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Is gamefreak the least competent developer for Nintendo?


Ok, hear me out. I am a giant Pokémon fan since forever, and I love the mechanics and character design in the mainline games. But gamefreak as a developer is laughably far behind every other developer working with or for Nintendo.

They are consistently behind technically:

This one is pretty much the crux of it for me. GF consistently falls below the baseline standard Nintendo sets for their systems. Standards that other Devs hit commonly. XY and ORAS didn't have 3D in the over world, and SM didn't have it for battles either. Can you name another 3ds game (1st or 3rd party) that doesn't feature the 3D visuals, a key feature of the system? And even once they get XY running, they can't even get consistent 30fps out of it. SM features bad performance as well even though it doesn't have 3D battles. They are showing that they can't develop an HD game nearly 5 years after nintendos first HD system the Wii U. And their games are infamous for game breaking bugs and save errors.

They are too conservative:

Last time I checked, gamefreak Dev team was something like 35 individuals. Now I know that the Pokémon brand has a LOT of other people and companies involved. (Nintendo, TPC, creatures inc, etc) but why the hell is the developer of a mega hit billion dollar franchise like Pokémon so tiny and slow? They can only barely produce the games they do on time, and even then they are plagued with technical problems. So why the hell haven't they expanded some more to compensate? They have the cash, it screams incompetence and or laziness/stagnation.

They are bad at systems design.

With the exception of the battle system and maybe the breeding system, nearly every other system in the Pokémon games has been time consuming, un-fun, unnnecesarry, or flat out broken. The festival plaza is the most recent example. I know the excuse is that they were supposedly leaving the 2 screen design behind, but now we know it had nothing to do with switch and was just shoddy design. Why the shit should I have to leave the game and load a deprecate area anytime I want to do anything online? Especially when it's 2017 and the previous games didn't require it and the system doesn't either. It's just straight up bad design. So is the hyper training mechanic, making us level up our Pokémon to 100 does NOTHING for the players except waste their time. Why should we have to get them leveled up that high to change their stats when the official level scaling for standard battles is 50? Just because they wanted an artificial barrier. They also commonly fail to implement overarching system functions from the handheld their games are on in favor of developing their own crappy ones. Instead of nintendos own friends list or wifi connect service, they always want you to have a separate lobby and friends list with its own ins and out. It's just bloated and unnecessary.

please let me know what you guys think. I'm sure there are things I'm not considering but I'm really souring on GF right now.


Junior Member
Game Freak isn't actually a Nintendo developer, they're independent.

Even then, I wouldn't say that Game Freak is the most incompetent. Overly-conservative would be the right term.
Probably. Money making aside I have said throughout this forum even before the direct today that they have been squandering the potential of Pokemon since the GC era.


Game Freak develop perfectly fine games and release them on a regular basis. You can get into the technicalities as much as you want, Nintendo is lucky to have them on their side.

It's incredibly hard to judge with the special lightning in a bottle that is Pokemon. There are very few, if any, other things like it.

I would say yes, because repeating the same mistakes year after year mystifies me
Gamefreak isn't part of Nintendo, they have a PC game out in early access.
But, sure. They're a bit iffy with their tech. The Pokémon have nice character models that don't mesh well with the system causing lots of slow down and the overworld looks pretty bad.
They can crank these out yearly or every other year so I'm not sure they're inept, but they don't focus on things we may care about more. I imagine children don't care too much about frame rate and graphics for their Pokémon games.

As for there not being a Switch game, I'm not particularly upset as long as it's not 2-3 years until we get one like with 3DS which desperately needed a big game early on and got two Pokémon games within its first 2 years.


Incompetent? No.

They just don't like risks when it comes to Pokemon, guess the brand got too big to take big risks anymore, so they stay "behind" to make sure everything is safe.

It's working for them tho.


When it hits crunch time in the office and the Game Freak programmers have to stay there overnight they tell each other ghost stories of making HD games and that thought keeps them scared and awake until the next day.


As for the Pokemon division of GF, they only want to make games up to the fidelity of a handheld. Not due to experience or competence, but due to man power. Keeping small allows them to have a quick turnaround.

They do branch out on occasion Tempo the Badass elephant, Drill Dozer and Harmony Knight.

I would prefer them to make Pokemon a console experience.


Completely agree with every last one of your arguments OP.

-Shit framerates and no 3D
-Tons of absolutely garbage systems like festival plaza litter their games
-Always behind technically, whether it's developing for an old system or just being graphically inferior games to other titles on the system

They are terrible, and I hate seeing pokemon shackled to them.

The one thing they got right over the past 5 or so years was the move to 3D models in X/Y. They nailed that. Everything else, technically, has been a shitshow. Moon on my OG 3ds was near unplayable, I had to get a new 3ds.

They announce a game for a console you don't want and suddenly they become the less competent developer for Nintendo?

Read the OP. The arguments are clearly laid out.


They make them boatloads of money what are you even on lol

Expecting a game for the current hardware is exceeding expectations ? Luuuul

The Switch is out for how many months? Do you have any evidence that they are not developing a brand new Pokemon game for Switch?

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
Yeah seems so. Just making one quality level of Pokémon model and not poly-culling them to fit the hardware, thus resulting in huge slowdown and not being able to do 3D on the 3DS is one of those uniquely "behind fucking everyone else on the system" situations.


I wouldn't say incompetent, but it's become very apparent over the years that GameFreak tends to drag their feet on much needed (and obvious) refinements to the games. For the insane amount of money Pokemon makes relative to the cost of developing them, it's mystifying why they behave this way.

Pokemon X/Y and Pokemon Su/Mo have some of the worst performance I've seen in 3DS games. The game absolutely chugs in quite a few scenarios.


GF reminds me a lot of Bethesda. They make well received games that are massive financial successes but they're consistently a hot fucking technical mess.
I don't know if they're incompetent (at least, the 3D models of Pokemons were high quality for a 3DS game), but clearly, 50 devs for such a big IP can't cut it anymore. I just cant wait for a Pokemon game that looks like a big effort, with a detailed world and a real scale.


Oh for god's sake.


Yes, they should have scaled down their future proofed models so it can run better, but no they are not incompetent.

Just because they didn't make a Switch game does not warrant this crap.


Yeah seems so. Just making one quality level of Pokémon model and not poly-culling them to fit the hardware, thus resulting in huge slowdown and not being able to do 3D on the 3DS is one of those uniquely "behind fucking everyone else on the system" situations.

Wait, is that the reason? Do we have confirmation of that? That's gamedev 101 right there, surely they can't be that incompetent.

GF reminds me a lot of Bethesda. They make well received games that are massive financial successes but they're consistently a hot fucking technical mess.

That's a good comparison. I feel the exact same. I want to love those games, I want them to get the technical expertise they deserve!


From a business standpoint, other devs could only dream of replicating Game Freak's input and the output it makes from sales and positive reviews.


inb4 the Serebi guy defending Game Freak until he dies on this thread

Oh for god's sake.


Yes, they should have scaled down their future proofed models so it can run better, but no they are not incompetent.

Just because they didn't make a Switch game does not warrant this crap.



Incompetent not really. Stuck with an underpowered old hardware (Old 3DS) to reach most players possible: yes. Just like Pokemon BW/ BW2 they release on the already establish console where people expect to play a Pokemon game. It's also a lot more safe to port the game on Switch later than downgrading a Switch version on 3DS like Nintendo did with Hyrule Warrior.


No Scrubs
GF reminds me a lot of Bethesda. They make well received games that are massive financial successes but they're consistently a hot fucking technical mess.

Hang on one minute, no one is as bad as Bethseda. A few frame rate hiccups are no where near the same level as falling through the world.
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