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Nintendo Spotlight Presentation (their E3 conference) to be 30 Minutes in length

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Did Nintendo mention if they'd discuss mobile games more? Is E3 the place for that?

I don't think they mentioned it, but I'm not sure if E3 is the place for their mobile games. I think they're sticking to dedicated Directs for those.

A lot of people seem to be losing their nerve over the length. But if you compare Nintendo to say, Sony, who haven't had a press conference in the past few months, Nintendo has had a few.

So what you guys are saying is, you'd rather Nintendo NOT have Directs throughout the year and stuff it all into an hour+ event just to make you get more hyped for the duration? We just had a direct that went in depth with Arms, and Splatoon has already been covered a few times now. I'd wager that the E3 spotlight will have little to no details on these games because we already have the details that normally come about at an E3 event.

They prefer to do these things more spread out. Don't look at it like "Nintendo's BIG E3 CONFERENCE CHOO CHOOO" and compare it to the other companies. Nintendo hasn't been doing it for a while now.

Yeah, I definitely agree with you here. It seems like most people saying that 30 minutes isn't enough time are also somewhat pretending that E3 is the only avenue for them to announce games. Nintendo could show us only Mario Odyssey at E3 and have a Direct a week later for the rest if they really wanted to.


Yeah, I definitely agree with you here. It seems like most people saying that 30 minutes isn't enough time are also somewhat pretending that E3 is the only avenue for them to announce games. Nintendo could show us only Mario Odyssey at E3 and have a Direct a week later for the rest if they really wanted to.

Which they've pretty much done before, a Direct that's equally big like a month or two after. They also tend to send out a bunch of press releases to outlets right after the Direct with a bunch of other announcements that weren't in the video, and they even pepper out announcements during the Treehouse, even the tournaments.

People need to chill out lol.

Davey Cakes

I always feel like it's the same thing.

We all discuss the possibilities and then everything in the Direct (or Digital Event) ends up being expected or unsurprising or even undwerwhelming.

The last time Nintendo beat people's expectations was E3 2014 and that was because of a nice, well-presented 45-minute video that gave us some very nice footage of games we knew about (Yoshi's WW had its best showcase yet), plus footage of something completely brand new (Splatoon), and something really exciting in Mario Maker.

Somehow I'm NOT expecting Retro's game to be shown because it's a 2018 title. I'm expecting ARMS, Splatoon 2, Xenoblade 2, Mario Odyssey, and then a bunch of footage of 3DS games I'm not interested in.
A lot of people seem to be losing their nerve over the length. But if you compare Nintendo to say, Sony, who haven't had a press conference in the past few months, Nintendo has had a few.

So what you guys are saying is, you'd rather Nintendo NOT have Directs throughout the year and stuff it all into an hour+ event just to make you get more hyped for the duration? We just had a direct that went in depth with Arms, and Splatoon has already been covered a few times now. I'd wager that the E3 spotlight will have little to no details on these games because we already have the details that normally come about at an E3 event. I can see them taking up 30 seconds to say "Hey, did you see our Summer games trailer? We're having a tournament and you'll see these games on the Treehouse too!" - and that be it.

They prefer to do these things more spread out. Don't look at it like "Nintendo's BIG E3 CONFERENCE CHOO CHOOO" and compare it to the other companies. Nintendo hasn't been doing it for a while now.

Sony does an E3 conference a Gamescon conference and a PSX Conference.


I always feel like it's the same thing.

We all discuss the possibilities and then everything in the Direct (or Digital Event) ends up being expected or unsurprising or even undwerwhelming.

The last time Nintendo beat people's expectations was E3 2014 and that was because of a nice, well-presented 45-minute video that gave us some very nice footage of games we knew about, plus footage of something completely brand new (Splatoon).

Somehow I'm NOT expecting Retro's game to be shown because it's a 2018 title. I'm expecting ARMS, Splatoon 2, Xenoblade 2, Mario Odyssey, and then a bunch of footage of 3DS games I'm not interested in.



So I expect 20 minutes Switch and 10 minutes 3DS.

Mario Odyssey, FE Warriors, Pokemon, Splatoon 2 and Xenoblade Chronicles 2 will most likely all be featured in small trailers and much bigger spots in the Treehouse segment.
Lets say 8-15 minutes for these 5 games, which is less than 2 minutes for each, if you include a small announcement speech at the beginning of the Spotlight.

That leaves 7 - 15 minutes for 3rd parties and Indies. Let's say they are gonna show Skyrim, FIFA and NBA2K. They were mentioned before and have big audiences that might catch the Switch presentation. 1.5 Minutes each and then 3 Minutes for the Rabbids crossover. Maybe a 2 minutes Indie showreel?

That leaves roughly 3-5 minutes for one surprise title - or some sales/OS talk.

I wouldn't expect too much in terms of surprises from Nintendo this E3. I'm okay with that, I'd love to learn more about Mario, XC2 and Splatoon 2. I'm even mildly interested to see what they did to Skyrim. There has to be a hook added for that game - portable version aside.
Retro's timing lines up, Platinum is working on a game and they are known to be fast. Animal Crossing should be around the corner to have synergy with the mobile game, Smash is almost an open secret at this point - still I wouldn't be surprised if they had no surprise game and Rabbids Kingdom was planned for that.

Edit: And with the post above my timetable goes flying out the window :p Nice, there's plenty of time for 1-2 games more then!


I don't see what there is to be concerned about, here. Nintendo has the Treehouse streams to do gameplay demos, so they can leave those out of their main event. That's what eats up most of the time in the other conferences.


This thread is so fucking fantastic.

Three bits of advice
1. wait until the actual conference
2. Don't let your expectations go to unreasonable levels,
3. Just fucking enjoy.

I feel like we go through this every year. Jesus.


I don't see what there is to be concerned about, here. Nintendo has the Treehouse streams to do gameplay demos, so they can leave those out of their main event. That's what eats up most of the time in the other conferences.

You and your "logic" only blind panic and emotions are allowed here!


Are you from the future??

I said probably

I simply don't see Nintendo going beyond December 2017. It's idiotic as Hell to do, but this is Nintendo, after all. The company that thought naming a system that sounds like an add-on was a good idea and didn't change it 18 months prior to launch.
I don't see what there is to be concerned about, here. Nintendo has the Treehouse streams to do gameplay demos, so they can leave those out of their main event. That's what eats up most of the time in the other conferences.

Basically, yeah. The other thing is that the previous Directs/Digital Events have had a substantial amount of time devoted to silly skits and developer interviews, while recent Directs (basically since Kimishima took over) have had almost none of that.

So a 45 minute Digital Event with puppet shows and robot chicken may wind up with less actual game content than a 30 minute Spotlight that doesn't have those segments.

That being said, I'll definitely be missing those segments if they are indeed gone.


I'll believe it when I see it.

Yeah Nintendo is lying to you.


That doesn't change the fact that they won't show 3DS games, which is what Rash claimed. Btw if by some chance they happen to show a decent looking/sounding Metroid, will you finally change your scratched record?

I said probably

I simply don't see Nintendo going beyond December 2017. It's idiotic as Hell to do, but this is Nintendo, after all. The company that thought naming a system that sounds like an add-on was a good idea and didn't change it 18 months prior to launch.

Kind of agree on that one. If there is 2018 stuff it's one or two games max.
There is only one Nintendo question for E3 at this point.

Will Nintendo have some form of third party support shown at E3 that hasn't already been announced?


10 minutes: Mario Odyssey (11/17)
5 minutes: Xenoblade 2
("Look forward to hearing more about Xenoblade 2 in 2018")
5 minutes: Smash Bros 4 Switch (10/17)
5 minutes: Splatoon 2 (7/17)
5 minutes: Indie Showcase (all re-releases)
10 sec: Samus battling Mother Brain
"But we'll have more for you on that sometime in the future!"

Can't forget the silly skit in the beginning.


I will hold my concerns until after the presentation. Nintendo has so much to gain from this E3 that I cannot fathom them dropping the ball here and just showing a couple of games we already know about (at least to me that would be disappointing). They could still potentially show off a lot in 30 minutes time if they cut out any potential gimmicky content. It all comes down to what they choose to focus on. Also 30 minutes could translate to longer, 35 to 40 minutes... I feel like these things are never exact.


I said probably

I simply don't see Nintendo going beyond December 2017. It's idiotic as Hell to do, but this is Nintendo, after all. The company that thought naming a system that sounds like an add-on was a good idea and didn't change it 18 months prior to launch.

Im expecting a few surprises thats further away. And why would that be idiotic? Sony and MS always does that too.


I don't see what there is to be concerned about, here. Nintendo has the Treehouse streams to do gameplay demos, so they can leave those out of their main event. That's what eats up most of the time in the other conferences.

This. Anyone who watched the April direct can tell how the format will look like. There won't be anything but trailers/announcements for 30 minutes. Say every trailer is between 2-3 minutes and they are all Switch games...pretty good amount. even if they do some quitky stuff like Robot Chicken or Muppets there's enough time for everything.

There is only one Nintendo question for E3 at this point.

Will Nintendo have some form of third party support shown at E3 that hasn't already been announced?

I find the question what the hell Retro has been up to just as interesting.
I said probably

I simply don't see Nintendo going beyond December 2017. It's idiotic as Hell to do, but this is Nintendo, after all. The company that thought naming a system that sounds like an add-on was a good idea and didn't change it 18 months prior to launch.

Every E3 Direct Nintendo has ever done, even during the Wii U era, has had at least one new game reveal. Why would that change all of a sudden?

You also have to consider that Nintendo's communication about their games has been pretty on-point since the Switch launch. The only disappointment was the Pokemon Direct, which in fairness was not a bad presentation. The only reason it was disappointing was because a highly publicized leak made everyone expect something different.

There's absolutely no reason to expect doom and gloom from Nintendo this year. I'm almost positive we'll learn something about 1 or 2 unannounced 2018 games.
In fairness, I'm pretty sure the 2014 Digital Event would fit reasonably neatly into roughly 30 minutes if they followed the Headlines format rather than spending time with skits, visits to craft stores and aquarium chats.


It's always funny how people are very much invested in Nintendo winning some kind of "E3 conference" contest.

E3 is actually first and foremost an event where attendees can play new demos of games that will be released in the not so distant future and Nintendo treats it as such. There is no real loss here other than fanboys on internet forums having an ultimately useless dick waving flag to proclaim their favourite company as the winner of an 1 hour'ish PR conference for years to come - which people really seem to care about. Fanboy wars.

Otherwise, E3 conferences are not some holy grail of marketing opportunity. E3 is great for publishers to give a large pool of the media and now casual people the chance to play games that are not yet released.


To be fair

Focusing on 2017 is to Nintendo's greatest benefit because there are plenty of people who only know "Mario" coming this year and would like to get a Switch but not sure what the rest of their year looks like. Coming off of the Wii U, they need to prove they have great games coming to their new system very soon after E3.

They don't have the luxury of announcing games for the future like Sony, industry leader currently with all the marketing and game deals along with the hype machine fine tuned, and Microsoft, who arguably is in a similar-yet-different situation in Nintendo but gamers are more willing to slack on due to them having a lot of 3rd party. They gotta keep hitting hard in 2017 to keep mindshare of the system.

Besides, they have momentum going into E3 this year which is actually something most are NOT used to (including myself). MHXX port announced, Arms Testpunches completed with many more interested in the game, and the recent Pokkén DX announced which is a good look especially for that community and those who missed out on it due to "lol Wii U"

Focus on 2017 is fine. As long as every game they announced since Jan makes it this year, it should be all worth it. There may be one or two surprises, but honestly it would be best to not expect huge bombshells. That doesn't mean it won't happen later. They have multiple Directs a year to get hype for. If there's nothing of interest next week this time that's announced, then it's perfectly fine to wait in 2018 to get a Switch. Hopefully the stock situation is much better then too.

Just some thoughts really. Sorry it's so long.
Every E3 Direct Nintendo has ever done, even during the Wii U era, has had at least one new game reveal. Why would that change all of a sudden?

You also have to consider that Nintendo's communication about their games has been pretty on-point since the Switch launch. The only disappointment was the Pokemon Direct, which in fairness was not a bad presentation. The only reason it was disappointing was because a highly publicized leak made everyone expect something different.

There's absolutely no reason to expect doom and gloom from Nintendo this year. I'm almost positive we'll learn something about 1 or 2 unannounced 2018 games.

It's funny, the doom and gloom around Nintendo's E3 seemed to start even before the Pokemon Direct, and I really think it's because for some reason everyone assumes we know the entire (or almost the entire) 2017 lineup for the Switch already. Which makes no sense to me. Besides 2016, when has Nintendo during their E3 presentation ever not announced brand new games releasing in the same year? Why do so many assume we knew the entire 2017 lineup back in January? Is it because it's so stacked, so they couldn't possibly have more? If that's the case, then why the doom and gloom?

It's just very strange logic that I can't follow.


To be fair

Focusing on 2017 is to Nintendo's greatest benefit because there are plenty of people who only know "Mario" coming this year and would like to get a Switch but not sure what the rest of their year looks like. Coming off of the Wii U, they need to prove they have great games coming to their new system very soon after E3.

They don't have the luxury of announcing games for the future like Sony, industry leader currently with all the marketing and game deals along with the hype machine fine tuned, and Microsoft, who arguably is in a similar-yet-different situation in Nintendo but gamers are more willing to slack on due to them having a lot of 3rd party. They gotta keep hitting hard in 2017 to keep mindshare of the system.

Besides, they have momentum going into E3 this year which is actually something most are NOT used to (including myself). MHXX port announced, Arms Testpunches completed with many more interested in the game, and the recent Pokkén DX announced which is a good look especially for that community and those who missed out on it due to "lol Wii U"

Focus on 2017 is fine. As long as every game they announced since Jan makes it this year, it should be all worth it. There may be one or two surprises, but honestly it would be best to not expect huge bombshells. That doesn't mean it won't happen later. They have multiple Directs a year to get hype for. If there's nothing of interest next week this time that's announced, then it's perfectly fine to wait in 2018 to get a Switch. Hopefully the stock situation is much better then too.

Just some thoughts really. Sorry it's so long.

Damn well said. Agreed 100%. I also think people are underestimating and maybe even forgetting that we're getting a "Mario 64" type game this year. That's huge, and if it has a showing as good as Breath of the Wild did, no one will give a shit about what's coming in 2018 anyway (for now).


Wonder if a fast paced Spotlight like the last Direct would piss off GAF.

Boom boom boom 30 seconds of Mario Odyssey check out the Treehouse stream for more here's 15 seconds of Pokken Tournament DX who's that mysterious Pokémon? Holy Crap Retro has a new IP! And what was the name of the main character? Xenoblade!! Wow looks so amazing! What was the release date on that, I had to sneeze and looked away for a sec. lemme check GAF... wait was that RDR2? Frickin' Dankey Kang Country Returns 3? I thought Retro was... oh that wasn't Retro? The screen went so fast I could have sworn that was Retro...


I'm more concerned about the Invitationals eating up all the time for Treehouse Live. We have 3 of them, around 2 or so hours a piece. That's over 4 hours taken up by ARMS and Pokkén on Wednesday, which is a significant chunk of the Treehouse Live schedule.

30 minutes for the Spotlight is fine. That's not an issue to me as length doesn't determine quality, but this does worry me when they promised Treehouse would showcase more Switch and 3DS titles than the Spotlight.


I'm more concerned about the Invitationals eating up all the time for Treehouse Live. We have 3 of them, around 2 or so hours a piece. That's over 4 hours taken up by ARMS and Pokkén on Wednesday, which is a significant chunk of the Treehouse Live schedule.

Do we have a schedule for Treehouse yet? I remember there being timetable pictures for them the last few years.


I'm more concerned about the Invitationals eating up all the time for Treehouse Live. We have 3 of them, around 2 or so hours a piece. That's over 4 hours taken up by ARMS and Pokkén on Wednesday, which is a significant chunk of the Treehouse Live schedule.

Oh yeah, I forgot about that. I suppose it depends on if they decide to show a lot of those games during Treehouse or not. I think they're gonna show more Pokkén DX since as of now we know the least of those 3.
With how packed the schedule looks for this year, sadly, not good :(

See this is what's confusing to me. People are basically worried about Nintendo's lineup because said lineup is already too stacked? Or are you just worried about the quality of the E3 presentation?


See this is what's confusing to me. People are basically worried about Nintendo's lineup because said lineup is already too stacked? Or are you just worried about the quality of the E3 presentation?

Irony being that I've seen some people moan that Pokémon isn't on Switch since the Switch's line-up is so barren and Nintendo messed up haha


See this is what's confusing to me. People are basically worried about Nintendo's lineup because said lineup is already too stacked? Or are you just worried about the quality of the E3 presentation?
There's nothing stacked about their lineup(yet). People want new/more games.


I'd rather not see games I then have to wait 3 or more years for too often, thanks.

New games doesnt mean theyre 3 years away, especially when its Nintendo titles. 2018 is basically empty, they could easily show off a few Q1 titles, which are coming out in the next 6-9 months.
If it shows up it's to show it off together with the mobile game. But I think that'd get its own direct, which is why I don't believe itll show up.

Yeah... I'm not convinced that they'd show one or the other separately. At most I think we'd get a tease that an Animal Crossing Direct is coming later this year.
It's always funny how people are very much invested in Nintendo winning some kind of "E3 conference" contest.

To be honest, every fanbase is super invested in "their" console manufacturer "winning" some kind of E3 conference contest.
Nintendo fans aren't the only ones here.

Personally (since I haven't yet posted in this thread) just hope, that Nintendo will show games. Just games. Like they did with their last Direct (not the Pokémon Direct, mind you).

Sony and Nintendo (and I to some extent Microsoft) know by now that people don't wanna see numbers and people talking about how awesome their console is.
People wanna see the games. And, in Microsoft's case, the hardware as well. The only numbers people wanna hear are the specs of a new console and its price.
And I hope that everyone will deliver the games. Not the talks.


I suspect it'll be more like 38 minutes.

The last two Digital Events were in the 45-50 min range and had two consoles to feature. This one only has Switch to talk about, and given their new speedier delivery in Directs, I think it'll be fine.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
There's nothing stacked about their lineup(yet). People want new/more games.

Nintendo in all likelihood has 6 1st party games for the rest of the year (plus Mario+Rabbids) with 4 likely coming in September/October/November/December.

Do you literally not want anything for 2018?
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