've flowed better had it not existed.
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